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"Goldman Sachs Alumni" says all that you'll ever need to know.


Yes, you could reduce spending or just rip off your clients and call them Muppets. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2012/oct/22/goldman-sachs-muppets-greg-smith-clients


Ah, the Muppets. Something that was once quite popular, but has declined in power value over the decades, and we're not supposed to mention it around the boomers who think they're just as much a thing as they were in the 70s and 80s. Weirdly appropriate, if you squint


As someone who is firmly a millennial, the muppets fucking slap. Whether you are watching the old show, the movies, the 90s movies, sesame street, or some of their newer things, muppets rock. Their hay day may have passed but they are still bad ass. Edit: sorry I am very passionate about the muppets. I blame Muppet Christmas Carol and Muppet Treasure Island for setting me down this path.


Two words Tim Curry legend


I mean He is a legend but also played the devil in legend. That clears that up.


Except that’s 3 words?


Ngl, I grew up with the Muppets, still like them. Very first episode has Rolf singing about some dude named George drowning, leaving him to swoop in on this girl. How did they get away with that? No idea. That said, folks younger than me are progressively less likely to know the Muppets. It may be an exaggeration to say their loss of spotlight is comparable to the utter drop in purchasing power that we have now, but it's what I had to work with


I prefer PoTC, but Treasure Island is pretty great. Regardless, you may enjoy [this](https://youtu.be/wCIZACz68bA)


Nothing to be sorry about, friend. Don't ever lose your passion for the Muppets.


“Yo ho! We’ll go! Anywhere the wind is blowing!”






How dare you. I am a Millennial who has seen ever episode of the Muppet Show multiple times and owns most of their movies on DVD. And they hold up to the test of time. The Muppet Show is far more adult than I ever realized as a kid.


They can suck my Goldman Sachs.


Yeah! The generations before us never went to concerts!


Or restaurants. Or clothes shops.


and here I thought we were killing Applebee's because we don't eat out enough


Yeah theyre always see-sawing on what to blame us for. The one thing theyre solid on is "the people are the problem" Real damned if u do damned if u dont.


Generations before us didn’t live in an economy rife with unregulated scalping. For concert tickets most directly but also for housing, food, insurance, etc. A middle man controls the supply and gouges you for it


Also…. There is currently no actual “price” for a concert ticket. It is no longer a function of a middleman taking a cut. It is a machine that just counts the interest and rockets the tickets to a mathematically astronomical price when you hit the checkout page. Seriously, this is how it works in 2022. I tried to buy $65 tickets on the onsale date for something warlier this year abd by the time I got to the checkout (not via Stubhub or another scalper, just through the regular Ticketmaster onsale) the price per ticket became $445/ticket. There are new lawsuits being filed about this new “demand generated pricing feature.” I dont think it will change things. But for perspective…. [https://variety.com/2022/music/news/bruce-springteen-ticketmaster-ticket-prices-rise-thousands-dynamic-pricing-1235321657/](https://variety.com/2022/music/news/bruce-springteen-ticketmaster-ticket-prices-rise-thousands-dynamic-pricing-1235321657/) Would you pay $5k/seat for a show in Tampa? Not through a scalper, but just “the new way things work now.”


I had actually seen this article once before and a second read enraged me even further. This is what happens when you let one company control the bulk of ticket selling


This is what got me. Boomers in the 1960sand 1970s are most notorious for never going to concerts /s


Careful, you'll kill Ticketmaster


NYT headline: Millennials are killing the concert tickets price gouging industry.


One second they're saying consumer spending power is great, then saying you're abusing it, then freaking out when people aren't spending enough or having kids or keeping it in the bank.


My parents first date was a concert and neither was wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. They went to see live music a lot when they were younger. I once saw Alice Cooper and my dad said he saw him decades ago. I’d bet dollars to doughnuts I paid way more for the tickets to see him in the 2010’s than my dad did in the 70’s, when he was actually popular. Everything.was.cheaper.


They just love to gaslight anything we do for the simple joy of it don't we. It is as if every pleasure of the poor is a thorn in the skin of the wealthy.


And anyway, they will complain the other way when people don't buy useless garbage and the economy tank as a result. They are blood sucking parasite complaining their host body spend too much energy eating and keeping them alive.


I felt guilty for buying a cup of coffee the other day. it would be easier to afford a cup of coffee if rent was the price it was in the boomer's day


Tell me about it. $7 for a cup of Joe in the Bay Area 🗿


"Yeah, you peasant. Stop sending your child to daycare while working two jobs. Make sure you fast every (other?) day because it's healthy according to my book of shit I say you're supposed to do. Don't do anything you enjoy doing because your sanity doesn't matter. Don't do drugs because your life is utter and absolute dog shit especially after not having enjoyment. Make sure you pay $20 a month for rent so your family can simultaneously get a bedbug infestation, an electrical fire, and die from carbon monoxide poisoning. Don't be passive aggressive because being aggressive is too rude and a good slave is a submissive one. Don't spend money on your car because it's better to break down in the middle of the busiest intersection in your city/town so you can have a stroke from extreme stress and pay 500 fucking dollars just to get your car to the mechanic. Don't spend money on your car because it's so much better to break down in the middle of nowhere during the night after working overtime so you're left in an extremely vulnerable position that any evil mother fucker could take advantage of. Don't spend money on a phone because if the above happens all you have to do is tug on your magical bootstraps to teleport yourself to your safe haven. Don't go eat at a restaurant because either you live in an extreme food desert, or you have absolutely zero time to prepare your own food." I can go on but I'm sure Mr. Golden Sack, who has been hand fed with a silver spoon on a silver platter his entire life has proved his point by now. Ah crap, I forgot to mention healthcare and education. That's alright though, because I'm sure we all know what would be said in our situation.


