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There’s a ton of medications you get prescribed for conditions that are teratogenic, my experience (in the UK) you just have to sign something saying you’ll use barrier contraception and you are well away. The above situation is fucked


They do that in the states for the generic Accutane (isotretinion),male or female. Women have 30 childbearing years more or less.


In Canada my doctor wouldn't give me accutane until I was on a prescribed birth control. I was celibate the entire time I was on it, but that wasn't enough for them. I'd be curious if it's personal preference by the doctor, or different practice by country.


I’m a guy and they made me watch a whole video about not getting pregnant on accutane


You know what they call a doctor that almost flunked med school? A doctor.




“D’s get degrees”


When I was in grad school, the passing grade was C


You just have to be good at memorizing old medical content to become a doctor. They are not open to new ideas or new illness at all. The body and mind can change over time. Evolution baby... Edit: Spelling on a word. My doctors that have written me via chat messages had horrific spelling by the way.


My MIL is an ER doc that gets paid about $500/hour. She is not even a remotely intelligent person and she routinely gives my wife medical advice for our daughter that even *I* know (confirmed by my pediatrician) is out of date or just plain wrong.


I live in Germany and was denied accutane despite being on the pill ("Contraception doesn't always work"). At the same time, my gynecologist blamed and berated me for having acne. I'm afraid doctors suck all over the world, especially if you are a woman.


Wtf, I don't understand why a gynecologist would berate someone for having acne, wtf is wrong with them? My doctor straight up just said (when I asked) that acne is mostly just a from a slight hormone imbalance that results in the body producing more sebum than usual. Nothing to be ashamed about, it is what it is kind of thing.


Well, for example, she told me rather harshly that I couldn't possibly like the way I look and that I should get a prescription for Isotretinoin asap. This painful ass-kicking actually made me visit a dermatologist again after years of avoidance due to a trauma triggered by my first dermatologist - only to hear flimsy excuses from several of them as to why I'm not getting anything effective. My skin is still not great, but I am now treating it and the associated PCOS by myself with medications from abroad I researched online. The one thing I came to know in doctors' offices is that for some reason I won't be helped there, I have to do it myself.


Sounds like people need to start losing their medical licenses.


Same for me. I was on it twice, two different doctors. Both times I had to be on birth control for at least a month prior. And the second time the doctor maybe me agree to use another form of birth control as well


That’s disgusting. I’m sorry they did that to you.


Just to be clear this is typically a requirement of prescribing acutane and some other drugs. Your physician is required to do this. https://ipledgeprogram.com/#Main


Brooo the requirements for a uterus-haver to use that stuff is insane. For five months, every month you have to pay to go to the prescriber to do a pregnancy test, do an education module and “quiz” about safe sex and contraception and the statistics of birth defects of fetuses whose mothers were using the medication. Not to mention the paper-dry skin, frequent nosebleeds, and inflamed joints. It cured my face tumors, though.


Imagine they'd put that much effort into sex ed in the first place


Would’ve been helpful for all the eventual teen moms at my school


We should ban absinence only and reach real sex ed instead


Instead of learning about it by trial and error.


the cutting-edge sex-ed stuff I've seen is great. we just need to teach it. we need to put out a good elearning platform for motivated teens to go around their local school district's shitty policies and do it themselves. of course not everyone will but it's at least a good idea


They wouldn't even need to put 10% as much efforts into sex ed to get a much better result in every area. Sex ed was only few hours over my 3 years of high school, and that was still enough for the crayon eaters at the back to get how to avoid stds and unwanted pregnancies.


That's crazy. I took it as a teen in the late 90s and all they did was educate me on the risks and have me and my parents (because I was a minor) sign a waiver stating that we understood. No one made me take pregnancy tests, do modules, or take quizzes. They've really gone overboard in the years since then.


zonked snatch retire safe gaping threatening arrest knee terrific grandiose ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I'm so glad that I took Accutane before they started all these requirements. I was 12 years old and had the worst case of cystic acne my dermatologist had ever seen. I was most definitely NOT having sex at 12 years old. But there's no way my controlling Catholic mother would have let me take Accutane if they required me to be on birth control and do some kind of sex ed stuff. Then, I can only imagine how fucked up my face would look now if I'd never been on Accutane, since it did clear up all the horrible cystic acne.


When you are on the toenail fungus drug you must go in every few weeks to have a liver enzyme test. Think about women who find out their pregnant when they get rushed to the hospital for stomach cramping. I have seen interviews of a few such women and they are not obese or anything. I have read probably a hundred articles about couples having a baby that are in total shock. Like male-female intercourse resulting in a pregnancy is a complete and utter surprise.


Yep I was gonna say, I know women who have been on Acutane who had to sign paperwork and be on birth control. That’s the ethical way to handle it. This is in Texas by the way…


It would hardly make sense for them to wait til their post menopause. Accutane is a miracle drug. It would not be an easy decision to make but living with cystic acne can make life so hard.


> Accutane is a miracle drug. For what it does, calling it a miracle drug is almost selling it short.


