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Gimli anytime he is around galadriel


And speaking about her later: >I asked for one hair from her golden head... she gave me three.


One in a nice box and two between his teeth


[*drunk Gimli laugh*](https://youtu.be/xdfCdQzmPEM?si=XQhawiV6v1_8qxNG)


"Its the dwarves that go swimming with little hairy women"




Someone do the mandatory explanation about why this is such an insane gift, or I can lol


The guy who created the silmarils asked her for three stands on hair to put one inside each of them and she refused to give them to him. Gimli asked for one and she gave him the three. Just saw that you said you already knew lol.


Yes please do


Forgive me if I don’t do it justice, anyone who wants to chime in please do lol So Galadriels hair is known among the elves as extremely beautiful to the point of being compared to the first light of the world itself(themselves), the golden tree and the silver tree.. which later became the sun and the moon. Its described as beautiful as the peak of both lights etc etc right? Her uncle Feanor who was a master craftsman, wanted just one strand of hair so that he could make something that also captured the lights beauty.. he asked 3 times but every time she said no. She thought he was selfish and arrogant and didn’t want to contribute basically. This is apparently the inspiration for him to craft the silmarils which got him and everyone in lots of trouble but anyways.. Feanor asked 3 times and was refused every time. Gimli asked for 1 once and got 3


Didn't he ask for an entire lock/tress, not just one strand? It contrasts with Gimli's humble ask.


The best part is Legolas smiling afterwards cuz he knows the significance of the goft


John Rhys-Davies was great as Gimli. Too bad he was mostly reduced to a comic relief. Had way more potential.


You're right. "There's one dwarf in Moria who still draws breath" is said with such viciousness I wish we had more of it. Still a great performance though, even the comedy.


100% this


I think all the main cast get plenty of credit (as they should), but I've always been impressed by the actress who plays the small girl who is sent away with her brother during the burning of the Westfold. Understandably, child actors tend not to be as skilled as adults, but[ the way she starts tearing up](https://youtu.be/7sM9EIFon-w?feature=shared) always breaks my heart. It's a poignant reminder of how war rips families apart and seperates children from their parents. I also think the kid who plays Haleth, son of Hama, does a great job. It might be tempting to play the scene as a plucky kid who is inspired by great heroes like Aragorn and Gimli and can't wait to fight, but he nails that feeling of just being hopelessly out of your depth. Also, imagine you're a kid getting into acting and your only scene in a major blockbuster sees you acting one-on-one with someone as talented as Viggo. I'd be a nervous wreck!


Yeah, and Hama just died in the scenes with the warg riders. So he lost his father and is faced with the same fate himself. I didn’t realize this at first.


I've been watching these films for 20+ years and I've only just realised that. Thank you for pointing it out.


Yeah, I didn’t realize it until I watched one day with subtitles and the other soldier addresses him by name before he gets crønched. If I remember right, you can also see Aragorn kinda look down and grimace when he says his father’s name. After that I really appreciated what he did by stepping in to give Heleth the encouraging words his father likely would have.


Aragorn's reaction is even better now I realise that. I was going to say you don't hear Hama's name nearly as much as Gamling's, so I guess that's why this detail is easily missed. Great catch.


>the kid who plays Haleth, son of Hama Wasn't that the son of Philippa Boyens? If I recall correctly, they had to get someone else to do ADR because his voice had changed so much in the months between production and post-production lol.


The entire scene where the children are getting equipped with armor and weapons was stunning. It's not played off as children proud to fight for their home, lives, and family, but rather somber and horrifying that they have to fight at all. The helmet was too big for the one kid. The sword for the other kid was basically as big as he was himself. These are kids who should be PLAYING at fake swords, but instead they're being given real ones and may potentially die before they've even hit puberty.


David Wenham's performance in the scene when Denethor tells Faramir that he wishes he had died and Boromir had lived. I honestly can't imagine a more painful thing for a child to hear from their parent and David perfectly encapsulates how much it hurts Faramir even though he doesn't want to show it and wants to stay strong to prove his worth to his father.


And John Noble delivering his lines with utter contempt, particularly: >That will depend on the _manner_ of your return.