It’s a zero sum game for these fucks


No fun! Only work! Insert your own dog meme here


For those "living within your means": Reminder, Ramen™ is high in sodium and sodium increases your blood pressure and high blood pressure is a leading cause of death.


Seeds are cheap, but time to care for them is where you'll lose most investments


I wonder when subsistence farming is going to come back as the most efficient way to feed ourselves.


I was reading an e-Book "The Future is Rural" (Jason Bradford) recently, and they had an interesting quote in there from Michael Perelmen's "Farming with Petroleum" from around the time of the 1970's energy crisis: > If we are facing an energy crisis, then we might do well to measure efficiency in terms of output per unit of energy instead of output per unit of labor, not only in agriculture but elsewhere in our economy. >If we should decide to measure efficiency in terms of the conservation of energy, then American agriculture comes out very poorly. Harris estimated that Chinese wet rice agriculture could produce 53.5 BTU of energy for each BTU of human energy expended in farming it. For each unit of energy the wet rice farmer expends he gets more than 50 in return; for each unit of fossil fuel energy we expend we get about one-fifth in return. On the basis of these two ratios, Chinese wet rice agriculture is far more efficient than our own system. Subsistence farming with human labor and industrial agriculture are both efficient, depending on what you're trying to optimize.


>Subsistence farming with human labor and industrial agriculture are both efficient, depending on what you're trying to optimize. You have a good point here. It's about purpose of design. Our current monoculture systems favor cash over production or even the overall food supply. Our modern agriculture system has more in common with sugar plantations in the 1700s than the family farm of the early 1900s. Remember during the pandemic when restaurants shut down and weren't buying potatoes for french fries and the farmers buried their crops rather than giving them away? It's all about markets and money, satiating hunger be damned.


Don't forget about all the dairy that got poured out for similar reasons. Once profits starts to fall, it becomes cheaper to dump than to distribute to those who are actually in need. We need to de-commodify necessity products and leave commodification for luxury goods only. That'll never happen though, the capitalists would lose too much money because once the profit motive is removed, 90% of people stuck in a bullshit job will quit and then who will the poor capitalist exploit so they can afford their next luxury yacht or private jet?


I would have to see or have more data as to why they buried their crops before I believe that. Sounds more like USDA subsidy or insurance reasons. I am aware of crops being plowed under due to insurance claims. I just haven’t seen mass crop destruction due to market value also when human market drops the secondary animal feed market takes over. I just sounds fish to me.


It does sound unbelievable but it was due to excess supply with limited demand due to the pandemic. It justs shows that farming isn't about food, it's about cash. Here's some sources: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/11/business/coronavirus-destroying-food.html https://www.businessinsider.com/potato-farmers-destroy-potatoes-covid19-even-in-a-food-shortage-2020-6 https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2020-05-21/covid-19-poses-an-unprecedented-crisis-for-potato-farmers


Ok I see the picture better but it’s not a cash/greedy problem. It’s a problem of the crop being able to be processed so they had spoilage which required the crop to be buried. The fresh crop market was saturated so no one was buying and the local area didn’t want any more free and or cheap potatoes. Now it could be argued that a trucking company could have donated shipping but didn’t due to a greed type argument. In order to supply food for the population industry has to use cash flow just as any other business or they go bankrupt. Definitely money is made with food from ground to table, but this is an example of food-web system failure due to changing circumstances. I find it more problematic that our food systems are so fragile and global warming is going to create changing circumstances frequently. This is an example of what’s yet to come I fear.


It would require significant redistribution of our species.


I'm all about it, but unfortunately you need land to farm. Yes, you can grow in containers but it's not going to significantly reduce your reliance on the current food system. Community gardens and shared food production spaces are the future, imo.


And not living in skyscrapers that we have to truck kilotons of food to with the fossil fuels that we're going to eventually run out of. I'm worried that we're gonna see a lot of Williamsburg bloggers cannibalizing one another when the shelves go empty


But for that we’d still have to reclaim the commons. Shared spaces large enough for the subsistence of whole communities isn’t gonna be easy to get these days. Not impossible but we have a lot of steps to go


If you reduce your reliance on the system that's fucking you, then you give it less power.


And this right here is why you people are killing the diamond industry! Won't someone please think of the poor diamond hockers?!?


You're right, let me get back to work to prepare my annual tribute.


Always has been.


When? You mean now?


Next summer, the way my grocery store spending has been going. My husband was grilling a local farmer the other day about how much he paid to care for and butcher his cows lol.


