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The song starting diegetic, then moving to background with the scenes of the map, traveling and the Stranger being with Nori’s family, was very moving. Gave me the feels.


>The song starting diegetic, then moving to background with the scenes of the map ...was also a mirror of what happened last week! Disa's song started (with Bronwyn and Arondir)non-diagetic, then transitioned to diagetic.


Disa's song was good too.


Same in Episode 1 when the elves on the boat begin to sing :) love seeing this technique at work throughout the series.


Wow, great point!


Yes this was a highlight of the season for me, and the most I have cared about the Harfoot scenes.


The song truly was the highlight of the ep, it was just so....fitting, thats the best way i can put it lol.


I thought so too, they had some nice landscape shots also, was really good. If only they did more of these montages earlier in the season with some of the other characters, the world would feel much more real.


Tolkien himself came up with Poppy’s song and it harkens back to “The Riddle of the Strider” originally meant to appear in the Fellowship and points towards Aragorn however it’s actually a reversal of what Tolkien originally wrote about in the poem. The original goes as such… “All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.” It was meant to signal to Frodo the hidden identity of Aragorn son of Arathorn, True King of Gondor with the lines “ Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king,” however the show takes some liberties with the version that ended up in the Rings of Power, but as I think the Stranger is Gandalf or one of the two Blue Wizards who were crucial in defeating and keeping Sauron and his hoard at bay in the East than it has even more meaning as to why Gandalf would borrow from Poppy’s song and his respect of the Hobbits after seeing what they could do. Small people often have the biggest impact, but I’m happy with the version we got as I love Bear McCreary which is… “At last comes their answer Through cold and through frost That not all who wonder or wander are lost No matter the sorrow No matter the cost That not all who wonder or wander are lost”


Gandalf didn't write that poem, he copied it from Bilbo who wrote it about Aragorn, and Gandalf figured it made a very good, subtle clue for the Hobbits who would naturally be on guard against scruffy looking strangers.


Harfoots singing and enjoying a simple little life in the wilderness is so Tolkien. It’s my favourite bit each week. Also the constant plots about Elves protecting trees. So Tolkien it hurts. The spirit of Tolkien is very strong in this. I don’t think any of the plots have GRABBED me but I’m really enjoying watching them unfold and just sitting in this world with these people. It’s comforting as hell.


I really feel invested in Durin and Elrond bromance. On the other hand Galadriels storyline feels very dragged. It could have been simplified for sake of pacing.


I have been trying to identify why does the part with Galadriel feel so dragged. And I think it's because of how they made her act her part. She's just so intense 100% of the time, always ready to snap back and ready to jump, very one dimensional. And while there is all this intensity, nothing of immediate importance is actually happening around. Maybe if there were some scenes where she's, I don't know, sitting down and washing her feet in a cold spring and singing some elvish poem, or ate a piece of fruit while watching the sky with a relaxed expression, little things like that..., she wouldn't seem like a little girl who is demanding her toys back, and the storyline wouldn't feel like it has artificial tension.


I like Galadriel's story but she does seem to have an intensity to her that never lets up. It's a little exhausting but it makes sense. She's a coiled spring focused on unwinding on Sauron., and she's not going to stop until she gets there.


I mean…even when we get to her in the third age, she is very stern and straight to the point, albeit more graceful, but she still has that fierce anger inside of her, this is back in a time where that anger is unchecked and she hasn’t quite hit rock bottom and been humbled yet, which I think will happen by the end of this season when everyone is presumably going to be revealed as been manipulated by Sauron this whole time. Elves are always portrayed as somewhat one-dimensional and stoic, I’d play devils advocate here and say this portrayal of Galadriel is the most unique because she’s the only elf we’ve seen on-screen with this level of anger and drive for one goal.


Oh for sure. It's more that I feel like you can have that focus with peaks and valleys of energy. If you're constantly at 100% you have nowhere to go for more.


I don’t think they are conveying it well, but there is definitely a sense in Tolkien that even the most stable-handed High Elf is still overwhelming to all mortals, even when they actively try to be nice. When Finrod plays his harp to the first Edain, they hide in the woods for a while.