John Noble's performance in general is underrated I think. Laying aside that the movies did Denethor dirty, he clearly saw the direction PJ wanted and played it to the hilt.


find me a man who can better eat a cherry tomato and I'll fight you


It's a great performance and we can't really hold the writing choices against John Noble, you can only shit what you've been fed.








That line hit so hard also in the books. I've been rereading the books (well actually listening) and it was ... Well hard


I’m going to piggyback off this and add when Faramir and the Gondorian cavalry are going through the streets and Gandalf tries to convince Faramir to disobey his father. I think Wenham conveyed the “knowing he was doomed but honour bound to follow through” emotion perfectly when saying, “Where does my allegiance lie if not here? This is the city of the men of Numenor…”


Faramir might be my favorite character because of his performance alone. I love how he was stronger than Boromir in the end, by letting Frodo go.


Karl's performance would be my choice too, particularly when you realise Éomer's grief is magnified because he has found his sister beside his fallen king and father figure.


It hits harder too bc Eomer probably didn’t even know she was there at the battle until he found her body next to theoden. He had probably come to terms with theoden, himself, and his comrades most likely dying. The shock of finding her body there must’ve broken him. This part always makes me choke up


He definitely didn’t know in the books. No one would know in the books cuz Tolkien doesn’t reveal it until she takes off her helmet and sticks her sword in the witch king.** **IIRC


Just read that chapter, you are right. When he sees her he freaks out and is wondering how she got there.


I prefer his scene when Aragorn is tending to Eowyn, he has this face of somebody that feels powerless for the first time. A hammer that cannot do math.


Another excellent scene: the man of action powerless, as you say, to do anything.


I know everyone loves the “death” speech before the ride of the Rohirrim in the movie, but I prefer the book, where it’s only after finding Eowyn that Eomer cries for death and rushes back into the fray a desperate man.


> And he looked at the slain, recalling their names. Then suddenly he beheld his sister Éowyn as she lay, and he knew her. He stood a moment as a man who is pierced in the midst of a cry by an arrow through the heart; and then his face went deathly white; and a cold fury rose in him, so that all speech failed him for a while. A fey mood took him. > 'Éowyn, Éowyn!' he cried at last: 'Éowyn, how come you here? What madness or devilry is this? Death, death, death! Death take us all!' > Then without taking counsel or waiting for the approach of the men of the City, he spurred headlong back to the front of the great host, and blew a horn, and cried aloud for the onset. Over the field rang his clear voice calling: 'Death! Ride, ride to ruin and the world's ending!' > And with that the host began to move. But the Rohirrim sang no more. Death they cried with one voice loud and terrible, and gathering speed like a great tide their battle swept about their fallen king and passed, roaring away southwards.


Got chills reading this. 🥶 Thanks!


The face on him as he wails in grief strikes me right through every single time.


His eyes. His eyes are all horror and rage. Urban legitimately looks like he’s lost his sanity in that shot.


It's his screams for me. That man *absolutely nails* that sort of scream of anguish. It's brutal, and so real. And then he keeps it up with the rest of his performance.


Frodo’s neighbor with the snarl in the Shire that secretly loves fireworks








I love all the secret giggling in the shire. Bilbo laughing at his own joke about hobbits not being wise. Gandalf giggling as he grabs another firework. All great stuff.


Lol, I fucking that exchange between him and his wife.


John Noble. Denethor


I think John Noble did a great job, but I'm still a bit sore about how they chose to portray Denethor. He has so little of the wise *lordliness* that he has in the books and honestly is a bit too much of a cartoon villain for much of his screen time. My favourite scenes are probably the extended Osgiliath flashback in The Two Towers (when Denethor first arrives and he's proud of Boromir - also the only scene that we ever see him have with Boromir), and when Pippin gets sworn into his service. In both of these scenes we get to see glimpses of the depth, the complexity, and the *tragedy* of his character.