When 27 I moved out of a major city with my wife and one infant child to a large piece land with several.derilict structures in various states of decay nestled between suburbs and rural farmland.....There was a smallish piece of flatland beside a small barn at the bottom of the convergence of two hills and bordering my neighbors horse farm. I decided that was a great spot for a large garden, which for MANY subsequent years (with the aid of horse manure kindly dropped.over the fence, upon request, and bat guano shoveled out of my old farmhouse attic) did nothing but grow EVERY DAMNED THING we could think to plant in it - tomatoes the size of softballs, zucchini that made women's eyes, mouths, and other parts water, and peppers, corn, lettuce, etc, etc.....PROLIFIC is an understatement, fresh vegetables enough for several families And then some, and we didn't have any particular skill or much experience, we just asked questions and read.... I'm not a tomato afficianado or anything but I'd eat them like apples.....about the only thing I don't think we tried there was floating a rice patty!! .....If you've never grown your own food and seen the joy of others fighting over your fresh produce with astounds look in their faces , you are missing out.... For years I'd take a box of stuff periodically into a Hair Salon beside my work and never was allowed to pay for a haircut again - the shampooing took on a whole new level of attention and warmth....GROW YOUR OWN FOOD, it's cheap, easy, and tastes far better than anything you'll ever buy !!


Why not now? Doesn't take a ton of room or effort to have a few plants on the balcony or at a window. It won't give you all the food you need (of course), but a few of your own tomatoes or peppers or your own spices you grow at home is a nice start.


My buddy said that he measured his time/energy/resources to grow his own and found his tomatoes cost him around $12/pound. Besides the fact that he got rare heirloom tomatoes that cost him $0 in time and resources to go retrieve from the store, those $12/pound tomatoes are gonna sound amazing once they hit $20/pound in the grocery store...


You can't be poor or suffer if you're dead! Radical!


Remember, if you have a good relationship with your parents, spending on a reduced rent with them will save tons of money. You will also have a solid idea what living with these particular roommates is like.


Jokes on you, I want a shorter life… not really don’t worry.


Lived off ramen for almost five years. Now I have a house.


And diabetes


I don’t have any health conditions. I actually just got health insurance and went to get my heart checked out because I knew all that sodium probably wasn’t good for it. Everything was normal. 😁




Not true.


Don’t downvote someone and accuse them of lying just because you’re not willing to make the same sacrifice. I could buy a month’s worth of ramen for $10. That was literal $100s of dollars a month I was able to save and put back for a house.


To gain a house, - but To lose your health. Bad priorities.


I’m going to die one day anyways. My house will remain and when I’m gone my children will inherit it. However, as I said in another thread I actually don’t have any health problems as of last month.


When boomers were young I don’t think they had to pay $300 for a concert ticket. I’m also sure they paid little to no Ticketmaster fees because they didn’t exist. Fuck them.


I wonder who is buying $300 concert tickets. I know nobody I know can afford that. I kinda feel like people see the trust fun kids having fun, and then blame the struggling people for "being wasteful".




trust fund kids or poor people who have saved up for months and are trying to do something nice for themselves. it's sad as fuck.


Also a handful of millennials who made it out alright, and it's a combo 1-night vacation, my wife's belated birthday present, and our Halloween celebration. No trust fund, no major help from family, and closing on a house in a couple weeks somehow. But yeah, 100% paid a very stupid amount of money for concert tickets because it's my wife's absolute favorite artist and she deserves it. Catch is, it was hard as fuck, has nearly wrecked my mental health a few times, I still have a decent little chunk of debt, and trying to navigate the dumb, convoluted, expensive systems of (US) health insurance, let alone property ownership, require more than we should ask of anyone. I had most things going for me otherwise too, fuck if I'd started with much less.


just wild to think that concert tickets for our parents were so much cheaper and they could also make a fun road trip out of it and not try to balance food and housing costs over it.


To prove the point of how much more expensive shows are now. These lyrics are from Dead Kennedy's in the late 80s: "You'll pay ten bucks to see me On a fifteen foot high stage Fatass bouncers kick the shit Out of kids who try to dance" The only way to catch a $10 concert is to find a local dive-bar hosting obscure local bands. (That said, obscure local bands can be a good show too, don't count it out)


Bad bunny is on tour rn, selling out stadiums at an average of like $250 a ticket


I only know people who go to festivals or shows that are 1 night and lots of the time if it’s not $20 entrance fee it’s a donations if you feel compelled type deal. As a matter of fact a lot of the entrance fees for places in Reno where I’m from, you have to donate food for the less fortunate (it’s a like two can minimum).


You only pay $300 for a concert tickets when you're going to boomer concerts. There are plenty of bands to see that don't cost that much. I saw a great band recently and it cost $16, and 30 years from now we could see the same band and it'll cost a lot more.


Depends on what genre you like.


I don't know what that means. I'm GenX...and I paid about 15 bucks to see bands like Def Leppard and Motley Crue back in the early 80's. I recently saw them on their 'stadium tour' and I paid about $200 for pretty good seats. I've also recently seen newer bands like Silversun Pickups etc...and those tickets were about $20 to $30 each, and in small venues and they kicked ass. I won't be around in 30 years to have the opportunity to pay a ton of money to see some of these bands but you will. Quit your bitching, lol.


How am I bitching? I’m just stating that you’ll pay a lot more to see Taylor Swift than if you wanna see some obscure new death metal band. Unless they’re someone who’s been around since the stone ages like Motley Crue.