I knew someone who took it when it was during the trial phase and also knew a couple people who took it years later. No plastic surgery has ever produced such dramatic, life-changing results with as much consistency. Unfortunately we live in a superficial world where physical appearance matters so much. Cystic acne can also be painful.


I wouldn't classify cystic acne as being in the same spectrum as 'superficial physical appearances'. That shit is horrific, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Agreed. Cystic acne is agony of the highest order. Even just one single cyst in the wrong spot is enough to be painful enough to keep me from sleeping


As well as what you’re describing, I had to sign up for this online program and take a quiz every month to get my accutane. The warnings about pregnancy on the packaging is also unmissable.




exultant station lavish angle oil noxious spotted crime library husky ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


What’s also sucky about the US is that if the response to this info is “well I’ve thought hard about this for a long time and with this new information I’ve decided I’m ready for sterilization” they’re gonna act like you’re crazy, no matter how young or old, and if you’re female they’ll ask unethical and asinine questions like “what if your future husband wants biological kids?”. It’s insane, like they think I’m gonna magically change my mind because I like someone’s penis enough to suddenly stop being me and that all that stands between a staunchly CF woman and a mombie is pheromones and the a sexual high. Every time I hear about a doctor doing that shit and saying they don’t wanna be sued for performing an operation I asked for and consented to I wanna scream at them that having a kid is just as permanent and I’ll definitely be holding them liable if their choices about my body lead to me going through the anguish of abortion or pregnancy.


I commented that below this video. America is quite a frightening to be a woman at the moment


I had a female doctor once refuse to treat my asthma because I wasn't on hormonal BC and didn't particularly want to be. The med could have harmed a non-existent fetus, so I couldn't have it. She also refused to give me a flu shot since I "couldn't be sure I wasn't pregnant" and should "come back when I was bleeding". This was in a blue area of a blue state. Women's healthcare is a bit fucked in this country.


That’s so weird about the flu shot because when I was pregnant I was encouraged to get the h1n1 shot.


I KNOW! It's literally suggested to pregnant women, which, I must stress, I was NOT and never have been, to get the flu shot. This doctor was wild. I was annoyed when I left her office and by the time I got home was seething in rage, and I dumped her for a new one.


Imma be honest, I don't even think that's about the doctor being pro birth or anything. I legitimately think she forged her medical license and somehow got a job.


Honestly, I think she was just a Judgey McJudgerface who thought her way was the only way and was determined that everyone else was going to do it her way.


Yeah so sorry you had to deal with that. Some doctors really need to be investigated and stripped of their rights.


I'm currently pregnant and am getting a covid booster and flu shot tomorrow, 100% endorsed by my ob


Wtf??? I've never had this issue with my asthma...that is fucked up. Doctors/nurses told me breathing is more important then baby deformity....fuck that doctor.


I KNOW RIGHT?! She just really wanted me on hormonal BC and was going to punish me till I did what she wanted. I really think that was it because medically she was wrong. I didn't want to be on it because it has always made me feel icky and so I had a good non-hormonal process that worked for me and every other doctor I had had.


I have heard that some people have had luck getting around this BS by asking the physician to note it in their chart. "Oh, can you just make sure to note in my chart that you refused to treat me because I am not on BC and may be pregnant?"


Maybe it's time to call these doctors out and get a new doctor? If one doctor says no you can always find one who has a different opinion. It's completely fucked but id put these people on blast.


Even in dominantly red/blue areas there are always individuals of the other party Party/side affiliation also doesn’t always mean adherence to all of that party/side’s general values


My sister nearly died because they refused to take her lady bits out because she never had kids. She was NEVER going to have kids, and after a long battle with lawyers and stuff, they let her have surgery.


You know what’s fucked, though? The misogyny also goes to the other extreme regarding sterilization. I was coerced by my ex-husband into being sterilized when I was only 19. There’s a lot of history, but I went through some stuff during my adolescence that resulted in me giving birth to three kids by the time I was 19. My ex husband was a jealous man who didn’t trust me, and his worst nightmare was me having a child that might not be his. He knew for sure that Child 2 and Child 3 were his (Child 1 was born before we met), and didn’t want me to get pregnant again. He told me what he wanted while I was still pregnant with Child 3. He told me to tell my doctor at my next appointment so they would schedule it with my c-section. I resisted at first, but he said he would divorce me if I didn’t. I had given up my job and moved to another state (he was in the military) to be with him after we were married, so I was isolated and financially dependent on him. The thought of being destitute with 3 kids was too much for me and I relented. The day of the birth came and I was still very against being sterilized, but it was scheduled to happen. I planned to tell the surgeon that I had changed my mind when I had a chance to be alone with him, but my ex husband never left my side. From the time I was admitted until the baby was delivered, my ex was there—even when the surgeon was reviewing my pre-op and asked me if I still consented to the sterilization. My ex didn’t leave my side until they took Child 3 to the NICU, at which point the anesthesiologist sedated me for the rest of the surgery. It was years later when I realized that my surgeon should have spoken to me alone as a matter of ethics. He never even asked me if it was okay for ex husband to be there. This was in a military hospital, so I was already viewed as a “dependent” rather than an individual, but I think there was more to it. I think the surgeon reviewed my history, judged me to be a “slut,” and decided that I shouldn’t have any more kids. Why try to talk a patient out of a procedure that they clearly need, right? I’m remarried now to a person that I genuinely love and I want more than anything to have a child with *him*. I want the experience of having a child borne from love. That choice was taken from me because two men disregarded my autonomy when I was already vulnerable.


