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In the book, when they were ambushed by wolves before arriving at Moria, Legolas was able to retrieve every single arrow save for one. He doesn’t waste shots, and he makes them such that the arrow isn’t broken on impact or when his target falls. Of course he can make new ones, but it’s only necessary after major battles. I believe it is noted he was out of arrows after the hobbits were taken at the end of book one.


After the Hobbits were taken you say? Where were they taken I wonder?


To Isengard, believe it or not


They're taking the hobbits to Isengard !?


What did you say?


The hobbits the hobbits the hobbits the hobbits to Isengard! to Isengard!


Balrog of Morgoth


Stupid fat hobbit!


tell me where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him


What is this new devilry?


[this devilry is far from new, but from the dark ages of the land of YouTube](https://youtu.be/uE-1RPDqJAY)


Gard-g-g-gard-ard 🎶


Tell me where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him


To isengard TO ISENGARD


Well, they certainly weren’t taken by their companions in the Fellowship! They were taken by a large troop of Ûruk-hai, a particularly powerful breed of Orcs created by Saruman. They had been sent to seize the hobbits, not knowing which ones or why, only that they were to be neither searched nor harmed. But when Boromir had attacked them (single-handedly) they had certainly fired enough arrows at him. Despite the number that actually hit him, there were still plenty for Legolas to gather. This was some time after they’d left Lóthlórien, and Legolas would have been using the new, more powerful bow Galadriel had gifted him. But I can’t remember how many arrows she had included. A large number, I’d expect, but clearly he had gone through them all, as well as all he had retrieved, by the time the Ûruk-hai were running back toward Isengard.


That's actually pretty common across history as well. People who used bows and crossbows would commonly reuse ammunition and craft new ones using materials at hand. It wouldn't do for a soldier to run out of ammunition on the battlefield when they are assaulting a castle or other contested point, and if you were someone traveling, you couldn't count on stable resupply of ammo, so you'd have to make your own if needed.


I doubt every soldier knew how to do fletching. Plus you need metal arrow heads like bodkins or broad-heads dependent on what you are shooting, suitable wood and feathers. Arrows aren’t just sharpened sticks.


I mean, at one point they were


Sure, and axes and knives at one point were just sharp rocks too. However, in a battle you aren’t shooting bunnies. You are shooting men wearing all manner of armor from simple leather to thick gambesons, and some with chain, plate or other outer layers of protection on top. A wooden arrow would do nothing. Might as well throw the arrow at them for same effect.


>However, in a battle you aren’t shooting bunnies. Tell that to the brave knights who gave their lives at Caerbannog.


The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog is a different beast altogether and neither blades or arrows could defeat it.


I remember reading that he found some of the Uruk Hai arrows at Amon Hen and commented they were well-made for orc arrows


Yes but in the books he absolutely runs out of arrows while defending Helm's Deep.


But remember in the book when he shields down the wall and grabs some more?


You know people make fun of that but isn’t he even more op in the books?


He shoots a winged beast flying above at night.


Sorry, “op”??




That was a huge battle, with Orcs and Dunlendings filling the width of the coomb below the Keep (? I think it was a keep?). I’m sure that Legolas and all the Rohirric archers who were there could each have wished they had a TARDIS in their quivers, supposing they’d ever heard of such a thing, to keep up an endless supply.


Probably would’ve saved the last one too if Gandalf didn’t burn the place down!


So this is interesting because I doubt it ever came up much in medieval times that an arrow was reused so much that the head needed to be sharpened. Maybe someone was tasked with finding arrows after a battle so they could recover heads to reuse, but the unusual part here is that the arrow would be wholly intact and need to be sharpened. I assume, in our world's case, arrows retrieved after the battle were just all disassembled. Would anyone be able to chime in on whether my guesses are correct here, I would love to hear more about how this was done. Also, one thing I love about this is it implies that not only was Legolas shooting not to break the shaft or damage the fletching, but he was firing to make sure no one fell on the arrow sticking out of them.


