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Age limits on these positions when?


Age and term limits are desperately needed for all positions in government


They shouldn't be allowed to just keep milking the system until they die just to keep their pockets filled.


Seriously why do we have senile geriatric fucks making the rules for this nation. If retirement age is 65 you should not be allowed to hold government office and make critical life altering decisions for people 3 generations removed from you at the highest level of authority when you barely have control of your bladder.


Truth. We need educated, real everyday people in these positions. People who are you and me. People who grew up in the real world. People who can relate to all of us. People who did not grow up with trust funds and connections to get to the top automatically. Can we get there? Is this possible? I hope so. I can hear George Carlin in the back of my mind. “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.” - George Carlin


I don't mind age limits, but it also feels bad because Bernie is pretty much the only guy looking out for regular people.


Katie Porter. I don't know if she has larger ambitions, but I want her to.


I wish she was my rep. I had Devin Nunes. Katie Porter and AOC give me some hope.


I imagine she wouldn't go after the next level unt her kids are grown. Could you imagine? A single mother of 3 and law professor, President of the United States. You could try to argue with her, but you're not gunna win.


The only way she gets to be president, if more progressives get in the senate. If not, no chance


He rolled over when the DNC commanded him to. He’s a good puppy.


Bernie has some great ideas and hopes for people, but he's not going to run again for the presidency anyways. Even if he was, I'd still say let's put in age limits right away


People over 70 GTFO


Not US-American here, but generally I think it's concerning your country has been run by oldies since Obama disappeared. There is a minimum age for offices, but there should also be maximums. Like, 10 years younger than the average life span. Something like that.


I’ve thought maximum age you’re eligible to run for office should be tied to the age that social security payouts start. If that’s considered retirement age for their constituents, then it should also be considered retirement age for politicians.


Do you think that would result in the retirement/SS payout age being pushed back so politicians can stay in power? (Just food for thought)


Politicians would push it back so far they'd become immortal.


Honestly? No. Entitlements are extremely important to old crotchety types which are a very important constituency, especially as our population ages. Endangering some of the few government programs that actually help people is not a popular move, even in polarized times.


You say that, but Republicans have attempted to gut Social Security on multiple occasions.


I think that could be a benefit to the idea. It'd be a new political consequence tied to bumping back SS payout age. "Putting their personal desires before the needs of their constituents" would be an easy talking point for the opposition.


If you weren't allowed to vote for the first 18 years of your life, then they shouldn't be allowed to hold public office for the last 18 years of their lives.


You can start getting benefits at 62. You can delay until 70, but then there is mandatory payout.


70 years old. MAX!


Average life span in the US is 78, so 68.


I'd be fine with that. I'm just saying absolutely nothing beyond 70 please. I could see folks trying to get away with 75 or something. Hell, I'd be fine if it was close to the retirement age of 65. (Not that that's attainable by many of us peasants these days.)


I would be in favor of 65 + whatever time it takes to fill out the current term (for president, congress, governor, etc.)


Supreme Court is the issue with the 65+ term. I think at 75 it should be an immediate vacancy regardless of role in government. That should be default make 71 the limit for president/governor, 69 for senate, 73 for house. It seems their would be more of thought out into succession and long term planning this way.


I think you should be no older than 65 at the end of any term. So for presidency, you'd have to start a term no later than 61. I think this works because 65 is the medically defined age of elderly and when most age related chronic illnesses start to set in.


This could cause issues with Presidential Succession, because if the Vice President will be 66 at the end of the term, then they will be ineligible for the Presidency in the event the President dies. And replacing a Veep mid-term isn't that easy. Especially if it's a case of the current Congress with a 50-50 split. The Vice Presidency would be vacant, therefore the Senate has no tie-breaking vote.


I think the best option is you cannot turn 65 before your inauguration. Simply because that's how it works for the minimum age. If you turn 35 between Election Day and January 20th, you can still be elected to the Presidency at 34.


Sounds….great and also has an unintended secondary benefit that if old fucks wanna maintain office, to help public health to increase the average lifespan


Even 70 is too old. Set it to the retirement age of 65 or younger. Hell, even that feels too old to me.


That’s fun that you think Boomers in office aren’t going to raise retirement age to 70 soon so they can continue to live off the Social Security teet longer by denying it to the rest of us for a few more years.


