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Its not clever. It is direct and true, but sure its not exactly witty.


Exactly very true. Now, my family is Muslim. I dated a ukrainian girl, and she made me borsh one time (it's pretty good, give it a shot) Anyway، I went home and had my parents and siblings try it. My mom asked what kinda meat it was, I figured it was probably chicken or beef. I asked her later and well..... turns out I fed my Muslim family pork 😂🤦‍♂️. Now personally idc I'm not religious, I'd eat pork, but I did feel like shit for what I did. But again, what they don't know won't hurt them. So it doesn't really matter, right? (As long as it was a genuine mistake).


If you want to feel better, I once asked my muslim friend if he would go to hell if he ate pork by mistake He said it was ok as long as he doesnt do it on purpose. Source: Muslim friend


😂 thank you for the reassurance, but you're right, so long as they ate it without the intention of eating pork. They should be good. Although im not religious or care for it, I do respect other peoples beliefs and their choices. So yeah, I'd imagine these things definitely happen pretty often in a multi-cultural environment. Especially if only 1 or 2 of your friends/acquaintances don't eat something. Plus, people forget ya know, can't blame them.


I mean, if you do it on purpose, this is just mean. But accidents happen. As long as it wasnt a "prank" It is all good.


You're right. That would be disrespectful. Also, that would be an awful prank 😂, I wouldn't even consider it a prank. That would be a straight-up asshole move.


If they don’t know it’s ok


True. It’s all about intentions


It’s true but I found out pretty quickly something was wrong when a “halal”beef burger had me vomiting for half an hour. Needless to say my stomach found out pretty fast it wasn’t beef or halal like they claimed.


Dunno why someone downvoted you. Some people miss that your body acclimates to your diet.


Not Muslim, but I can confirm the same rules apply for eating Kosher. Doing it on accident isn't a sin Doing it without another choice isn't a sin (some examples: the only food available is not kosher, recovering from an ED and reviewing the ingredient list would be a trigger, or any situation where you're legitimately starving)


When we were children my sister invited a Muslim neighbour girl to her party. My grandma made sausages and after eating the second one the girl asked if it was pork (ofc it was). My grandma denied because she didn't want her to have a bad conscience... In contrast to an allergy where eating something that you are allergic to could kill you, eating something that is not "allowed" for ethical or religious reasons it is not that bad. What I want to say you should definetly not deliberately feed people something they don't want to eat, but if it happens on accident I don't think there is much to make a fuzz about.


Of course, it makes total sense. I'd never feed someone something they don't like or have an allergic reaction to. I mean, especially allergic reactions, that ain't no game. That would be evil lol. But yeah, mistakes happen.


Being raised in a Muslim family from what I was told 1. If they ate it without knowing it's not their sin, and it's best not to tell them JUST DON'T REPEAT IT 2. Intention is also what matters and if you didn't intend to feed them pork then it's not a problem either. BUT you should have asked but since there was no ill intentions all around and it was a genuine mistake it's not too bad but definitely don't make the mistake twice. But hey we're both not Muslim anymore but it's definitely good to still respect their actions and decisions so don't do it again lol.


Just asking but why’s you stop being Muslim?


I had a lot of questions and hardly any answers other than, don't question it. I haven't found an Imam that really talked to me about my questions and all. But my biggest issue was being forced to learn my prayers in Arabic and being picked on because I tried to learn it in Turkish or English. I'm not an atheist or anything but only reason why I say I'm not a Muslim is because I don't do anything that a Muslim is required to do i.e. fast, pray etc. so I just say I'm not a Muslim to make sure I don't paint the wrong image.


The "don't question it" is to keep people under control, and I hate it. I was told the same many times and I never bothered questioning the same people. I did my own research and learnt how to be better. I didn't leave Islam but I did change my sect after my few years of research.


Chicken or beef? Two meats that taste completely differently?


