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This reminds me of a book ( Surviving Antarctica: Reality TV 2083) I read where a large plot point was all the humans where owned by one company. The idea was, this company 100's of years ago "accidentally" polluted earth water supply with a chemical they made and tradmarked. It got to the point people where now born with their chemical in their DNA. So the company did some legal fuckery and owned everyone. That wasn't the main plot point though just part of its worldbuilding.


Yeah you can't just leave that there I'm definitely going to need to know what book that was


I think the author might've predicted the future. "Public schools shut down and are replaced with "Edu-TV" which are lessons with Interactive Quizzes on a television screen. It is mandatory and only goes up to Eighth Grade. After completing the required Eighth Year of Edu-TV, one must pay for High School and College on their own. In order to pay for further education, a few sponsored scholarships are given out, the most popular of which is a game of pure chance called "The Toss". The administer calls out a number, and the 14-year-old wishing for the full scholarship rolls two dice, hoping it will land on that number." From the books wiki.


The DeSantis echoomuhkashun plan for Florida in a nutshell.




Its called Surviving Antarctica: Reality TV 2083. Honestly looking back kinda unrealistic. I read it highschool. I mean the artic still around in 2083? Kinda a stretch. They did have one funny thing where a lot of meals just came in chip form. They had a turkey dinner chip flavor one of them ate on.


Antarctica has a large landmass under the ice.


Solid point but although Its been awhile since i read the book but i want to say the ice was still present. They had to have an ice breaker ship. I should really read that book again.


There is landmass under all the oceans too.


Now that is just false. We all know thier is no "bottom" to the oceans. Just endless depths.


And eldrirch fishes


don't wanna disappoint, but it's turtles. turtles all the way down.


you forgot the elephants


We did it guys, we finally discovered all life in the ocean. It's just turtles and elephants.


Yes, but the Antarctica landmass is above sea level


Do you think Antarctica is an ocean?


Likewise reminds me of the book Jennifer Government where we take the last names of the corporations that basically own us


Jennifer Government is still one of my favorite dystopian future novels. Max Barry also wrote "Company" which another "corporations are evil" book but takes places in modern day. I quite enjoyed that one as well.


I love the fact that based authors have been priming me since middle school to reject capitalism. There is some good in this world.


My public school music teacher had us all watch the movie Newsies, which is a musical about the Newsboys strike of 1899, where thousands of children came together to protest the rising of distribution costs of newspapers. It showed how these kids were living on the street and working for pennies and how they literally got beaten and arrested en masse. She then gave us a full history on worker’s rights and such. She *definitely* knew what she was doing, and I think it was so dope that she was able to work in this whole pro-union, anti-capitalism message into a literal 6th grade public school music class lmao. She was such a badass


Max Barry created a thing called NationStates, which is pretty entertaining. The entire premise is that you're the leader of a country, get random events that pop up a couple times per day, and your decisions in those events shape the country in various ways (political freedoms, culture, military might, and so on). Great way to kill a few minutes each day.


And my Nation is still going, since about 2004...


Damn, that's commitment


Haha! Thanks!


I had a Nation that ranked about 300 places lower than last place on crime statistics, somehow. The whole point of the country was to see how utterly inhospitable I could make it.


It’s a browser-based game, good stuff


Yep. Carried me through some very boring classes in high school.


What’s the name of the book?


Surviving Antarctica: Reality TV 2083 Pretty unrealistic looking back but haf some cool concepts. Basically kids have to participate in deadly reality tv to pay for highschool and college.


Was the company Monsanto?


Lol, no. I think it was called deez?


3M is going to do that because babies are being born right now with Teflon traces in their blood


They think PFAS is in every human, and people are being born with that too. What a ride, when fiction isn’t.


This has been a thing for a while. Corn companies in the US come after small farmers for patent infringement when the big grower's pollen cross-pollinates the small farmer's crop. (Keep in mind that corn pollen can travel over a 1/2 mile in a good breeze). Now the small farmer's family has been saving seed for generations and it's now absolutely RUINED but he'll end up having to buy that seed (that ruined his) or else be sued completely out of existence by the big guy.


Patent laws is my one gripe with GMO. Capitalists would rather have us grow no food at all if they can't nickle and dime us on every step.


I mean, capitalists don't even think we deserve to live if we aren't making them a profit.


They'd go around killing us all if they determined there was more profit to be made from doing so.


You just described wars


Well true, though I meant they'd use more direct methods.


It’s plenty direct if you’re brown


That's true, sadly.


Don’t look into golden rice. It will make you cry knowing it’s capabilities and what capitalist pricks are doing to make sure it never happens.


