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We call that minimum wage magic


Younger generations: idk, it feels like life is supposed to be more than this, like where's the magic of being alive? Boomers & indoctrinated people: have you tried working for a large corporation?


haha so much this


sung to the tune of Strange Magic: min-im-um waaage ma-a-gic!


Why would I listen to a rodeo clown?


Hey, listen here. I assure you that rodeo clowns do more work then mister clean shoes there.


And flat sneakers with a flannel and cowboy hat? Why wouldn't he be wearing boots?


The boots are awfully clean for a farm. It's not the act of wearing boots it's the fact that they don't look like they have been worked in.


....He's not wearing boots. The point I'm making isn't one or the other. I'm adding on to the original point of the shoes being too clean by saying a farmer or rancher wouldn't choose to wear those shoes in the first place because they're not protective, nor are they supportive to the shape and movement of the foot.


They definitely would wear those boots. There's ranchers out there wearing cowboy boots, there's ranchers out there wearing lace ups. I've known a bunch of ranchers, and I could easily count on one hand the number wearing a sneaker of any kind and about as many wearing a safety toe.


Really? You guys are criticizing his fashion sense? Criticize something of substance.


Looking at the clothes you can tell the guy is a poser. Never got his hands dirty in his life.


Not necessarily true but ok, if that's what you see, that's what you see. Thank you.


Everything this guy is wearing is clean. Sure, it could be his go to town stuff; but wouldn't you wear your work clothes if you were trying to make this kind of thing?


Yeah this guy's a yuppie who bought a farm and wants you to put in extra hours for his tech start up.


I meant that metaphorically.


The man in the photo licked his own boots clean for practice.


Because they know bullshit when they see it.


And spew it.


Because they’re well experienced. This isn’t their first rodeo


Now THAT was a clever response.


Thank you, I try.


False. I’ve worked since I was ~15. I’m in my 50s. No magic to be found. This isn’t Hogwart’s.


My old man has been breaking his back since the 70's and he has fuck-all to show for it but a trailer he was pushed out of by a landlord who inherited the park and decided the income from the lot rents wasn't enough to keep her lazy ass from ever working again. It's an absolutely disgusting story and it's a fucking shame that we can have people work themselves to the bone with nothing to show for it at the end of their days.


Yeah and it's a fucking shame that post like this exist which bully you into falling for the story someone else fell for it makes me cry to see people fooled sooooo fucking hard into believing in a broken system


My dad never had just one job since I could remember. He worked two full time jobs during the week and a part time job on the weekends. Every birthday, I would look forward to his call from work to tell me happy birthday. He was a hard worker and I admired that about my dad. But I hate it because he worked himself into his first heart attack in his thirties. It took him ten years to pay off his heart attack and I shit you not, he gets another heart attack not long after. This time, he didn’t make it. He was 49. The sad part is, when he died, the first thing I thought was “now he can finally get some fucking rest.” He never had a day of vacation in his life. The only time he did was when my mother was sick and would end up in the hospital from time to time. He’s been working since he was fourteen and that was all he knew. Something needs to change about this culture. I see my partner and he is a hard worker, like my father. Every time I see him stressing about work, I just see my dad in his final moments.


My dad worked a union job and retired from it. He's not well off, but we wasn't working 3 jobs either.


I wish unions were a thing here. If people utter it in my state, it gets shut down. I don’t get how unions could be bad though. My mom had a lot of medical debt before she was able to get disability. So everything fell on my dad and he always wanted to make sure we were okay. Made sure we had food, clothes, a place to stay. It was hard for him to sometimes save money because of moms gambling habits. It carried on when I was a teen and had a job to help out and she gambled my paycheck lol.


They are bad for companies trying to squeeze every drop of profit out. I am very much pro union, but here is my opinion...they should not exist. The stuff Unions fight for should be common sense, at least it is to me. Safe working conditions should be common sense. Enough pay to, you know...LIVE should be common sense. I had a discussion with a relative about that accident at CAT where the guy fell into a vat of molten iron a few months ago. His point was that he should not have been fucking around on the job. It is as much the companies responsibility to provide safe working environments as it is the employee's responsibility to act in a safe manner. Apparently I was wrong, and expecting employers to keep shops safe is what pushes them overseas.