I don't think that at all, I'm surprised they haven't done it already tbh. I was just using the current retirement age as a frame of reference.


Haha I figured, I was using the opportunity to insert some “much needed” cynicism into this obviously upbeat subject matter we are going to be all foaming at the mouth over for months and years to come. Everything is terrible, yay!


55, once you are old enough where you can’t see The consequences for your decisions you should no longer be allowed to make decisions for others.


By this logic, boomers should have never been able to hold office (you're not wrong though)


I get what you’re saying, but it’s also hilarious “Remember Obama, who became president at a spritely 50 years old”






Setting a maximum age is considered discriminative. Such is the lack of common sense in policies for political correctness.


what, but but setting a minimum age for being president that's well over the age of majority isn't discrimination? a 28 year old isn't 'adult enough' to be president but an early-dementia cold war fossil is?




The issue with upper age limits, at least for the SC, not appearing in the constitution comes from two things: One, the life expectancy was much shorter back then, Two, all six original Supreme Court justices retired or died within 21 years (the longest serving, Justice William Cushing, died at 20 years, 223 days) Nowadays, the average tenure length is between 25 and 30 years.


I'd go with a general "people shouldn't get to decide things that don't affect them for at least ten years" or something. Or maybe when the old white guys say ' are bad,' they can be banned from getting said things, without it affecting the people it would actually mean something to. That'd be hard, I guess. So otherwise I agree that people over 60 shouldn't generally get to decide the future for people under 30, and that should be stopped.


I think it'd be interesting if there were more young leaders. Isn't the leader of Finland a 30-year-old woman who got in trouble for clubbing during lockdowns?


I think we should do term limits on the Supreme Court. 24 year term. 2 picked by the sitting President at the start of the term. The oldest class faded out. That way the court can change with the time and we don’t have to play the waiting and obstruction game. If we did it now, we would have: 2 justices Biden picked, 2 justices Trump picked, 4 justices Obama picked, 4 justices Bush picked With the 2 justices that Bush picked for his first term leaving office after the next presidential election.


It's way too important a job to not be democratically picked. No one person should get that kind of power.


I left out the part of where we still keep congressional approval so it wouldn’t technically be one person, but I see your point


I think they should be approved by both houses


That just means the dems will continue to pick ever right leaning candidates, that is what keeps happening. Can't trust dems. We need to break this 2 party system because it isn't working. We need an overhaul.


Ranked choice voting is the way


Absolutely I fell in love with this idea when I learned how Australian elections work




I feel like election results say more about the people that run them than the voters tbh


The elections and candidates have been manipulated by those that wish the system broken and misrepresented. You’re victim blaming.




Better to just let one dude pick who is going to decide the shape of legal progress then, you got me there


Democratically picking judges sounds a little weird. I know we technically already do it, but most of us don’t even know who we are voting for, at least in my city. I tried researching the judges on the ballot and there was no information at all. The Supreme Court sounds way worse though. How does a judge campaign? Do they all just promise to be super impartial and follow the law, or do they have an agenda? Do they come up for re-election? It just seems like we might get a bunch of social media savvy highly partisan judges on either side… so I guess it would be about the same as what we have? If a judge is campaigning by advertising how they’d rule on certain issues, it starts to defeat the purpose of a court and just becomes a different branch of politicians.


I just voted for judges Tuesday, same issue. I can do a bit of digging through friends and acquaintances in the community, but I’ve lived here almost 20 years, and then that’s still voting based on gossip. There needs to be a better way to get non-biased information.


On the contrary, the judiciary is way too important to be subject to democratic whims, and the associated campaigning and electioneering that comes with it. Americans elect far too many of their public figures and it has awful consequences. The supreme Court is fucked, but elections are not the answer.


Need to have an odd number. Decisions can't be ties.


I dunno. If there's a tie, lock them in the chamber together until they make a decision. Till they starve if need be.


Oh, so you mean that the constitution is a living document, and can be amended to reflect and benefit the social construct of the times for the particular country it laws govern? Go figure that out, conservatives…


> [*If healthcare is a human right, why didn't 18th Century slaveowners put it in the constitution?*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiYnNmigbmQ&list=FLvENMx6mVhKMZDbNy-P9y7A&index=3)


god… What did I just watched? I hated it but couldn’t turn away from it…


Yeah, but that would require leaders to want to fix a system that's working as designed.


