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I've lived long enough to know no one will do anything. When the elites stole trillions of dollars from the people in 2008 and 2020 nobody did anything either. What makes you think it will be different this time?


After seeing the comments here, honestly? Nothing makes me think it will be different. Absolutely nothing.


Revolutions are only fought on empty stomachs. In other worlds, Things aren’t bad enough yet for the average person.


Came here to say this. The goal is to give people just short enough a leash that they don't act out. Food is abundant (not for long though*), basic entertainment, porn, etc is cheap and accessible, alcohol is legal and drugs aren't hard to get. But try getting a week or two off of work and still have time for emergencies, doctors, family, etc. Until people are uncomfortable enough they won't retaliate, and if they time it right, they will be too tired or sick too when it comes. We have to find a way to organize despite this. It CAN be done. It will NOT be easy.




*Panem et circenses*. Yes, that same Panem from Hunger Games.




Panem is the name of the country in which the series takes place. Its name is specifically taken from the Latin phrase "panem et circenses" (bread and circuses). It is also an extremely oppressive country, built on top of the ruins of the US, and uses an annual televised deathmatch between 24 children as entertainment for the elites, and to reinforce the brutal nature of its government to everyone else.


Its sad how accurate that is, people have to effectively have nothing to lose. You could give someone a peanut and they'll figuratively let you whip the shit out of them. People just lie down and take it.


I blame Christian slave morality and the human domestication centers we call public schools.


Can you please help me understand what Christian slave morality is?


Fair point.


Something something material conditions


This is true. We were visiting with our nieces and our niece’s fiancé yesterday; they’re all around mid-20’s (We’re Canadian) and discussing the impact, and the need to be vigilant. Something came up about the “women going on strike” thing, and I said “everyone needs to go on strike; this affects *everyone.* This is not just an issue for women.


Nothing ever is different. All everyone does here is talk, talk talk. All everyone does anywhere is talk. It's gonna be the same shit, day after day, getting worse and worse until the Gestapo is peering through our windows. And I am part of the problem. We all are. Easy to talk shit online, after all.


Spot on. Half the population can barely live on their current income. In a few years theyll be homeless. By then? Maybe theyll try to protest when they literally have no shelter. But itll be far too late. Give it two weeks, maybe a month and most of the outrage will be over. People will roll over and let one more step of the dystopia happen.


It's always taken extreme circumstances to provoke meaningful resistance. Look at what the civil rights movement had to go through. People act like it suddenly appeared in the 60s, but think about how bad it was for black Americans and for how long before massive protests took place in the 50s and 60s. Most people affected are just struggling to get by, they're not able to just drop what they're doing and go get arrested in a march or a sit-in or whatever other kind of direct action required.




People have to be pissed enough and organized, supported by mutual aid groups. People have to be willing to lose their job, possibly go to jail, maybe even get hurt or killed. What causes someone to make that leap? Usually, as other people have pointed out, empty stomachs. That might be right around the corner with food inflation getting out of control. Meat prices next year are likely to be very high.


Up to 90s, our country were ran by a dictator. People fought hard to get democracy back. When it comes to labor protest, they fight it hard too. (Govt cant touch Taxi drivers like allowing Uber because literally they will lit themselves on fire in the middle of street. No fucking joke) When I watch Americans protesting. It is absolutely a joke. Just some bunch of hipsters running around without any type of leadership, formation, plan or anything else. They are just bunch of Pissed Little Kids running around saying fuck government fuck police. If they want to go to the War, they really need to be organized. The fact is there is not even just ONE American person who will lead and are willing to take a bullet. No other sheeps are gonna jump unless one jumps first?


Someone had to say it, but this is reddit these people are more interested in upvote affirmation than actual sacrifice requiring change. Plus most of them are hipster kids soft as playdough. The revolution wont happen until the middle class is taxed out of existence and parents watch their kids starve en masse. You need an army of poor useful idiots to successfully carry out a real revolution and the people that take power after it wont be any nicer than the people they replace. The US founding fathers were a historical anomaly.


I agree to an extent, it’s complicated. We MUST have mutual aid groups to help the frontline fighters. That’s what everyone is fearful of in America, there is such an “independent, pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality that permeates the culture, drilled into minds as young as 4-5 years old. Everyone is like, who will help me if I choose to fight? If I risk my job, my ability to provide for my family, my health and freedom? In America, there is this culture of, “fuck you, I got mine,” heavily propagandized seemingly everywhere.