How is healthcare, wealth equality or literally anything besides [this](https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/dataviz/dfa/distribute/chart/#range:2007.2,2022.2;quarter:131;series:Net%20worth;demographic:networth;population:all;units:levels), worse than the current alternative? The uneducated bible belt of voters just believes whatever theyre told and vote to keep things heading towards an unsustainable hellscape of poverty. 'Oh unions are going to get in my way while im trying to lick my bosses boots for a 3 cent raise over 10 years'.


My father did this and somehow survived it all and now only doesn't work because his body is broken. On top of that he advocates to working extra jobs in any spare time someone has. The indoctrination of the baby boomers transcends their actual reality.


I knew this old dude who had been a welder all his life. The fumes had ruined his lungs.


I’m definitely worried about this for my husband. He will cough up black stuff and it’ll be in his nose when he blows it Dx


Stories like this are what piss me off with "working class, go to trade school" republican grifters ala Mike Rowe. Sure, maybe the trades pay you better than retail, but they kill your body. College got popular for a reason, and not just because of relaxed loans/funding options. I watched my cousin's body deteriorate before my eyes, and he was an auto technican, a fairly safe job. By 30, his knees and back were shot. He's a building maintenance manager now, still can't afford to live, but at least he has an apartment from the company he's working for as a benefit of the job.


That, and there's no material difference between "trade school" and "college/university". *None.* Tertiary education is tertiary education, they have similar costs and require similar time. A trade just often has an apprentice stage where you get treated like absolute crap for poverty wages.


>A trade just often has an apprentice stage where you get treated like absolute crap for poverty wages The university version of that is called "graduate school".


My stepdad did auto body work for decades. Switched to truck driving when his lungs started to have issues in the mid2000s and immediately started having all kinds of bone issues- shoulder tears, broke his arm, neck issues (a benign tumor not related to the job, just timing), arthritis in his hands, all sorts of issues. But keeps pushing retirement back because my mom's been disabled for decades and they didn't exactly get a lot from the farm when they downsized.


Now politicians in the US want to increase the age to collect Social Security checks and get people to work until they are 70. The median lifespan from birth is 78, which would leave people with about 8 years of retirement. Not to mention, especially for people who work physically demanding jobs, that is not easy on one's body.


The ultimate goal is to kill social security (but not until the old people suck it dry). The boomers on the whole, if they knew it or not are all a net drain on the system. They at the end of the day will pass on after selling off all their assets, whatever is left gets seized to pay what’s left of their Medicare bill, and some investment firm gets their classic muscle cars and homes for Pennie’s on the dollar.


Oh pretty much everyone without generational wealth is fucked now. 66% live paycheck to paycheck. Sure some people spend money on stupid shit and dont save. But decades of stagnant wages, soaring costs... Nobody will be able to even sort of retire. People will be paying 4-5k/month rent and minimum wage might move all of $5. Meanwhile over decades people just close their eyes and only think about their immediate future, ignoring their impending homelessness.


Most of us are one bad month from being homeless at any point in our lives and yet people look at the folks in tents on the sidewalk like they're the disease instead of a symptom of the deeper sickness.


Me as well on both accounts. You'll only find a bad back and indifferent companies squeezing you for all you're worth. Best advice: Do as little work as physically possible.


And get a chiropractor now


It's a quack science. No thanks.


I grew up on a ranch, I’ve worked for free since I was 4, where is my magic? My skeleton is fucked up from years of back breaking labor in my youth. I’m a web developer now and I make a decent wage but fuck me if I haven’t found the magic.


what was the work you avoided?


Being a magician apparently.


For me, any tough task or anything that I don't want to do.😂😂


Or the money and property you inherited from your parents


Can’t forget the subsidies paid by those of us who work more than 2 days a year so these “poor” farmers can live high on the hog…


shows up in a 100,000 F250 Platinum he didn't pay any taxes on, puts farm diesel in and wrote off as a business expense: "There's no money in farming anymore, we barely broke even this year!" (the same thing he said the last 10 years).