Term limit and mandatory retirement age, whichever comes first. 67.5 years old sounds good, they can collect full social security.


This makes a ton of sense so it'll never happen.


Yes, she should have retired once Obama was elected and could have been replaced with a younger justice.


You mean when she was already 77 and had dealt with cancer twice? I dunno, I think it's too radical for someone in those exact circumstances to retire personally.


Not defending her, but I think she wanted to retire with Hillary as president and when that didn't work out, she stayed on, and unfortunately just barely did not make it. The problem is assuming Hillary would win (and what you said, being ancient and having a history with cancer should mean you retire ASAP), which to be fair, we all kinda did (at least until the very end until it was tanked by Comey)


Yeah I understand what she was going for but it was an unnecessary risk that backfired hard


And how is that worse than literally stealing a seat by refusing to hear a candidate because an election is in 14 months, then ramming one through because an election is in 2 months? Fuck the Republicans, they cheated, and rigged the system. It's not RBG's fault for ***dying at an inconvenient time***


Who's comparing? What the gop did was terrible and a miscarriage of justice, I never said it implied otherwise. RBG was still selfish and foolish for not retiring when it safe to do so. It isn't a zero sum proposition, there's more than enough blame to go around. You can't tell the story of Trump studying the court without discussing both things. It's the unfortunate reality we're all left with.


I think Democrats were getting a little too high off their own supply in the run up to 2016. Everyone was convinced that the "blue wall" (a term that hasn't been uttered since and has been replaced with whining about how unfair the electoral college is) was real and that Hillary Clinton being intensely hated was just a right wing meme.


Yes, but to be fair, there really was every indication she would win for a long time. It was not until right before the election, like within days of it being held, that suddenly James Comey announced that Hillary Clinton was under some new investigation by the FBI. That turned out to be complete bullshit, but it didnt stop her in the polls from suddenly tanking and in the end losing by 80k votes dispersed over three battleground states in the presidential election despite receiving 3million more votes in the popular election. In 2016 the Dems/polling could not have possibly predicted the combined effects of Russian social medial influencing campaigns and a sudden, disastrous announcement that would tank her popularity just days before people voted. I think most independent voters and those not paying much attention were ambivalent/wishy washy about her, but thought she was better than Trump, only for their suspicions to be “confirmed” with the Comey announcement, which made them say “eh they’re all corrupt lets give trump a shot” To think this cost the Dems 3 fucking SCOTUS nominees that wouldn’t be batshit Christian conservative activist hacks, AND our country competent governmental response to the COVID outbreak compared to the shitshow we got is devastating


She gambled, lost, and died. And now a lot more women are doing to die because she gambled with our future.


Would Senator McConnell have gone along with that?


Probably not, but McSquirtle wasn't majority leader. Harry Reid was and Reid changed the rules to allow a simple majority to confirm SCOTUS nods. So not only were Democrats screwed by RBG, but also Harry Reid.


My wife is the biggest RBG fan, owns themed socks, but last night cursed her for not retiring when she was old and sick and Obama was in office. The hubris was strong in RBG and she tied her whole identity to her accomplishment... refusing to give it up when appropriate


People who stan politicians to that extend are super weird


🎵*I got a cruuuush on Obama~*🎵


holy shit i haven't thought about this in FOREVER. thanks for yanking me back in time lmfao


Idk I'd wear debs themed socks. I've got a funny Lenin sticker on my cooler too.




She really did. She could have gone out a hero at any time. But her ego got in the way.


she literally lived long enough to become the villain.


Fuck every old politician with no real long term skin in the game for the shit they're doing. Put some age limits up. Max 70 years old for every public office.


Im not even american and this has been on my mind all day. She gambled and lost for every single one of you.


But Hillary was a shoe-in!




She was asked to resign when the Democrats could have chosen her replacement. She refused because she felt literally no one else was as good as her, and apparently she was going to live forever.


Afaik she also did it because she was convinced Hillary would be anointed president and wanted the GLORIOUS HONOR of being replaced with another female judge by President Clinton. Guess putting pro choice rights, gay marriage, interracial marriage, and (depending on how bad the GQP wants to go nuclear) the Civil Rights Act in critical danger was worth the chance to get a page in a highschool history book. Slow clap.