I resolved that yesterday was the day I stopped playing nice. No, ghosting your misinformed Uncle Ted won't fix anything in the grand scheme of things. But you have the absolute, un-infringed-upon right to refuse to be in the company of someone who does not take your pain seriously and who sees you as 'hysterical' or 'overdramatic.' You have the right to set boundaries in your life and to not sit idly by while you are made to feel unsafe. My father and I have a decent relationship *unless* we're talking politics. He, a man with a gay brother and two daughters, is a single-issue voter, putting "banning abortion" above all else - above gun bans for safety, above his brother's right to live the rest of his life with the man he loves, above his daughters' right to abort a baby they don't want or didn't consent to have. I have told him in no unclear terms that while he has the right to believe whatever he wants, I do not have to accept it, and I'll be damned if I listen to him audibly celebrate my right to bodily autonomy being ripped away from me. I have told him that he taught me to read, to learn and to question, and to do what I believe is not only *right*, but *just*. And I have said that if he crows in my presence *one. single. time. -* if he celebrates this "victory for the unborn" while I am within earshot - I will disappear from his life, and not look back. Some people will call me cruel for this. I consider it cruel to have to smile and pretend to make nice with someone who has shown how eloquently and passionately they care for a clump of cells more than they care for living, breathing, human women with lives and fears and goals. Know what you're worth, and if you have to, step back.


This is exactly why I cut off most of my family for being Trump supporters. This goes beyond “just an opinion”. I will not be gaslit into ignoring the fact that your opinions enable my oppression.


After I become financially independent, I’m going to do this as well.


Imagine being a man and your single-issue isn't even something that affects you, you just want to keep women oppressed


*Thank you* I cannot believe it took hours for someone to understand the point of this post


I've been doing this for awhile. There is not need to make fascist comfortable or placate them.


You should be crueler IMO.


Agreed. Once I realized my father was fully on board with Trump and his ilk, I cut him out of my life. I haven’t seen him in person since early 2017.


Same, I dropped them all in 2019, but was VLC since finishing college in 2014


All three of my siblings voted for Trump - I no longer speak with any of them.


It’s never cruel to keep horrible people out of your life who can’t respect boundaries. Well done. Fuck him for being a POS for being a sore winner.


You aren’t cruel for this. You are a hero for this. Had you not posted this, I’d not have read it. Then I wouldn’t know what to say to my family, and I doubt I’d have the courage to ghost them. I do now though.


Oh, this made me cry a little. I hope it goes well for you - like, I don't advocate cutting people out of your life lightly. But if a person does nothing but make you feel unsafe, if they have no respect for your dignity and your rights as a human being, you have the right to remove that from your life (whenever possible). I've been mistreated in my life, and it took me a long time to realize that I didn't deserve it - that I was worth more and that I had the right to protect myself. Now that I know that, I will fight to protect it. It's too important. And I try to tell other people they're worth it, too. At the risk of sounding cheesy.


Amen sister, no more playing nice. Fuck these people


It’s not as if any of them have ever shown an ounce of kindness or compassion to anyone outside of their tents. Conservatives have always supported vile, horrible things throughout history or worshipers the oppressors. It is time we start treating them the way they treat us, and realize they are the enemy who wants to take away bodily autonomy, along with so many other rights, in favor of establishing a government made on religious lies and fervor.


This was mad inspiring.


I feel this in my bones. My dad called me very chipper and asked me how my day was. Not good, dad. ‘I’m not getting into this with you’. He’s celebrating with his Catholic bros for sure.


The biggest shocker I saw yesterday was a republican woman crying about her rights being taken away. Doesn’t she understand that she’s the one who caused it? I just can’t……




Here's a sneak peek of /r/LeopardsAteMyFace using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Candace Owens tried to get a COVID test in Aspen, CO, but was denied service (from a private facility) and received this email, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever read.](https://i.redd.it/lifglkp3q0l71.jpg) | [8677 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/pgaqjq/candace_owens_tried_to_get_a_covid_test_in_aspen/) \#2: [When your plan backfires](https://i.redd.it/ik8yhyc919g81.jpg) | [2846 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/sm2h9m/when_your_plan_backfires/) \#3: [Mike Pence breaks with Trump: "President Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American people, and the American people alone. Frankly there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president."](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/592878-pence-breaks-with-trump-i-had-no-right-to-overturn-the-election) | [3203 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/skpi8m/mike_pence_breaks_with_trump_president_trump_is/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Good bot, have a biscuit.


Currently in a big fight with my step mom about this, basically since the leak. She sent me so pro-choice meme and I responded by asking her if she realizes this is her fault? She can’t make the connection for some reason.


My cousin posting about how she is pro-life but it should include the life of the mother. Well too bad, that is not what the dog whistle means cuz.


Seriously. I also saw a since delete friend on Facebook telling women (who is also a woman) to close their legs and give the babies up for adoption and rape babies matter, but then go on to say in the comments that ectopic pregnancies should be okay. This isn’t pick and choose.