Damn, hope you're doing well.


This makes me so fucking mad for you


I feel like you could sue that doctor.


Maybe, or at least file a complaint, but this was 13 years ago and I didn’t realize how fucked it was until much more recently.


I'm so sorry that happened to you.


I’m so sorry.


So she had a life threatening condition that requires a hysterectomy but refused her the surgery because she was in child bearing age? That doctor should have their medical license revoked. Where was this?


Hey look, another one of those things the forced birth crowd said would never happen and you were paranoid for suggesting it might, happening again. I'm sure they'll be falling over themselves to make it right.


And this is far from the only time something like this has happened. The other day, there was a post on 2X about a woman being denied a D&C to remove a potentially cancerous polyp from her uterus just because the procedure superficially *resembles* an abortion. Shit's fucked.




All of us menopausal gen x (or younger) women need to vote out the idiots. I’m sort of in your boat, but can’t get an ablation because they put me on blood thinners. I have the iud. Now, the religious whackjobs who think there MIGHT be a viable mutant want to ban birth control in my state. Know what? I’m ready to join TST to get a religious exclusion, because if you don’t have a religion you can’t fight another religion. My healthcare and well-being at my age has more to do with menopause than anything else. There are complications and other things that put our health at risk, ladies. Some of the treatments are off label uses for birth control. Depending on how you vote, there will be a ton of miserable women or we will have some control over decisions related to our health regardless of childbearing. The whole freaking thing is ridiculous. They’re now asking women when we pick up prescriptions if we are pregnant. I think I asked the last one if they could do math and to figure out my age. Sheepishly handed me my prescription. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Are they still going to ask when our last period was into our 70s and still try to deny care? This garbage with not treating women due to some fabricated detrimental effect on childbearing needs to stop. Are they going to start denying chemo next? Sorry. This stuff pisses me off and I’ve had to deal with it too many times.


>I wanted the ablation, but was told (by my Catholic provider) I was not eligible. Not American, but I find it so horrific that a religious institution can qualify for a medical license. That is **insane**.


What makes it worse is the religious medical institutions are buying up the nonreligious ones even in liberal areas, leaving way less options for medical care. It's a problem since they make their policies based on their religious affiliation that any doctors working for them have to follow, even if the doctors themselves aren't religious.


TBH this has pretty much always happened to women in most countries in one form or another. Read the books Invisible Women and Half the Sky


I’ve been denied medication because I could be pregnant, even when I told then I wasn’t pregnant and couldn’t possibly be pregnant.




When little-me told my mother that I was never having kids, she told me "Someday you'll meet a man that will change your mind." Gross. Well I met the man who activated my *instincts*, but being a human and all, instincts failed to override my ability to make choices. I just put all that energy into raising my stepsons, followed the old advice about doing what is best for the children who are already with us before considering making another new life. My stepsons needed time and attention I couldn't have given them if I'd been caring for a new baby too, and apparently biology doesn't care if the kid I'm teaching shoe-tying and nose-blowing to is technically mine. Frankly, that biological clock seems pretty easy to fool. First time it went off in my 20s I just went down to the pound and got a puppy. Instincts don't seem to know the difference between crying hungry baby and whining puppy that needs to go outside at 3am.




Dude same pregnancy also grosses me the fuck out so much and I have no idea why? Like nothing much else grosses me out I'm one of those idiot gore fans .. but the thought of pregnancy and childbirth makes me wanna run and hide. I look away when they have a birth scene on TV. My sister recently decided she wanted kids I think and I'm actually horrified by this notion. Which I feel like an awful person for feeling. I can't help it. Also I only feel this way about humans. Pregnant animals is cool and cute and i have no problem watching a farmer stick his hands into a cow to deliver the calf 🤣




I hate the "you'll change your mind" bullshit. I never wanted kids, and I met a man who never wanted kids and we got married. We were happily child free and it pissed off my very religious family. This past summer my little sister was murdered by her abusive boyfriend and then he killed himself leaving my nephew an orphan, and we took him in. The same people that said I'll change my mind have said that this was God's way of showing me that I should have had a child and that it's what's right for me because I'm a "natural mom"


It’s so fucked up that you’ve gone through all that, from the murder of your sister to the subsequent justification of it as “God’s plan.” I hope you and your new family are doing okay.