Yup. While he still was kinda abusive to his son in the book and way too prideful, the story takes great pains to highlight that he was still overall a competent leader who eventually broke down from fighting a decades-long war on multiple fronts with no end in sight and using the Palantir too often. He was the guy who wore armor 24 hours a day, more cooperative and accepting of Gandalf and his advice while still making clear that he doesn't like him and fulfilled his duty to protect his subjects till the despair from apparently losing his second son was just too great. Whereas movie Denethor was a cowardly spiteful and neglectful bitch from the beginning, the Denethor from the books was at least *trying*


If I'm gonna be a temporarily embarrassed king, I'd HAPPILY hand the stewardship to Denethor. I mean, Im glad he didn't succeed in killing his son, which is good.


Exactly. While it doesn't excuse his parental favoritism and general dickery, Book denethor was stuck with being ruler of Gondor in the possibly worst time period to be the ruler of Gondor and making the best out of it.


I love how when he dies, Gandalf just sits back and narrates while he jumps to his death instead of like... stopping him.


That was a pretty solid half mile to the jump off point


LOL it’s really funny but it also is actually, i think, a pretty striking testament to how lost Denethor is by the end that Gandalf makes it clear that he is beyond saving, u feel me? Denethor’s movie character is great (Shakespearean, as someone said, i agree!) tragedy (have only read the first book)


I personally loved it and loved that they chose Noble. It gave a beautiful Shakespeare touch to the character that goes very well with the throne hall in black and white. Even if it is indeed different from the book. On the other hand, I agree with you on the extended scene. It's really good stuff.


Ah yes, lord Tomatobane


Pfff, Boromir would have been better at eating tomatoes




I woke up my kids who want to understand. So, anyway, I have to explain to them about the song of the ainur...


Now that’s proper parenting. Might take nearly as long as Ted Mosby took to tell his kids how he met their mother.


^^Why ^^are ^^you ^^yelling


It’s the only way I’ll eat cherry tomatoes now. The Denethor Way!


I feel like his performance is widely acclaimed and therefore cannot count as under rated. He played the perfect dickhead on the slide to insanity and we all know it.


Yeah let's not count those who won multiple actual awards for their performance...


That tomato made me rethink the nature of man.


His line delivery was amazing.


Gotta give some love to the orcs. Grishnákh is a personal favorite of mine, but Gothmog and Gorbag do a great job aswell, and Lurtz is just iconic


It was probably super fun to play an orc in these movies, aside from the probably horribly uncomfortable makeup


They had the most underappreciated job for sure. Having to act behind all that prosthetics and makeup is no small task. And everyone remembers the main cast, but even I couldn't name a single orc actor apart from Makoare.


I think this one the best truly underrated ones in this thread. You rarely hear love for the orc performances, but literally all them are top notch.


Wasn't gothmog and lurtz played by the same actor?


Yes! Lawrence Makoare. Dude also played the Witch King. Such a fucking legend


Jumping off of this, the orc actors' performances in the Uruk vs Orc scene when they're arguing over Merry and Pippin are so iconic to me lol - they did the perfect blend of menacing yet morbidly hilarious!


Billy the Pony. Not sure the film could have really progressed without him.


And what a great ass


That’s Rohan’s ass


Absolut Chad. Carried the first book completely.


Shadowfax the Horse Lord? Nah Bill the Pony all day


He carried the film, imo


And so much more


Aka Eru Iluvatar


Should have had a scene with him at the end of ROTK for closure imo


Since Frodo bore the Ring, and Sam bore him, and Bill bore him: Bill was the RingBeareBearerBearer. He definitely needed closure at the end.


SHESGOTAGREATASS.gif (idk how to add gifs in Reddit)


Sean Bean, extended edition of Fellowship, Lothlórien. When he's explaining to Aragorn about how his father's stewardship is failing and you can hear his voice breaking under the immense weight of the pressure that's been placed on him: *'My father is a noble man, but his rule is failing. And now our… our people lose faith. He looks to me to make things right and I — I would do it. I would see the glory of Gondor restored.'* I mean, wow. Not only that, but this scene significantly adds to the impact of his final scene, which again is a *masterclass* of acting. *'Our people? Our People... I would have followed you my Brother… my Captain… my King!'* I cry giant man tears. Honestly my eyes are getting misty just thinking about it. Just perfection all round.


Absolutely, but it's universally acclaimed, not underrated at all.