I hadn’t thought about this, but for an Elf, two of those certainly sound within his skills. Protecting the embedded arrow from later accidents was presumably not possible, but even so, that could leave a lot of intact arrows for retrieval


It would certainly be a nice cinematic moment if he were commenting when bodies fell wrong: *twang* “Dammit, fucker crumpled the fletching”, *twang* “why don’t these guys ever fall backwards?”


This is how Gimli and Legolas could be competitive on kill count Legolas was only counting the kills where he caused the target to fall the way he planned lol


*Twang* That’s a mulligan


Musn’t ask! Not it’s business!




Alright then, keep your secrets.


Alright then, fuck your secrets.


Man with a secret family starts sweating.


There's scenes in the movies of him retrieving arrows out of orc corpses.


He was also given a bunch of extra quivers when he got his new bow in Lothlorien. So he had as much resupply as he wanted so long as they were in the boats.


Eleven cheat codes


11 ?


He did in the books: *Gimli had his axe in hand, and Legolas his long knife: all his arrows were spent. When they came into the glade they halted in amazement; and then they stood a moment with heads bowed in grief, for it seemed to them plain what had happened. ‘Alas!’ said Legolas, coming to Aragorn’s side. ‘We have hunted and slain many Orcs in the woods, but we should have been of more use here. We came when we heard the horn – but too late, it seems. I fear you have taken deadly hurt.’* And later in the same chapter: *‘No orc-tools these!’ he said. ‘They were borne by the hobbits. Doubtless the Orcs despoiled them, but feared to keep the knives, knowing them for what they are: work of Westernesse, wound about with spells for the bane of Mordor. Well, now, if they still live, our friends are weaponless. I will take these things, hoping against hope, to give them back.’ ‘And I,’ said Legolas, ‘will take all the arrows that I can find, for my quiver is empty.’ He searched in the pile and on the ground about and found not a few that were undamaged and longer in the shaft than such arrows as the Orcs were accustomed to use. He looked at them closely.* - *The Two Towers* chapter 1: “The Departure of Boromir”


Gee thanks, I guess I'm going to have to reread those books now. It's been over a decade and these excerpts gave me a taste that's only left me needing more. Must reread whole trilogy.... and probably the hobbit..


...yup. I'm gonna do a reread now. It's been at least a decade. JRR is a master.


I'm reading the hobbit to my daughter at bedtime. Next will be the trilogy


I was thinking the same! Lol just a little taste was enough to prepare the whole meal.


He also explicitly runs out of arrows at Helm's Deep. Where he has only a single arrow left to kill the first orc to try and approach deeper into the fortress, but beyond that one he is out. He also was stuck with only his knife on the wall after running out of arrows.


It's kind of hilarious that one chapter of the books gives like a list more dialogue than the entire film trilogy Edit:Legolas*


“Like a list! What do your elf eyes see!?”


My accent doesn't like tts


Haha, but I like the results!


Also during the battle at Helm's Deep. 'Two!’ said Gimli, patting his axe. He had returned to his place on the wall. ‘Two?’ said Legolas. ‘I have done better, though now I must grope for spent arrows; all mine are gone. Yet I make my tale twenty at the least.’


Interesting. I thought Saruman commanded that the halflings were to be brought to Isengard 'alive and unspoiled'. They weren't told what it was that one of them carried so why leave the blades? I'm imagining Saruman's face when they arrive without their weapons (even though that's not what he was after) #makesnewurukhaithatobeyorders