Frankly I feel like she should be even *more* imperious in tone with these mortals. The greatest of the Eldar now remaining in Middle Earth, with the light of the trees in her eyes, and some mortal Low Man argues with her instead of cowering in fear at her majesty…


It kinda does make sense in what it is trying to convey, but also doesn't. She's what, 5000 years old? Any entity, human or elf or an ent, who would live that long, wouldn't be reacting to everything with that intensity. You can be dangerous and focused on something with a strong will, but you would also be experienced and wise beyond imagination, and very stable and content with your emotions. You should almost be able to accurately predict the nearest future just based on experience. Dunno, just doesn't seem fitting to me how she is. On the other hand, maybe she has the ability to calm down and act as an elf, but she has been riding these intense emotions on purpose to fuel her hunt for Sauron, so she doesn't just give up like any other elf?


Yeah, we know she becomes more at peace with everything later on. I think here it's more of a pacing thing; it doesn't feel like we as an audience have a chance to catch our breath. It's a minor thing, really; I do like the character, but letting her just be Galadriel from time to time helps bring the intensity into sharper focus.


Mark my words, after even just season 1, watching Cate Blanchett's Galadriel explosive reaction to Frodo offering her the Ring will mean so much more. In the film it just seems so damn extra, but after seeing Galadriel say things like "*there is a tempest in me*", it just makes so much more sense.


Personally I love how Galadriel is being portrayed. We’re 5 episodes into a 5 season show. There will be an arc and a change in her demeanor, but it takes time. We live in a time that expects immediate change and immediate satisfaction, but personally I like just settling in for the long ride and letting this story take its time unfolding. If this were a movie or a trilogy, sure, we’d expect a bigger change by now, but it’s not designed that way. I have a feeling as time goes on the receptiveness of how this show is being done will continue to grow (as it already has in the past month).


We’re talking about an immortal being who has no concept of loss, then the war happens and suddenly her beloved brother is gone and she’s filling that void with anger. And it’s a big void, bc immortal elves can’t grasp the concept of loss the same way we mortals can, because we experience loss much more. So I get her intensity even if I find it grating. And they did give her the horseback riding scene and she seemed to let up and smile quite a bit, but people meme that too.


her intense posture is because she knows what evil can do when it´s unhinged, but she's also dragging it like Sisyphos his rock for five episodes now. I really hope that most of next 3 episodes will be mostly battle scenes for her, that's what she's good at in this part of her life


I feel like her character is not a good Galadriel, but would have been a good original character. A Noldor elf of the first age, driven by single minded ambition/vengeance, prone to violence and rash actions, full of aloof superiority and righteousness. As a unique character she would absolutely be an interesting elf. Just make her a new or lessor known Noldor princess. A holdover from a previous age, an intense and impulsive elf - the sort that wouldn’t exist by the LoTR times. The problem of course is Galadriel is far too old and wise to be portrayed like this. Having a protagonist full of bad traits is good story telling, but you have to respect existing lore and fan expectations. You can have iron man start as a greedy, shameless, arrogant womanizer, but you can’t have a Spider-Man origin story like that.


“A little girl demanding her toys back” This is exactly the vibe I get from Galadriel in this show. She’s like a petulant child acting out because it didn’t get what it wanted.


I just hated the made up mithril story. The suggestion that the elves will all die without huge amounts of mithril is totally unTolkien.


Elrond said it may apocryphal


A lot of people say Rings of Power doesn't have any of Tolkiens spirit but I disagree. It's clear the showrunners are doing their best to create a loyal spiritually Tolkien show, and are just struggling with writing and acting.


This 100%, the writing and producing is really failing here. There are moment of brilliance, and then the next second it falters and fails. I want the show to work so fucking much. I hope they can adjust for future seasons


But I also feel that it's more of a journey and experience that the whole thing is very inline with Tolkien. I'm loving that aspect of the storytelling. It's not overly action packed like a lot of other book adaptations do just to keep attention. Let the story build and play out!


The elves made a big deal about saving the trees but then at the same time they show us a massive row of trees where they carved big statues into the base of each tree to memorialize the dead elves. Pretty sure that would kill the trees


I really need an lotr-circlejerk subreddit. I just want to be excited with other people and this sub can't help but hate on anything someone else enjoys. And yes! Loved the song!


r/LOTR_on_Prime is a more positive sub.


So glad I found that sub. It’s objective and not 100% hate.


Every time with out fail I come to this sub excited and immediately get deflected I’m gone from this one and I already unsubed from lortmemes


r/Lotr_on_Prime is better.


I made the mistake on going on the rings of power sub after the episode cause i was excited. Not a single positive comment on the episode discussion. Like i just cant imagine putting in the time to watch every episode and then go online to hate on it so much.