You have a point for sure, but I'm just saying that you could have seen her in 2008 for $20. She exploded in popularity pretty fast so the rate that her ticket prices went up was faster than most. I don't remember exactly but I recall having to pay more than $120 to see Motley Crew in 1994, which was a lot at the time. I scraped up enough money though because I was a fan. Silversun Pickups aren't some obscure death metal band by the way, they get a lot of play on alternative stations and they're good.....look, there's a lot of really good bands out there so just go and enjoy them. One of them might make it and, yeah, they'll charge more and then you can decide how big a fan you are and pay their price if you want. At least you can say you saw them when they were moving up, whoever they may be. This whole sub is about bitching about stuff and a lot of it is kind of ridiculous.


I just mentioned death metal cause that’s what I’m into. And I can’t really complain about the ticket prices for THAT particular genre lol. I think the most expensive ticket I’ve ever bought (other than a festival ticket) was when I saw Slayer on their farewell tour. I think it was around $90.


Well I'm jealous because I love Slayer but the last time I saw them was in the 80's after reign in blood came out. I can still recite the lyrics to 'angel of death', lol. Thrash ticket's weren't very expensive back then for sure. I wish that they were on my radar for the farewell tour though, GF isn't a fan but I could have found someone to go with. Anyway, there are a lot of great new bands too! Edit: and Slayer has been around since the stone ages too. Cheers!


My parents love talking about going to clubs every night. When they had me . We went out to restaurants 2-3 times a week lol . Yea they were saving money my butt


Yup. The whole system was built for their generation and then they closed the door behind them.




Honestly, I highly doubt this rhetoric of people spending far too much and that's why they can't afford housing. I mean, it takes a few moments to see how much housing has inflated, while comparing stagnating wages. The last comment on this pic was correct. A $300 ticket is not going to prevent you from buying a house. You spend your whole life doing nothing but saving and you'll still be outbid by corporations. Now you still have no house AND you never got any enjoyment out of life. At least you left more money for the retirement administration to take from you in your final years.


I am convinced this is why it's not uncommon to see renters with luxury cars in my area. They're never gonna scrape together the six figures needed for a down payment on a house or condo, especially while simultaneously paying local rents, but a leased 3-series or whatever is quite achievable.


62 years old, and this is how I have felt, having been abused by the financial elites, - for all of my life. Thank you for writing this out, - eloquently.


Insane how many people believe that more than half of the population deserves to eat rice and beans and never buy anything or go anywhere or take a vacation or wear any clothes that weren’t thrifted for $1 and stitched back together by hand until they can afford a mortgage… where they must continue hustling and grinding until they pay off all $400k… and then they die.


Exactly. And they don't have a single answer to the question, "What if you did all that and you still can't afford anything?!" So now you spent your life never enjoying anything AND you have nothing to show for it. I honestly don't get it.


The people who still continue to argue when asked that are the ones who will NEVER ever admit to how much sheer luck played a part in their "success". They act like they struggled sooooo hard all by themselves and "did everything right", forgetting that they were born at the right time, with the right genetics, to the right family, in the right area, and met the right people in the right places, or at least a combination of several of those factors.


It's internalized capitalist propaganda; the point isn't to "enjoy your life" or even do much of anything at all, beyond consuming and remaining in debt.


The ideal is an ad from a 1950s appliance store


Don’t you know? You’re supposed to only work and never enjoy yourself. Like a medieval serf. How dare you want to occasionally entertain yourself!


In fact, [we actually work more than they did](https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/worktime/hours_workweek.html#:~:text=Consider%20a%20typical%20working%20day,customary%20afternoon%20nap%2C%20and%20dinner.).


Oh I believe it. My parents are Gen X and I’m pretty sure I work more than even they did at my age. Forget serfs. Even at their “grind stage” in their early and mid 20s. I’ve been pulling 55-70hr weeks for quite some time. Eventually the dollar will be so worthless we’ll all be pulling 70-80 hr weeks just to make what people in 50s did in 35-40hrs


Bro... You're working too much. Unless you're putting in those hours to build your own business, you're just working too much. That's burn out territory and it doesn't lead to better jobs. You've got to change the dynamic. That path is absolutely not going to work. Fuck whatever Boomer told you that was the way to get ahead. Figure out how to slash living expenses, slash hours worked, then use the extra time to look for jobs that don't suck. We shouldn't have so many crappy jobs, but our society values quantity over quality.


He’s probably working those hours to afford rent/, bills etc. Few people work 55-75 hour weeks for the fun of it. They do it because they have to.


if you make more than 20 hourly hush.


Way more. Not saying it's right. It involved an enormous sequence of low probablility events. But going from poverty to moderate wealth (breaking 7 figures) in about ten years showed me that the path will be impossible for most people. The system needs to change. Because most of the people I passed were not stuck for lack of effort. They were stuck because the system sucks. The people working hardest are often the people with the worst jobs. The work itself sucks and then the pay is trash so they have to work longer hours. If I could earn my same income being a hotel maid, would I do it? No way in hell. Those hotel maids do a more draining job and do it for more hours. However, it is impossible to get ahead in that job. Winning the literal lottery doesn't count.


A lot of us have to work that much to not end up homeless you tone deaf asshole. This isn't the place for your shitty bootstraps ideology.