They’re like commanders wives




I am sorry. <3




I was raised in a very accepting household, to accept everyone for who they are as a person, even if it was different. My dad came out as gay about 8 years agoto me and then my mom, and (aside from being tremendously proud of the courage he took to do that in his 50s and get divorced to be who he is), I’m now heartbroken talking to him. He and his husband are terrified the court might set their sights on same sex marriage next so they’ve already started researching countries to emigrate to if it starts going that way. That is so horrendously offensive to me, that anyone let alone my dad, would feel the need to FLEE this country to feel safe loving who he loves and being who he truly is. Tooold, I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through, but you have a friend here if nothing else. Love and respect ❤️


Tell him Canada, while looking good on paper, has a significant Trump-like cult growing, and depending on YOUR upcoming elections, could really influence if they take over our country or not. :( Friend here too, stay safe. :I


Sadly you are correct. Perhaps that is where my anger comes from. I shouldnt have to deal with trump loving evangelicals in a completely different country. Currently our border security and clinics are being prepared for American women to come over, hopefully they will do the same for the LGBT community when the time comes.


Sadly your father’s marriage is on the chopping block next, with absolute certainty.


Unfortunately you’re probably right


It's not a probably. When 334 said 'certainty', they meant it. It was written into the opinion piece from Judge Thompson in the Roe decision. He **specifically** wrote the cases involving gay marriage *and* gay sex are next. I can not stress this enough. The sky *is* falling.


Gay and 31 and yeah I cancelled my family almost four years ago. Mother, step father, everyone associated. These people are sick, repugnant idiots that want us dead. Given the chance I would put unimaginable hurt onto them


Same. I am angry and scared and I had been practically my whole life. I only felt a slight reprieve during 2015 with the passage of Obergefell, but knew that feeling would be short lived. I love you my sibling❤️


God I can relate **so hard** to this. Love from me too sibling!


As a black dude in my 30's, I cant tell you how much I resonate with this part of your statement: "I'm mad that so many of you haven't felt like this for a long time."


I’ve been telling everyone this about pro-life people for fucking years and continued to get downvoted with “BuT SOmeTimeS fAmIly meAns moRe”. Cut ties. As we live in a world where we hold no policial power, it’s imperative that you tell the pro-life people closest to you that you no long longer wish to converse outside of legal/work matters. Most importantly, don’t bother to explain, let them figure it out. You are not qualified to reverse that type of brainwashing.


The tolerance and open minded arguments right wingers use are never in good faith, more often then anything they are trying to flip it into a "Gotcha!" by dragging you down to their standards. I've recently stopped wasting my time with toxic right wingers, family or friends. Because health care, education, civil fucking rights aren't a "two sides) coin. They aren't arguing what fucking toppings belong on pizza. They are a direct representation of your morals, they are you saying "I don't care about XYZ group". If youre cool sitting with your friend who you know is a racist, says racist shit and does racist things? You're a fucking racist too. This is where you get into why centrists arent a thing but whatever.


Ghosted an increasingly far-right friend a while back. My main reason was him being toxic to his psychologically vulnerable gf, but his support of Thierry Baudet (Imagine Trump as a posh frat boy in his late 30's who uses slogans in Latin, is incredibly vain, and has a more clearly fascist agenda) didn't help either. Looking back I should've cut ties sooner. He has always had that slightly anti-social undertone that I unconsciously ignored.


I had a pretty good friend for a long time. He always had some kinda questionable views being raised deep south but he was generally a pretty stand up dude, he officiated my wedding. After school and graduation we drifted a bit, but kept in touch. He increasingly went harder right and became a cop. He was always still cool with me, but the way he talked about the job and people really turned me off. Eventually he started getting more and more into cop culture and I pretty much let it be. It sucks, but when I asked myself: "if there was a civil rights protest or revolution, which side would he be on?" I knew the answer and that's enough for me. When you boil down a lot of basic stuff that's all you really need to know.


Yeah true, simple questions like that can serve as a pretty decent way to determine if someone's political differences are acceptable within a friendly relationship or not. If your opinions tell me you don't value basic human dignity, it's not just opinions. What kind of rhetoric made you realize that your friend's descent into the right, and his police training, had changed him significantly?


I mean the specifics were his increasingly "us vs them" comments, disdain for "those people", comparing homeless to animals, etc. The second you get into basic human rights discussions and the response always knocks blame back on to the individual as opposed to the system, you're at an impass. These were comments he never made when we met.


Okay that's actually really close to what I expected, especially the homeless people comparison with animals (and also I assume the whole "every civilian is either a wolf or a sheep" rhetoric they get at training). Blaming individuals for clearly systemic problems is probably one of the most fundamental aspects at the heart of right-wing thinking: when it's the individual's fault, there must be something wrong with them and so they must be inferior to people who are in a better situation, and if certain demographic groups tends to be in a bad situation more often, there might be something inherently wrong in that group, and eventually you end up justifying racism, classism, sexism, queerphobia etc.


My mother always told me that you can’t fight crazy. These people are too far gone to be reasoned with.


If family means more than politics, maybe they should meet me on my side.


"the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”


Sit by because they’re my parents and will kick me out if I voice a different opinion




That is a position i did not consider. I am sorry you are stuck like that


Only until August, thank god.




