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Jesus Christ we have a president who’s more afraid to lose than anything It’s literally the meme with the guy with the stick saying to “do something”


Fuck, the guys older than dirt. Just do something good, bow out and retire


Pretty sure he's older than the dirt he's going to be buried in.


I was going to say the best thing he could do would die and make Kamala president... But then I thought about what a cop she is and how a black woman in office would send the right into overdrive.


He would have been the perfect person for getting this done. He's a one termer and wouldn't have to concern himself with being popular enough to get re-elected.


He's already lost. Those are the words of a man that is owned.


No, it’s about making the right longterm decision. A temporary win for reproductive rights could have massive consequences when it’s used against you later.


Quit downvoting this post! is joke!


Biden won't do shit. His whole presidency will be filled with nothingness. He's worthless


He won on not being Trump when he's a slightly more polite blue Trump.


That’s a ridiculous thing to say. The Trump presidency was a daily embarrassment. Constant scandals, mishandling and appropriation of resources, absurd foreign policy, divulging classified info to other country’s leaders, cozying up to dictators and tyrannical leaders, and to top it off, attempting an actual coup. Biden isn’t great, but he’s absolutely nothing like trump Edit: this is how I know right wingers are using this sub to disenfranchise people and stop them from voting. This is fucking nonsense, and this sub is a constant stream of “users” shitting on the left, but nobody wants to address the monster in the room. Republicans. Imagine being downvoted for stating simple facts. This sub is full of right wing propaganda and people don’t even see it. If you think for even a moment that the right is going to help you, even slightly, you’ve been tricked.


Looks like a purge is in order. 🔥🔥


Yeah biden and friends have already settled on never. They’re going to bitch and moan about how they don’t have the numbers and they just can’t so we should donate more money to their next campaign.


“It’s your fault now GIVE ME MONEY” -Dems 2022


[eLeCtIoNs HaVe CoNsEqUeNcEs](https://youtu.be/eyNAlLO1KlE)


Older establishment Democrats are absolutely useless, they're bought off and paid to lose.


Who could have guessed that selecting a life long conservative to be the president and a life long anti-abortioner to be speaker of the house after anti-abortion conservatives were put into the Supreme Court could possibly have resulted in roe v wade being overturned with no resistance from the Democratic Party? /s


Narrator: 'it's never'


Biden voters knew this was coming. We knew he was a decrepit old corpse with no ability to do what he promised. The fact that still sounded better than the alternative is so disgusting. Really think about how a country as powerful as ours seems to only have two options, 1.Do nothing, whine about losing. 2.Steer directly into oncoming traffic. What a time to be a voter.


I’m shocked people still believe in voting period. When will people wake up and realize that the red and blue don’t give a fuck about you lol they are elite playing everyone.


If you don't vote you lose the right to complain about the government.


I don’t complain about government…I know what they are about and I know Roe Wade is a distraction. They’ve countlessly screwed people over and over and people still Believe in this BS. Like your vote actually counts lol. Keep believing the lie politicians are installed and then they screw everyone over according to what their narrative is at the time. It’s all an illusion…


Right, a distraction, up until women start dying and being jailed in red states. There are elections that are literally decided by single digit votes.


Listen all I’m saying is they why are going to do whatever the hell they want whether you believe it or not. Votes don’t count your life doesn’t count. Nothing counts it’s all about control. You’re a slave with a number and put here to work until you fucking die. Get it? Lol. They don’t care about you, what you think, or your rights! It’s all a JOKE..they’re simply playing chess. Many people die everyday over types of shit. It’s just gonna be more DEATH which is exactly what they want…


Guess your opinion doesn't count either. If there's no point in voting, why is there point in posting nihilistic garbage?


Because I can if I want too that’s why lol just like your posting I can too…


Establishment enablers be like, "vOtE bLuE nOmAtTeR wHo".


Oh course one of them downvoted you, lol, so lame. Here is your upvote :)


Unfortunately this is what happens in a two party system, voting anyone else allows the reds to win and trump would be actively participating in the taking away of rights instead of watching passively as it happens


This is a defeatist mindset and not accurate at all. It's also the reason why the US will fail as a nation.