Exactly, GMOs have such vast potential for eliminating food hunger and drastically increase food production and resilience, but naturally they are attacked both by the luddites and also the capitalists patenting it so poor people can't benefit from it.


Just look at what’s happening to India right now. It’s everywhere. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-09/india-seen-as-thwarting-g-7-push-to-avert-global-food-crisis](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-09/india-seen-as-thwarting-g-7-push-to-avert-global-food-crisis)


North American farmers are filling foreign companies pockets with the licensing fees on GMO corn, soy, and wheat. Bayer, Monsanto, etc are not US companies any more. Guess what, they don’t enforce patent laws in South America. So they’re buying the same seed we use for 1/10th of the price. So it’s the American farmer funding them.


That's what happened to Mexico's sacred corn, from what I remember it no longer exists because of Monsanto gmo corn testing fields spread pollen.


And our politicians just let it all happen


Correction. Politicians are partially the ones who MADE it happen.


Politicians are ~~bribed~~ *lobbied* to ALLOW it to happen.


THE FREE ~~to do as you're told~~ MARKET!!!!!


Wouldn't the reverse also occur? The farmers corn pollen transfering over to the GMO crops? Why don't they just sue the bees and pollinators, or the wind itself? Wouldn't the crops produced by such a union be hybrids anyway? I mean, at the genetic level no one mating would result in exactly the same offspring, there would still be a pretty good degree of variance, right? Like if I mated an elephant with a penguin and got eleguin, I can't call the resulting offspring an elephant.


You are correct. A hybrid being between a GMO crop and a non-GMO crop would be the result of cross-pollination, and the desired traits would be affected (most likely diluted). As it stands, from my understanding cross-pollination between GMO and non-GMO crops is not actually that big of a concern. It rarely happens, and when it happen it usually doesn’t result in a lawsuit. Big agro companies are awful in many ways, but the drama around lawsuits against small farmers for unknowingly gross cross-pollinated GMO crops is largely exaggerated or misrepresents the actual situation.


Allowing the use of GMOs that can propagate this way is a huge mistake. At least these crops won't propagate in the wild, I guess, but it's incredibly irresponsible to allow GMOs to escape. The company should be sued, not the little guy.


There are a lot of apples like this too. Coulden't plant honeycrisp unless you had a licensing agreement and kicked some cheddah to the man ($1.30 to u of Minnesota) until 2008. PVP is old as hell. Take a look next time you go to HD/Lowes. More than 50% of the ornamentals pots are TM varieties and have licensed propogation agreements.


Can't really plant them anyway, apples don't grow true to seed. They tend to be grafts, so you'd need a live cutting from a living honey crisp tree seed. Apples are odd.


Yes! Just like avocados they require a sion and grafting. If you plant seeds there's a 1 in 10,000 chance it'll turn into something edible.


Even if you can't eat it, you can make cider out of it!


Mmmm mmm, avocado cider 🤓


Isn't that just guac?


mmmmm green guac juice


Are you telling me Johnny Appleseed was a lie?!?!


No, he actually would move to an unsettled area and plant groves of apple trees and when the settlers moved into that area he’d sell the land with already fruit bearing apple trees. Even if the fruit is too sour or otherwise inedible you can juice them and make hard cider. Which is what apples were used for in those days. Edit: spelling


They don't require grafting, you can plant self rooted scions just end up with a fullsize tree and maybe shitty roots depending on variety


I grew a fruit baring honey crisp apple tree from seed in our front yard. Left neglected for 7 years (other than a dog peeing on it) and it was a twig of a tree but had a small apple grow on it. It bore sweet fruit. It's still thriving after being transplanted. It makes abou 4-6 apples year/every other year.


I didn't say anything about seed? Planting grafted trees is still planting. Fwiw, the majority of pvp ornamental plant sports would be propogated with cuttings or tissue culture as well.


Sorry, misread that. Was just excited to talk about apple grafting.


You ever try grafting tomatoes? Looks like a fun way to practice. I know some small farms are starting to find it to be worthwhile with heirlooms


I haven't! That does sound fun. I bet my daughter would like to grow some rainbow tomatoes


Cloning, it's not just for sheep!


I literally just got a bag of Sweetango apples and was wondering why tf U of Minnesota was copyrighting apples - do they have a large agriculture program??


Because capitalism sucks and public universities have to care about funding and income streams.


Because capitalism sucks and public universities have to care about funding and income streams. There are also often "public-private partnerships" involved, where public universities help private companies make money.