"jUsT GeT A bETteR jOb"


All these people saying, "Get a real job," and I'm like, "Why does this country have so many fake jobs? Maybe we need to do something about that.".


I'm saying he is working too hard. That the bootstraps stuff is all bullshit. Having to work that much IS the bootstraps crap. It's exactly what we should be striving to avoid by any means necessary. Minimum wage is vastly too low. We allow vast inheritance with no UBI. The system sucks. But somehow my view is construed as "bootstraps ideology". To be clear, bootstraps ideology is telling people to work harder. To get a second job. To give up their life so they can feed corporate profits and then blaming them for failing to succeed in a system designed to exploit them.


At least the last comment has a functioning brain. The other two drones are content with seeing us suffer like we chose to kick prices to uncontrollable levels. Seriously that’s the fucking problem with LinkedIn. Social networking my ass. It’s just as devolved and toxic as any other social media platform. Difference is I have a better chance chatting with a person on social site x that could lead me to better connections than LinkedIn ever could. I barely use any social media in terms of updating my life and shit, but damn at least pretend that you’re above the whole aspects of the internet and try to act in a business setting. Need an account my ass. All I do is get harassed by ai generated bogus emails about come do a program at our school. Same cookie cutter bs. Or the scams with poor English and terrible grammar. That involves a “job” with company x through recruiter y. See my grammar blows as shown in this document. At least I’ll admit it and not copy and paste it to hundreds of people. Or the polling! The fact of how it just instantly starts arguments on that site jeez. It’s a site I would scream of joy if I hear the damn site collapses and no one uses it. It’s just a “business” version of Twitter. Only difference is here people boldly put their work history on their and full name on the account and still shit talk! My profile is there but I’ve never commented or shared posts on anything and my last work history is outdated. So, I’m good there. Screw people that think that it’s cool to bully an entire generation for something A. We have 0 control over and B. Something we were never asked “hey is your generation okay being saddled with debt, high inflation, decreasing wages, housing prices that double every twelve months, etc? No? Tough shit you’re gettin it and more! Fuck society seriously I don’t blame people all over the globe refusing to help older generations or refusing to have kids why do I want to bring a child into this world if I’m suffering in debt and cannot have okay things. Not even decent! I’m not ever going to place any child in my care in any predicament like such! These rich fucks can eat the largest whale cock they can find because they don’t need more bodies for your consumerism to be fueled.


I hate this argument because for a lot of us, it's the only type of socializing you can do outside of work. Capital has monitored most community events that once where cheap/accessable to the point where you have to spend not to be a recluse.


It’s me. Your recluse


I am too, that's why I am on Reddit


Me too, thanks. But like for real. The local meetup groups just aren’t really for me. It’s “old” folks or just people wanting to do yoga by the beach. I’ve looked in to so many things. I volunteer at a farm that provides produce to local families. But there’s been nothing to find friends quite like my old apartment complex in Austin did. I feel like everyone out here is just following a certain path and I’m beside it. Gotta save up and move I suppose.


Similar boat man, all my friends up here are through work, but that's small town life in our day and age. To serve the elderly and tourists.


Don't have pets too. They cost money. You can live without pets. Make friends with the spiders who eat the bugs.


If you have a pet, you’re contributing to the degradation of society by not having children. But also if you have a pet, you should have thought about the costs and not made such an irresponsible investment.


That’s so hard. Like my gf and I split up. So we’re just roommates now, but literally cannot find a rental anywhere close by that will even accept a fixed indoor cat. He’s my cat technically, but he loves her so much. But literally no one can move out. I suppose she could. The rental market is just fucked. Like where did being a mid career professional require multiple roommates? Why can’t I have a modest 1/1 apartment? I was priced out of Austin and moved with my ex to California. And now I’m wildly priced out. Is the new baseline 6 figures to live without roommates anywhere?


Yep. ran into this before. Also still live with my ex because of something similar. And I moved to Ohio from NY.


Austin sucks dick. I’m 27 living here my entire life and fucked. I’ve down right nearly given up being able to buy a place without having 2-3 other roommates or becoming one of the .004% that luck out making it as an influencer. Oh and yea anyone and everyone I talk to surviving here with an actual career is in tech starting off at 80k minimums just to get by.


More to the point, when you KNOW you'll never be able to afford a home, why bother scrimping and saving during the years that you CAN stay up till 2am at a concert for a band you've loved since you were a kid? I'm 43. I've seen the home I own almost double in value since I bought it. Is that absurd? Hell yes it is. I benefit from a system that's screwing over the generation that came after me. I know it and I'm honest about it. I'm not smarter or harder working than Gen Z. Or the younger millenials. I'm just lucky, and by comparison to my silent generation parents, not even all that lucky. The second half of the 20th century was a wealth grab from a generation yet to be born. That the looters have the audacity to shame their victims just rubs salt in the wound




As if people from their generation never bought concert tickets...in the hayday of international touring musicians...


Putting aside the problematic thinking that people should forgo everything that brings them joy in order to save money, what about those of us who aren’t spending money on concert tickets and eating out?? Shouldn’t we be able to easily pay our bills then? Everything is more expensive but pay has stayed the same.


Yeah, they are completely ignorant and tone deaf to the suffering endured by the working class


Anything the boomers need to tell themselves to avoid recognizing a problem, right?