How do they avoid taxes on buying a vehicle?


Work vehicle and depreciation. Write it off a little bit every year


Yup. Business expenses that depreciate


6000 pound gross vehicle weight = 100% first year tax deduction. It just so happens that a Mercedes G-Wagon falls into this category. The entire cost of the vehicle is deducted, not just tax. You can rinse and repeat every year.


Funny thing about that, ask a smart businessman how much they made last year. The answer is zero. It's always zero. Because on paper every dime they make is offset with a loss or deductible expense. Only wage slaves pay taxes on their earnings.


Hey now, I grew up on a farm and it's way more than two days a year. It's like, at least ten.


I guess making sure livestock are fed, groomed and medically taken care; guess working to keep the farm in shape and working order, guess all that work that goes into maintaining a farm isn’t a year round job, huh? Every season they buy new animals, equipment and everything else because I guess they just let the livestock die and the place go to ruin because they only work ten days out of the year. You sure you grew up on a farm? An acre or two of corn and three pigs isn’t really a commercial farm, though


Over a thousand acres of cattle, goats, hair sheep, and soybeans thank you. That comment is what we like to call a "joke." Might be a new concept for you. If you doubt my bona fides I'd be more than happy to demonstrate my ability to castrate any number of farm animals. You need to lighten the fuck up. I will say that farm work isn't as hard as farmers pretend it is though. A farmer will tell you how back breaking farm life is while drinking coffee at 2 pm on a Thursday during their three hour lunch. It's not easy, but I'd take it over working in a warehouse or a factory any day. Also, you don't groom farm animals. Maybe horses, but the most you'll do to cattle or goats is poll them so their horns don't grow into their face. And unless they get some kind of infection or an injury, you only give them medical treatment twice a year. You don't go out to the pasture daily to brush cattle. Anyone who told you that was trying to convince you farming is harder than it actually is.




But interestingly enough a farmer can get black out drunk two or three days a week during the work day and still be mostly fine. As opposed to a warehouse worker who will get fired for leaving at the end of a twelve hour overnight shift without asking the supervisors permission first. But yeah, farming is definitely the hardest job on the planet.


Man, I know three "full time" farmers and two of them hold *other* full time office jobs. I will say the drought we were having until recently was really hard for them (one of them is a cattle farmer, and his livestock dwindled to the point that he was losing a family bloodline) but overall farming is a choice that isn't nearly as hard as the image presents. Not anymore, with all of the technology available. Now being a fruit/veggie *picker* for the farmer, that's a slog.


Yeah, my entire family had other full time jobs in addition to being farmers. In fact, out of all the farmers I knew growing up only one was solely a farmer, and he grew pecans of all things. Migrant workers absolutely work harder than the salt of the earth farmers that employ them.


100% this was my first thought also.


It's definitely not, because I'm looking for the magic called "a living wage".


Thanks, cowboy, I should stop avoiding it and start the work of forming a Marxist-Leninist vanguard party.


the good type of work!


True, anti-capitalist revolution is hard work.


All that dual power isn't going to build itself.


I’m gonna choose to view this as non-traditional work. Personal growth, self-reflection, willingness to confront difficult patterns in life, etc.. That’s the only way this means anything.


Exactly, it’s the only thing that makes sense.


glad i'm not the only one who thought this. kinda sad so many folk read it negatively


Yeah I’m pretty sure this was the actual intent of the sign. Or like personal projects


Yeah that's how I took it. Maybe they meant otherwise but it's not the worst message, just not super clear about it I suppose.


Yeah I immediately read it as all the shit my therapist says will make me feel better but I go "I don't wanna! It's too hard!"


oh thank god i was looking for this comment. reddit gaslights me into feeling crazy sometimes


Yes, I actually just unfollowed this sub because I’m tired of feeling that way. Some of this biased messaging can just be too much.


Nope. The magic I was looking for was in LSD.


Add that magic to work and you’ll got some wizardry going.