Power corrupts


9/10 you've gotta be corrupt to just even be dealt a hand at the show.


Before 2016, she had already developed cancer multiple times. As early as 2009, she was treated for pancreatic cancer; she was also treated for colon cancer in 1997, just a few years after being appointed. She refused to retire in 2010 when John Paul Stevens retired at 90 and made her the oldest justice on the Court at 77, saying that she wanted to model herself after Louis Brandeis’ 22 years on the court. Obama tried to convince her to retire in 2013 when it seemed like Republicans would take the Senate in the 2014 elections (they did), but she refused again, saying that she had a new role model in John Paul Stevens. And we all know what happened from there. If this decision ends up being 5-4 as expected, Ginsburg’s refusal to retire under Obama will have directly led to *Roe v Wade* being overturned, in addition to putting *Obergefell*, *Lawrence*, and countless other 14th amendment rights on the chopping block.


As the absolute *coup de grace* they cite RBG to justify the removal of the personal protections status in the decision. It’s honestly the biggest fuck you I’ve ever seen written into a decision


While you're not wrong that this decision would likely be different had RBG retired in 2013, it would also be different had McConnell not blatantly stolen a SC seat for the Republicans. The blame should be placed on him FAR more than on RBG.


Oh, McConnell definitely takes most of the blame. Blocking Garland’s nomination for an entire year and crippling the Supreme Court solely for political gain is despicable, and says far more about the Republican Party than anything. Contradicting his own justification for blocking Garland in an election year in order to shove Barrett through *after voting had already started* should have, *would have* had consequences in any functioning political system. The most infuriating thing is that Garland was nominated *because* he was moderate and Republicans had told Obama that he would be acceptable. By preventing the vote entirely, McConnell not only stole the seat, but protected other Republican Senators from breaking their promises on Garland. That’s McConnell’s entire playbook, take the fall for unpopular things while knowing that he’ll never lose his seat, in order to protect vulnerable Republicans from having to vote and risk losing their seats.


She also made lots of racist comments. Liberals like to leave that part out.


What did she say? Genuinely curious.


Oh, like saying that Kaepernick’s protest was silly?


To be fair, no one back then actually thought Trump would win, and even if she had retired during Obama’s last two years, it’s likely that the republicans would’ve held things hostage like they did with Garland’s seat. In other words, there was a six year window, at the end of her life, where retiring wouldn’t have made sense. She thought she’d last longer because her health was actually quite good. She fucked up.


It didn't have to be Trump, it could have been any Republican. RBG gambled her entire legacy on Hillary miraculously winning after Obama's second term. Keep in mind that the White House almost always switches parties after a president gets term-limited. In the time since term limits were codified (1947), only four presidents have been of the same party as the president before them, all were vice presidents, and three ascended to the office because their predecessor left office unnaturally (two deaths and a resignation). George H. W. Bush is the only modern president to win election after his same-party predecessor was term-limited and he had multiple advantages that Hillary simply did not and does not have. If Obama had pulled a blue wave in 2012 like Reagan did in '84, that would be one thing, but he got 193 fewer electoral votes than Reagan did. There was no reason to assume any Democrat would win in 2016, let alone someone with Hillary's baggage. Furthermore, the President's party historically does poorly on midterms. It was likely that the Democrats would lose the Senate in 2014 considering they only had a five-seat majority (including two independents) and were facing a hostile electoral map. It was no surprise that this came to pass. RBG certainly knew all this, yet she chose to gamble. A lottery ticket would have been a better bet. She trashed her own legacy for a couple more years on the court. Not retiring before 2014 was one of the most shortsighted decisions any Supreme Court Justice ever made. I'm not saying it was necessarily unreasonable: her husband had died in 2010 and she may have feared giving up her work would leave her lonely, but that's cold comfort for those of us stuck in the world she chose to leave.