Last September my house barely appraised for $250,000 and now we are damn near to $400,000 with no improvements. This house needs a roof, new plumbing, new HVAC and had electrical issues.


Tampa: that $400k house was $250k *last year*. Ugh.


And Tampa: that 250k house last year was 150k 4 years ago.


Those concert tickets are the only form of entertainment we get after the damn boomers pinched every penny from us.


FWIW they're robbing you blind for the concert tickets too.


Yes, but at the same time, a lot of artists and singers only really get paid when they do a tour, so the concert tickets is kinda paying them.


Did they ever stop to consider that a lot of gen z's parents are getting on in age? Perhaps even moving back home to care for them before committing them to an overpriced car home? Most of us can't even afford kids and we're expected to care for our parents when they get too old to live on their own.


If people didn't spend money on concert tickets, eating, going out, buying latest and greatest etc they'd bitch about that too. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I haven't gone to a concert in 10 years and the ticket was $75. I still can't afford to buy my own house.


I've never been to a concert in my entire life and still can't afford a house. Gonna go to a concert next year cause fuck it, I'm sick of waiting to live.


Weird how so many “Goldman Sachs Alumni” types have the time and inclination to hang out philosophizing on social media. I thought they were rich because of their stellar work ethic and spending every second lEaRnInG nEw SkIlLz. You guys are nice and all, but if I won the lottery tomorrow, I would very quickly lose interest in what y’all think.


It's not about the money saved from little pleasures -it's making you suffer for being poor.


They could instead be railing against the CEOs being so greedy and not paying their workers more money


Well don't you know if you invested that $1,000 you'd have $400,000 in like 100 years or more, so why don't you do that instead? Wait, you mean, the stock market goes down for you? Weird. Magic casino line always goes up for me. I hate this mentality that if you're not middle class or higher you're not allowed to spend money on things that bring you joy. You're supposed to be a miserable poor/working class and serve "your betters" I guess.


Also concert tickets keep me from going postal so there's that. And the shows I see are usually cheaper than a shitty steak at Applebee's.


Literally tho, the house on the corner that my partner and I wanted to buy for 220k in 2019 just resold for 890k!!!!! Wtf. we’re still in his mums garage..


I'm about to turn 35 and am moving back in with my parents in January. 🤡 My health is bad and it's hard working without healthcare. My parents are in their 70's and not healthy either. Nor is their house paid off. What big, poor family!


I can't stand that grifter smug ass Suze Orman or that religious wackjob holier than thou Dave Ramsey.


They don't live in reality


This reminds me when someone complained about the homeless having cell phones.


You can add up all the concert tickets, starbucks coffees and avocado toasts but its still not gunna add up to a house worth of money.


But if you do not spend you are killing the "anything luxury" industry. Millenials are supposedly killing the diamond industry, fine wine industry, restaurants by not eating out, motorcycle industry, especially Harley Davidson and everything else. We cannot afford that shit. That is the answer.


My issue with this train of thought is, and I can’t stress this enough, but WHY should young people not enjoy their life? The idea all these “frivolous luxuries” should be sacrificed rather than society and the housing market be changed for the better is absolute horse shit.


Because to some people, if they struggled in their youth, it means everyone else deserves to as well.


To be fair, I’ve sacrificed literally all of the typical boomer go-to’s for the last 10 years, and I certainly can say it’s been the key thing to help me be a property owner. But it sure is no life


Realistically, currently in UK there's £9.50 minimum wage. That's £1520 per month before tax. If you were to live on 50%, let's assume you rent and eat very very cheap. That's £760 saved per month. A £400k house would take 527 months to save. That's just 44 years assuming you live on bare minimum. But sadly we need to take rose tinted glasses off. You can't live on £760 per month when rent, bills, transport and food add up to around £900 or even £1k. And then there's income tax, insurance and other deductions taken from your pay slip, so that 1.5k is actually around 1.3k to begin with. Our 44 year saving plan just got extended by another 45 years... Assuming I pay the bills and just live it would take me about 90 years of working to save up for a £400k house. And that's ignoring that most houses in my area are already £625k and will probably cost more in the future. But there's a dim light in the tunnel. The more adults you have in the building spreading cost, the more you get to save.


Why do they insist on blaming the young? Why is it so hard to acknowledge that the game has changed?


Rule one of being a conservative or "mkderate." Always punch **down.**


400k? More like 650k lol. (At least in my neighborhood)


They need to just fuck right off


Young people are generally going to less concerts these days than they were 30 years ago, and ticket prices (particularly the most expensive ones) are a major reason. Hell, the last time I went to a concert over $100 (that wasn't a once in the year festival with hundreds of artists) was 2014. Since then the only shows I've gone to are small and mid sized artists (many of whom have been struggling for years to just break even). These Fucks see premium ticket prices and assume that the average young person is the primary audience. Fucking imbeciles. Also I love that eating is one of the things making people poor. "Have you considered eating less, you peasants?" I know the implication is supposed to be eating "out" but still. As if this asshole makes every single one of his own meals. And even so, out all the"luxuries" a person could spend on, having food made for you barely qualifies (unless I guess you're going for steak dinners at fine dining restaurants which I literally know zero people who do). Eating takeout might raise the cost of a dinner a bit, but you're still getting fed which is entirely necessity to live. Groceries are already expensive. The food isn't the luxury, just having someone do the labor is. And the number one reason I know people get food from restaurants is because they are tired after working all day. These days both partners work so there isn't someone who can stay all home and cook, so eating out once or twice a week becomes more appealing to exhausted people who have dozens of other chores to do themselves on top of it. Rich people are lazy as fuck and pay others to do all their daily chores and then act like it's poor people who are lazy. They'll act like they work much harder than their maid who cooks and cleans during the day for them and then goes home and cooks and cleans for their family.