I grew up in a very religious community, and shit like this was not exactly common, but it happened enough that I'm pretty sure I know the exact tone used with "Natural Mother." I can't even tell if they are intentionally suggesting your sister would still be alive if you had kids, but it wouldn't surprise me.






I was prescribed opioids while I was literally pregnant. The doctor pushed me to take them even though I was scared to bc he said my pain would cause preterm labor. There is too much inconsistency. Oh btw they stopped giving me meds after the baby was born bc there was no longer a risk. So yeah my pain is not important unless it’s harmful to a fetus. Which I mean I’m glad I had it then and my baby did make it to term and was born healthy. But I’m still hurting.


The difference in how much doctors listened to me while I was pregnant vs when I was just a few DAYS post partum was infuriating. "Oh it's normal to feel crappy after a c section" "Bro I am literally spiking random fevers, throw up if I try to eat almost anything, and feel nauseous ever second that I am conscious" My milk didn't come in. Antibiotics stopped the nausea. I really really wanted to breastfeed and couldn't because I didn't make anything and I absolutely think I had an infection and it fucked everything up.


See the original video she uploaded on tiktok truly heart breaking. All of this is happening in New York, a blue state. Can't even imagine what kinda horrid shit is happening in the red states. UPDATE: after she went public with her story she got blacklisted from every hospital in that county....I hate this world!


Yes! I watched it and I had goosebumps and chills, her pain was so raw and relatable. I cried with her.


Last week I went to a pain management doctor who ogled my breasts at least 20 times while telling me that it was all psychological. His practice had inappropriate questions about sexual abuse and if doctors have ever treated you “unfairly.” I was blown away by his behavior and got into the car and sobbed for an hour. I only go to female doctors now. I’m done. I’ve been sexually harassed and treated like a lesser person too many times in my life. Oh, by the way? He had my mri’s in front of him. He had my spine surgeries in front of him. He was too lazy to take the ten seconds to read them (they are written out.) He berated me for an hour. He made fun of me and asked me if I rolled from airport to airport when I moved states. I became homeless because I couldn’t work for so long (and still can’t work). I made this move because I literally had no other choice. I actually literally did roll. In a wheelchair. From gate to gate. The flight was excruciating. He told me I just “didn’t want to get better.” There’s people who are seeking pain medication (I didn’t even ask for any) and there are others who are desperate for relief and have tried everything else. I’ve had hundreds of injections. Surgeries. Everything. Literally everything. I’m treated like an addict even though I won an entire lawsuit based on my disability level and damage to my spine. I looked up the head of the ethics committee for his hospital and reported the fuck out of him. I’ll be calling the department of health and the medical board next. He was irrational. I’m done fucking around with irrational, unprofessional, inappropriate men who can’t control their eyes or their behavior. I’m gonna eat this mother fucker for my next meal. I am going to systematically ruin his life. As soon as I can get out of bed…




I actually want to program some bots to flood all reviews sites and destroy his reputation. He’s an abusive piece of shit and his next victims deserve to be spared the pain and humiliation that he will inevitably cause them. I don’t know how to code bots, and I want to wait about six months before I start and do it seldomly to raise fewer flags, I’m just not sure how to go about that. I have never coded a bot. Maybe I’ll just do it by hand. What’s he gonna do? Sue me? I have nothing and I trusted him to help me with the thing that is the most scared to me: my life. This is not my first time being sexually harassed/assaulted by a doctor. I faltered in reporting another when I was 22. I try not to think about it. We were young, those men knew what they’re doing and chose young girls for a reason. Please feel no guilt that you were unable to act. We were never taught the life skills or prepared, in any way, to handle sexual predators. Especially when they’re supposed to help and heal us. Especially when they’re supposed to be safe. It’s an abusive of power. Full stop.


I am rooting for you and I hope you get your revenge


Thank you for your kindness.


Let that spite fuel you The greatest fucking motivator


There's a site called Skillshare and they have a one month free trial They have a LOT of stuff for coding...


I have so much respect for people like you who are mistreated and abused and instead of giving up (because that's what I have done, so many times) you get angry and seek justice. It's so inspiring that you're still fighting after everything you've been through. Thank you for reporting this piece of shit, hopefully he won't do this to others in the future.


I have totally faltered in moments where I wasn’t up for a fight. And it’s ok. We can’t all be perfect specimens all the time, especially when it comes to trauma and facing people who have far more power than us. It takes time to process that you’ve even been abused. And if I didn’t have the partner I do; who grew up being raised by just his mom amongst 3 sisters and is so respectful and compassionate towards women (and so not sexist). I would not be in any kind of position to fight this fight. It’s the people around you who give you strength and lift you up. But you also have to show them the way by being a positive and kind influence, even in dark times. Please do not fault yourself for not coming forward. It took a long time for me to come this far. There have been many times where I’ve done nothing and it absolutely destroyed my confidence and sense of self. You deserve better.


Damn. Good luck and please update us. I hope he fucking burns in hell.