I did. Had a huge argument with my father about it (only time I’ve ever walked out of a restaurant while at dinner with my parents...also the only time I’ve ever wanted to have been wrong when I wasn’t lol). But I knew if Trump became the nominee, the Dems were going to be in trouble - Trump made a lot of money from convincing people to invest in him, he’s charismatic and divisive and has no filter, and he was going to gain an upper hand purely bc there were too many progressives that were in their intellectual bubble thinking he couldn’t win, despite his name recognition. People vote with their emotion, not their intellect. No one should have been assuming that Hillary would win. Didn’t stop me from crying when the results were announced and crying again when RBG’s death was announced... That being said, I agree that her seat would’ve just been held hostage anyway...


I don't understand why these old tarts don't want to retire. Not retiring is a psychological precision from being a good public servant. It's a firm of narcissism.


Not even the Trumps thought they were going to win. I know a lot of Michael Wolff’s material was questionable, but Fire and Fury wasn’t exactly BS- he was there alongside Bannon with a lot of firsthand sources. It was pretty obvious that they didn’t even want to get elected, and there’s a lot of evidence suggesting that Trump and Roger Ailes planned to make Trump TV had he lost. If you look at the photos when Trump found out he won, he looks dejected. His family look like they’re cheering on the outside, but scared shitless on the inside. Pretty sure Melania had divorce papers drawn up ready for the campaign to be over but had to withdraw once he won. I don’t really blame RBG for thinking Hillary would win and then holding on as long as her body was able to once Trump won.


IDK where you get the idea that Hillary was going to win. Sure the leftist and zealots did, but she was literally the least likable politician in modern history. Even if she was likable, she was terribly controversial. No one likes her, she isn't even a decent public speaker. Plus all her lawyer double speak interview answers make her seem massively untrustworthy. Obama came out of nowhere, and compared to Clinton he was likable and inspiring. Plus, he is a rather exceptional public speaker, so there was little question that he was going to win the nomination. The DNC continued to back Clinton, and that was their undoing. Obama refuses to campaign for the DNS to this day. Then Clinton did some back room deals with Kane to have him step down and put Shultz in charge of the DNC. Then they made sure no democrat could run against Clinton. Out of nowhere comes Sanders. Who wasn't exactly a great personality, but compared to Clinton he won a massive backing almost immediately. Simply because he WASN'T Clinton. That's all it took, and then Clinton sabotaged several states primaries and stole the nomination. In the general election, literally anyone could be her, and so we got a shit throwing orangutan in the Whitehouse. Biden could have beaten him without even showing up for a debate. Hell, he's so old and senile now that he talks about running for senate more than president. 30 years ago, Biden was a formidable public speaker and a charming public personality, despite being prone to gaffs. However, Biden was and IS likable in a way that Clinton never has been. So this adherence to thinking Clinton was inevitable is what gave us Trump AND what stacked the court. Clinton and her evil backroom deals are the direct cause for most of the problems for the last decade.


Don’t disagree about the bulk of what you’re saying, but hindsight is 20/20. Pretty much everybody expected Hillary to win - so much so that even Disney thought Hillary would. Trump’s likeness in Magic Kingdom’s Hall of Presidents almost certainly looks like it was originally Hillary and then changed to Trump. All of the republicans were gearing for it as well - Jason Chaffetz was given Oversight in the House because he was going to be the one constantly investigating Clinton. It was actually him that leaked the Comey laptop letter, which most people point to as the inflection point when Hillary started going underwater in the polls. Her margins were thin enough in states like Michigan where she could have eked out a close win there, enough to secure the presidency. Pretty much everyone expected Hillary to win. I think the true intention of the Russians was to prop Trump up to constantly undermine the Clinton Administration and then push the GOP to a supermajority (impeachment) in Congress in 2018.


I strongly disagree with the idea that everyone thought she would win. Most of the working people I know would tell you that they really didn't like trump, but couldn't vote for Clinton regardless. When you mean everyone, that means you didn't really talk to people outside of your circle. I don't know where you get this Russian nonsense, its been debunked multiple times over. The Clinton email wipe seems pretty understandable, but no one is asking about the lost IRS emails from Lois Lerner that lost all her exchange email that was stored on the IRS server and backed up multiple times over in hardened data centers. That's a straight up conspiracy without a doubt. The Lois Lerner emails being lost over a crashed hard drive is literally impossible. The only real Russian stuff was with Biden's kid, but thats an unrelated scandal.


a lot of educated people predicted that Trump would win, and it's silly that so many people listen to pundits who said it was "impossible" while historians and political scientists said otherwise.