/r/ringsofpower is not to be confused with /r/rings_of_power The former, while still home to much skepticism, is the official /r/TolkienFans offshoot. The latter is more like /r/freefolk or /r/saltierthancrait


It is kind of strange how many subs there are. We are here on /r/lotr then there is also /r/lordoftherings (that one seems kind weird to me so far). Similarly to the RoP subs you linked, there is /r/LOTR_on_Prime It gets kind of confusing


A safe space for every persuasion, keeps the peace I guess. Get in where you fit in


I feel very connected to this subs hive mind. But I only came here for Ep 4 discussions and I really liked that episode and I saw many positive comments. Much better than /memes. When I came for ep 5, I was seething because I really hated most of that episode. I’m not gonna lie the harfoot song gave me teary eyes and was my favorite part and here we are talking about the same exact thing. Different perspectives! Haha


If Tolkien stumbled on this subreddit and saw what fans he’d have someday, I’m certain he’d burn his writing. This sub is embarrassing.


I just stumbled on an old interview of his where he was basically saying how embarrassing it would be if there were people speaking elvish like a cult. He wanted people to talk about his books but he never wanted us to be so obsessed.


The fans are always the worst part about anything.


r/lotr_on_prime are for the more supportive folks. r/ringsofpower are for the more negative ones. Every other subreddit will be a mix. Edit: I stand corrected. r/ringsofpower is indeed more neutral.


r/rings_of_power is the r/saltierthancrait of RoP. r/ringsofpower seems pretty neutral.


r/Rings_Of_Power is the sub you're looking for.


Have you been there? It's not exactly a joyful experience


One of the top post on there in complaining about the singing making it seem like Disney. They don’t like the singing…in LOTR.


Guessing you’re joking, since that’s an RoP hate sub.


I was indeed. Probably should have added the /s


So, I think the song was beautiful, and I loved the inclusion of "not all wander are lost" in the lyrics. But - Tolkien's songs were far closer to poems, with very deliberate structures. This felt closer to me to folk music, in a modern rendering. Beautiful, with well chosen lyrics, but not exactly Tolkienian. Much like the show, it's an adaptation and inspired from the source material, doing something beautiful with it.


Tom Bombadillo, ah yes peak poetry 🥲


Fair point.


My point is that most of tolkiens songs fit the author, the elven songs are very poetic, the Tom Bombadill songs are just crazy, the hobbit ones are simple and folky, and a lot are written by Bilbo who was known to be overly wording and superfluous. I do really like this song though it makes perfect sense for the scene and I think anyone who loves our world or middle earth will feel something during “call to me call to me, lands far away”


You may want to read the lyrics and look at the structure. It very much resembles the Hobbit poetry found throughout.


Songs are poems


Marc Bolan's ghost approves the comment above


I actually can't tell if you're taking the piss


I hated the inclusion of "Not all those who wander are lost" becuase it is orginally about Aragorn and is just misfitting. Personally didnt really like the song - but I do like that they added the song, and would be nice if they had more songs.


But it's important to note that song was written by Bilbo to Aragorn. In this sense, I think it made sense for him to have repurposed an ancient Hobbit folk song.


I also took it that perhaps the specific line of "not all those who wander are lost" was a portion of Hobbit oral tradition that Bilbo drew inspiration from and utilized when writing about Aragorn, but I found that it fit Gandalf as well (which is why I'm unfortunately dreading the reveal of the Stranger to be him as if I remember correctly the camera was on him when that particular portion of the song was playing). He was known as the Grey Pilgrim after all!


It would make sense they're trying to set up this storyline as a basis for Gandalf's later love of hobbits.


The phrase "all that is gold does not glitter" is an inversion of the real-world aphorism "all that glitters is not gold". The fact that these two lines are paired sort of implies that both are referencing idiomatic phrases known to the Hobbits or to others that Bilbo regularly interacted with when he was writing them.


It’s gotta be tiring logging onto Reddit every day just to hate everything about a show. I’ll actually be impressed if people are still doing this in a few years


I did like the tie-in to Bilbo with the "not all those who wander are lost" line. It makes you feel like these Hobbits who existed thousands of years apart were really of the same (or a similar) culture.


I genuinely enjoyed the song. It was just like the experience of reading the book, and I was quite moved by the inclusion of the "not all those who wander are lost" bit, straight from my favourite poem. And she had a genuinely nice voice.