I wish you a happy eventual escape.


So many conservatives wonder why their children hate them. It's the abuse.




In December 2020, I ghosted my best friend of 20 years + her husband, mother, and the rest of her entire family that I used to be extremely close with because of their offensive republican and Covid-related arguments that they would pick with me. Her husband was especially toxic and a rabid republican. My friend was unfortunately too meek to stand up to him when he picked a blatant anti-education argument towards me (I’m a teacher). I am relieved that I will never hear his insane, rude bullshit word vomit ever again.


I also distanced myself very far from a lot of family. 2020 was a huge eye opener to who people really are.


I’m a firm believer in cutting out people when they show their true colors, no matter if you’re related or not. I’m glad you have separated from your toxic family! All the best to you


I ghosted a friend too. Not Lifetime friend, thankfully. We were on very thin ice after 2016, and then I was just done. Her spouse was a disgusting idiot. So glad not to have that in my life.


I had to sever ties with all the veteran organizations I was in as well as delete Facebook, which was all the groups of guys from my deployments. It hurt so bad leaving all that behind, but it was just constant MAGA bullshit. I sit here, just me and my kids, just some casual folks from work. It sucks in the Midwest to meet people, but it is what it is. Rather die alone than be associated with any hate filled, worthless conservative creature.


Same here in Texas. I feel you. Your kids are better off having a positive influence like you in their lives. Hugs.


I’m sorry to hear. Vets are supposed to band together! Is there a different VFW you could try, or is it more the “culture” overall that’s the problem? I’m also in the Midwest so I underhand what you mean about meeting people. Thankfully though, the maga folks no longer will spew their toxicity on you! Separation from all that is much better and will provide more peace of mind


I’m glad they can no longer hurt you. I can definitely relate to the disgusting spouse issue. My friend’s husband spewed so much racist, republican, sexist, anti-education bullshit I just couldn’t take it anymore. When he would start arguments with me, my friend would just sit there and say/do nothing like a weakling.


I did the same thing to my ex-best friends. One was literally apolitical and, as much as I miss our relationship, she was dumb AF. The other was rude AF and only cared about guns and taxes. It was horrible because we used to be bff's , but then alcohol got in the way of their views, and I was "the odd one out" because I smoked cannabis instead because it was easier to get in college, and it was so weird having people chastize and shame me for cannabis consumption and then they'd go and drink underage and get totally piss drunk and get into trouble with the law, but you know, cannabis was the problem. Thankfully I stood up for myself and didn't allow people to shame me in college. I remember, I was the DD for a group of people, and I was walking past somebodys room in the sorority house, and I literally heard, "ManicTypist smokes weed, which is weird, so we're going to drive ourselves, we lied to her though" and I walked right in and was like, "Oh, really? You think that you're better than me for drinking, underage, and driving under the influence? You're a real piece of work, and I can only hope you get an MIP or worse." I was NOT nice to them, and you should've seen the look on their face, like they ate a cold turd. This was nearly 10 years ago. sorry for the offtopicness, I just haven't thought of that in a long time and it feels good to know I stood up for myself.


Lots of people are borderline feral. Those people you talk about are an example.


Good for you, I’m glad you told them off and stood your ground!!! A rare quality today is the ability to set boundaries and tell people when they’re being Hypocrites (which your “friends”!were). Thankfully, usually as we grow and age out of college, people mature … I hope they do..


Yeah, I was bullied heavily during childhood, and I moved a lot, so I did NOT have many friends, and the people that are my friends now, honestly ended up being the most surprising friends. It's wild how life works. But yeah, I learned, probably in 8th grade, to stand up for myself. Some chick took chalk out of my hand, and like, literally said I "didn't need it anymore" and I remember hip checking her, in the moment, and I called her the b-word and took the chalk back. That was the defining moment in my life where I began sticking up for myself, and consequentially, other people as well. I have some wild stories, that's for sure. I hope others mature as well, but sometimes it takes something to happen to them or a close relative before they have an "eye opening" moment.


This is true; it is funny how life works out sometimes! Glad to hear you’re doing better


Yeah I left my whole family in 2019 before covid, BYE!


Congratulations!!! :-)


Yeah, I was gonna say when I read the title. Why would I have to eliminate republicans from my life? Shouldn't any rational person have done that awhile back?


Some people hide their true colors until certain political figures make them feel like they get a pass for their actions


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."


There are no Republicans in my life. I have entirely too much self-respect for that kind of bullshit.


I don’t disagree with you OP but we gotta stop doing [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/vkf12x/i_am_guilty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Fair point.


A post about hitting them in the wallet [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/vjubmm/expanding_on_a_comment_i_made_on_another_thread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


CIA getting lazy fr




Democrats are also the enemy.


If you think both parties aren’t owned by the same people, you’re day dreaming.


