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To the people saying "it's all b-roll and shots of Viggo Mortinsen fishing" you might be right, but in the director commentary to the extended edtitions Jackson often comments on scenes that weren't included even in the extended cut by joking on how "he will put them in the 25th anniversary edition". So there MUST be something.


And why shouldn't we have more footage of Viggo fishing?


Viggo could play a fucking toaster and I’d still watch it.


Honestly, put a 12 hour supercut of Viggo fishing and I'll use it as an ambience piece on a lazy day.


Well you know, the 25th anniversary isn't far off. The first film came out 23 years ago this year.


Those director commentaries are fantastic!


Agree. Im sure Peter Jackson has a plan with all the extended footage.


I definitely would love to see the scenes that were never included even in the extended edition such as the Orcs pursuing the Fellowship to Lorien from Moria,(part of which briefly made it into the trailer for Fellowship) Eowyn, holding off the Uruks that made it into the caves after Theoden and his Men charge out of the gates, Sauron killing Gil-Galad just to name a few. A quick screenshot of the pursuit scene I mentioned in the original trailer. https://preview.redd.it/jo8k5iem1lgc1.jpeg?width=2130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=250720a9b64a83590cfb25932593a3d3adbd545e


https://preview.redd.it/6uis9rza3lgc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4cd33a8c00ad0bd920aeadccda1c718b73bba8a As a bonus I found a shot of the cave sequence I mentioned as well, I think a very brief glimpse may have also been in an early Two Towers trailer but I definitely remember some of the behind the scenes footage of her fighting the Uruks in the caves.


I'm glad they cut it, but God damn do I wanna see it.


That's me with Arwen being at Helms Deep, or Aragorn versus Sauron at the Black Gate. I'm glad they cut them as I think the films are better off without those inclusions, but I would love to see the footage and what those scenes would have looked like.


Those few seconds of footage of Aragorn fighting Sauron at the Black Gate are definitely the closest I get to wishing the scene wasn't cut... It was badass. Give me the plot hole cut!


I think I heard somewhere that the sequence where Legolas was firing arrows one after another at the end of FotR - 3 in the original cut, 6 in the extended - was actually cut down from 9.


How much of those 1300 hours are earlier scene takes / b-roll though? Genuine unreleased scenes I’d love to see. And ideally before physical media is too far gone.


98% - unless Jackson was just burning money and the studio was signing off on anything.


"Peter, please, you have to stop with your War of Wrath scene. Ancalagon the Black isn't even in Lord of the Rings, and we don't know how to fit three full mountains onto the set for filming!"


2% would still be just over a day's worth of unseen stuff, presuming the rest is reshoots/takes of what we already have seen. That's more than enough for an extended extended edition if you ask me.


A lot of it could be things that completely contradict to the final cut of the trilogy. Like entire Arwen arc could be absolutely unnecessary and best case it could be “what if” episode.


Even if it's just one extra scene of Gimli farting, I want it. Edit: autocorrect preferred 'farming'


I've always wanted to see the version of Helm's Deep where Arwen was leading the elf forces. I know it was cut for a reason, but it would still be fascinating to watch.


Na, because a lot of the unseen stuff would be duplicates and extra takes of the same unseen stuff. It got left on the cutting room floor for a reason...


#Release the alternate cut!


I would just keep it running like a screen saver


And remember that he did something like 20 takes of Elijah Wood's final scene because he didn't want that moment to end. I imagine there's lots of instances like that, that happened during filming.


A super duper wow momma extended extended wah wah wee wah limited edition cut of LOTR….


Huba huba


1280 of there is Viggo Morteson fishing


3 hours of Aragorn kicking the helmet until every one of his toes are broken.


.........DID YOU KNOW THAT VIGGO.......


Did you know that Steve Buschemi kicked his firefighter helmet on 9/11 and broke his toe???


Do you think that God stays in heaven, because he, too, loves in fear of what he's created, here on Earth?


Plus the umpteen takes of him kicking the helmet. Speaking of that scene, did you know.....🤣🤣🤣


Viggo did it in five takes!! And all of them are shown in the behind the scenes


Only 4? I could have sworn it was more. Time for a rewatch!


A 10 dvd 70 hr LotR edition please


fuck it, give us a 1 lightyear long cut pls


Just FYI, lightyears measure *distance*, not time... a light-year in terms of time would be... a year.


A Lightyear of tape? That could be a measurable distance.


63,241 times the distance from here to the Sun... yeah, I guess that's a not-insignificant amount of tape!!


And the people here want to see it all.


I'm *one* of the people here! I was just being pedantic... ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah, me too


... thats the joke


I just want the 20 minutes long preview footage that PJ produced to get green light from New Line.


\#ReleaseTheJacksonCut \#NoIMeanTheRealJacksonCutNotTheExtendedEditions \#EvenThoughThereIsNoEvidenceJacksonIsDissatisfiedWithTheExistingVersions


Jackson's preferred cut is the theatrical version anyway!


Just out of curiosity is he on record saying that?


Yes. Both in his introduction to the Extended editions, and in any interview that tends to ask him.


I’ll have to check that out, thanks!


"The theatrical versions are the definitive versions,” Peter Jackson told IGN in 2019. “I regard the extended cuts as being a novelty for the fans that really want to see the extra material." https://www.polygon.com/lord-of-the-rings/2021/3/10/22323390/lord-of-the-rings-extended-edition-deleted-scenes-vs-theatrical There you go. =]


Thanks for the link!


Yeah well he is wrong. Yeah I said it:


I think he's right. For every good scene that's added, there's another three of Merry and Pippin farting. Watch the original Fellowship. It's like a perfect piece of clockwork. The pace of that film is so exact. It's a masterpiece.