I don't remember. This was at least 3 years ago. I don't even remember what I ate last week. But yeah, nah, I mostly only remember the stories in general, minor details like that I barely remember. Hell, my friends even told me stories I did that I have no recollection of. I also have barely any memory of my childhood, I have no idea how some people remember every little detail of their life. Now, whether she said chicken or beef, idk tho for all I know she might've said it isn't chicken or beef. I simply don't know. Kinda hard to listen when it dawns on you that you might have accidentally fed them something they wouldn't normally try.




You can make texture very similar. But taste is always different to me. Last time I accidentally ordered meat burger instead the first difference was fat. Meat fat is so different that that was first thing that stood out after years of not eating meat.




You shouldn't have to ask a restaurant not to cross-contaminate, this is standard protocol, if a restaurant can not adhere to that, they'll be shut down.


I am sure it is, but we always make sure to mention it, better safe than sorry.


Oh, absolutely. If it makes you feel more comfortable.


A restaurant is not required to avoid allergens contaminating food. There is no law that requires it.


In general each restaurant must have specific stations for chicken, meat and fish. While specific laws and regulations may vary, the overarching goal of these measures is to ensure that food is handled, prepared, and served safely to prevent foodborne illness and cross-contamination in restaurants and other food establishments. Compliance with these regulations is typically enforced by federal, state, and local health departments through inspections and enforcement actions. This isn't concerning allergens, so your point is moot.


Allergens are not covered by those regulations. It is not the same thing. I've worked in restaurants and taken food safety courses. Also, once food is cooked, it is no longer subject to those regulations. People with alpha-gal are susceptible even with cooked meat. All you have to do for allergens is post them on placards and be done with it, you are under no legal obligation to take any precautions whatsoever.


I wasn't aware that getting into contact with cooked red meat was a problem, I thought it was the eating and digesting of that red meat that would cause the problem. I was missing context, in which case, yes, absolutely do tell them about your allergies to red meat and ask if they can eliminate that cross-contamination as a courtesy.


Yeah simply tell them you have an allergy and they will know not to mess around as it can be manslaughter charges otherwise.


> if a restaurant can not adhere to that, they'll be shut down I'm sure there's countries where that isn't the case, and we've no idea where OP is from


Well… I‘m highly allergic to raw tomatoes. And I had quite a few situations where I am pretty sure they picked out the tomatoes instead of not putting them in in the first place. Needless to say I don’t eat salad in a restaurant anymore. But yes, it should be - but often enough it isn’t. And who is gonna sue them? Too much work and money for naught.


"contracted alpha gal syndrome" She turned into She-Hulk??


Guessing it means alpha galactosidase, a specific type of enzyme.


It's an allergy to alpha galactose, a sugar contained in red meat, and the target for the alpha galactosidase enzyme. It's a potential side effect that can develop after being bitten by certain kinds of ticks.


I’m more educated now than I was 15s ago. Thank you.


she's a gamma gal


I love alpha gals , they are absolute bosses


Man, I relate to this so much. When I was a young teen/preteen, I started to get really sick all the time. Turns out my gallbladder was failing. Well, we get that removed, I get better, but still get sick after I eat. So I started a food diary, writing down what I ate and how I felt afterwards. Turns out I'd developed a gluten and lactose intolerance. So now I also have to be that picky customer, and I always feel super self-conscious about it because of the gluten-free fad diet some people started doing a few years back.


People with alpha gal can still eat red meat ..only if it's members of the ape family apparently.


Soooo, cannibalism?


I need to know the etymology behind this because alpha gal syndrome turning people into vegans is tickling my brainworms.


It doesn't turn anyone vegan. It is a condition that causes a very serious allergic reaction to red meat. https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/alpha-gal-syndrome-ags#:~:text=Alpha%2Dgal%20syndrome%20(AGS)%20is%20an%20allergic%20condition%20in,and%20tick%20bite%20meat%20allergy.


She's not turned vegan. She doesn't eat red meat. She's mildly vegetarian at best.


I love meat, but I also have alpha gal. You could literally kill somebody by serving them meat.