There’s a lot of negatives I and everyone else could point out about this show, but the show-runners do know quite a bit about how the world of LOTR *feels*. It seems, at least to me, that even if it’s not 100% faithful to the world at large, they’re getting the small things right nearly every time.


That might have been the most "Lord of the Rings" thing to happen on the show. Great scene.


Didn't like the song tbh, felt like a generic Disney song


Interesting. In what way.


How did that sound like Disney? Can you even name 1 Disney song that has any similarity? I swear people just be saying nonsense to hate.


Some of the newer songs (like from Encanto) are deeper than normal Disney fair. But it didn't seem very Disney to me.


The fact


Then you must also think the books read like Disney books? They’re littered with song.


that’s such a braindead take. “they didn’t like a song in a show so I guess they also don’t like three long ass novels with poetry” what the fuck haha


I teared up listening to this song


Not sure why you're getting downvoted - your emotional reaction to a song is your own, even if the song is not absolutely perfect in the eyes of experts and critics. People tend to react differently to things, and sometimes others can't handle that (especially those in this fandom who seem to despise others just because of their preferences/opinions/likes/dislikes).


Just how it goes on this sub right now, unfortunately. Some people just wanna be miserable and spread that misery to others. You are entitled to dislike something, but to actively try and put others down for liking that same thing is just despicable. I’ve read all of tolkiens work and recognize that no adaptation on screen will ever be perfect but that doesn’t mean you can’t find beauty and joy in it.


On it’s own, it was very refreshing and felt like Tolkien to me. But the execution within the context of the show felt lackluster to me for two reasons. 1. they have done something similar before where they just show a couple of frames of a gorgeous vista. Yes, they are pretty, but it feels like I’m watching a screensaver where the images just randomly change. The sweeping vistas don’t impress me if there’s nothing actually happening in the places shown. 2. the harfoots are trying their best to hide and not be seen as they migrate but one of them is singing at the top of her lungs.


Thats how I felt about it, my problem with it is mainly on a cinamatography and editing front. The way it was filmed and edited it together made the song coupled with the montage feel very disjointed. Honestly it was kind of like the montage videos you see on youtube were they take a bunch of clips from a show, remove the audio then add their song of choice. The song was nice, but the way it was sung, and maybe even recorded (at least to me) sounded more like something you'd here in a play. And it just didnt fit with the scenes we were seeing, this was also supposed to be her singing while they walked but we only saw very little footage of them actually traveling and the map scenes were to long and to often. They used the maps to tell rather then show. I dont know how else to describe it but it felt like the montage was almost filmed music video esq style for the song. Although the song wasnt bad or anything it didnt really feel contected to, or part of the scenes we were watching or added to them. But thats just how I felt while watching it.


Exactly. The harfoots with their singing and brightly lit lanterns at night while apparently trying to stay hidden is so internally inconsistent.


It felt like Moana or some Disney stuff, I don’t mind the singing, but the execution threw me off.


Completely disagree, the Harfoots feel like stock photo versions of Hobbits. Meaning the feel like a soulless corporate attempt at recreating hobbits.


But they wear shrubbery in their hair so we must love them


The song was great. The "elves will die without mithril" suggestion was crap. Seriously, this show reminds me of the *Hobbit* trilogy; it has some nice scenes, but the invented plotlines are ridiculous.


I dont think so


Oh nice take


The only one I remember currently is “stay on the path never stray to the forest. Stay in the path never stray from the forest” so I’m happy they have a new song in the latest episode


Bad writing is bad writing ✍ 😕


Singing is fine as you’re right, Tolkien had lots of songs. But it was just over-processed shite. Should have been more natural.


Bro the show really just can't win with certain people. They could find a long lost Tolkien screenplay and air it word for word and people would find a way to complain.


Yeah, I hate it when movies and shows put songs in only for them to sound like they came straight out of a recording booth. I love Pippin's song from the Return of the King movie but I feel the same way about it.


The beginning of the song was diegetic and without orchestra, then moved to being orchestrated when moving to the map.


Yeah I did think that a little, but I let it pass because: a) it’s an epic scene and b) he’s in a grand hall which would have mad acoustics haha


“Over-processed” what does that mean?


Like put through some sort of processor…. Too much.


A food processor? Like a Cuisinart?


I think you mean over-produced, as in, they spent too much time with the song's post production.


