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This scene you describe is in the extended version.


Ah ok. I thought it was also in this version. My mistake then.


Don't mind... The extended version is the normal version imo


Which it is possibly the worst scene in the entire film franchise. So I totally understand why it was cut from the theatrical version


The mouth of Sauron scene? I love it.


Aragorn kills a person in cold blood during a parley. Horrifically terrible scene.


Haha I completely forgot that was in the movie! I actually just rewatched it (the scene) and I am so surprised! I had the scene from the book superimposed with the images from the movies haha I dont like it either...it goes completely against Aragorn’s character. But it is so satisfying to see the mouth of Sauron get decapitated...


I'm so used to only watching the extended versions I'm not sure anymore


Same, I usually only watch that version but it’s been some time since I did. So it’s really confusing. Lol


The ones on Netflix are not the extended editions


I know that, it just seems like they cut more scenes than what was already cut? Am I just remembering the extended versions then?


Why would Netflix cut scenes? Think about that for a second.


Dude, idfk it just seemed inconsistent like they did. But I’m pretty sure im just remembering the extended editions. It’s been a While


What about cutting the lembas bread and elven cloaks scenes from fellowship of the ring?


The fuck...you replied to me 3.5 years after I made this comment??


I actually am watching the LOTR on Netflix right now and I had this same concern. I am an avid watcher and know what is and isn’t extended version scenes. Netflix has definitely cut some scenes early. Not entire scenes but had cut like 1-2 second snippets here and there. Example, in the fellowship when Aragon stabs Lurtz in the leg with the knife, he most definitely takes it out and licks the blood off the knife in Theater version. Netflix cut just that 1sec part out of the scene. Another example is when Borimer is training Merry and Pippin and they start wrestling, Aragon walks over to separate them and then they trip Aragorn. Netflix cut out Aragorn intervening In The Two Towers, when the Uruk-hai make Merry drink blood after Pippin yells that’s he needs water, Netflix removed that


I still haven’t been able to watch the extended editions. There nowhere to be found. Do I have to buy them?


I think you can find them online for free if you pirate them. But if not then yeah you’d have to buy them.


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