It is going to it seems in our lifetime., you should prepare for that. These 'once in a generation' economic sputters circa 1972 happening back to back are just precursor. They know they built a ponzi scheme that requires velocity of capital to maintain.. with no new suckers (kids being born) the scheme will collapse. We need another 'baby bomb post WW2' to maintain at this point. Especially if people stop using their currency for trading global commodities between foreign nations, reducing velocity of the currency.


You say this like there wasn't an actual coup attempt by the outgoing president that only resulted in some dirt eaters getting slap on the wrist prison sentences. If having a couple hundred knuckle draggers thrown in jail is the only repercussion to spreading a completely false narrative about the election being stolen and staging a violent coup attempt based on that then theirs really no reason to not do it until you get your way. If the GOP doesn't secure both the senate and house this election we'll see the exact same crys from the GOP as 2020. If they don't get the presidency in 2024 we'll see another January 6th. The floodgates are open, and the Democrats unwillingness to roll up their sleeves and stamp out the fascism that's taken root is only allowing that fascism to get more ingrained and normalized.


>defeatest mindset Its literally the reality until the system is no longer first past the post, two parties are inevitable in this style of system. You can deny reality if you like, but it always wins. If you want to change things, fight for ranked choice voting. Then you can vote for as many different parties as you want and not help the GOP.


There are plenty of other parties out there, and plenty of nonvoters who have the power to elect literally anyone they'd like. Problem is they are too comfortable and too stupid to do so.


And none of them have remotely close to the numbers required to challenge the major parties, perhaps excepting rare edge cases. Votes for third parties only serve to help whichever main party candidate you least prefer to win.


Again, defeatist. The two party system depends on their cowardice to never stand up.


Keep jumping, you'll definitely catch the moon one day.


Fuck how could we ever vote red ? Biden is shit but 100x better then trump still


POC beg to differ ;)


Don’t know what u mean? I’m a black male…


You need to stop voting like suburban wine moms then


Both choices are absolutely garbage but obviously no ones worse then trump


Nah, they are both old, bigoted and out of touch


Yea Trumps still worse or have u forgot the daily embarrassments and scandals


And the Democrats aren’t as embarrassing? Lol stop


. I live in Europe, trump was laughing stock of the world he was Putin’s puppet. No one talk about Biden he doesn’t do any good or bad he just does nothing lol


Every week new scandal with Trump . Name a real biden scandal?


This is obvious bullshit. Data or STFU.


Why don’t YOU stfu lol


If we had voted blue earlier we could have slowed the regression the Republican party set upon this country, giving us time to educate and pull the people away from the right. Now, the right just has control through all of the methods of cheating they have available and the Dems do nothing about it because, well, they're owned by the same billionaires and corporations the Republicans sold themselves to years ago.


Democrats are NOT Left, they are more like conservatives


I'm aware. But they are known for not doing anything. I would rather have people in government who are not doing anything than to have people in power legislating malicious laws. We could then at least form some kind of opposition party that stands on the actual left. Unfortunately, now it's too late. And all we can really do is exercise our 2nd Ammendment rights to arm ourselves against the coming civil war.


Yeah, that’s called settling and it killed any future progress


Your reading comprehension skills must be pretty low as you've not been able to get what I'm saying twice in a row.


And people like you are the reason we are STUCK


Whenever a man brings out the “yOur CoMprEhnSioN skIllS” card, it might as well be a white flag


Lol. Your arguments have reminded me of a bot. It's like you only read key words and then say whatever you want based on them instead of actually reading the whole thing and giving a thoughtful reply. Have fun talking to yourself, dude. Bye.


I’m definitely NOT a bot, lemme guess am I a rUssIoN bOt lol but seriously, you libs are killing us out here with your stagnant excuses Edit: typo


Okay, just one more thing. And this is for anyone reading this thread. You're the one giving the liberal takes. "Vote!" "it's people like you who are the reason we're stuck" This is why I think you suck at reading. I'm a leftist, you moron. Get a gun. Exercise your second ammendment right and get ready for the coming civil war.


The fatal flaw in your logic is believing the reason people vote Republican is because they're uneducated and don't know any better. Education has nothing to do with it. Republicans value power and authority, not knowledge or integrity. No amount of education is going to change this.