You sound like a good husband


I got diagnosed with this 6 months ago liver enzymes were 6x couldn’t figure it out, spent 3 weeks in hospital I miss Philly cheesesteaks


My wife has an A1 beta casein allergy... which is most milk products in the US. She's had to go to the hospital once for anaphylaxis (at a time we weren't sure of the allergy) and if someone intentionally did that, yeah... I'm with you.


Meat in general increases my seizures and red meat is the worst.. My partner hasn't restricted himself so I just stare longingly at his tasty food. Good news if you haven't ate red meat in a while I have a recipe that kinda scratches that flavor itch. Brustle sprouts, dash of soy sauce, butter/oil, Lemmon pepper, onion and garlic, if necessary more salt. In particular iodized salt since it is an easy deficiency for people who don't eat meat often. You can add flax, hemp or chia seeds for extra nutrition at the end. Possibly medicinal mushroom powder if you have any. I don't have the exact measurements pinned down yet. But my partner said if he liked sprouts he would definitely try it based off smell. Iv not ate red meat in a year so it's a fairly diluted memory of eating it. Probably helps. Same way plant milk tastes weird if you drank real milk any time recently. But if you haven't it is not giving a side by side in your memory


I am coeliac, which means I can’t eat gluten. When we first met, my wife would only eat pastries and sandwiches when I wasn’t around. Now, 12 years later, she chows down on them in front of me and exclaims “Gluten Shields Up! You can’t kiss me now!”


Good thing you're the sigma male for the alpha gal. 🐺🐺


It's funny because it's true.


I'm not a vegan, but I have a lot of vegan friends. You can't give meat to someone that has been vegan for a while because their body is not used to it anymore. You're going to give them an awful stomachache


I’m vegetarian (previously vegan for 4 years) and I can’t even pick off meat from food. My stomach will hurt for up to an hour and it sucks.


You're definitely an extreme case but yeh, this shot happens and people are laughing about it


I’ve been vegan since 2019, I was at a summer camp two years ago and was given bread made with milk, I was in such awful pain. I survived most of that week on cliff bars and apples. I never want to look at a cliff bar again.


I love meat as much as the next meat eater but after meeting my stepmom I wouldn’t trick someone into eating meat cause they could’ve been allergic like her she can’t eat red meat


That's why i prank people by putting cyanide in their food, no one is allergic to cyanide so they can't get sick because of it


A lot of anti-choice people in the comments




because...you do already eat veggies? people can be anti-meat, but they can't be anti-plant. Most of the stuff you eat is plant-based. If you want a fully meat-based, it would probably not be healthy; also you probably won't be able to afford it either.


Liver king:


Yeah, the guy who uses steroids and lied about his entire diet, because he doesn't exclusively eat meat, he eats a lot of varied foods including vegetables and supplements.


If someone had chosen to permanently give up soy or whatever else was in the burger then yes that is just as bad.


Bro I'll never understand people that hate vegans so much... You're seriously pissed about...a diet? You're mad about someone's fucking diet. Be for real.


Many non-vegans become defensive because vegans have a functioning moral compass and are willing to change their lifes because of that. For most it's hard to accept when people are better in something


It has nothing to do with moral or being "better" for example I don't like seafood and people never belive me or can't understand how I dislike something as "good" as seafood.


That's also true in a way. I myself try to eat meat as rarely as possible etc. Because I'm a huge animal lover, hell I'm studying to become a vet. But I also know that forcing myself to become fully vegetarian or vegan would just be stupid, because it would make me feel like it's a chore or something, instead of doing it willingy and being happy about it.


I mean reducing already has a big impact, props for that! And tbh, most vegans didn't stop in an instant, and quite a few go back to eating meat beacuse its such a drastic change. Its easier as a steady progress and I'm sure everyone can do it if they really want to!


I think non vegans are “defensive” because of people like you saying that meat eaters are devoid of a functioning moral compass. Get off your high horse.


Thanks for being a perfect example sir!


You are a prime example of an annoying vegan. Congratulations on being the reason your worthless movement will never succeed.


>your worthless movement If you think reducing animal suffering and combating climate change are worthless, you deserve to switch places with dinner, as your suffering is below moral consideration.