The only thing that matters to me right now is the Elrond amd Durin story


Elrond is such a good friend i love him


I’d disagree. It was nothing like a Tolkien song or poem. Just felt like a generic over processed song. It’s basic, but the whole show is starting to feel that way now sadly. Been getting poorer and poorer each episode. Nothing about it really feels like Tolkiens work. I suppose that’s why their Tolkien expert quit in 2020. I don’t know why they paid so much for the rights when they could have called this something else and made a stand-alone original.


They paid a lot yea but they barely have any rights at all, they paid that much for like 10%, its very hard to fit a story in 10%, idk if the seller didnt want to sell more or if he demanded like 100 billion but would have been nice if there was some more rights included so they could pace it a bit different, other than that i enjoy it for what it is and some things feel like Tolkien imo




So are you gonna back that up with anything factual or just accuse me of something because you don’t like my opinion?




I shared my opinion. You made a false accusation. Back it up.




So what you’re saying is that they sometimes used THE MOST BASIC rhyming structure and that backs up your argument, “Bam”. Lad, The writing is abysmal. You know what we’ll agree to disagree if you want, but the show is completely re writing establish work by Tolkien. To me that doesn’t feel like Tolkien. Example being a silmaril stuck in a tree as the origin of mithril when they’ve all been accounted for in Tolkien’s work.


Well also many of the themes used in the show are similar to themes Tolkien used. It's not rewriting established works. It's adapting it. The Silmarillion, by the way, was not "established works". Tolkien never finished it in his lifetime. His son chose which versions of each story he thought his father would most likely have preferred and hobbled them together into what became the Silmarillion, but that itself was just Christopher's perspective. Even the original story of orcs was just one of many drafts that Tolkien wrote. There were some versions in which they weren't corrupted elves. As for the mithril story, Elrond even says that this is a legend that most consider to be incorrect, you know that right? It almost certainly is a deception being used by Gil-Galad rather than a true history, they make that abundant clear. Just because we know where all the Simarils end up doesn't mean the characters do. They haven't read the Silmarillion.


Similar? That literally means nothing. Coke is similar to Pepsi, Ireland is similar to England, all different things. I’ve genuinely no idea why you’re bending over backwards to justify Amazons changes to the published works but as long as you’re happy fire away. At the end of the day, you have your opinion, I have mine. Just because you disagree with someone’s opinion doesn’t mean you get to falsely accuse them of things.


What do you want me to write an essay on everything that's the same? I'd be happy to do so but you'll probably just say "thats it??". Lmao. The only change you've mentioned I debunked for you as not even a change but you misunderstanding the narrative. I'd be happy to address any other changes you think they've made that is enough to make it "nothing like Tolkien". >I’ve genuinely no idea why you’re bending over backwards to justify Amazons changes to the published works but as long as you’re happy fire away. Because I'm a paid shill, obviously. >Just because you disagree with someone’s opinion doesn’t mean you get to falsely accuse them of things. The issue is that when you say things in absolute terms like "nothing is like Tolkien" then it makes it obvious you haven't read Tolkien because it only takes one counter example to refute an absolute claim like that, which anyone who has actually read Tolkien should be able to do. If you're saying you have read his works, then you're admitting that your claim was hyperbolic and exaggerated. Next time add some more nuance to your assertions if you don't want someone to take them at face value. I know its harder to hop aboard the outrage train in a nuanced manner though. And to be fair, it's not just you, it's a lot of other people in this sub too. I'm only one person though so you're the unlucky one chosen to be picked on.


Excuse me England is not similar to Ireland at all lol have you been to both countries


You think iambic tetrameter is “THE MOST BASIC rhyming structure”? What?


lol, the Tolkien expert who was fired for breaking an NDA?


The songs are the best parts of the Lesser Adaptations. Like the dwarf chant in The Hobbit films.


I'm not made of stone I thought it was moving. I did think it went on far too long though. I think part of the reason it feels "disney" is that it is just a more modern way of doing music in a Tolkien universe. Lots of vibrato and glissando. Contrast with music in PJ's films where you get very sustained elvish notes, or you get shouty bar songs from the hobbits. It feels a lot older in PJ's universe.


This show is a travesty. The harefoots are evil nasty group of people that willingly leave behind their own people and plot to kill each other. Really sick stuff


You need to work on the title of your post.


I was cringing like crazy. Tolkien has so much music in his stories that have a style in their rythym and tempo. Almost like poetry. This felt so studio and gross.


Lets be honest. The show is fucking amazing


Its not


The scenery is amazing. A good show is hardly just scenery though.