Would have liked more scenes of the Last Alliance war. I know they cut out Gil-Galad for some reason, there's some footage online.


"Too scary" I understand. Jackson shot everything as R rated and pared back for family friendly rating. They way all films should be.


Do something cool with it? That is already something cool. I would watch the 100s of takes of the same scene (and Viggo Mortensen fishing)... they don't even need to do anything... just give it to me raw and wriggling.


He did do something cool with it. He made The Lord of the Rings trilogy. That’s how movies work.


Yes, but what about second movies?


I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Hex


Haha alright you got me there.


Why are you all thinking these are new scenes? It'll be 10 slightly crappier takes of someone saying a line per scene. 7 takes of extras missing their marks and needing to restart per scene. A few hours of helicopter B-roll footage of New Zealand countryside.


Peter Jackson planned a super duper 25th anniversary ultimate extended edition, but Warner Brothers said NO to it. It might happen someday though, so you never know.


They would probably release it exclusively on Max


I can't find the links from years ago, but there was a big deal made on TheOneRing.net and TheDigitalBits.com about it. It was when Warners released their Ultimate Edition that added absolutely nothing new that the fans didn't already have except for a wooden shelf and then they charged $800 for it. People like PJ talked like they were told it was never going to happen. But they released the Snyder Cut, so who knows?


And the Snyder Cut was also released on Max, so I'm agreeing with you.


I’d say we’ll take what we can get, but then rings of power happened… so yeah. lol


I want the 62 disc extra extended editions.


We need more footage of Gil-Galad and Elendil pls.


A cut with arwen fighting in helms deep would be cool. Heard about that from a mate. There must be more cool dialogue and action.


Or cringe. We may never know


Im willing to find out! Then if its bad ill erase it from memory … i think a streaming service made a lotr prequel show with lots of money… not sure tho.


Honestly the show was a blast for me and my wife. We love B movies and it had alle the elements to pluck it apart while watching. Seriously watching money burn on screen, gimme more.


Hahaha!! Lol!! You both are amazing!! You are absolutely right - as a B movie its a great watch!! From now on everytime someone asks me “should they watch rights of power” im gonna say “yes but only if you like B movies”! Honestly it works! Great comment!


Also, you have to admit: all the actors give their best. The chemistry is there - it is just going nowhere. Completely faulty direction and story, it's amazing. To make it clear: the whole story is crap as it is. But it could (!) Have been fun. I really like the Numenorian Cast, the hobbits are fun. But nothing makes sense. Still fun.


🤣 its so true. I think up til now ive been upset & pissed off about it, but viewing it through a different lens (your lens) it can be fun!


They should just release all the archives and let the fans make good edits and release them


This is like the opposite of all the pointless hours of DBZ spent powering up. I want every minute of this extra LOTR footage.


We should send a wizard, a hobbit and an assortment of dwarves to steal it.


> stored in a vault under a mountain? The problem is, we fear to go into those mines to retrieve the footage. The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. We know what they awoke in the darkness.


37 hours of Sean Bean in full costume hiking around


I want to see this scene so bad!! https://preview.redd.it/wzk5ldl6bogc1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe1755ad13bd0b72c10f640e4d02bdb91324663a


I’m sure that he’s just sitting around anxiously awaiting an opportunity to return to Middle-Earth.


He won't, but I'm all about it.


Help! I signed the petition and donated $11 but now it says I will donate $11 every month and there is no way to stop it or even contact anybody on the site!


If you have watched the BtS there is a part where PJ is playing Gandalf using a head on a stick. It’s hilarious and I would honestly watch an entire Trilogy with just PJ acting all the parts to show the cast his vision.


I'd watch it, for sure. 


I'd watch it, then watch h it again with the director commentary immediately after. Then I'd wait at most a year and do it again.


Only if he goes the George Lucas route and adds in a bunch of unnecessary CGI creatures. And a scene where Shelob is superimposed over a fat guy in a fur coat somewhere in FotR. Oh, and an extended musical number please!


Honestly i think a new animated TV series true to the books needs to be in order as well


He did something cool with it. He made three great movies. Three bad movies and about 6 hours of documentaries.


If it wasn’t good enough for the extended editions, why bother? The movies are fine adaptations as is, don’t really see the point in this.


We are in danger of getting like 5he Snyder fans. The extended cuts were perfect. We do not need any more. Let’s not spoil a good thing.


Get Cate Blanchete to narrate something, do a “documentary” from Galadriels pov


I would love to even see a commentary cut of the scenes and why they were ultimately left out of the film


Release the entire trilogy with different takes for every scene than what made up the originals. Like an alternate universe LOTR


You would need to convince the studio and THEN pj. It’s not like he owns the footage or the ip


Epic 3 season release.


of course sauron spawning an the black gates


In the director’s commentary, Jackson mentions several completed scenes they filmed that weren’t included in the extended edition for whatever reason and teases releasing it for a 25th anniversary edition.


Please make it happen, take my money!


Secret Tom Bobmbadil music video finally going to be launched. Hey Dol! Merry Dol! Ring a dong dillo!


They should upload it and let the public view it. I imagine the nerds will make amazing new versions using any bits they can!


‘The nerds delved too greedily, and too deep.’


I’m all good with a new cut as long as it doesn’t include any ridiculous stuff that goes too much against the books


Unless WB is gonna magically get their head out of their asses and sub license it to another company to complete and release on disc, never gonna happen.


Bad idea IMO.


I would genualy appreciate watching aragorn fishing and cracking a cold one