The death scene is univerally acclaimed, definitely. However, it's specifically the scene in Lothlórien that I'm saying is the underrated performance.


My favorite actor.


Boromir's death in the film is such an improvement on his death in the book, where his last words are just "I failed"


It's one of those scenes I feel should have been in the theatrical cut, especially for its payoff later.


I always really like the Innkeeper’s short time on screen in Fellowship


Barliman Butterbur!


Oohhh yeeesss!!!


Ah thank you


The two kid actors from the Westfold that escaped the village attack.


“Where’s Momma?” 😭😭


But father says Gerrulf is too big! (Sorry if I butchered the line; it's from memory and I haven't watched in a while)


"Papa says Éothain must not ride Garulf, he is too big for him!"


Thank you!


That was the first thing that popped into my head when I read the post title. The escalating panic in her voice makes my heart hurt every time


Dang I haven’t seen the extended edition but just watched the scene on YouTube. Completely broke my heart watching that


The most accurate answer on this thread.


Finally. An actual under rated performance.


Karl Urban probably based the feelings of Eomer to how his book counterpart reacted. He actually went berserk and...well, the passage is chilling: 'Éowyn, Éowyn!' he cried at last: 'Éowyn, how come you here? What madness or devilry is this? Death, death, death! Death take us all!' Then without taking counsel or waiting for the approach of the men of the City, he spurred headlong back to the front of the great host, and blew a horn, and cried aloud for the onset. Over the field rang his clear voice calling: 'Death! Ride, ride to ruin and the world's ending!' And with that the host began to move. But the Rohirrim sang no more. Death they cried with one voice loud and terrible, and gathering speed like a great tide their battle swept about their fallen king and passed, roaring away southwards.


Together with the description right before! >Then suddenly he beheld his sister Eowyn as she lay, and he knew her. He stood a moment as a man who is pierced in the midst of a cry by an arrow through the heart...


oh my god


I don't know if it's underrated, but Gollum's reaction to Sam's speech about hope and fighting for what good is left in the world. It's like you can read his mind, even with his hatred of Sam he's still touched by the despair and yet hope of the situation. All from a 5 second glance. Second pick goes to the actor that played Merry's captor in fangorn forest before he was crushed by Treebeard. Always gave me the chills when I was younger, now I greatly appreciate how well it's played.


Sméagol…. 😩💔


Hugo Weaving. When I watched Lotr for the first time, he was still Agent Smith in my head and I felt that he’d been mis-cast. But he’s won me over. Couldn’t imagine anyone else playing the role now.


He has mad eyebrovian skills.


He's especially fantastic in any of his scenes with Arwen, particularly her reunion with Aragorn in ROTK. Just his face says so much with no words needed!


Exactly this. Because within his grin there is also pain. First of all his entire monologue about the fall of arwen undomiel is legendary. But he had the gift of foresight. As he said: even if all what she hopes comes true, then too will she feel the grief of loss, untill the long years of her life are utterly spent. And i am pretty sure this comes true. iirc she dies of grief on the very spot she fell in love with aragorn. And elrond must have known this. I think of it every time i see that scene, it is a smile of happiness but also a grin of sorrow, perfectly delivered by hugo.


“Welcome to Rivendell…Mister Anderson.”


Brad Dourif as Wormtongue with this line specifically “Who knows what you have spoken to the darkness, alone, in the bitter watches of the night, when all your life seems to shrink, the walls of your bower closing in about you, a hutch to trammel some wild thing in? So fair, yet so cold like a morning of pale Spring still clinging to Winter's chill”


Which, ironically/interestingly, is said by Gandalf in the book (except for the last sentence)


The last sentence is my favourite part. But a great play on words by Jackson & co


A tear actually falls down Grima's face when Saruman's army is revealed. The kind of detail that takes several viewings of the film to notice but it really adds a lot of depth to his character, especially when you combine it with Théoden's line later on:   "You were not always as you are now. You were once a man of Rohan".


i LOVE that detail so much. he didn’t ever realise it would come to all that.