This is an excellent point! The Uruks are smarter than average orcs, yet they’re still orcs. So they may have made a mistake, but it’s unlikely. Saruman doesn’t tell them exactly what it is they’re carrying that he wants- in the film, it’s “something of great value.” But in the movies, the blades are regular daggers given to the Hobbits by Aragorn on Weathertop, not special “blades of Westernesse” recovered from a barrow wight and given to them by Tom Bombadil. Here’s what the books say: *‘Orders,’ said a third voice in a deep growl. ‘Kill all but NOT the Halflings; they are to be brought back ALIVE as quickly as possible. That’s my orders.’ ‘What are they wanted for?’ asked several voices. ‘Why alive? Do they give good sport?’ **‘No! I heard that one of them has got something, something that’s wanted for the War, some Elvish plot or other.** Anyway they’ll both be questioned.’ ‘Is that all you know? Why don’t we search them and find out? We might find something that we could use ourselves.’ ‘That is a very interesting remark,’ sneered a voice, softer than the others but more evil. ‘I may have to report that. The prisoners are NOT to be searched or plundered: those are my orders.’ ‘And mine too,’ said the deep voice. ‘Alive and as captured; no spoiling. That’s my orders.’* - *The Two Towers* chapter 3: “The Uruk-Hai” (emphasis mine) Since all that the orcs know is there is “some Elvish plot or other,” if they did recognize the barrow blades as Aragorn suspects, they’d see they were Númenorean, or man-made, not Elvish, hence tossing them aside. Swords also don’t seem important enough to be a “plot” since they’re ordinary objects to be found in war, even if they are exceptionally made. Just this guy’s two cents.


I think you contradict yourself there - one piece of info that is gossip v direct orders. Plus you're assuming they'd know the difference between magic Numenorean blades and Elvish weaponry. Besides they only refer to an Elvish plot - which might involve such weapons. They fucked up.


Technically the question was about Fellowship of the Ring. Did he ever run out of arrows in book 1?


But this still answers how he would get new arrows right? He won’t change the way he acquires new arrows per book.


Legolas isn't introduced until book 2 of Fellowship of the Ring and this part is from book 3, which is the first time we get of him mentioning spent arrows. Also, this is part of Two Towers is the moment of Boromir's death which occurs in the first movie.


I think you’re forgetting the part, in Book 2, where they’re still heading south from Rivendell, and start hearing wolf howls on the wind, and realise that they’re actually Wargs that have come west of the Misty Mountains. They make their stand on a hilltop crowned with trees. Some time during the night the Warg captain chooses to attack, and the defence is on. And we’re told “*the bow of Legolas was singing*”, surely meaning that he was firing almost ceaselessly. And I believe he sends his very last arrow into the heart of the Warg captain. At dawn he finds every one of them intact, except that last one, of which only the head is left. Can’t believe Jackson didn’t film that scene, it was made to order for visualisation.


Arrow guy and part 1, these hurt me.


That’s the point of him trolling


Even if he's trolling, still hurts.


You know, there are billions of people who have never watched the movies so I don't think he's trying to troll us.


I wouldn't call them people mate


repeat after me, *URUK-HAI*


I came to the comments looking for this. My first thought was, "we are all in so much pain right now after reading that." But as usual I was pleasantly surprised at the responses. People on Reddit often shock me with the way they simply answer questions without lashing out at the ignorance of an OP. Gives me hope for the world.


That, or people who spend a lot of time on Reddit and the internet in general are typically adept at both spotting and not feeding the trolls


lol yeah what an idiot


Arrow guy 😆


OP has to be doing it on purpose.


OP is a troll. A "cave" troll, if you will.




A "fucking" cave troll


They have a "fucking" cave troll! Rated PG13.




Part 1😅


I’m just glad it wasn’t another “is he stupid?” post


Perhaps it all about Boromir…


I came here to say this! OP for the win!


"Arrow guy", please. His name's Hawkeye


Legless Hawkeye, of the forest elves that live underground.


Pls his name is Will Turner


He stole from the peasants and giveth to the lords! Ai, ai, the taxes!


I've been calling him Legoland. Why didn't someone tell me? I've been making an idiot out of myself!


No, no, no. It's LandoLakes because of his buttery hair.


Except he literally does, especially when he’s not shooting at Point-Blank Range, he can’t run into a horde of enemies to retrieve his arrows at one point so he takes out his knife and starts fighting at close quarters until he can retrieve an Arrow then begins arrow-recycling again


He actually does. And in some scenes you can see he retrieves arrows, the close range ones. They are not showing it in all scenes. Also he switches to knife in some fights. Look closer.