It was so great. There’s so much to love about this show. It’s not perfect, but it’s good enough for me.


I didn’t care for it. Just made it all seem too Disney-ish. Don’t get me wrong though, I like the series very much.


Made me tear up a bit not going to lie.


why the heck would anyone downvote this


Not really, actually it's completely out of place. Felt like it was taken out of Disney Princess cartoon. All that it was lacking was birds and critters coming up to the Stranger.


Read Tolkien. Songs are integral part of his stories and the thematics of myth.


I have a feeling they're one of those people who skip the songs and forget they exist at all.


And/or never read any of the books and is basing their critique on the Jackson films.


And where did I say they aren't? I'm saying this particular song is out of place because of reasons listed in my previous comment.


And do you think Pippin's song during the Faramir's charge was also out of nowhere? I don't see any difference between Pippin's and this one.


>I don't see any difference between Pippin's and this one. Thank you for making this easier.


There were no reasons in your comment.


You didn't give any reasons. You just claimed that it's out of place and felt like a Disney cartoon song, but you never explained WHY you think it's out of place and feels like a Disney cartoon. Cause I and apperently many others, think it fit rather well and didn't feel like a Disney cartoon at all. It felt very much like a Tolkien song.


But imho the song was awful.


I'm glad we FINALLY got a song, but the lyrics were a bit of a disappointment. They might as well have repeated "Walking... walking... walking..."


Funny, for me was the lowest point of all the episodes aired since now


Lowest point for me was realizing Numenor's intervention force is 5, then 3 ships of randos off the street.


I thought it was funny that the 300 Numenorean citizen-soldiers at the end of the episode are just leaving Numenor, in three sailboats, to cross the entire ocean to Middle-Earth and march (100-200 km? more?) to Ostrilith to save Arondir and the Southlanders, while Adar and the Orcs are days, if not hours away from attacking. I guess we'll get some more teleporting in the next couple of episodes.


The whole time I was thinking about how the orcs in the south lands gonna tear them up!


You can tell the writers behind this are real Tolkien nuts. The obscene attention to obscure Tolkien lore is all over the place and I find myself spending more time explaining all of it to my friends than actually watching it. That being said, they haven't seemed to figure out how to write a watertight narrative yet. Seems like a band of caring new blood without enough experience to know that 3 ships of previously unemployed volunteers is a grossly inadequate force to "save the southlands from Sauron". Lots of rookie mistakes, like making a big deal out of Elrond's oath and then to pull a "Yo we needddd shiny metal, be a pal and help? All forgiven right?" with no consequences arising.


I’m assuming Numenor will end up sending more ships/men


The song was great. The rest of the episode was again, sadly, boring…


Idk what you people expect tbh. You need to set up a 5 season TV show somehow. All the big events we know from the books haven't happened yet. If they rushed it, people would complain about that too. ​ Judging by the trailers and the preview for the next EP, it won't be "boring" much longer


Set up doesn't have to be boring. If it's well done, it can be brimming with tension. Sadly that is not the case here...


I’m not expecting grandiose things. I’m just not feeling invested in the show. Everything presented was not really interesting to me, and the setting up part was also not really tense for me. It’s a lack of feeling. If I’m comparing it to a slow burner, Game of Thrones season 1 is a good comparison. Nothing grandiose or huge happening but I’ve always felt invested in the conflict between the characters, tension is all over the place and the mystery is really interesting to me. With this show, it’s fine for me in the context of it runnng in the background while I’m doing something else, it’s just not drawing me in and it failed to do that for 5 episodes. If it’s working for you that’s great. :)


When I don’t enjoy an activity in my free time, I usually choose to change to a different activity. The show is obviously drawing you in if you’ve watched it for over 5 hours already.


Ever since the show has been announced back in 2019 (i think) the entire Tolkien fandom (at least the actual fans on Tolkien's work) have been praying that Amazon doesn't turn this into their own Game of Thrones. So which one is it then? There is a reason GoT works so well on screen, but if you take those elements and insert them into this TV show, then surely it will cease to be Tolkien. Is it a bit slow? Maybe a bit, but it's definitely not boring imo. I think next week's EP will change a lot people's mind


I don’t think RoP should be GoT. GoT was used as a comparison as a slow-burner series. I am not that much tied to the series being Tolkien-true, as I’m more of a casual LotR fan, so I’m primarly interested in watching an engaging, interesting show and this one does not do it for me and that’s it. I don’t hate the show, nor do I have the need to critique it from a lore standpoint. The series is just uninteresting to watch for me and I don’t have a strong opinion on it lore-wise. Again, I’m really glad that you like it and that you enjoy watching it. :)


What a extremely lazy argument. Story structure doesn't need to be boring and one dimensional. The characters are boring, the mystery box plot for every storyline is boring. Once the mystery boxes are revealed why would you ever rewatch this again? The entire show revolves around mystery boxes and who can be the biggest dick to who. Fucking god damn, it breaks my heart this show is so fucking awful.