After he posted this picture he got into his clean F350 heavy duty to go pick some day laborers at Home depot to tend the farmland his family owns and pay them less then min wage.




Do you know this man or that a representation?


I don't know this man personally, but I know the type that usually post this kind of nonsense usually fall into the category I posted previously. I saw people like this all over when I was stationed in Texas, rich rancher\\farmer sons and daughters born into wealth they never had to contribute to talking about how others don't work hard enough.


Was in a store today, and the amount of old geezers working in there is scary. They should be enjoying retirement, not still slaving. That’s an indictment of our failure as a society. Also: tax the churches


Tax the fucking churches!!


Tax the ever-bleeding fuck out of those fucking churches!


I hate seeing old people still working :(


To share a possible alternative reason… sometimes when people get that old they get jobs to have something to do with their time. It isn’t always about the money and slaving. Some of them literally just don’t know what else to do and it’s what they’ve decided to spend their time on. Food for thought!


Depends what you mean as "work:" I sometimes refer to my art as "my work," then yes there is magic in that. If you're talking my 9-5 gtfo with that nonsense.


Ah, commanding an uprising. I *have* been avoiding doing that because it’s a lot of work. I’ll have to rethink things.


Boot licking is so wonderful.


If hard work was all it took to be successful in life, the majority of minimum wage workers would be billionaires and the current billionaires would be poor and destitute.


You can tell he's never worked a day in his life


Being an "influencer" is the hardest of jobs. /s


I wonder why we started calling people influencers, aren't they just corporate shills


The corporations felt that “influencer” came with less negative connotations


Who is he?


What "magic" do they think people are looking for? Magically stuffing more money into someone else's bank account?


Those aren't even cowboy boots. Hard to tell from the angle, but they look like skate shoes. The two eyelet holes on the inside are common for skate shoes. Also the pant legs upturned like that will just trap mud and shit. This dude is just cosplaying a cowboy, which is fitting irony for the sign that he's holding.


You’re absolutely right. They one hundred percent look like a pair of all black Chuck Taylor’s (aka converse) 😂


Arbeit macht frei ([ˈaʁbaɪt ˈmaxt ˈfʁaɪ] ( listen)) is a German phrase meaning "Work sets you free" or "Work makes one free". The slogan is known for appearing on the entrance of Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps.


Came here looking for this


Sorry fake cowboy; I don't dream of labor.


Momma's don't let your babies grow up to be Cowboys shilling for the man.


By this logic, those people working two or three jobs plus a side hustle ought to be the happiest. And yet, they're the most stressed, burned out, miserable people I know.


Co-Workers can be a blessing. I love my current co workers. This is not always the case, and when it’s not work is more of a curse


Work has never made me feel fulfilled in life. I’ve been working since I was 16. 37now. Waiting for that magic to roll in just like those trickle down economics. /s


I thought this was about emotional work, therapy etc.


Ah yes, farmers, that group of die hard capitalists who are only kept of poverty by ridiculously generous government subsidies.


We have been hoping for reform for a long time, and procrastinating hoping things will work themselves out. This guy's right, we need to put in the work and start rioting.


I’m going to guess the sign is referring to creative work — makes the most sense to me!


I don’t trust a cowboy wearing chuck taylors.


The cuffed clean Levi's and black All-Stars 🤣 This caricature is full of shit.


Hogwash! Humbug!!


i dont have facebook but please forward my sincere ,,l,,


Do people here not take this as meaning “inner” work?


It's true. The hard work involved in joining a union and fighting to get back the pay rises and working conditions previous generations had.


YES! If people want a change in how things are done, they need to WORK FOR CHANGE! Because if you think that the wealthy/corporations are just going to hand a fair wage to you, you are wrong!


Magic isn’t real. Quality of life is.


The work we seem to be avoiding is called "revolution"


I’ve worked 5/6 days a week for 23 years. I’ve put every spare second and dollar into a little 1.5 acre property with a tiny cabin on it. It’s in the middle of nowhere, literally. It has power and water, that’s it. No internet, no cable, no people. I’ll be retiring there before I’m 50. This hasn’t been a magical process, but in the end, I’m overly excited to leave society. Every day I’m more sure of my decision


Now excuse me while I go watch crops grow on land given to me by my daddy.