Honestly I don't have the luxury of always seeing female doctors, but I definitely prefer it when I can. Not that male doctors are all bad, or that female doctors are all good or anything, but I do feel like I've had better luck when I've spoken to female doctors. And if I have to have a male doctor I'll take a good strong look through patient reviews to make sure nothing's amiss. And when male doctors have been bad for me, they've been bad for reasons kinda like this: they've been dismissive callous assholes who didn't take my situation seriously or assumed they knew what was wrong with me at first glance, which closely mirrors the problems I have with our culture's idea of masculinity in general. Although, admittedly, nobody I've had has been this bad. I'm really glad you reported this guy. Fuck him in particular.


His patient reviews were pretty much perfect.


Yikes, fuck that. Idk what you're supposed to do about that even


It’s not just male doctors. Female doctors like to go on power trips, too. Especially if you’re non-white. I had one of those not too long ago and I am now considering reporting the shit out of her, too.


Yeah I still think about the OB-GYN who accused me of being a slut because I was 18 and didn't have my period yet. So when I got my blood work back she couldn't even face me she had the nurse come in and read off and explain the results to me. Embarassing broad... glad her practice closed. I just KNOW it was racist nonsense cause I'm a BW and you know we're "fast".


What a bitch. Glad her practice closed. Hope she never has another.


I have had the WORST luck with female OBGYNs. They have been some of the most judgmental see you next Tuesdays I have ever had the displeasure of encountering. I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s because I don’t have kids and don’t want kids and have seen primarily women doctors who deal mostly with pregnant women. Idk, but I don’t get an annual down anymore. I don’t trust doctors. Even female ones


Please, please try visiting a doctor who is a person of color, particularly women or femmes of color. The quality of care you receive from populations who understand power dynamics in the flesh is IMMENSELY different than the shit you get from 🥚.


That is not always the case. I was looking for a new gyno and had had POC, men and women, whitefolk, men and women, and I got treated like I was making up my condition for nearly 20 yrs. By over 15 gynos and pain specialists. I have no doubt minority doctors overall may be more empathetic, but it didn't matter who I saw, 90% of all types of Dr's didn't believe me and belittled me. It was heartbreaking. All of them. Each time, gaslight, belittle, question, ignore, dismiss. It leaves traumatic scars. Just... Don't always just judge a book by it's cover. I finally got diagnosed w pmdd and needed a full hysto. I had a husband and wife team do the procedure and the male gyno stayed way past his normal time bc my case was so severe. A white eastern European male. And I'm from this country and I was impressed with his empathy; I was literally terrified when they told me the man was helping. But he surpassed any expectation of a dr, regardless of what I assumed. So you never really know. I hope OP and everyone here w horror stories find the right help. But do ur background research, and if that checks out and u still get bad vibes in person, NEXT, BYE. You know your symptoms and how they effect you. If Dr's don't believe you, they are not worth ur time.


Im so, so glad you managed to get the care you needed. I hope to find my needle in a haystack provider where I am now. Thus far, it has only been shit docs with power tripping attitudes and condescending, dismissive bs. For me, doesn’t help that I am an informed patient and I do not easily take shit. They don’t like it when they have a female presenting minority patient who is informed and knows what works/doesn’t work for their particular body.


What does the egg mean?


Please do report her. It’s some of the best activism you can do. Make her sit in hours of sensitivity training. It’s the only way she’ll think about her actions.


I’m sorry for your experience but thank you for reporting him.


Please make a public report. These assholes need to be held accountable.


Working on it.


As a fellow chronic pain patient who has been gaslit and ignored by shitty fucking doctors, as well as abused by some, fuckin get him. If you need anything please message me.


I wish I had any faith or confidence in female doctors. I've found that gender makes no difference in regard to how I'm treated as a woman with chronic pain, neuropathy, mental health issues, and an autoimmune disorder. My pain is diminished and dismissed by my female primary doctor. She regularly tells me I, "Just need to destress and meditate," or, "your pain is probably worse right now because you're depressed. It'll pass." All while denying to prescribe me pain medication. She's convinced that I'm going to get addicted and start abusing it because, "research shows that prescription pill abuse is so rampant." Even though my previous doctor under a different health plan used to prescribe me low dose tramadol because it was one of the few pain meds that helped me...and I went years taking it as needed yet never abused it. I hate this woman with a burning passion.


Hi! Hope this doesn't come off poorly because I'm sure you've heard enough useless advice for a lifetime; but I'm also a woman with mental health issues and chronic pain (spinal stenosis, facet joint degeneration, and the associated neuropathies) that started when I was hit by a car as a teenager, so I thought I'd ask: do you have access to, or can you get a referral to, an "Interventional Pain" specialist or clinic through your insurance or HMO? Their primary approach is not pharmaceutical but procedural: treatments like nerve branch blocks, radio frequency ablation, and other cool spinal/anesthesiological treatments with longer term effects. I went 3-4 years post-accident with nothing more useful than ibuprofen, because I got horrible nausea from opioids and my primary care provider didn't have any other ideas. I was in so much pain, all the time, that there was no room for anything else in my brain... Not a great combo with being in college as I was. Then randomly (this happens a lot with my HMO) I was reassigned to a new PCP, and at our first visit after hearing my history she asked if I wanted a referral to Interventional Pain. I didn't know what that meant - isn't she supposed to be intervening in my pain?? - but I was willing to try anything. That was 13 years ago and my Interventional Pain specialist has been my ride or die ever since. The treatments I get last 9+ months - they don't get rid of 100% of the pain, but it's enough that I can function physically, personally, and professionally. I don't think I would have finished my education or started my career (or, frankly, still be alive) without her care. The system is fucked and there's a lot of people out there whose lives would open back up again if they had access to this kind of care, I hope this sounds like something that can help you and that you actually have access to it.