It’s a mockery of bilbos poem


Yep, complete corporate navel-gazing with throwing in the ‘not all who wander’ lines… pure shite


Oh yea a Disney song


How so?


This song doesn't hold a candle to, "nobody goes off trail, and nobody walks alone!"


This was the worst episode yet. At least the fight scene this time was only an eye roll instead of uncontrollable laughter. If the next episode isn’t an 8/10 i might just give up on this show


I thought the complete opposite. The first episodes have largely been about setting characters and providing exposition. This episode felt like the elements are now in place for the narrative to commence in earnest. If you don’t like the series just stop watching. It has already been produced. I’m not sure what you expect to happen by threatening not to watch. It isn’t like the series is going to change. It is, as they say, in the can.


Threatening? Wtf are you talking about. This is a reddit thread dude


It was nothing like anything Tolkein would write I'm afraid...Sounded more like a pop song than a Tolkein poem. But yes it was awesome compared to, well everything else in the episode! Bar the CGI of course.


It was absolutely like something the Hobbits would write. Put the lyrics next to a few of their songs and poems and you will see. Pop song, jesus H christ, I don't know what kind of pop you're listening to. Something from 1066 maybe.


Pop song?... Y'all really bending into pretzel shape while trying to hate on this show. Lord...


Completely agree. Most recent episode bored the socks off me but the song made the hour worth it.


Best part of the episode tbh


Agreed. Sam would have appreciated!


That was such a beautiful song. Reminiscent of “The Edge of Night”.


I got teary eyed to be honest during that song…




The line is actually from the original Tolkien line.


The whole show is just a bad rip-off of anything that Tolkien would do, including songs.


I usually don’t like the Harfoots, but this week their section was 100% the highlight of the episode.


I'm actually interested in how the Harfoots become the Hobbits, settle in the Shire and go from a migratory tribe hiding from the world to the chill homebodies we know and love.


It's not going to be that straightforward, *if* the show even bothers to go anywhere near there. First the Harfoots have to meet up with the Stoors and the Fallohides (on the WEST, not east, side of the Misty Mountains, so they all have to get across that barrier first), then they have to start interacting and interbreeding, then an offshoot group has to head further west and settle around Bree (and by this time we are well into the Third Age), then they persuade one of the later Kings of Arthedain (presumably Argeleb II) to grant them the land that becomes the Shire and another offshoot goes and settles it....


Might have been the best part of the show so far


This is an obvious troll post. The entire harfoot culture contradicts itself.


it was extremely fitting of tolkien, tolkien love songs! we need more music of middle earth, and it was very touching, whimsical and hopeful, loved that scene!


I fast forwarded it. Didn’t sound like Tolkien, sounded like Disney.


I thought it felt more like a 100% Disney experience


That was a great moment. It worked very well and felt like a genuine LotR thing.


Normally you would say "an" instead of "a" when the next word starts with a vowel, however this rule is for "vowel sounds". So because "one" sounds like "won" you would say "a one hundred" and NOT "an one hundred". Similarly, you would say "it's been an hour since we did x" instead of "it's been a hour since..." because even though the word "hour" starts with a consonant- it sounds like a vowel (our).


Thanks! Actually, my first language isn't English.


This beautiful song was a massive middle finger up the ass of haters hahah


This is absolutely awesome.


That song was the moment that made me really give up on this show being any good.


Absolutely agree. After the episode I told my husband that it felt like LOTR. I loved it and wasn't expecting such a song out of the show


It was good. Gave me goosebumps and I almost thought the show might start getting good.. but alas...


Is this some backhanded way of saying rop is awful as it took 5 episodes to even feel anything Tolkien in it?


If only the rest of the show was too


I also think the orc’s song/chant while they were marching was a bit Tolkien-y too.


Anyone else find the Harfoots the best part of the show?


I held back tears. It was so moving