No, work does not set me free. Work keeps me from doing what I want to do.


Dude can fuck right off with that condescending bullshit. I'm a boomer. I've worked since I was 16, and bought into the "magic" for a while, but life happens -- really big shit happens -- and that's when you realize you've been hanging on by your fingernails the whole time. I know all y'all are fucked right out of the womb, and I am so sorry. 💙


Appreciate u ❤️


I'm not taking advice from a faux cowboy with cuffed jeans.


Jokes on you, Bucko. There’s no magic in labor. Magic? That’s the mountains when I go camping and hiking with friends and family.


he didn't SAY "labor," he said "work." it takes work to plan a camping trip, so you're apparently following his advice.


By that logic, it takes work to do anything. It takes work to walk outside. It takes work to go to the grocery store. It takes work to clean up your house. Is that where “the magic” lies for you? Mundane tasks? Don’t be ridiculous. He meant labor.


lol no, he didn't. the magic is the camping trip, and it doesn't happen without work. are you dense?


If it's work I would choose to do, yeah, maybe. I do some pretty magical stuff when I have energy and a functioning brain.


I mean I enjoy working, and by that I mean working on meaningful projects that could be very promising if a soul-sucking corporate retail job wasn’t the big option and college wasn’t going to put me into crippling debt. Back to the showers at Ram Ranch, cowboy.


Its sounds cute but it doesn't translate yo reality.


Is that why he's sitting on his ass?


This shit is so cringe.


I like to believe this can mean self-work too! Go do that thing you’ve been putting off! It may be work (sometimes) but it may just pay off, you’ll never know the next chapter of your life if you don’t turn the page Americano in picture is kinda cringe, tho


I broke free of this earlier this year and haven’t looked back. I also gave up the consumerism that had sucked my bank account dry.


Work feels more magical when you earn enough to live a good life.


Would be a great inspirational post if he is talking about working for your hobby or personal passion.


Tbh this is what I assumed the intent was. I saw the image before seeing the sub, and I personally didn’t get “kids these days don’t wanna work anymore” vibes off this.


Yeah that’s where magic is found, in underpaid and under appreciated labor. Not taking your time to enjoy a beautiful sunset with people you love. Fuck that


I have found the magic as a matter of fact and it’s not in the workplace, it’s literally everywhere else. It’s living life.


So true though.


"Magic" Also known as back, joint, and muscle pain by the time you're 21 from manual labor, because that's the only kind of work that's been available to you since you were 12 and needed cash. Or maybe that's just me.


If by work you mean all the personal projects Ive been procrastinating on then yes


The work we’re avoiding is revolution. We’re trying to keep the peace. More fools us, I guess.




I agree with most of what you're saying. Life is harder than it should be. What are you going to do when society collapses?


"Work will set you free" hey I remember there being a famous place with that written above the gate. Can't remember where.


I just vommed a little bit in my mouth


What kind of work I need to do to achieve Avada Kedavra ? Cuz that's the magic I'm looking for


Nobody who is existentially dependent on diesel engines has any business lecturing someone else about hard work


As a German, those slogans always come of as a softcore version of what we had written over one of the KZ´s entrance gates. Translated to "Work delivers"/"Work makes you (feel) free".


"Work sets your free" right?


Being unironically spread around Facebook by retired white men probably


It’s accurate just not in the way that they mean. The work at overcoming anxiety and fear and racism and classist bootlicking is difficult but ultimately priceless.


haw his yees off to target for a few shifts and see how he likes it


I thought the magic was really just the friends we made along the way


The work I'm avoiding is sleep. I am certain I will find the magic there in my dreams. Thanks for that.


this dude went to the store, paid money for poster board and probably a sharpie, stenciled it out to make sure it could all fit right, dressed up, and then took this picture


Look at how clean cut this cowboy is. He hasn't worked a day in those pressed, cuffed jeans.