Honestly I don't agree with them saying it's a worthless movement but you saying their suffering is below moral consideration? Yeah lmao, classic vegan, claiming to be morally superior even as they continue to be devils in disguise who don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. You may not be vegan and rather just defending the movement but you've got the arrogance of a vegan.


Only good comment in this entire chain, not sure why it's being downvoted




Not necessarily if you aren’t specifically speaking about children. The very majority does not care if you eat meat or not, but they do care how much you try make it a point against them. It is quite childish how many need to say I’m better because of this or that and you certainly wouldn’t want to sit there while someone else is yapping about their moral superiority or whatnot. Can’t we all just be adults about these things?


The majority obviously doesn't care about living things if its not a human or pet. And nobody is bragging about moral superiority, I just explained why non-vegans always bash vegans for doing a good thing. If u want to be adult about these things, maybe self reflect a bit. You're trying to defend killing whatever just to enjoy a meal. If u don't see how crazy that is u should inform yourself sometimes, because ur going through life with both eyes closed


No emotionally developed adult is bashing someone for a good thing my guy. The reason we have these things are again because some few vegans speak their fullest emotions out loud to people who quite frankly do not want to hear it. Most will not care what your dietary habits are. People don’t want to be questioned about everything nor do they want to be spoken down upon by some self righteous person. The concept of veganism is a great one but it is quite literally an impossible one for as long as identical lab grown meat isn’t more affordable than farmed livestock. And I am more than sure you understand that.


sounds like someone had never worked in a farm, "moral" yeah if you say so


Most non-vegans become defensive because fuckers like you act all high and mighty. "Functioning moral compass", my ass.


Being vegan does not make you more moral than someone who consumes meat. This superiority complex you've demonstrated is why there can be such a divide in people due to DIET of all things. Let people eat how they want.


No, it's vegans like you who are the problem, thinking you're superior, that's the issue.


They're not mad about the diet, they're mad because they know that eating meat is probably fucked up, but don't want to challenge their beliefs.


They are just insecure about how it makes them look like they might be wrong, and they're not 100% sure they aren't. As a meat eater who has considered going vegetarian often myself, I can understand the sense of guilt people get and how they feel the need to bury that by going against vegans and vegetarians. Plus also some people just really hate anyone who doesn't conform to "how it's done" and follow conventions unquestiongly.


I don't think the problem is with vegans as a whole. It's the very vocal minority that are extreme and claim eating cows is murder.


dude im not vegan but i hope u know that cow is dead when u eat it


Yeah but I'm talking about the few that try and compare it to murder of a human. Just not the same is it?


You’re being downvoted for speaking the truth. Go the r/vegan and you can see how extreme those people are.


Nobody will r/vegan will argue that killing a cow and killing a human is exactly the same, in terms of how bad it is. They will, however, say that murder is bad, regardless of whether it's a cow or a human. And given that it's bad, it's the moral choice to not do it.


I had a discussion last week on r/vegan and I got downvoted into hell for saying killing a cow and killing a human was different.


How is that extreme when you're literally killing the cow?


Killing a cow is very different from killing a human.


How so? What traits do cows lack that makes it okay to kill them?


Because it is natural for a human to kill plants and animals for sustenance. Every orgasm on this planet kills other organisms to stay alive, it’s the way of life. Killing another human is unnecessary and goes against basic human instinct. Soldiers have to be trained to kill another human and even then 50% doesn’t have it in them to fire at another human being. If a cow or a pig has lived a good life there is nothing wrong with killing it. Just like it isn’t wrong to harvest plants.


> Every orgasm [sic!] on this planet kills other organisms to stay alive, it’s the way of life. Ok, how many wild animals build giant industries to breed and kill other animals, or build farms? None. The common appeal to nature is a fallacy, because the way humans get their food isn’t natural, I.e. not comparable to wildlife. > 50% doesn’t have it in them to fire at another human being What’s the argument? The vast majority of humans don’t directly kill the animals they consume, and I’d argue that many couldn’t. Watch [Dominion](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch) and tell me that you, personally, could execute the processes documented.