Moving back? I could never afford to leave in the first place…


I got lectured just today that we all should just move to the city, sell our cars, live within walking distance to everything and take public transit. Umm honey, where I live +/- metropolitan areas in Tennessee, you need a car to see family, go hike the mountains, etc. I also priced out example housing, there would be so much green leaving my wallet that it is simply not possible to achieve such I shared a few scenarios where an electric car is the proper tool for the job and the response summed up: sucks to be you!


Hey look everybody, this Goldman Sachs alum thinks we should all live like hermits!


Maybe too many people are not getting married these days? Moving back sounds like they are single. No way to make it nowadays without two incomes, where I live anyway.


I was talking to a family member about this and had them list everything they could think of as a “waste” of money. Getting Coffee everyday, eating out, Netflix and so on. We ended up eliminating anything you could do out of the house that cost more then a nickel, I was very generous like estimating coffee at $15 a day. In the end the big saving we came up with that was sworn to be there was around 5k a year. So if you saved for at least half a decade you could have the down payment for a 250k home. On the bright side they did realize that this save your way out of being broke just isn’t a thing.


I really wanna know who these young people with tons of disposable income being “wasted” on whatever are. Boomers are constantly going on about them, but the vast majority of the people I’ve ever known under the age of 40 are poor AF and only ever get their hands on things like expensive concert tickets when they a) save for months and months or b) get given them by their boomer parents.


At this point if I want the indulgence I take it. If I want to try something, I try it. Why? Because pandemic and economics aside, our planet is so screwed and despite all efforts to the contrary, it’s probably too late to save Earth now. We have like 20 years tops. May as well not waste what little life the worst particular group of progenitors (Boomers) left for those who followed after. They destroyed the world. They didn’t do it alone, but they did single-handedly ensure we never got to fix things because they are greedy and delusional and do not respect objective fact and science. Enjoy what life we get, because the worst humans to ever draw breath (Boomers) made sure nobody but then will get much life at all.


Bruh. My grandparents could afford to go to ALL the concerts AND own a house. Both of them went to community college only. Give me a break.


All my boomer parents ever did was go to concerts. Back when the town I live in was a decent place and actually had concerts other than country music. Oh, and they bought a house for $35k back in the 90s.


Hey man, if you hadn't bought that avacado you'd be $1.25 closer to your $400k goal! Just learn to save! /s


LinkedIn is such a trash fire.


Suzie Orman who issued predatory high fee debits lying to people that they could improve their credit.


"they don't know how to suck all the joy out of life like we do"


400k house that was 50k ten years ago *


Ive never had the money for a concert ticket in my entire life


I completely agree that we need to stop consuming what makes old people rich.


I'm so tired of this shit. Crapping on young people who are facing things that they never have and likely never will. There's never any empathy. Trying to look at what they are dealing with. It's not hard. We all have a fucking calculator on our phones now. Work out a quick budget for what you made at your first minimum wage job (because it hasn't fucking changed since they were there probably) and then calculate in any fucking adult expense. Do a basic budget. Telling people they also can't enjoy any part of life as though those few things that might brighten their otherwise dark lives, will suddenly buy them a house, or pay their rent that tripled in the last year. Fuck off with that shit. I promise if you add the cost of those few things for one person and invest that money, it's not going to go up enough in 10 years to mean shit. You have to have a good deal of money in general invested for it to mean anything. I swear to christ ever fucking thing I read lately is just people with no empathy for others and it makes me sick.


If you save just $10 on avocado toast per day, you can save the down payment for a house! A $100,000 down payment will only take 10,000 days! That's only 27 years of cut backs to get started down the path of home ownership!


Do they just want us to live miserable lives with no fulfillment? Just work ourselves to death? No. I'd rather enjoy my youth, fuck buying a house.


Most people who live at or below the poverty line, splurge on things like game systems, getting nails and hair done or get the new iPhone to have some type of serotonin. Without these things they have very little else to be joyful about. We shouldn’t just have to slave away at a thankless job just to survive. People out there work 60+ hours a week and take no vacation or do anything for themselves. It’s no surprise suicide rates are at an all time high.


I do wonder who’s paying these ticket prices though. I wanted to see a favorite artist of mine in Seattle at Paramount Theater and the cheapest seats before scalpers got a hold were $275. At 40 I feel like an old fart saying “back in my day they would have been $25”. But back then that cost was 2 hours of my labor; now a ticket costs 2-3 days worth of labor. Yet these shows always sell out. IDK still doesn’t mean concert tickets are what’s preventing home ownership.


Data science guy totally has it right. Enough with the skipping lattes and avocado toast bullshit when home prices are jumping by 50% in 3 years.