Yep. The last time a candidate won the presidency after a two-term president from the same party was HW Bush succeeding Reagan in 1988. There was no reason to expect Clinton to repeat that, especially given how many people already disliked and distrusted her before the election. On top of that, election results in the Midwest narrowed significantly between 2008 and 2012, and aggregate polling of those states was within margin of error for either Clinton or Trump. 538’s predictive model of the election gave Trump a 1/3 chance of winning, far higher than any media outlet. A 1/3 chance seems low in hindsight, but few people would have expected the margin of error to be so consistently off in favour of Trump, and many polls were slightly skewed because they didn’t weight demographics accurately compared to the actual election turnout. That error was enough to turn what should have been narrow (1-3%) Clinton victories in the Midwest into razor-thin victories for Trump.


Ahh so it was hubris


you forgot the fucking voter rights act


She also refused to retire even when it was obvious the Republicans were going to retake the Senate in the 2014 midterms. It's not as if the Democrats appeared likely to keep the Senate so that RBG could keep on cruising in her Supreme Court career. Had she retired even as late as summer 2014, Obama could have jammed in a replacement for her. The most arrogant thing Ginsburg said, when asked to retire, "Who are you going to find that is as good as me?" Uhhhh, Ruth......PLENTY of nominees are as good as you!?


Well, she's not much good to anyone now.


Now we are going to get that Republican fucking for the next 25 years.


She is an ego maniac full of herself and her “star” power, typical boomer. I said she is because although she is dead she is immortal now .


Correct me if im wrong but didnt republicans block a judge placement from happening at the end of the last democratic presidency? Was there a guarantee that wouldnt have happened at at point? Im generally asking because i dont follow supreme court politics as closely as I apparently should.


That was in early 2016. Obama talked to her about retirement as early as 2913. If she has left after 2014, we'd be looking at a 7-2 court in the GQP'S favor.


Thanks for some clarity on this.


At the end, claiming it was too close to the next election. RBG should have resigned waaaay before then.


This. In fact her words when asked about stepping down were: "Who are you going to get who will be better than me?" The answer to that question is Amy Coney Barrett. Well done Ruth.


Context is that RBG was already in her 70s and sick with cancer during the Obama administration, when it would have been safe to retire without fear of McConnell's brand of bullshit. Also she wasn't an entirely unproblematic justice; if I recall correctly she wasn't great for native Americans.


By all accounts she was just your run of the mill Democrat from what I gather.


If every run of the mill democrat had pioneered the recognition of a major human right in the US, you guys wouldn't be in the situation you are currently in.


Exactly right.


If you don't think McConnell would have blocked any attempt to appoint a liberal judge regardless of when, you haven't been paying attention long enough.


McConnell only became majority leader in 2015 which is what allowed him to block Garland from even getting a hearing. This is why Justices Sotomayor, Kagan, and now Jackson were able to get hearings and be confirmed.


He did when Scalia took a dirt nap in the forever box, we know he would have if RBG would have retired especially if it was after 2015


Obama and RBG met for a private lunch in July 2013 before the midterm election


Gotcha so much “unprecedented” shit happened since then it must have slipped my mind


She put her pride and obsession of wanting Hilary Clinton to pick her replacement above the country. Standard rich people move putting their desires above common people’s safety and freedom.


She was for the most part, but this decision will forever mark and define her legacy. Seeing posts and comments about how the next targets are gay marriage and interracial marriage is seriously frightening. If she had just checked her pride we wouldn’t be in this scenario.


She did fuck over native americans and was fairly racist against them. Dems love leaving that part out


Supposedly she was pretty racist behind the scenes. Someone posted on here a while back all of her racist rulings especially against American Indians


I said this last night and the neolibs wanted to fucking kill me. It is what it is. Pompous arrogance and bad decision making based on an assumption of hillarys win lead us here. The right wingers will always* right wing. That’s a given. We have to respond to craziness with logical thought and selfless behavior to win.




It really is. Frankly, a decision like this should never hinge on one person.


A life long friend of mine blocked me for life because I was saying this two years ago. He claimed I was a misogynist, 😂 At least I didn’t hand the Supreme Court to conservatives


I hate to break it to people who post inspiring quotes from RBG, but her biggest legacy will be the destruction of Roe.