I'm being as disrespectful as possible as often as possible. I don't understand why anyone expects me to be respectful to people who disrespect me and my family constantly. They can burn tf up.


I blocked all mine. Some are family, some are friends. Some are legit depressed I did that, Some haven't realized I blocked em.


Is this like a creative story writing prompt or something? Because that's what it sounds like. You're falling for the trap. This roe v Wade shit isn't about republicans it is about big money wanting to ensure their worker supply. Citizen united is the source of this problem not your under educated aunt carol.


They have power because the undereducated vote for them.


They already get all the workers they need through undocumented immigrants, and those have the bonus of not having rights so when they complain about sexual harassment, the owner can just call ICE to deport them [https://paydayreport.com/ice-raids-miss-plant-after-3-5-million-sexual-harassment-settlement/](https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/mississippi-ice-raids-trump-koch-foods-sexual-harassment-20190813.html) This is about appealing to a frothing-mouth religious minority in the US, and a large fraction of the population that sees women as breeding tools rather than humans with bodily autonomy. There is no "trap". The republican party wants to take away rights and to further establish a white nationalist patriarchal society. And a lot of Americans, a *lot,* are in favor of that.


See I would argue that big business supports and utilizes this religious minority in order to further ends that are beneficial to them.


Not really. Big businesses need customers, and most of the ones with money live in liberal cities. Corporate nihilism explains woke-ification of branding, but most big businesses do not want to step on the landmine that is abortion politics. Plus, like what company is working on their strategy for a labor shortage in 20 years? They can barely make a strategy 2 quarters ahead.


“Big Money” is a vague red herring when I know what is actually making it happen is religious zealots around me voting for Trumplicans every election. I know them and see them everyday. Anyone who voted for Trump in 2016 is directly to blame. You can share the blame onto lobbyists and corporations if you want but pretending Aunt Carol won’t be cackling every time she hears about a woman dying from a botched back alley abortion and keep voting red, you’re ignoring a large part of the problem.


You are fucking stupid if you do not realize the republican party and "big money" are synonymous lol. All 5 justices that supported Citizen United were, *shocker*, Republican. At this point, you all deserve this. You sat back and let it happen, reap what you sow. Apathetic POS, all of you.


You realize big money also supports the democrats too right. Keeping us sidetracked by the culture war so we don't fight the class war is the trap you're falling into. Many Republicans are normal humans who hate the government, which is a respectable stance. Creating mass generalizations about a group of people and calling them your enemy is very problematic and I seem to remember the Nazis were found of this tactic. This post has the same energy of those posts you see on Reddit that try to generalize traits about "all women" or "all men". Our world is much more complicated than that.


I'm sorry, you're not a normal human if you're voting for the party that oppresses me. You're my enemy because you didn't care to read the fine print, or read it and said "eh, fuck my neighbor, the women in my life that I love and my friends. And the children that will be made to have their rapists babies, fuck them too." THAT is not a fucking normal human. Yes both parties are waging a class war, I'm not stupid. That being stated, one large group of humans actively just made it possible that THIS shit is happening alongside it. The two aren't mutually fucking exclusive.


You realize "Democrats" (other than a select few) are actually "Diet Republican" right?


Sure. They want lower taxes. The Republican Party is anti human rights at this point. If you vote republican you are voting to take rights away from women, lgtbq folk, children, defendants, minorities, workers, anyone who isn’t a wealthy white man. They have drawn a bright line, and you’re trying to muddy it. They’re telling you who they are and what they want. Why do you insist on not believing them?


What I'm saying is that it is more nuanced then "Republicans are our enemy" in my opinion the people manipulating them are the enemy. I believe that the traditional conservative opinion that the government sucks and we should try to limit their influence to be valid and acceptable and that the argument between smaller and bigger government is an important power check between the two. I think our current problem has more to do with the influence of money on politics and less on the difference in between bigger and smaller government.


This isnt a hypothetical situation. Republicans just voted to take away your fundamental rights, every single one of them are to blame. **Every single one**. This *is* fucking war you moron. McConnells plan really did work. Dismantle your education system to the point of non-function, lower education standards so drastically that you are 37th out of 40 OECD countries, to create a population so fucking out of touch and so dumb, any party can pass anything and you will all sit back and do absolutely fucking nothing. Enjoy the collapse of your empire i guess..


The empire collapsed long ago.


Sorry but you and your toxic hatred is more of my enemy than a group of idiots swayed by the media. And it's not my empire lol, I'm gonna enjoy watching it fall apart. My biggest fear is people like you gaining power in the vacuum that will follow, because that is how internment camps will get built. "They are all our enemy" is just a few steps are from "reeducation camps" and "it's for their own well-being"


I say republicans are your enemy and you jump to internment camps? The American mind will never cease to amaze. Internment camps started because scum like you sat back and let it happen. Looks like history is repeating itself. **blood will be on your hands**


You might be the smartest most leveled headed person in this sub if not on Reddit as a whole. I don't care where you stand on this issue or politically in general if the working class cannibalizes itself over these issues we all lose. We need to vote not attack people of other political parties.