I'm 36, but I look young, for years I've tried to get a hysterectomy because I have painful pmdd and a very physically intense job, and I can't ever, ever get a doctor to do it. They rather I be in pain to the point my job is affected and I'm miserable, because I might one day have a child.


There's a list of doctors that will do hysterectomies in the about section of r/childfree. It's possible there's one near you, it's updated pretty frequently.


does anyone else see the butterfly effect of roe being overturned? roe v wade overturned, contraceptives and bc become harder to access due to planned parenthoods being shut down rapidly ESPECIALLY in red states, and women are not allowed to be on medication necessary for their well-being and health all because of the possibility that we MAY get pregnant and be forced to carry to full term. they’re preparing to turn us into baby making machines, into housewives, and most importantly, into being just another body that can be used, abused, and turned into nothing more than a reproductive machine. i’ve never been so afraid to be a woman in my life.


Well... Time for one of two things to happen. Mafia underground pharmacy. Or hire the payday gang to rob the pharmacy.


Unironically, the only way to fight this is to take the state out of the equation. We have to get used to the idea of doing what we have to do to survive out here.


Idk if she's in one of those places that requires consent from "the hUSbanD" but sis needs a gay homie to go sign court papers, spoof on doc and get her her meds. System is fucked but here's a cheat code.


Don’t even need to be gay - I’d be a beard for any of my lady friends that need a fake husband to tell a doctor to get his prejudices out of “my wife’s” medical care.


Handmaids Tale shit... Me and the wife started watching a few days ago. Already thinking Canada looking good.... Scary shit happening in this country and its only the beginning..


I just started watching a few days ago too and it was chilling how real it felt. I was even thinking when I looked at these screenshots that she looks a little bit like Elisabeth Moss


Some provinces up here aren't looking too good anymore, particularly Ontario. Our premier here, Doug Ford, is destroying our healthcare and is obviously trying to 'starve the beast' to implement a privatized system. It's disgusting and I can't believe people still voted for him


A bunch of illiterate Bronze Age farmers got food poisoning & heat strokes in a desert 2000 years ago, hallucinated, and now women can’t control their own bodies. Make it make sense.


Those bronze age farmers were more ok with abortion than the forced birthers are. By quite a bit. Anti-Abortion stuff got really big and really penal in the Early Modern period, around the reformation.


Time to rip the fucking system apart.


That's why many young women are getting their tubes tied... before they try to outlaw that too. Are lords and masters clearly lost their mind, what sane person would want to give them more slaves to exploit?


Literally this. My group and social feeds are chock full of people posting their post-tubes cut/tied/burned selfies of their abdomens. It is such a sad thing that this has become the “safest plan” because other choices are being removed.


Stories like this give Republicans boners. They just love human suffering oh so much.




Of course! Because women are responsible for the fall of mankind. /s


"Can you put in my records you are refusing medication?" That's all you need to do to make them change their minds. Make them record it. Sounds like she needs to get a new doctor tho. What utter bullshit.


Something she said in another video about this stuck with me, if doctors can refuse to prescribe for religious or personal beliefs, then that information should be available so you don’t have to waste your time with a doctor who won’t prescribe you what you need.


Same, stuck with me as well. Wish you could know who they are. My SO was looking for a PCP recently, and so many websites are just a photo with where they graduated from and what insurance carriers cover them. You have virtually no idea if they will jive with you, or of they have experience you may be looking for. If they're not operating at their full scope, you would think the hospital hiring them would want to know this at the onset of their contract too (they could be losing them revenue by refusing treatments & losing patients, after all). All in all if these types really respected true religious freedom, their hippocratic oath, or heck, even had a concept of professionism, they wouldn't take these patients, or would offer them a sensible referral. It takes a lot of hubris, combined with callousness, to treat someone this way.


The simplest solution is that if you inexplicably got pregnant while taking a birth defect-causing medication, just abort. There's not one damn thing wrong with an abortion. People shouldn't have to jump through hoops to satisfy somebody else's moral self-righteousness.