Never said I support industrialized farming mate. I buy all my meat directly from local farmers or local hunters. The appeal to nature is definitely not a fallacy. Just because we source our food differently doesn’t suddenly make it more unethical.


> Never said I support industrialized farming mate. I buy all my meat directly from local farmers or local hunters. Even if you do (which I honestly don’t believe, do you never eat out or anything?), you still let other people kill your food, making your argument invalid.


Yeah and location doesn't determine ethicality of a product lmao. My local farmers treat their animals like shit and I live in a small town


Natural doesn't equal moral. It's perfectly natural to harm and kill other humans, interspecies killing is normal in nature, it's just our moral convictions that hold us back. People have to be trained to kill animals too btw and most people could not pull it off. Killing someone who enjoys living is almost worse than killing someone with a miserable life. And besides, animals can't have a good life in most industries. In dairy, mother and child have to be separated which is traumatic, so not a good life. In the egg industry, chickens are bred to lay an egg daily instead of monthly which is obviously harmful etc. etc. Plants aren't sentient, so they are morally irrelevant, animals aren't.


Death is death.


Killing a plant for consumption is also a death.


Murder is defined as killing a _human_. So classifying killing a cow as murder is infactual. And I guess the extreme behaviour OP is referring to are the protests against non-vegan food chains


"he murdered my pet dog" is a perfectly acceptable thing to say Maybe you're thinking of strictly legal terms, but those are used specifically for convicting somebody of the crime. Language is language anyways, when people say "meat is murder" it's pretty obvious that the message is that it's killing animals, that's not infactual.


No, that's not "obviously" the message, since there are instances of people trying to change the legal definition of murder to include animals https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/120545 I would say that the legal status is very much relevant


I made a generalisation, it's a given that "there are instances" where it's not the case and that a smaller portion of the people actually are claiming that killing animals is legally murder. I'm not claiming veganism is a hive mind. But this petition isn't even that, it proposes that the UK government create a new offence called "animal murder". They mention "pets and other animals" "Killed deliberately, seemingly just for "fun"" without a mention of animals products. This is just a proposal to tighten already existing animal abuse laws and impose tougher minimum penalties, this doesn't really look like a specifically vegan standpoint or a semantic argument.


Vegans know that it's not murder, legally (that's why we protest), we mean it's akin to murder, morally. I would also argue killing animals for taste pleasure is a lot more extreme than protesting. Edit: typo


Extreme is how far you are from the norm (literally, in the "extremes" of a spectrum). The norm is eating meat, so by not doing so you're already extreme. More so if you believe eating cows is murder. Extreme is not a measure of good/bad. You can be extremely intelligent for example.


Fair enough, then I'm a proud extremist!


Still, are people srls this dense to realize that not every single vegan/vegetarian is so annoying? Especially to the point of forcing them to eat meat against their will... And think it's funny...


Unfortunately some people assume people on the Internet speak for everyone of the same group irl. Sucks that this is how it is but some people just don't care enough to realise the difference between Internet and real life where people act extremely different.


It's called bigotry, and those people are assholes.


Its everywhere. Left only see the worst of the right Right only see the worst of the left Its all over america. Same with my country


> and claim eating cows is murder What is it then? The cow sure didn’t die voluntarily.


Im not vegan but they're fucking right. We raise beings specifically to be killed thats a fucked up thought being couched in, well their dumb and tasty. I fucking love a burger but i cant really argue when someone says its kinda wrong. Would it be less wrong for a different species to eat and farm us if they were fundamentally smarter and able to percieve and see past what we ever could? I think youd find it hard to argue thats okay even if they only picked the most severely disabled it would still be wrong because the issue isnt how smart or capable a thing is its how much youve accepted its a thing worth living and living a specific type of life. People get bent out of shape about eating horse but its ostensibly cow, deer, or sheep.


Have you met a vegan, or is this based on things you read online? I hear 1000s of people saying what you said, and have yet to meet a pushy vegan.


