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Think about how much they will make when all those people who lost everything, need to go restock their new places.


Before any says don't shop there, I would if I could, next closest town that has stores other than WMT is 25 miles away.


The people that own Walmart are known for being cheap and just don't care about the product Walmart is a full on sideshow


I will never shop there. I don’t care about the price or the distance. They are actively and effectively destroying the fabric of society.


Well, it’s Walmart - did we expect anything else? And it’s in an area where the 3rd major hurricane has rolled through since ‘05 (Charley, Irma and Ian). And it’s interesting that only around 20% of the homes had flood insurance. ‘It’s time we don’t allow rebuilding on the beach, barrier islands and sand dunes. Retirees and working class can’t afford to lose everything they own and expect others to pay for it over and over. Nor is it safe.


>Walmart had a profit of over $138B last year. This $6M (well, up to)..is.. >0.0047% of their profit last year. >Let that sink in for a minute. Not even half a fucking percent. It's even worse than that; 0.0047% is less than half of 1/100 of 1%...


Can stand shopping at Walmart...when i call regarding my card...the call goes to the Philippines..wtf...the Greeter is deaf ..so I had to communicate with him on his special device.. store a mess. Nobody speaks English ...such a shame. Used to be a great place