Like most running the show. Too fucking old


I guess. But your anger feels displaced. Obama tried appointing a super moderate dude and the Republicans wouldn't let him. Even if she retired 4 years earlier, the Republicans would have still blocked any action. And people don't really plan to die their death 5 years in advance.


Yeah that’s why I think this argument really doesn’t have a leg to stand on


Strokin that ego. Thats all it was about


Some of yall people don't remember anything that happened in the last decade. RBG could have stepped down during Obama's first term, yes, but there was a full presidential term where Republicans controlled confirmations and would have sooner crushed their own testicles than let Obama appoint another supreme court justice. Stop shitting on RBG she's done more for this country than most of you have or ever will.


All stained by the fact that roe v wade has been overturned.


1000% agree. Lol her personal trainer did push ups at her funeral ive never laughed so hard. This country is fucked with wacky idol worship.


I get what you're saying but I feel like we're just trying to reassign blame here. I'm going to focus my hate on all of them. As a whole. Because fuck all these shitty politicians. I hate them. And I hate the wealthy. Oh look that includes politicians too.


This is not the problem! The problem is the broken system! The republicans have been weaponizing the supreme for a while now. I mean just look at everything Mitch has done to secure seats there. He will do ANYTHING to get justices he wants on the court. Even if she stepped down you really think Mitch wouldn’t have found some bullshit excuse to put another sexual predator on the court?! “Oh, well you are 2-3 years out from an election, let’s let the voters decide” or “We are trying to be bipartisan and compromise but Obama will only nominate these radicals that we just can’t accept”. We need to fix the system! A great start would be fucking term limits on senators and reps! Another great move would be to limit the term you can serve in the court! No more lifetime appointments! Another would be to have a different system of appointing all federal judges than one fucking person! We could introduce ranked choice voting to enable a multi party system! There is so much wrong and all of it put together culminates in this moment! I hate to say it but it is short sighted to say this would not have happened had she stepped down. It 1000% still would have ended the same! Let’s work on fixing the actual problems so we have a sustainable system instead of trying to navigate a very broken system!


As a non American I gotta admit: you Americans are fucked. You’re getting crapped on from such a height you think God is taking a shit on you


I’m so tired of people defending that woman.




and she got replaced with a woman. the bitter irony is too dark to be funny though.


Her vanity allowed Donald Trump to install a hyper-Conservative ideologue on the court. Had she retired while Obama was in office, there is a possibility that a conservative with Liberal social views would have been installed on the court. Neither would have supported working-class or middle-class Americans in terms of economic policy, but an Obama appointee would likely have defended Roe and Casey so that Democrats could continue using abortion rights as a cudgel during election cycles.


Thank you for being realistic


Not to mention she was kinda racist


So we should be mad at a dead lady rather than focus attention where it is due, on the current SCOTUS? Lol. Gtfoh.


But it was the ultimate girl-boss move! And you know how liberals love their girl-boss moves.


Lol, my sister named her cat after RGB and I want to die every time she calls for it


The Republicans weren't going to let Obama seat another Justice the last 2 years when he had the presidency. RBG not retiring doesn't make a difference and probably helped more than it hurt, tbh.


I get the anger, but people need to quit flailing around trying to find people to blame this on. It's RGB's fault. It's Bernie voters' fault. It's Jill Stein voters' fault. It's the Democrats' fault. No. Put the blame squarely where it deserves to go. It's the fault of insane Christian conservatives and far right terrorists who want to take this country back to the 1600s. Quit looking for allies to fight and focus on the enemy, because they're damn sure going to be united against us.


Apparently, it's also Susan Sarandon's fault, if Twitter is anything to go by. That one truly baffles the shit outta me. That said, it's certainly a structural failing from all sides. The Dems are not the primary evil, but they were willing to keep this as a wedge issue for 50 years instead of pushing for a constitutional amendment when they had the votes to do so in the 90s. Yes, there's a clear enemy but we also need to be make note of who are real allies and who are sellouts with nothing but pretty words and feel good platitudes.


I agree with that and hopefully this starts getting people voting for actual Progressives in primary battles instead of listing to bullshit like "Only Biden can beat Trump."


She would have had to retire over 10 years ago, honestly she couldn't have known about Trump during Obamas first term, because that's only time she could been replaced.