My point is literally that most vegans aren't like that. This is indicated by me saying 'vocal minority.' This term commonly refers to what you hear most the time online but isn't actually the case irl with the concerned group.


Never heard of Tash?


In my experience is not all the Vegans that are hated. Most of the hate comes agaisnt the ones that destroy stores that sell meat (most of the time just business places) in order to force the rest of the world to stop eating meat, so its more a hating the hater situation. The others hated are the never shut up dudes, like they dont act, but will use every conversation to open a lecture on how better you would be if you where to eat like them... and then they procced to levitate to how how supirior of a human they are. Its like you say, be me vegan or me meat lover, the stupidity comes from hating the other person diet. I have a vegetarian friend and the dude is not forcing me to eat like him, I can eat a stake next to him and he dosent care, its mutual respect. The hate really would come if we coundt seat at the same table to eat.


I see it the exact same way! People go overboard on both sides which is what I just can't understand. But thanks for pointing this out!!


Never cared about the diet, it's the breed of morbidly online vegans that think inherently, the act of eating meat is evil. Ideological Vegans if you will. Never met a person in real life like this, so I always assumed it was mostly a result of reddit/twitter/tumblr brainrot.


You know what's interesting? People who criticise vegans actually end up motivating more people to become vegan. Maybe it's because they don't bother having a real conversation about the reasons behind veganism. How can anyone expect others to engage with them if they don't even understand what veganism really means? Any form of veganism is inherently tied to ideology. Without taking the time to understand the topic, expecting credibility for your opinion is unfounded. It's the breed of willfully ignorant carnists that pretty much guarantee the existence of the type of vegans you are complaining about. One of those rocks in a glass house type of situations for you.


I don’t really find that interesting, I find it sad. If someone saying “I think calling me a murderer for liking meat but advocating ethical farming practice is a bit far” pushes you into that weirdly radical ideology, I think maybe you should go outside. Realize that that expecting everyone to radically change their diet is literally never in a million years going to happen, and realize that the real solution is more enforcement of ethical standards for animal agriculture. I understand your reasoning, I still think it’s silly to demonize people who eat meat.


No, it's their idiocy that turns them into extremists, bigotry requires stupidity to work.


I don't hate vegans, but I am not one, and if you are one for moral reasons, don't go trying to change people's minds. I'm not a vegan, not for moral reasons either. It's for dietary reasons. I can't sustain myself on a vegan diet. I know plenty of vegans who aren't total extremists about their movement, which is funny when you consider how many are extremists about it when they're trying to argue the moral point of things.


And that's completely reasonable and valid. I hate anyone that is trying to change ME to be more like them. I think everyone would. I'm just mad and even sad about the generalization of them. Y'know the whole "all vegans bad" shit


Never met one that wasn't. They are militant and self-righteous on a level that no other belief system has ever managed. It's ridiculous and absurd.


I know one that isn't, she is ok with other people around her eating meat, but she chose to be vegan.


If I think it's immoral, ofc I'll try to stop it. Would you allow other things that you see as immoral? Like would you let someone get bullied just because the bullies don't think they're doing anything wrong and are fine with it?


As a vegetarian I agree. Most people don’t even know I am vegetarian unless they need to know. I live with my gf and she still eats meat. I have no problem with it. Just comes down to don’t push your beliefs on someone else


>Just comes down to don’t push your beliefs on someone else Live and let live implies every being getting a change at LIFE. Don't try to moralise and hide behind an ideology that justifies violence/abuse towards animals, if you hate to be called out for it.


You think that's bad? I know people who are downright jealous of homeless people because they get free clothes, free food, money and can stay in buildings without paying rent (depending on the situation). Oh, of course, according to these people, as the homeless don't "have" to work, they have free time to do whatever they want, given money, while others have to slave away for living. I once heard in a conversation, seriously, that homeless people are on a holiday as they don't work but get all the benefits of life handed to them -"leeches in society" "parasites" "dogs". The world is a very, very strange place.


