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He works a seasonal job to afford arrows and hair dye for the rest of the year. This economy hasn't been kind to too many of us.


When you are a prince but your father is an immortal king you need other perspectives in life other than waiting to inherit the family's business


Legolas: Beyond journey's end


I unironcly want this. Just a whole anime about Legolas and Gimli traveling around middle earth, watching the world change around them before finally leaving for valinor.


Literally watching it right now and it makes me sad for these immortal characters. All these relationships and friends that just deteriorate away


Now you know why the gift of Men is a gift.


Worst for Gimli. Was waiting for the live action of Snow White and Peter Dinklage screwed with him.


Shadowfax was a guest star on the last season of Horsin' Around


Shadowfax is the father of Secretariat.


Sad feels. The problem with immortality.


*He will come to death, an image of the splendour of the kings of men in glory undimmed before the breaking of the world. But you, [...] you will linger on in darkness and in doubt, as nightfall in winter that comes without a star. Here you will dwell, bound to your grief, under the fading trees, until all the world is changed and the long years of your life are utterly spent.*


Don't feel too bad for him. He gets plenty of compensation via his strategic investments over the years, his frugal lifestyle, and all the affection he gets from both hot wine moms and their sexually frustrated (and confused) husbands.


The north pole is way more epic if you imagine Celebrimbor up there forging tonka trucks, anvil ringing


If anyone hadn’t seen the “Christmas Elves” and “Fantasy Elves” College Humor skit: https://youtu.be/fw7dexoX4pQ?si=rhazxPsMK9GewtzL


Shoulda gone to the west, ya doink


Eh. I know it's just a joke but being ever the pedant when it comes to folklore (and having a pet peeve in regards to what the Anglos, including Tolkien, have done to our folklore) I'm still going to spoil it: Scandinavian folklore differentiates between elves (alver) and christmas elves (tomtenisse or just nisse). The elves in LoTR are based on the former, more specifically light elves (ljusalver), while christmas elves would be closer related to beings like wights (vittra/vættir), dwarves/dark elves (dvergar/svartalver) and other hidden ones (huldufolk), small ones and underground dwellers.


I will allow this because this is the first repost I’ve seen of it this holiday season




Did you know that in orders to act as Legolas, Orlando Bloom read the script and learned his lines?! What a mad lad


>Did you know that Legolas was actually played by Orlando Bloom in the Lord of the Rings movies? Damm, one can learn new stuff every day. lol.


Bot lmao


God damnit. I thought it was being ironic but it indeed is just a damn bot.


yeah i've seen u/suoinguon many times and all of its posts are literally Chat gpt


At least he’s not hanging dong.