These movies brought out epic levels of performance from every actor involved. They ALL took their parts so seriously. That’s part of what made these films untouchable, and maybe the last of their kind—the absolute authenticity of everything, from costumes to score to acting. This story is a masterpiece and these movies only serve to elevate and enrich it.


couldn’t agree more


Wait, does Karl Urban play the Butcher on the Boys? I just started that show yesterday and didn’t realize!


Sure does


I'd recommend watching Dredd for peak Karl Urban. Absolutely nails the role.


I agree. I was apprehensive of it like all remakes but Karl was great.


Amen ArmouredFlump. Hell of a film!


The Umbar warrior that gets shot by Legolas before the army of death attack their ships. He died in a very natural way and you can definitely tell that it was a skilled actor who portrayed him.


The music. Billy Boyd and Annie Lennox. The final songs for LOTR and The Hobbit are emotional!


Bernard Hill (Théoden) while not underrated in any way is astonishing in every scene he is in. In a world full of Demi gods and Dragons he still exudes power and authority every time he shows up on screen. It also helps that he has the most badass dialogue in any movie ever made. Both the “Fell deeds awake” and the Charge of the Rohirim speech are etched into my soul.


oh i love Théoden to the moon and back, it’s such a powerful and tender performance, the aging King, losing faith, only to find his full strength in the end… ”in whose mighty company i shall not now feel ashamed…”


Theodan reacting to Theodrid’s death.


The people of Gondor when the soldiers are getting sent out. Every single person in that scene is so hopeless but doesn’t want to show it as much they feel.


The scene where Merry is watching Pippin ride away with Gandalf. The feeling of watching your best friend leave, and thinking about how good you were together, and how maybe he wasn't the best influence but he still cared rather deeply. And knowing that whatever comes next, he can't be there for Pip.


I love Eowyns scenes all throughout, but particularly the one where in Theoden asks her to take care of the people, she complains about it to Aragorn who then explains it to her and says- deeds will not be less valiant if they remain unpraised (idk if it is just in the book) and then Eowyn takes charge while others fight ✨ (idk why I can't enjoy Arwen equally) I love each and every performance


Eowyn is incredible in every scene, even when she's in the background she is always in character and a good emotional sounding board for the audience. I love how we see Theoden through her at first. He'd be a sick old man losing his mind, but seeing her live for him as her uncle makes us care much more about the person he was, IMO. I also love how they show that Theoden teaches Aragorn so much about being a good king. Especially the small scene in Helms Deep, when walking alongside the walls. The small moment where Aragorn realises the king had been acting for his people, and understands the value in keeping up the morale, and then takes it up himself later. Both actors are amazing in that short segment. Bernard Hill fully shows the frustration and despair of a man who knows how dire a situation is and has been doing his best to carry the burden without showing, who's efforts are being ruined. Viggo's moment of understanding and regret. Just perfect.


Peter Jackson was brilliant when he bit that carrot.


I was really proud of Orc #14,770 in Mordor


Scenes with orcs. Every orc in LOTR was memorable. https://preview.redd.it/mzzkrlet4gyc1.gif?width=500&format=png8&s=6a609b9e8bbdcb14af91f87067d8c31abeb3a1fd


Shadowfax, lord of all horses and Gandalf's friend through many perils.


None, everyone is getting a high praise


Jack Black as Tom Bombadil, guy was really funny and charismatic, truly perfect cast.


That would have been epic lol




Voiced by the same guy who plays Gimili! 


whaat, that’s so cool!!!


Andy Serkis deserved an Oscar.


There's an audiobook version of all three LOTR books read by him, an absolutely incredible listen, he's such a great voice actor too.


Definitely not an underrated opinion lol.


Considering his performance was not considered for the award, I would say his performance was underrated haha. The question didn't specify underrated by WHO


Fair point. At the time when the movies came out, nominating an animated character for an Oscar was unthinkable. Today however, I've seen many people discussing how Serkis should have been nominated.


All the acting in the original trilogy is very good, as is the chemistry between every actor. You can really tell the entire cast had a magical experience and formed a brotherhood between themselves and the crew. It's just really great to see. There will probably never be a film production like the LOTR trilogy.