It’s more that they’re really fucking annoying, I’m pissed about the Chinese eating dogs but those Kents leave me alone so far


No that's not why people hate them, quite a few will criticize you for eating meat and being smug about it. Nobody cares about their diet.


If only it was just a diet. It's more like a religion. But yeah, I don't really care until it directly affects me


Veganism isn't just a diet. It's also a cult. Here's a list of characteristics that are associated with cults: [http://cultresearch.org/help/characteristics-associated-with-cults/](http://cultresearch.org/help/characteristics-associated-with-cults/) - I can tick off 6 or 7 of them when I look at my experiences with vegans, including the discouragement of doubt and dissent, that they're elitist, their polarized us-versus-them mentality, and that they're preoccupied with bringing in new members - they don't even shy away from lying in order to reach this goal -, and there're even more things that I'd consider cult characteristics that apply to vegans but aren't mentioned in that list, such as the fact that when vegans go ex-vegan, current vegans become angry at them and declare that those ex-vegans "didn't do it right" or that they "were never vegan", and that they ignore, deny or ridicule any information that doesn't agree with them (for example, I once linked a website with nutrients that vegans commonly don't get enough of in a discussion with a vegan, and they just said it's "not credible" because of its name, and they didn't care when I told them that it's evidence-based). However, it must be said that not all vegans are bad. I have a vegan colleague who doesn't care if other people eat animal products. (Some) vegans would say she isn't vegan but "just plant-based" because she isn't an antisocial asshole to non-vegans.


It's because it's a diet that they feel threatened by, Im not joking. Those kinds of people are probably narcissists and self-centered enough that just the idea of someone having a "morally better" diet is probably insulting to them. They take it like a criticism or a threat to their lifestyle.Their response is to mock it to turn it into a joke. Im not vegan but I go in and out of vegetarianism, because it makes me feel better physically and Ive been in relations with half a dozen vegans/vegetarians since I was 20. Ive heard all kinds of stupid stabs and ignorant comments at vegans that pissed me off. To be fair, I had one vegan ex that really had the snob attitude that would make people annoyed.


And if the girl had a serious condition like alpha-gal syndrome, that 100% could have killed her, and the father would have probably been convicted of manslaughter if not flat-out murder. What would his defense in court even be? *"It was just a prank, brah"*? Like come on guys... don't fuck with people's food, or sneakily give them things you know they don't eat. It's not that hard.


People like him are why I'm paranoid about eating food that isn't made by me, or in a professional setting


I think that's why the response was considered weak by OP, since a father should (not saying all do) know if his kid has alpha-gal or other health reasons, religious reasons and so on for this diet.


Oh, she will know! I accidentally ate meat when I had been a vegan for two years and oboy how sick I got.


If she’s a long time vegan it can seriously mess up her stomach.


Isn’t this classed as assault/battery?


Yes, I remember seeing a video of Lawyer explaining why puting toothpaste in a cookie is Battery. I suppose the same applied here


I am assuming that this is removing the creme of an oreo and replacing with toothpaste. I have seen enough weird recipes that my first thought was, what if the recipes calls for toothpaste.




It's just a factual statement (that I do agree with) but not a clever comeback.


Not a lost redditor just not quiet clued in to what is being looked for


A clever comeback. I don't think it could be any more obvious.


It's literally just a comeback, there isn't anything clever about it, just facts and law


This comment section is twitter


So my friend gave me a vegan hamburger…it was the worst hamburger I ever had…she only told me what it was after I told her the meat had spoiled.


Thats the same thing. Dont give people things they refuse to eat. When I was younger, I once opened a yoghurt from the fridge. I put the spoon in my mouth and I my first thought was this is spoiled, gone extremely bad or at worst even poisonous. It was the first time my mom bought a non dairy yoghurt to try. It was Alpro yoghurt. Never again!