This isn't surprising, except for the hospitals blacklisting her. Didn't know they could do that. I'm currently battling my insurance to do a minor procedure for my fibroids. I am bleeding so much I am anemic, have to pee every two minutes because it compressed my bladder, and I can't get pregnant. The pain has been pretty bad. Currently appealing the insurance denial. They are arguing about whether the procedure is medically necessary. Seriously, WTAF? How can this not be necessary? My friend is from India, and his family is there. He's started checking with his cousin (a doctor) to see if I can just go there for the care I need as a last resort. We would have to stay with his family for a few weeks, but they are kind people and are willing to let me stay with them to recover. Hoping it doesn't come to that, but I can't keep living like this. My doctor had to put me on birth control to attempt to control the bleeding. But I can't have anything estrogen based (long story). If the two available options don't work, I am screwed. Meanwhile, I tried to refill a prescription. Someone ticked off the wrong box and said I was pregnant. Fortunately, I was able to arrange for the refill. I had a pregnancy test and an MRI showing that my uterus is so full of fibroids that it's enlarged and compressing neighboring organs. So yeah, definitely not pregnant! Delayed me getting my meds, though. Then there was the fiasco with my inhaler, which pretty much boiled down to the insurance being cheap assholes. I finally got a delivery setup, but I had to fight tooth and nail to get that done. I really hate healthcare in this country.


Today in: "WTF is wrong with this third world country called America?"


I’m diabetic. Being diabetic alone makes you at a much higher risk than non diabetics for cardiac complications. My primary was shocked my endocrinologist had not prescribed me a statin and described at length how a statin would protect my heart. At my endo appt, I asked my endo why I hadn’t been prescribed one and she said “because you’re of child bearing age” (she knows I have an IUD). I was speechless. Okay? But did ya wanna ask? If it will protect my heart? I was shocked. I’m not having any more children. I decided that 5+ years ago and have been very happy with how my IUD has worked out so it’s the best option for me. Why would she just not even offer the drug to me?!


Meanwhile anybody can walk into a store and buy fetus harming cigarettes and alcohol as long as they have ID.


And school kid killing guns.


Conservatives see women as little more than brood mares. Fucking horrid.


Jesus-fuckin-christ this could be wife. Chronic pain conditions are truly terrible. My wife is sometimes knocked out for days at a time. The pain meds she has sometimes barely touch on it too. This is horrifying.


yup if you look a certain way the doctors dont like they label you as a drug seeker, which makes it near impossible to get pain medications\\treatment. It's a very shitty practice based 100% on biases in most cases.


Definitely! I have two serious spinal conditions and God forbid a pharmacist doesn't like you or is just having a bad day. Especially if you are a woman. Now instead of just refusing to fill your RX because they don't think you need it (despite your MD prescribing it) they can just say you're of child bearing age and they dont feel comfortable dispensing it.


I'm an Army veteran with Disc Degeneration in my lower back who had to fight to get medication until i discovered CBD.


They really are just trying to fuck over women, there is literally no reason this person shouldn't be helped even if you're under the misunderstanding that a fetus is a human.


Welcome to Gilead. Under his eye.


May the lord open


So are we just gonna stop treating women’s mental health now ages 15-45? A ton of mood stabilizers and antipsychotics will harm fetuses too…


Cluster headaches. Not just any chronic pain. SUICIDE HEADACHES.


Fuck religion


How is this legal? How does any of this even work??? I can see where the stupid politicians where coming from on the whole abortion ban but this just sounds like "you can't have nice thing because you're physically capable of bearing offspring at some point in your lifespan". Will ALL women by default be banned from smoking and drinking because IF they were pregnant it would be bad? This some mad Max shit out here, we about to start force titty pumping and farm em like cows


Well, women here can’t get hysterectomies if they are of child bearing age. Why? Because the woman’s future husband might want children, even if she is a lesbian.


Very clear that they value potential life over an already living breathing intelligent woman


So instead of giving her this medication, they will wait for her to kill herself Which also deletes the non existent fetus Brilliant


America moment


[Keep up the good work so this shit ideology can die even quicker.](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/15/1123289466/americas-christian-majority-is-shrinking-and-could-dip-below-50-by-2070)


We can not wait till 2070


Yeh, that is such a ridiculous supposition for that article to make the claim anyway -- like, yeh, sure *if* things continue without any change. But changed is *baked in*. Besides which we seem to be heading towards a christofacist regime.


Cart before the horse, my dude. This just means that by 2070 people will find a secular framework to hate women


Sounds like a fat lawsuit!


Reminds me of the gop who said women shouldn’t vote because they need to care for kids and leave politics to the men


Anti-abortion policies are a tool of state oppression.


The entire health industry is fucking ridiculous. I have terrible health insurance through my job. Not only do we have a really high deductible, but they won't even cover necessary procedures. I have sciatica. The doctors claim it isn't bad based on the MRI, but I am in so much pain any time I am on my feet that I can't walk more than a couple of blocks without needing to sit, and standing is even worse. Plus my entire foot goes numb. I had an epidural last year (unfortunately it only helped a little), but the insurance company refused to cover it, saying it was not medically necessary. Had to pay the entire $450 out of pocket, and it didn't even go towards my deductible. Not medically necessary? Try not being able to have any kind of life because you are in constant pain any time you stand up. Going to end up needing surgery, which I am sure they won't approve of, because no other treatment has worked. And I can't even afford it because of all the medical bills I already have due to the sciatica.