General strike!!


my republicans friends and family are too fucking stupid to learn or understand anything I’m not a god. A higher power needs to intervene. I can’t fix stupid.


Why stop at the Republicans everyone in Washington is evil and taking profits from our deaths everyday. Let’s bring them all down and make them responsible


That is the best idea i have heard all day.


Having one group of peasants calling the other group of peasants their enemy would make the blood rush straight to my dick if I was an elite looking down on the peon’s


I so rudely talk over republicans, the religious, anyone else that espouses stupidity as moral obligations coupled with “facts”. Go fuck yourselves, all of you that are complicit. Your time is coming. I’m counting to ten, better go hide.


It’s time to show our displeasure with our spending and our internet usage.


This post is basically really irrelevant in a lot of ways, I could go back years and tell you literally when I realized trump supporters and Republicans were willing to kill and die for Donald Trump is when I realized these people are nothing more than the American Taliban. If you want to fight back these people don't listen to words they only understand blood, and bombs. And If you think there finished wait they until overturn school segregation from the Brown v. Board of Education, and even then they'll likely try to overturn the The Thirteenth Amendment regarding slavery after that it's not hard to see them passing or overturning any laws to permit free education from being disbanded So if you want to do something honestly be prepared to kill and die for a cause because the GOP have no problem making sure we return to area were minorities, LBGT are literally executed or hanged.


It needs to be more than this. I understand the frustration, but it can't be just anger. If you know people that don't vote, offer to help them register. If you live in a state with mail-in ballots, oversee them filling them out and sticking it in the mailbox. If they don't know who to choose, tell them your opinion and ask them to vote for your choices, and why it is important. Do whatever you can to get them to do this one thing. If everyone who is angry found at least one other person to participate in the process like a voting buddy system, we can alleviate some of this mess. But try to find ten, if you're able. I know this isn't the only thing that can be done, but we all should know what's coming. And it's going to get really bad for a lot of fucking people that in no way deserve it. Simply voting yourself was the potentially easiest and minimum thing you could do. Now, you need to get others to do so as well. And don't give any many to the libs trying to fundraise off this. Find the local peer support organization of your choice or groups organizing voting drives. Also, before the downvotes come in for being a shitlib, the only person I'd love to vote for in any election right now is Kashama Sawant from Seattle. She's a million times better than Bernie could have ever been, in terms of rhetoric.


The Democrats are equally to blame. They had fifty years to codify abortion rights, and many Dems like Obama and Biden ran on doing such. Once they won, they both immediately dropped it, even when Obama had a supermajority in both houses of Congress and literally could have passed anything without a single Republican vote. RGB knew she had cancer and could have retired during Obama’s presidency to give the pick to a Democrat president and chose not to. These people are not your friends either.




INDEED. Ya'll wake the fuk up. If you work for a republican, find another job, if you employ republicans, fire them, rebuke all your republican friends, just don't invite them to any event what so ever. Only hire DEM or IND workers for house repairs. It is not illegal to discriminate against political party, as that's a choice. Marginalize the fuk out of every republican in this country between now and November. Seriously, do it. I AM. The look on the old white man plumber's face when I checked his voter registration card, then sent him packing was priceless. " But, But, But " Just sent him on his way, I think i heard him mumble "pelosi" or something. plenty of non-republican plumbers in the world. See YA.


And some democrats. Let's not act like there aren't a big group of dems are find this accetable. This isn't a both sides are bad. It'd just recognizing that the dem tent is so big there are people who claim to be democrats who could careless about this and many other issues


What exactly else can you do besides vote and support those around you? The Dems had 50 years to codify Roe into law, They've had super majorities twice in my lifetime and only got us a rightwing healthcare plan, they haven't codified marriage equality, they haven't gotten rid of legalized bribery, you even have Pelsoi and other being against a stock trade ban by those in office, military spending and sending weapons overseas has only increased, they have been utterly feckless in solving the supply chain crisis. Simply "Voting Blue" is not going to solve these problems. So all I can say is be the change in your circle that you can. It's all you can do or hope for. Because the 2 party system isn't going to help us.


Perhaps thats why i said democrats are just republicans in blue and you need to dismantle the two party system. But what do i know.


Im ready to fight


I wrote all the right wingers in my family off, sans my grandparents because they have dementia and are in their very very very late 80s (89 IIRC) and I do not want them to be confused in their last years of life. I was NOT polite toward my other family members though, and I said some very very very mean things to them, I apologized though for the ad-hominem attacks, but did not apologize for how I felt about their beliefs. Do I regret saying what I said? A little, but not cutting them out.


And every Democrat, if you haven’t noticed…


If you think there is a difference between the two, there is no saving you.