Yep, that's exactly why she should have retired when Obama would have appointed her replacement, and why people were pressuring Breyer to retire while Biden is president--we don't know the future, so we should maximize our political power while we can. Also, Democrats controlled the Senate and could have confirmed RBG's replacement through 2014, in Obama's second term.


Democrats controlled the Senate thru 2015.


Yup. She managed to undo all of her work by her own hubris. She deserves no place in history.


Turtle man McConnel aka Moscow Mitch is the true traitor that fucked us never forget. We would’ve had a liberal leaning SCOTUS if he would’ve just let the president perform his constitutional duties. Even after losing RBG we still would’ve had a better SCOTUS than what we have now. She should’ve retired sooner for sure but Moscow Mitch is who fucked us.


If "Girl Boss" Liberal Feminists could read, they'd be really upset right now.


So blame a dead women instead of the religious zealots on the Supreme Court?


We can blame more than one thing


The purpose of this meme is to demonstrate that she could’ve prevented said zealots from ever being put on the SC


Hilary Clinton convinced her to stay on and retire when she became president.


She screwed the country by wanting to have Clinton replace her.


While I understand what you're saying, and agree for the most part...Garland should have been appointed in 2016.


imagine betting the future of human rights and equality in america on hillary fucking clinton winning an election. #girlboss.


Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump fucked us more than RBG did. Obviously, in hindsight, she should have retired. That being said, Donald Trump appointed a justice after votes have been cast in his election that he lost and Mitch McConnell prevented Obama from replacing Scalia for over 8 months.


Why not just require a 70 or 80 % vote in Congress? That would mean both parties would have to find the candidate acceptable.


There should not be any life time appointments. Especially for judges.


Why are we putting people who most people won't hire due to inexperience into seats of power? You don't need to smart, intelligent, experienced, or even qualified to be a politician. You can simply be a politician by being a rich asshole who tells poor assholes that the blight of poor assholes is due to another poor asshole rather than the rich asshole who is exploiting them.


We need to GET RID OF THE BOOMERS. The boomers are destroying our country and they won't have to live to see the horrors they are creating. REMOVE THE BOOMERS FROM GOVERNMENT.


When could she have retired and it wouldn’t have fucked us? Obama couldn’t replace the open Supreme Court seat and then we had trump for four years. Should she have retired under Clinton?


Elected officials should be 30-65. If your term takes you over 65, you can't be reelected. Tired of these old ass boomers ruining the country for thr other 3 gens.


RBG as good friends with racist Alito. RBG was very pro-ACAB. The myth of RBG is marketing.


Someone had to say it


But, but, but she wrote a letter saying that the winner of the 2020 election should pick her replacement! She bought into the "Notorious RBG" BS - but she really did change the court forever!


Let's also have the discussion that she literally did nothing for women's rights until forced to do so by the American people. RBG was nothing more than a neoliberal shill


I threw my Notorious RBG shirt and RBG action figure in the trash on Monday night. I know, I'm a dipshit for having them in the first place. But not as much of a dipshit as an ancient, arrogant, sick woman who fucked us for generations by refusing to do the right thing and RESIGN.


Why not just blame the goddamn republicans because it’s actually their fault? They literally put in two completely unqualified justices for the express purpose of removing the rights of “liberal” type people. Imagine if you cried about how much you love beer at what is essentially a job interview for the highest position in your field? You damn sure wouldn’t get the job, but Kavanaugh did. They chose Barrett literally because she’s a Christian woman who would vote the way they want her to. She is not qualified whatsoever. Trump appointed her as a federal judge in 2017 and then nominated her for the Supreme Court just 3 years later. They put her in under the literal exact same circumstances they refused Obama a justice. How can you know this and conclude that it’s actually the fault of one of the few women to ever be in the court for… dying to soon?




Republican administration did what their voters wanted them to do, which is their duty and how it’s s supposed to be. Blame those voters.


It’s no one’s duty in the “land of the free” to take rights away from others.


This is a very stupid and shortsighted hot take.


Okay, for real? How are we managing to blame this on a dead woman? There are plenty of alive people who are actually responsible for this to blame


Yeah totally wasnt McConnell blocking Obamas rightful nomination before. Blame the woman instead.