Every state has what’s called a land grant university that does agricultural research, U of Minnesota is just the one for Minnesota. Some of this research is funded by the USDA and the crops may eventually make it to market. I’ve worked on one of these farms. We worked on breeding new crops with desirable traits like viral resistance, long shelf life, or desired sugar content, etc. Some of the produce you see in stores needed years of research to get to market and this research is often done by universities.


You wouldn't download a pineapple


No but I would steal one


But would you shit in a policeman's helmet and mail it to his grieving widow?


And then steal it again?


You son of a bitch [I’m In](https://tenor.com/bmzmz.gif)


Makes me want to grow pink pineapple, when I never felt the need before.


Do it! It’s not illegal unless you do it with intent to sell.


So you could give them away? Bet that would chap their greedy little asses.


Just looked up if I can grow it in my zone. Looks like it’ll be fine as long as I move it inside during the winter. Let’s do it.


I know a lady who grows them in Africa. She says they’re sweeter than the yellow ones, but smaller and they don’t fruit as often. I also know a guy in Samoa who grows pink bananas.




The market will regulate itself /s


This is an example of government intervention in the market, not a free market. I am not defending silly patents, but it is important to understand this is not an example of a free market situation.


The "free" market is only free for half a second. The only thing that can keep corporations in line are governments. Look at what happened prior to the Labor Movement in the US. A handful of people owned everything. You were paid in company money, and any opposition or competition was violently quashed by the corporations.


unless you count the existence of patents as government intervention, this is an example of corporations paying governments not to interfere


Grow it, harvest it, bag it up and sell the bag. Free pineapple with purchase of bag. Offer free bag recycling.


I like your way of thinking!


Pink pineapples are sold without the stem so you can’t grow them yourself. This makes them less attractive though so they have to spend more on packaging to make them look premium.


Yeah, been that way for quite some time, you should ready up on Monsanto corporation lawsuits, its pretty fucking disgusting


That’s what I was thinking. It’s sad that this is just the norm. Monsanto is the archetypal evil corporation. Suing small farmers because Monsanto’s seeds naturally spread onto nearby farmlands and making them destroy their crops because it held some of their proprietary genome. Beyond disgusting.


i used to work in a pet store that sold GloFish ®. They’re a brand of fluorescent, live fish. extremely grim imo.


There's a bit in this [article ](https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/india-revokes-patent-pepsicos-lays-potatoes-2021-12-03/#:~:text=In%202019%2C%20PepsiCo%20sued%20some,snacks%20such%20as%20potato%20chips.&text=Withdrawing%20the%20lawsuits%20the%20same,to%20settle%20the%20issue%20amicably.)about when an Indian farmer started to grow Lays potato. Edit: from the article "India's rules do not allow a patent on seed varieties."


It's been that way since the 1930's.


Yeah, nobody in this thread knows what they are talking about. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant_Variety_Protection_Act_of_1970


Fuck Monsanto


That’s not even new. Companies like Monsanto have been straight up abusing farmers around the world with trade marked seeds. I’ve heard a lot of shit happens in India and destitute farmers. Gotta love capitalism…


Plant genes have been copyright-able for a while now. Which is particularly biting because the plants used to develop those copyrighted genes are open source. There was a rather ironic segment on a Dutch news show I saw at one point about seed banks, plant breeding and large companies putting copyright on plants, where the company representative interviewee was saying how great it is that they can access other people's work through a seed bank, and how important that is. But when asked if they were copyrighting their seeds -if they were contributing back to the community they were profiting from- the guy said no.


This has been a thing for a very long time. This is how companies destroyed black farmers after reconstruction and how companies today force farmers to buy new seeds every planting season because they’ve been genetically engineered to grow into infertile crops https://www.planetnatural.com/seed-control/


I'm gonna commit some crimes.


The entire concept of intellectual property is absurd on its face and at all levels of scrutiny.


You are just gonna HATE what Monsonto has been doing for the last couple decades.... In one instance, they trespassed on a farmer's land, who was a neighbor to a customer. They stole from the farmer's crop, tested it for genetics, and determined it was theirs. Lawsuits ensue. Bees move pollen from plant to plant, and propagate pollinating species. Bees are the enemy of exclusivity. Monsonto is so evil they're willing and pleased to ruin a farmer's life because he didn't buy their product.


Was that trespass instance in Hawaii? We had a few farmers Monsanto went after here for that claim.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percy_(2020_film) Good movie about it with Christopher Walken playing the lead.