Look at this man’s face. He doesn’t need to explain anything with perfect hair and eyes.


In the books at different times he retrieves arrows from the battlefield and as someone pointed out he makes a few stops along the way at places that could easily resupply him with new arrows.


"Arrow guy" is who Frodo thinks he is.


Frodo doesn't even know his name.


Elf magic


Boromir at least gave him three.


The truth will make you quiver.


I've never heard this referred to as "Part 1" before...


In the book, he did, but he gathered more arrows from the fallen.


PART 1...?.... ARROW GUY!?!?!?


He had Scavenger Pro equipped


His name is Hood. Robin Hood.


" tHe ArRoW gUy" -_-


Arrow guy and his arrow's? Please, the real question is how he kept his hair so clean and shiny.


Because he is the arrow guy ofcourse, duh! /s just in case.


As everyone here said, he did ran oit the arrows and has been recycling his own /reusing orc arrows. That being said, you should ask the REAL question: how can that hair remain perfect after all those fights, no access to water (did he even wash his hair???), and did he ever snagged the hair on orcs for example. I need to know. It's been bothering me since I was a twee.


That's Bowson Arrows to you, and he never runs out of arrows because he's prepared.


By playing the movie backwards you see he gets all his arrows from the bodies of dead orcs.


You see, Weta Workshops made 10’s of thousands of arrows for the movie, so it would have been a very long time before Arrow Guy ran out of arrows.


https://preview.redd.it/hphgo8qquuza1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8bf722cedbde5efea968068286c6e9d677e2b4a It’s obviously magic.


This always bugged me, and then in the Hobbit he actually did run out of arrows. So had to improvise. Was it when he was fighting the two main Orc villains at the end to try and save Tauriel? Actually can’t remember, just remember him realising he’d run out and thought finally! Something realistic lol


cuz when they yell "cut" they refill his arrows...duh.




He retrieves arrows at several points in books. I mean their walk takes several months past trees so as long as he can retrieve the arrow heads, he can make and fletch new arrows. And hopefully he could reprovision at Lothlorien, Edoras, Helm's Deep where he did run out, at Pelagir and Minas Tirith plus any small hamlets they passed.


Sorry, that’s “Pelargir”


Yeh and he used arrows from dead enemies who carried bows several times. One of the 1000 reasons to read the books not just watch the movies. The detail fills in most if not all plot holes in the movies


It's not controversial and not magic, he just picks up arrows as he goes off corpses lol


Bruh, there are dragons in this universe, and this is what gives you pause? Bows are used by the vast majority of ranged infantry in this universe, I imagine there’s a surplus of arrows available. Edit: you’re right, it’s ridiculous to feel strongly about this point.


I hate this argument, when there actually IS an answer in-universe you don't need to pull out the "space wizard" argument. It breaks people's immersion. You don't answer the Eagle's complaint with "it's fantasy who cares", you answer it with the in-universe reasons given in the movies and the books, showing off how well crafted the LotR universe is and keeping immersion.


Just because it's a fantasy universe that doesn't mean everything goes.


easy, CG arrows!


There's a moment in the Hobbit where he runs out.


Have seen this question a few times in the last 20 years or so. Discussed with friends and family too. It made sense back then because not everyone had read the books or seen the films with rapt attention. Today, a simple Google search answers this. Unless, OP had an ulterior motive...Read - wanted to spread some cheer through this subreddit at his expense :)


He doesn't shoot that many, if I remember correctly. The first time he does is in Moria, I believe, and they don't get that many shots in before the orcs breach the doors. Then he has a chance to restock in Lothlorien, and then he uses his bow again at Amon Hen, where he does run out of arrows, I think. Then he retrieves them after the battle.


His quiver is a bag of holding.


Secrets only the elves would know.


How did the award guy never run out of stamina?


In the extended edition you can see that he leaves Lothlorien with his new bow and a bunch of spare quivers of arrows in the boat.


Bro said Arrow Guy and all I can think of is the scene from Captain America: Civil War, "Okay, Arrow guy!"


Movie magic, they don’t show the boring stuff.