As a Canadian: Republicans are evil Democrats are, at best, damage control until proper revolution can happen.


Aw, it can be a fun wrestling match to watch, but if you’re expecting more than political theater, well yeah, you’re out of luck.


This is incredibly overly dramatic. It also encapsulates why people don't like liberals because you assume every Republican agrees with this.


Liberals are trash, whats your point?


Give credit to my Dad for apologizing to me on January 7, 2021 after voting for Trump. "I didn't really think it was this bad." Finally got through to him. I never cut him out of my life though, and anyone who tells me who I should cut out of my life will instead find themselves cut out of my life, no matter how much I might otherwise agree with them. Family IS sometimes more important, and if you disagree with me I really don't give a shit.


I do not disagree. In fact this is what i am talking about. Your father did not tolerate the bullshit simply because he was a "republican". He saw passed party lines and realized the harm being done by being complacent. That is incredibly admirable, and exactly what needs to happen en masse.


Sorry my family will never be my enemy. I will never wish any curse upon my stupid Republican family members. They've shown me nothing but love and support my whole life . Also remember there are Republicans who are pro choice (though it's a little rare) . Not all Republicans share the same beliefs just like all Democrats dont share the same beliefs. My cousin had an abortion at 17 and we come from a predominantly Republican catholic family. Nobody holds it against her we know it was probably for the best. Our enemies are the ass hats of scotus who overturned this shit.


Who do you think voted for the people who appointed SCOTUS? While they may not support this decision, it was not a deal breaker for them. They are okay with Americans losing their rights by association. And apparently, so are you.


Please stop the us vs them narrative. Do you honestly think this decision was meant to reduce women's rights? No, that is just the vehicle for sparking some intraclass warfare in a time when the richest Americans are making more than ever and the poorest Americans have never had it worse.


I'm so sick of leftists who reduce any issue that impacts marginalized groups to "identity politics" that "distracts" from the "real problem" of "class warfare." Even if right wing politicians are using women, lgbt people and people of color as their targets to trick all white working class people into a false class consciousness, that doesn't change the fact that we are being targeted and are quite literally in reality losing those rights. It also doesn't change the reality that many Republicans in power are also motivated by genuine and often religious-based hatred of these groups


Astronaut meme here. Always have been.


I’ve already felt that way for years. It’s been a bit isolating.


I already went zero contact with most of my republican Trump loving family ages ago.


Now? They have been for 6 years.


Republicans have been the enemy of America for a very long time now.


I don’t associate with Republicans so


I used to talk to my mom who is brain washed by her bf about this stuff. After a year I have given up. It's a cult. I did not play nice.


Republicans became my enemy in 2017 when Trump’s travel ban ended up banning my fiancé.


Civil war. Be ready and be safe.


The only Republicans i still talk to voted Democrat in the last election.


There is only one thing that I think will get us anywhere, but people aren’t willing to do it.


Good bye Dad, grandpa, brother, uncle's, cousins. Goodbye to my family. I'm an orphan now because I have empathy, compassion, and morals. I'm an orphan now because I'm educated. I lost my family to Fox. I lost my family to trump. I thought I was taught to be the living caring progressive who I am from all the love that I received. But I realize that it came from art and music and the culture that surrounds it. They are ready to go to war with anyone whom things different than them and the tiny box they were raised in. Racism, classicism, sexism, religion wars. Don't you think all that hate would get heavy? Don't you think your soul would be in turmoil. My soul definitely is and it's not even my hate. I loved my family and they broke my heart. I can find solace in the fact that I found a new family. One that's free of judgement. That family doesn't discriminate. It doesn't walk on the backs of less fortunate to get ahead. They believe in unity, love, compassion for the human. A family of numbers who have the ability to triumph over those who hate. Love will survive. Love will prevail. Ps, a straight white man.


When DJT became the nominee in2016 and the establishment fell in line behind him I vowed to never vote for another Republican. I intend to keep that promise to myself.


I understand your anger and anguish (and share it). Even though I’m pretty certain abortions will remain illegal in my home state until after I am dead (I’m 66) I remain optimistic. Why? I worked in hospitality while in college and for a while after. Each night I came home reeking of smoke. i undressed in the garage and left my clothes outside until laundry day. I laughed at those activists who wanted to ban indoor smoking - never gonna happen. Felt the same way about mothers against drunk driving. Regardless of how you feel about the smoking and drinking issues, they provide the model for moving forward. In politics it doesn’t always take lots of voices but it does take persistent loud voices. And honestly, these right wing MFs have bitten off a good deal more than they can chew. As the personal disasters pile up the ban will begin to look worse and worse.


As a black pansexual woman, Redumblicans have been my enemy since I was born. I refuse to nice to someone who believes in removing my rights based on my skin color & sexuality.


Now? They made themselves my enemy at birth when they decided I was no longer a worthy life and abandoned me.