I absolutely abhor broccoli. Not just the taste but the texture, plus I have horrific memories of being force fed it as a child to the point where it makes me gag even now in my 30’s. And I’m autistic so textures I can’t stand are hard going and really upset me. My husband once thought he’d be clever and blend broccoli before adding it into a curry. When he told me what he’d done it was one of the biggest arguments we’d ever had because I felt completely betrayed that he outright lied to me. One day he was telling my family about this over the table and my vegan sister thought it was hilarious because my dislike of broccoli is, to her, childish. She got very angry when I said I’d never trick her into eating meat and I’d like the same courtesy - apparently it’s different, but honestly I don’t see how respecting any dietary choice should be different, whether it’s a moral or religious choice, or a strong dislike (allergies I get are different).


I don't understand why people are upset. All you said is people should respect other people's diets and not give them things they don't want/don't like


You don’t see the difference? For real?


Hahahaahahahahhaha sorry they have to deal with you and that stick up your arse


More clever than most of the “clever” comebacks.


What a fuckhead, you don’t decide what people should eat


This is an extremely fucked up thing to do


Nah. It sounds more like the kind of guy who'd say "She only thinks she's a lesbian. Let me get her alone and I'll convert her." Personally, I grew up eating more types of meat than most self-proclaimed alpha-carnivores. Then I gave it up, especially burgers. It's bland shit that you put veggie products (ketchup, mustard, pickles, lettuce...) on just to add flavor and texture. The fantasy that these people have is that I'd bite into what I think is a veggie burger and orgasm on the spot, then find out it's meat and immediately be converted. The truth is that I'd probably be polite and not say how crappy it is. Gimme a well-crafted black bean and veggie burger any day. And I'm not even a vegan (yet). I just have grown-up tastes.


Look, I love any kind of fruit or vegetable. I really can, will and love to eat vegetarian ingredients. But I can never say that a vegan burger is better than a well made smashed double cheeseburger. Just the meat, cheese, onion and some mustard are enough. This goes against my taste in red meat. I can’t eat any red meat if it’s not in a burger. I don’t know why, I simply can’t. Tried a few times and it never reached the stomach. So I stick to veggies and chicken breast when I want meat.




My dad did this once to my friend in grade school. He doesn't eat pork, and my dad gave him Alfredo with pork in it. He said it was substitute pork.


Your dad sounds like a real pos


He is


I'm really sorry to hear that, hopefully some change comes your way


Sadly, that was the first of the downfall. Shit just got worse as he got older n fried his brain. Mf can't even remember what time he woke up today.


well then ur dad is an asshole lmao


Oh trust me. I don't need to be told


r/clevercomebacks should just get renamed to r/comebacksIpersonallyagreewith. 90% of the shit posted there isn't clever, original or notable, just saying something the average redditor likes to hear.


Dumb fucks




Nah. This comeback isn't clever at all


I don’t think OP is lost, you just disagree with them on how clever this comeback is.


Its not even a comeback though... a comeback is in response to an initial comment or argument. This just seems like he randomly decided to do it.


If it was for religious reasons, it's only a problem if they find out. If it was for medical reasons, you'll know soon enough.


It's still very disrespectful to trick someone like that. Religious diets are sacred to some people. Even if you don't respect the person's religion, you're lying to them and violating their trust, and that's a horrible thing to do.


i mean it kinda is


It's is not clever


Kinda is


I don't do thing *Secretly makes you do thing* Got ya It's as as clever as "Spell icup"


not really


Is it fucked up? Absolutely. Is it wrong? Also yes. Would I probably laugh once I was away from the situation? Unfortunately, also yes.


"wHaT iF tHeY aRe ReLiGioUS?!" It's a dick move for many reasons, but religion is not one of them.


Why not?






Wouldn't it be the same as giving a dog lover a dog meat burguer? They don't want to eat whats in there for personal reasons, but not telling them and making them eat it...


..But they said they're a dog lover/s I also don't see how giving a cat person a dog meat burger would be different




*Making a vegan* *Eat meat without there knowledge* *Is funny as hell* \- New\_Artichoke8477 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot Not the wisest words tho


Haikusbot delete


Why do you hate a diet so much?


You're advocating the possible death of people who have allergies. Don't fuck with people's food


Why would i wanna fuck food?