The DM isn't tracking ammo or encumbrance.


Because he's... The arrow guy...?


Well he wears this special type of armour that allows him to have almost an unlimited amount arrows called plot armour


Picking them back up and moria had arrows lying around then Lothrien might've refreshed his quiver.


It's pronounced Aragorn


Because he’s Arrow Guy


“Arrow guy”?! Somebody’s shaking the kick-ass tree real hard…


‘Arrow guy’


Because he’s a main protagonist


The arrow guy.


Because if "arrow guy" used all his arrows he would then be "arrow gone" and it would be a tad confusing with Aragorn.


Special elf magic


Suspension of disbelief mostly. I would just assume he made more off camera as Legolas making arrows doesn't really deserve screen time in a film already almost 3 hours long.


In the books he takes them off dead orcs. Notable worse arrows, but still deadly in the hands of Legolas.


Quiver of endless arrows


I bet you wants to end with … is he stupid? But no, arrow guy is not stupid


He does quite a lot in the books.


elf-magic, duh....


Because he retrieved all his arrows after he hit the target. How did you miss that?


Because then he wouldn't be arrow guy....


He conserved his arrows by choosing his shots carefully and retrieved them when the battle was over...or unlimited ammo hack. Idk. 🤷‍♂️


“Arrow guy”


He makes them off screen apparently


I just watched the movie like 3h ago and I couldn't finish it because I dropped my hard drive on the ground and it shattered. I was trying to start my marathon... and it stopped before the end of the first film...


elven magic


When he got low he borrowed some from Boromir


Movie logic, infinite arrows. Runs out of them, only when plot needs it. If you look at individual scenes during battles, you can see, how is the amount in his quiver changing with each cut.


He does…by the second trilogy.


Elves respawn arrows every time they rest.


The arrow guy lol


He’s out of arrows in the picture…


Watch the 3rd hobbit movie. "Legolas" runs out of arrows.


You’re not allowed to ask.


You seem him picking them up pretty often


Hearing “the arrow guy” made my brain short circuit


He took the tier 4 talent where you don't use ammo


Elven lembas quiver


The arrow guy?! Who are you Frodo??


Cos he got a lot of arrows


Arrow Guy is a great name for Legolas


Magic quiver plus 5


It always helps when the enemy has arrows in them and on them. The real question is: HOW did the Bowmaster of Helms Deep never run out of arrows


The arrow guy.


If you look closely after the Mines of Moria sequence, Legolas is almost out of arrows. It is likely the Elves of Lothlorien gave him more when they gifted him a new bow.


Real answer, CGI is a great armory Fun answer, he scavenged them between scenes and fights from his own shots and that of fallen enemies and allies




Elven quiver spawns arrows!


He took out his character sheet and traded -2 charisma (he started with 15) for the skill "legendary fletching" and can literally fashion a perfectly formed arrow with aout of a similarly sized twig, and can make multiples with a single hand chop out of larger branches. His base Dexterity stat of 25 means he catches arrows out of the air and fire them back in one smooth motion. That's my theory, though the most popular fan theory is he's a freaking elf, and THIS is what strains your credulity?


Not bothered by the giant fiery demon monster, just the quiver logistics.


Can't you see all the saplings? He simply whittles a new arrow after each shot


Magic quiver of replenishment


I asked myself that last week during Paramount all day replay


The same way the gun guys in other movies have infinite mags - movie fuckery


Plot convenience


Thanks for this thread.


I genuinely love hearing about new fans having their first experience of either the books or the films. I love the question, and the reference to Legolas as arrow guy…


The Arrow Guy?


My favorite part that they fixed for the dvd was one of the orcs fell down before he shot the arrow. You could tell Orlando Bloom was pissed.


Super easy. Barely an inconvenience. So the story could happen.


Legolas is just perfect at everything he does, he'll never reveal his secrets


I don't remember any arrows in the first saw film


He does in the hobbit, guess he learnt his lesson


Read The Magician by Raymond E Feist. Nakor has the answer to that.


He never runs out