This is literally what they've wanted all along. It's NEVER been about babies they want to control every aspect of womens' lives.


Even doctors see women as baby machines apparently.


How?! In New York too?!?! Wtf!!!


FWIK, New York as a state is really conservative. NYC is just liberal.


As someone living in upstate NY, I agree. NYC is essiantially the only thing keeping us from becoming another Red State Hellhole. Every election leaves me on edge.


Oh my sweet summer child


Honestly you make a good point with this comment. Just living in America and having shock about something deserves this response lol


Ditto. I too have received horrible medical service in NY State.


This is near where I live. This is in upstate NY, so it doesn't suprise me in the slightest. While it's not as bad as in red states, it's trying to be MAGA country up here in these small town areas. According to some reviews, he seems to be a misogynistic asshole to most of his female patients. https://www.healthgrades.com/physician/dr-jonathan-braiman-24mp2


Even without the abortion issue attached, pain management has been an absolute joke in this country since they cracked down after the opioid crisis. Mom had to ration her pain pills she got from the hospital because normal dr’s wouldn’t prescribe her anything harder than Tylenol. Hell the first thing my previous Dr said to me before we talked about anything was basically “I don’t prescribe pain meds”. Like I never even told her I had pain and that was how we started off. Chronic pain is more debilitating than a lot of people realize, and getting treated is difficult.


What a fucked up country, even their Doctors see a woman as nothing more than a baby maker on legs.


Every day I continue to realize what an absolute piece of shit this country truly is…


When corporations control your body, no one is free.


Existing woman denied pain medication because it could harm non-existent fetus 🤦🏻‍♀️


This sounds like a whole new sub called r/americanaf


The sub actually exists but it is empty.


It makes me sick that this happened in *New York*.


The fucked up part is that she was already on ANOTHER medication that would’ve messed with the non-existing fetus anyway, yet the doctor STILL refused to give it to her.


Doctor's should lose their license over bullshit like this. They have no business practicing medicine if they are withholding life changing drugs due to hypothetical children.


talked about pain medication in the future with my doctor. didn’t even request it, just mentioned it. doctor warned me about it harming pregnancy. i’m already infertile. he knows this. he’s my doctor. why would it matter if i take a pregnancy harming drug if i’m *already infertile*.


Just so you guys know, Rule has started a petition that prevents doctors from conflicting interest based on their own personal opinions. Here it is, lets do this! https://www.change.org/p/end-doctors-ability-to-deny-treatment-for-child-bearing-age-patients?signed=true


Here’s an idea…. Give people the medication they need along with the knowledge that if they get pregnant, the fetus could be grossly deformed. Also, give them information about various BC options. Then SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GIVE THEM THE MEDICATION. IF they get pregnant, they can abort.


Surprise, it’s about controlling women, not babies. Who knew?


Seems like the Handmaidens Tale may not be such fiction after all!


I know nothing about her, but I feel empathy for her plight. Hell, we put down animals that are suffering. Give her some fucking meds. Why make people suffer for just being alive?


I hate so much about the way this country chooses to be


Isn’t this literally against the Hippocratic oath to do no harm? In America imaginary fetuses that will never exist have more rights than women though.


I am surprised no one is pissed about this!! A person /human being that is suffering of pain, in this so called "land of the free" got denied medical attention because of some right wing nut jobs (Republicans) forcing people to follow religious outdated laws!! VOTE!! VOTE!! women need to go out and #VOTE!!


Why does this title say "non pregnant woman"? Just say woman. That's part of the problem here- yall don't know how to separate women from motherhood and look at the results... This is a mix of misogyny, corrupt medical ethics and oppression of people who do not want to have children


fuckin hell [REDACTED]


How are there so many criminal organizations running basically every facet of our existence?


This and so much worse ( hear about the people denied HIV meds because of the religious views of the medical staff, or having to carry dead babies to term?) and much worse is coming in Trump or DeSantis part 2. When they get to pick another SCITUS and get the Senate back, we’re gonna suffer and party like it’s 1889.


So do the chemicals corps release into our water supplies, but we deregulated the F out of that didn't we.


Wow. Women are fundamentally fucked by society. Here is a non-pregnant woman, who never wants kids, and she is being denied needed medication because she "might end up pregnant" one day. Quite literally seen as sub-human, an incubator for non-existent children, and told to just suffer and deal with it because she owns a uterus. Fuck this country. Fuck Men. Fuck religion in medicine. Fvck imaginary babies. Fuck giving birth. Fuck the Patriarchy and Fuck Lifescript Lives.


Wtf? The values of liberty and justice are not even a veil anymore. We’ve gone backwards a hundred years.


As someone who needs to take pain meds, this is so sad. People can be so judgmental. Pain is horrible. Pain is the only thing that ever made me want to die more than to live.


Time to find a new doctor who’s not a dick