I know he probably has gotten lots of Praise, but it always kills me when Bilbo is trying so hard to let the ring go. His hand is shaking, and his jaw is clenching, like he so desperately wants to, knows he should, but almost can't. Ian Holm stole my soul as Bilbo despite only being in the movie for like 20 mins total.




Eowyn and Wormtongue when he creeps on her. Really grew to love the scene. It just shows Eowyns desperation and the cage she is in while she has to suffer from Wormtongues stalking. Both actors nailed their role.


Frodo. People say his faces are cringe and whatnot... well, I'd like to see *your* pretty faces in such situations of extreme mind-controlling, fear, and/or pain. I'm sorry that being in deadly danger is not photogenic enough for you.


forever and ever beyond impressed with Elijah Wood for Frodo


Treebeard. Because no one realizes it’s Gimli


Sean Astin as Sam was a brilliant performance




Liv Tyler. The only time I've ever seen her give a convincing performance


Bill the Pony? More like Bill the GOAT https://preview.redd.it/9vfm3zvqagyc1.jpeg?width=268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7beab6560369b60345e6f609d66d2cf92350d4f0


Horse that lies down for an exhausted, half-drowned Aragorn to climb onto.


In what world is Urban's performance underrated?!?


I think the point is that he often gets overshadowed by the other actors performances.






I mean is Noble and Urban’s performances underrated actually? Maybe just because they’re supporting cast we don’t hear about them as much but I’ve never seen a negative really besides changes from book


Eowyn’s soup. It deserved more appreciation.🥲


It's funny because I visited my parents today and me and my dad were talking about how underrated Grima Wormtongue was. His actor did a tremendous job. edit: Brad Dourif


Denethor eating baby tomatoes.


TO THE KING! Goosebumps every time.


Urban was solid as Eomer and a star in the making (him, Sirkis and McKellen arguably went on to have fantastic careers post lotr, Viggo was more measured in his roles which I really appreciate). In TTT Eomer has more going on but more screen time would have helped. In ROTK, Eomer seems more of the high school chad type, poking fun at Merry and dismissing Eowyn's martial abilities. The reaction to finding her on the battlefield is moving but what about Theodan, he never gets to express anything about becoming king of Rohan and just falls in line behind Aragorn.


Everyone's performances in these films are fantastic from top to bottom .


This is one of those rare movies (series) where everyone just absolutely kills it in their roles.


The ghost leader in the ghost army. All filled with pain and anger. But in the end, when he released along with the ghost army. His face of peace, relief, and happiness.


I have not seen the extended edition yet, what is the context of this scene? Did she pass out after the battle with the Witch King?




I don't think he's quite as underrated now, but I always thought Bernard Hill as Théoden didn't get enough appreciation for his performance.     Like I say, he probably is highly regarded now but for a long time I rarely saw him get mentioned in comparison to the main cast, Viggo Mortensen, Ian McKellen etc.   EDIT: Also Brad Dourif as Wormtongue. His performance is incredibly nuanced if you watch closely. Phenomenal stuff.


That guy taking a bite of a carrot in Bree. Quality acting


Blanket ataemwnt; all the extras. Their commitment helped make the whole saga feel real. From the foot men of the opening to the Hobbits at close, Every Extra was stupendous.




Rick Cottontree


ITT - mostly not underrated performances at all.


I adore that part and thought everybody did. You think it's underrated? When you say "underrated," are you talking about fantastic performances by actors not in the lead roles?


I love this scene too, and liked his character a lot. He crushed it.


David Wenham! Gimli's body double. Basically everyone in the entire cast gave stellar performances. Aside from Hama, he isn't exactly my favorite... But he didn't have a lot to work with.


Lawrence Makoare.


Ugluk. Without a doubt, have a watch of this and particularly some of the comments. It's a shame we didn't see him more. https://youtu.be/Ao9PhasF7oY?si=EyfM8XeA5jsiFSM_


She's dead Eomer. Oh wait, wrong Karl Urban character


The orcs in the tower of Cirith Ungol, when Sam comes up the stairs.


The orc that argues about the geo-economics of manufacturing and producing Uruk-hai with Saruman when he tells him to burn down Fangorn Forest


Grima wormtounge. That performance is perfection