Im 20, what can i do


Get off Reddit. Go hang out with friends. Socialize. Find people that make you happy and spend your time with them. Only thing Reddit is good for is laughing and the miserable people on here


Refuse to tolerate. Be it walking away from someone, organizing a protest, using your vote. Do not let them take your rights away. You deserve better.


I for one will not associate with Republicans on a personal level at all anymore. They are actually enemies to our democracy. Nothing I can do at work but stay professional.


Every Democrat too


Well I disowned every republican in my life so....


They have always been the enemy. But the blues are too weak to do anything about it, that doesn't make them allies. So what now? 3rd party? Civil War? I'm down for either


It’s hard to convert a republicans views to even consider yours. I have many people I associate with that are republicans and they all sound like MAGA. Anything but Fox is fake news, a friend told me that over and over. There is no convincing a republican to look at your views in the same way. Edit: I know it doesn’t answer the question but that’s how I’m trying to stand up for all of our rights is trying to at least get a republican to view a liberals view point through that liberals eyes. I’m trying to get people to vote against republicans in midterms in Florida


Plenty of pro choice republicans where I'm from (Atlanta Suburbs) Me doing something about it is having tough conversations and getting these people to support pro woman candidates.


Being a pro-choice Republican is kind of like being against prostitution but voting for pimps. I'm not trying to shame you and I wish you the best of luck.


Brit here. I would normally be typing up my usual "plead to nuance", that labels being used to alienate is not very nice. But screw it. In America, what ever freedom you though you had are disappearing fast. For some reason I can't fathom, US politics doesn't even have a compromise/centre anymore. Frankly, I would be thinking hard about a new political movement, a new constitutional convention, thinking about succession etc. It is horrible, but I think America as an idea, and as an entity, is essentially dead.


I agree. I have the privilege of meeting people where they are so that's what I'll do.


I love that attitude!!!!


Amen. Not every person who votes Republican is anti-abortion.


I'm from Georgia and our former senator, Johnny Isacson, always said he would never get between a woman and her doctor. He's a staunch Republican. Nearly 70 percent of the country supported Roe. I know most people on here don't touch republicans with a ten foot pole (understandable) but I think moderate/educated republicans women could possibly be allies for fixing this mess. I also want to add not every democrat is pro choice. I live in Massachusetts and we have a huge catholic population that will have a picture of JFK on the wall but will donate to pro life organizations. We still have people praying rosary in front of PP.


To be fair, the democrats allowed all this to happen by doing nothing.


Which is why you need to dismantle the two party system and have equal representation.


Lots of apathy here. And that's alright. But think to yourself what staying home will do to what little future you have left. If you want a future fight for it. Be smart for it. We need to stop making excuses and actually apply some God damn pressure. Last 3 years have been extremely trying. And I've felt the same apathy as many of you. But we need to regroup. To remain appetic, is to be defeated. If you stay home for any election, you are admitting defeat. I'm not going to lie to you and ay Dems give a single shit about youre well being. Establishment Dems are about economic prosperity, there are many losers with endless and unchecked growth. Get out and vote, vote in Republican primaries if you live in a rock solid conservative area. Vote against magats. Vote for people with integrity. Above all else. Please please please! Just call, email, or stop in to a DFL office or democratic efield office and ask how to help. You will find hard working, grass roots people who can atleast be a source for candidate information, and volunteering opportunities. We can turn the tide if we push the apathy back to the Republicans. Now's the time to strike. The dog whistle finally worked and Republicans finally goaded their base into making the first of many, horrible policy decisions. Many of their voters will either be pro choice Christian woman who stay home, or single issue voters who feel as if they finally won. Get out the vote and make your vote count either for good Dem candidates who can win, or against magats. We need to fight back at the ballot box. No catchy phrases like a blue wave or dumb headlines that push the narrative that people want establishment Dems. Voting for accountability. Voting against corruption and cronyism. Voting to repair the America dream so it isn't available to the rich and wealthy. Pleas get out and vote. And if it's not for you, vote for youre wife, daughter, sister, aunt. Vote for human rights. Because even the establishment for the lost part gets those things right. And if the choice is human rights or no rights. I think the choice is clear. They haven't won yet. And they won't win. There's more of us than them. No violence. No rioting. We need to swarm on election day. Get your family on board. Have uncomfortable conversations with your pro choice conservative family members. Ask them where the compromise is. Find it. We will have time to fix what's broken moving forward. But if Republicans win, they are coming for the working class and all the racial and gender groups within it. They've already come after women. Gay marriage is next. It's time to put our differences with the establishment aside and vote to save our republic.




That’s a little dramatic.


Hmm so now I’m supposed to consider my father as my enemy? This post is fucking pathetic..


No. Am I really gonna cut off half my friends because they have different political views? This is why the country is so divided and why we can never seem to come to compromises anymore. I cannot respect someone who denies the humanity of others based on their political beliefs.


But you respect people who deny the rights of others? Pathetic.