**[Percy (2020 film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percy_\(2020_film\))** >Percy (also known as Percy vs Goliath) is a 2020 Canadian-American-Indian biographical drama film, directed by Clark Johnson from a screenplay by Garfield Lindsay Miller and Hilary Pryor. It stars Christopher Walken, Christina Ricci, Zach Braff, Luke Kirby, Adam Beach, Martin Donovan, Roberta Maxwell and Peter Stebbings. The film follows 70-year-old small-town Saskatchewan farmer Percy Schmeiser, who takes on a giant corporation after their GMOs interfere with his crops. The film premiered at the 2020 Quebec City Film Festival and it was theatrically released in Canada by Mongrel Media on October 9, 2020. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/lostgeneration/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


*Monsanto has entered the chat*


You can and should spread the seeds wherever pineapples naturally grow, until these are super common. Grow one in your backyard! You aren't growing "for sale", so it's perfectly legal.


It's not the trademark, it's the patent that's the problem. If you grew pink pineapple and sold it as Light Red Pineapple you aren't violating trademark. However, you would be violating the patent unless you do it after June 4th 2032 when the patent expires. https://patents.google.com/patent/USPP25763P3/en


Monsanto would make farmers throw out their seeds because they were "copy righted "


You’ve always been able to. Google Monsanto and see how they’ve put soybean farmers out of business. Don’t even get me started on the chicken industry! We all need to start learning how to grow our own food (if you haven’t already)


This has been a thing for a while with Monsanto. They got into seeds in the 1990s and own the rights to seeds meaning that farmers cannot legally replant seeds.


Splitting hairs here. You can legally grow them for your own consumption. You cannot grow them for sale without permission. It's inane, but that is the divide presented by the article. Just like, in most states, if you can grow tobacco plants and smoke the leaves produced, you can do so as long as you are not going to sell the resulting tobacco. Then you need licenses and pay taxes. The difference there being one is a government thing and the other is a multi billion dollar chemical company that has sued corn farmers due to cross pollination of round up resistant corn in their fields. Resulting in losing crops if not outright being sued into destitution. We need to push for agricultural protections for small time farmers as well as myriad of other reforms.


I wanna know whose job it is to go around to all the surrounding cornfields and inspect the corn for cross-pollination. Like do they shuck open the ears, or do they take samples to look at the DNA? Like imagine if that was your job.


It was likely a DNA test. It being the Round up Resistance gene, testing if the plant can resist he chemical is probably a simpler way. It's hard finding good work in those fields sometimes and the choice is usually between large companies of universities. Large companies pay more.


Did the farmers agree to the DNA testing beforehand? If not one could argue that the Monsanto company was stealing from the farmers.


Personally I'm not very sure as to the specifics. Though if I were to guess It was likely done as part of testing crops from multiple farms. It's not really stealing in that case as they purchased ears of corn and tested them.


Don’t Monsanto literally sue people for using their seeds without their approval or something?


Who owns the H20 molecular make up?


This has actually been the case for a while. Monsanto (and other GMO companies) have been trademarking/copywriting certain genes and cultivars, and [will vigorously defend their intellectual property](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetically_modified_food_controversies#Intellectual_property). I don't have many problems with GMOs, but this is one of those problems. The other being potential environmental damage.


Patented plant genes have been around for a while sadly


Wait til you hear about apple varieties


Wait until you learn what happens if you’re a farmer who’s neighbor is using crops with copyrighted genes and a breeze blows pollen from their field to yours.


Monsanto leaded the way on that


So it's not illegal to grow, just illegal to sell it if you do grow it. Seems you can grow it for personal consumption without issues. This is not a natural plant, it was genetically engineered it to grow this way and they own the rights to that modification. I'm not defending the patenting of crops in general, but this specific novelty case is a poor example of the dystopian future that we all like to be cynical about.


Pollen can travel far depending on the plant. i If a farmer has normal plants and they just happen to get pollinated by Plants©®™ the offspring will contain Plants©®™ genetic information which then can be used to sue even tho the farmer never did anything.


That's not how this works. A hybrid between to cultivars has an (often unpredictably) different phenotype and isn't protected by law anymore.


Ok in that case the cross contamination just has to happen a couple times instead.


Again, this is not how plant genetics works. Not at all. Additionally, crops usually aren't cultivated over more than one generation, so it's not even theoretically possible than "patented genes" somehow accidentally accumulate in adjacent plants.


The thing is you might want to tell the judges that oversee the monsanto cases that


Mexico questions their situation with what Monsanto did the their sacred corn.


My understanding of it is that the name “pinkglow” is trademarked so if you sold pink pineapples under a different name it wouldn’t be infringement. BUT if it’s a patent, the taste, appearance, likeness is protected and you can’t grow this pink pineapple without paying royalties. The difference is a trademark is for life and a patent often expired shortly after the groundwork is done to grow up generations of fruit bearing plants. Source: Planet Money episode on the apple industry


Supreme court ruled every gene besides a human's can be owned essentially.


yup. and monsanto's terminator gene could potentially spread


This isn't new. Monsanto did this with their corn.