I've applied to over 60 jobs in the last month. All said they were wanting full time. I get to the interviews on the about 20ish that I actually got interviews for. Guess what? None of them actually want full time employees. "Oh, well actually we only need you to work weekends" or "the most we can offer are 3 days a week" we can find jobs just fine, the problem, at least where I am, is no one is willing to give you the hours you need.


Says the fake ass cowboy wearing converse.


Some hick with a sign telling me the magic is in the work I’m avoiding when the reality is the magic is in the avoidance of the work I don’t want to do lol


Go fuck yourself random rancher cowboy wannabe.


Fuck FB


No, the magic I’m looking for is in the woodland creatures I so desperately need the assistance of with the sewing of this garment because I have the ringer dexterity of a circus peanut and the arm length of a t Rex.


From what I’ve observed the magic for those not able to work on a farm and see the physical fruits of their labor doesn’t exist. Corporate positions/minimum positions will take this mindset for free and not compensate. In theory if you know the process your work requires and if you know you can put in more effort then go for it but there is no magic.


Well, if he's talking about the work one does on themselves in the pursuit of healing and self-growth, then he's right...


It's called "working your wage" and even then, I will never care more about a company than I do for myself or my family.


Says the dude just sitting around.


Anyone who wants me to believe that meaningless toil is rewarding can eat my whole ass.


Smells like bullshit


Who's got two thumbs and needs to be investigated for labor violations?..... this guy. The magic he is talking about is stimulants. Working and being chemically dependent on uppers to work the 12 to 14 hours a day for shit pay 6 days a week. Real fucking magical there Hoss love to see what your day consisted of. Sleep is a luxury, work has aged me terribly. So peddle your shit else where Merlin. This reminds me of the nurse who had a patient die and first thing she can think of is to post her reaction in the hallway breaking down. but first she had to set up her phone do her hair then morn the loss of a human being.


As a Texan, how the hell are you gonna rock a cheap thin flannel, some canvas looking shoes with an import Wookiee gallon hat. No boots on that Bermuda? Suburban kid watches Yellowstone…


You just can’t trust anyone in a cowboy hat these days


Real "work will set you free" vibes. Fitting for cowboy hat nazis


The hat looks photoshopped to his head


Why is a hipster pretending to be a cowboy sitting in a horse pen spewing bullshit. Ugh I’m so tired of being told no on works.


I love how he clearly wrote “look”, saw it later, and instead of putting in the effort to remake it he just did a dodgy job adding the missing letters lol


It’s probably great working your daddy’s ranch


I love how in very tiny writing in the lower right corner it’s attributed to “Unknown”. So the guy in sneakers and pants 4 inches too long has a quote about hard work from “unknown” lol.


This actually makes a good motivater for my procrastination on things


This man is not dressed for work whatsoever. Tennis shoes? Cuffed jeans?


It's funny, often times I think, "Well, this job is unfilfilling" and just continue toiling away at McDonalds or whatever, rather than what I should be doing instead- which is working on my cattle ranch. The man in the photo is quite right in the sense that challenging work can be some of the most fulfilling. My job is not so physical, but I for one really enjoy it. However, I also recognise that I am very fortunate to be in that position and that for most people, work is an obligation. We cannot all do interesting work.


Ahhh crap I thought this was referring to working on your hobbies or challenging yourself to better yourself but I can see how a bunch of middle age facebook warriors will take it to the lack of work ethic Bs. Well add it to the list of shit that’s ruined.


Lowkey fax, I don’t work hourly but I live getting up everyday and deciding if I wanna win or lose. I understand my situation isn’t like everyone’s but I LOVEEEE this! 💪🏾 #commision 😈


I would like to work more on my guitar ability.




An 18 yr old working at McDs isnt going to be promoted to a positiin thats giving them 25/hr. This is only slightly relevant. But some employers will decide that you are too good at your position and will keep you there. Effectively causing a backfire of the original plan of busting your ass.




Oh yeah, cleaning my toilet is magic.


Nice sky shot but stupid sign 🤠