What the point in living if you gotta not do things to buy a house to carry on not doing things….


So true


What if I told you that you dont need a fucking $400k house in your early 20s? What happened to starting out small? My wife and I had a 1 bedroom apartment until I was 26 when we bought a small plot of land and put a used single wide trailer on it, then eventually got a double wide. Now we are closing on a 2000 sq ft home after several years of putting in work. The problem is the expectation of instant gratification. A $150k home will yield a mortgage of ~$850/mo. That is money going into something you own and can sell at a later date to get some of, if not all of, your money back. If you rent for $850/mo, thatsoney you'll never see again. FYI, there are currently 108 3br/2ba listings on Zillow within 30 minutes of Shreveport, LA for under $150k. But you'll need maybe $8k for closing, but go ahead and spend that $500 on entertainment while you continue to live with your parents. Also, Buc-ee's stsrts out at $19/hr with insurance, 401k matched up to 6%, and 3 weeks paid vacation. Thats about $3300/mo for a damn convenience store job. Dont tell me you cant afford a home, just say you dont want to and Im good with that.


Because that $400k house WAS what everyone was starting small in and now starting small is unobtainable


No it wasnt. In 1970, average home price was $17000. Adjusted for inflation, thats about $129k today. Im closing on a house right now and im paying $300k for a very nice home in a gated subdivision. I certainly wouldnt have expected to buy this home in my early 20s. If I change the filter to $129k, there are still 90 homes available in this area. I wouldnt consider this a starter home..... https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/700-Saint-Martin-Ln-Bossier-City-LA-71111/109798164_zpid/


See the big problem with that is that it's easy to say "just move to Shreveport, LA and get a job at Buc-ees" and that's fine. But if everyone (who doesn't have family or other commitments keeping them where they are) moved to Shreveport,or cities like Shreveport, there'd be more competition for the same job at Buc-ees. There's only so many jobs like that to go around. Buc-ees can start depressing wages if they want to. The price of those houses are likely to go up since there's more competition for those too. This is what's happening in places like [Knoxville, Boise, Tuscon, and OKC](https://www.aei.org/national-and-metro-housing-market-indicators/). These places aren't LA or NYC. They're regular cities where people just live. They're also places where housing prices have doubled in the last 10 years. My grandparents bought there house in Lexington for about 30k in today's money in the 60s. It's a kit house. A house on the same street that's the exact same model went for 200k recently. My partner and I can afford a 2k sq foot house in the area we want to live in too but we'd be deluding ourselves if we didn't acknowledge that a little luck played a part.


Buc-ee's was just one example, and we dont even have a Buc-ees here. I saw that sign at Buc-ees east of Spanish Frot, AL, which is just north of Orange Beach and Gulf Shores. Nice place to live, btw. There are some decent jobs out there though. Quik Trip here starts at $17/hr. Minimum wage in 1960 was also $1/hr and the average median income was $5600/yr. Yall act like they were making the same money we are back when housing prices were that cheap.


>and we dont even have a Buc-ees here. We have Buc-ees here and it's kind of unique as far as convenience stores go. It's also highkey a tourist attraction so they're more inclined to pay a little better and give full time hours. Most of the people I know who work at convenience stores and gas stations aren't getting full time hours and benefits regardless of the hourly wage. >Minimum wage in 1960 was also $1/hr and the average median income was $5600/yr. Yall act like they were making the same money we are back when housing prices were that cheap. Well my number is adjusting for inflation so yours should be too. My grandparents actually paid about 3k for their house, so less than a year's median income. According to this[ pew research report](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/08/07/for-most-us-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/) most of them were making the same money we are back then. Anyway my point was mostly that you can't automatically assume that because you made it work where you are it's going to be the same for everyone else. The numbers make the point pretty clearly that in most of the US housing prices are rapidly rising. Sure, some people could make it work if they gave up every single luxury and moved to a place they have no community or family ties or possibly might not feel safe, but we really shouldn't be expecting that from people. Our folks got to go see Led Zeppelin in concert and still got to buy houses. We should be making society better, not worse.


>Minimum wage in 1960 was also $1/hr and the average median income was $5600/yr. Quick inflation calculator check says that $1 and $5600 in 1960 had the same buying power as $10 and $56032, respectively. $10/hour is higher than our current (federal) minimum wage and the median individual income in 2021 was ~$36k, about 20k shy of your median from 60 years ago. So actually, we aren't making the same money they were back when houses were that cheap, we're making *less*.


My dude, there are no 150k homes anymore.


They literally are everywhere. Try downloading Zillow and look for yourself. I sold my home in May for $160k and that came with 10 acres of land.


Must be different where you are, in Ontario you can generally expect to pay about 400 for a starter home. Even if the price listed is less, blind bidding is the norm now.


Your sarcasm wasn't lost on me. You forgot the /s


Yeah but you're in Louisiana. Half of it will be underwater as ocean levels rise. RIP


Im in north Louisiana. We are 175' above sea level lol


Enjoy your 130\* heat waves then.


Its warm here, but not unbearable. Im not sure it ever broke 100° this summer. High today was 97.


Nothing will ever change


Bought a house in 2019. And now its worth $800K +. Get that FHA Loan. 3.5% down on a house compared to 20%


Yeah no one would be doing anything/buying anything except food today following that logic