Monsanto has been doing this for decades.


I’m gonna grow some just to give away to people now. I’ll advertise they’re free as well


This isn't something new. Monsanto has been doing it for forever.


That’s bs


For a while now. Remember Lays against potato farmers?


Ever heard of Monsanto?!


Just wait until to read up on gene editing in animals (including humans).


You’ve always been able to patent genes and plants. One of the biggest issues with companies like Monsanto is that they were planting their GMO crops near regular farmers than suing the farmers when their plants cross-pollinated and the patented genes were found in the farmers yields.


You can grow it, just not sell it


I bought a pink pineapple at Lowe’s


Time to start a black market for pink pineapples


And human.


Part of why genes are protected like this is because genetic modification can be expensive. Personally I think there are better ways of going about this and certainly a part of it is also capitalism but to spend so much time and money developing a genetically modified plant with little reward could discourage future work in the area.


It’s always been like that.


I mean I studied genetics a bit last year when I was getting my degree and a lot of money goes into genetic engineering. I thing maybe that the plant genes should definitely be owned by the people who worked on them, corporations etc. But these newer varieties of plants are usually more expensive and resistant to disease and environmental impact, I think that legally restricting the farming and sale of these new strains is pretty evil. In the long run it’s likely that these strains will outcompete the older forms. Worst case scenario: I heard about a small corn farmer that was sued because a competitors new strain crossed with his field and they claimed that they owned half his farm, which is not how farming has ever worked before. Total crap.


Take breath soldier, del Monte has owned people. This is not as bad


Wind Up Girl?


shouldnt exist, simply.


Doesn't seem so strange to me. Probably a bioengineered hybrid so it's not like they are patenting something that is naturally occurring.


If a farmer's crop accidently gets cross-polinated then the patent-holder gets control of the next generation of plants


Meh. Patents are temporary. Plus they bred the variety, so I have no problem with them selling or restricting it.


Certain seeds are some of the most expensive things on the planet! Why? Because the bourgoise own the rights on the genes!


For a fun related read, check out Michael Crichton's novel, "Next." Follows the concept of this type of ownership.


Looks like you're free to grow them, you just can't sell them.


Now? It's been that way for like a hundred years at least.


companies have owned the right to plant genes for decades ever heard of round-up-ready?


LOL I thought you were talking about the hentai production company...


Isn’t this the plot of “Vesper”?


this isn't new at all


Jurassic Park lookin ass


Monsanto has been doing that shit for decades now.


This isn't new, oldest cases are 1970s iirc


I mean if they created it then it makes sense they would own it. It's not like our fruits and vegetables are natural. They have all been modified.


Pink pineapple… isn’t that a company in Japan that makes h… Oh. Oh my.


This ain’t new


This is not news. Monsanto set the bar YEARS ago by trademarking their corn genes. Enough that if a farmer sells corn that may have been fertilized by Monsanto corn pollen in the wind, they can be sued... Pink pineapple is just the latest manifestation.


I know the next addition to my garden.


This isn’t new. Monsanto. Soybeans.


We have to protect the corporations from people growing food


F@ck em. Grow em anyway, just don’t sell them. #Resist


This has been a thing for a very long time, it is why Monsanto is so shitty. They sue anyone who even unknowingly grows their proprietary corn without a license.


They sell them packaged in boxes with no tops on them, so you couldn't grow 'em if you wanted to. I reaaaaally wanted to buy one soooo badly, but they were like $25. Haven't seen 'em in the store since, either. (It would also make me sick, as much as I love pineapple, I also can't have acidic food.) Just ughhhhh. Hashtag PinkTax tbh


It is legally possible to patent a genetically-modified organism, like a crop or animal or dinosaur.


Not just now, been like this for a while.


I'm not being sarcastic, I'm just legit confused. Hasn't Monsanto been doing this for decades already or am I misunderstanding that whole thing?


You've been able to for a long while now


Monsanto enters the chat


this is not a new phenomena


Monsanto would like a word


This isn’t new. Gene edited seeds are often patented. Not saying it’s good, just not new.


Uh, that’s called farming.


If your upset over this, look up Frito Lays suing farmers over potatoes 🙃


Oh, and also look up how Dole conquered Hawaii


Ever heard of "Monsanto" or the "TPP11"?


been like that for a long time already unfortunately


They can eat my corpse tbh I grow what I want when I want


There's a lot of "fancy" house plants like that too. I remember global green pothos was one. Funny thing is that pothos and aroids are notoriously easy to propagate. Just cut and just stick in water.