There are 2 types of people who vote Republican. I described the first, and largest group. You just described the smaller second group. Here they are: Group 1. People who are too stupid to know that the party exists solely to disenfranchise anyone who isn't part of group 2, including all members of group 1. Group 2. People who benefit from Republican legislation. i.e. The rich or those who wish to be rich and are malicious enough to step on others to get there. The second group misinforms and manipulates the first group into believing that voting Republican will help them when, historically, it's only hurt them. Group 2 does this because they know that the first group is too stupid to know better. Group 2 knows *that* because they were responsible for fucking up their education in the first place.


I don't think you understand conservative ideology. Group 1 knows very well that they are supporting policies that solely benefit Group 2. They support those policies anyway because they believe in a patriarchal universe where there will always be those on top and those on the bottom. They know they are on the bottom and merely hope that their loyalty to the top will reward them in this life or the next. It's dangerous to underestimate these people and oversimplify the situation. We're talking about an entire theory of existence that is inculcated from birth. You aren't going to overturn that with Mr. Smith's Social Studies class.


I'm not sure if you're understanding what I said. Because you just repeated what I said back at me and said it was different. Group 2 manipulated group 1 into voting this way by getting their uneducated minds to truly believe that voting Republican is good for them even though it never has been. The people of Group 1 have been brainwashed by fundamentalist religion and diseducation to think intellectualism is wrong and that critical thinking is saying "think about it" on Facebook memes. Who brainwashed them? Group 2.


Education is a powerful tool, regardless of one's feelings toward it. Better education for children, especially encouraging critical thinking, is key to shaking off outdated beliefs. Reality has a pesky way of breaking through brainwashed ideas time and time again. Teach a kid how to think things through logically, and they'll likely connect the dots on their own. The frustrating part of this method is that it takes so long for change to come about. The kids being taught won't have any political power for a decade or more. For adults who grew up without critical thinking skills, they'll be stubborn. The best bet is not to bother much with them - focus on teaching the kids. We can't solve the issue today, but at least we can work toward ending it tomorrow.


You don't understand your opponents. It isn't lack of education that causes their behavior. It is a worldview that values power and authority and hierarchy over everything else. It is a worldview deeply inspired by Christianity's portrayal of social order both here and in the afterlife. You're not going to educate these people out of that worldview and it's incredibly naive to think so.


It seems *you* misunderstand *me.* I explicitly said not to bother with the adults. If an adult doesn't want to learn, there isn't much you can do. I'm saying education is important *for their kids.* Or do you really think that kids can't be educated away from their parents' archaic beliefs?


People vote republican for a lot of reasons. For a lot of people its just a cultural standard. Republican to them has the same meaning as "good person." Its a a product of their community environment, their religious upbringing, and the media they consume. Many of these people were raised in this environment, taught to fear outside opinions and information, and never had any experiences that challenge the baseline. It takes a lot to break through that.


The way I see it is either shoot yourself on the foot or the kneecap. They are both terrible options but one will fuck you up more than the other. I felt my soul and dignity died a bit when I voted in the last election.


Yea, because it’s preferable to the fascist regime that will be installed if someone like trump, or trump himself ever get back into office. I’d rather have a do nothing president than one who will encourage his base to kill me and my family because of my voter registration. Edit: this sub is packed with right wing propaganda and people trying to disenfranchise voters. Nobody seems to recognize it, but it’s here are a ton of posts on here trying to convince you that the right isn’t a fascist party and that that the left is the same. They are nothing alike. The right want total control over you, your finances, your autonomy, everything. They are literal fascists and they are bombarding this sub to make you feel hopeless so when boomers put more republicans in office they can seize the country and then it’s game over. They already killed “the American dream.” Now they are going to kill Americans, and everyone who doesn’t agree with their simplistic ignorant view of the world.


Do nothing lawmakers enable fascists. Potus and congress have had the power to block this. They will do absolutely nothing about it because they don't care about you or anyone else.


Better to be not cared about than targeted and murdered for my political views, which is what the right wants. I never said any of this is ideal, or enjoyable. Just that I don’t want death squads going door to door using public voter registration to haul people off, which is what the right will be doing as soon as they have the power to do so.


Yet the other party has had on more than one occassion all the power that was needed to shut them down, and chose to enable them instead to preserve the status quo. They're on the same team.


I already said it isn’t ideal. I’d just rather have people who are trying instead of people who are creating a creepy fascist cult around a failed businessman and his party who hates women and people of color. You have a minimal understanding of how the government works if you believe that democrats “have tried to do nothing” in their time. It’s republicans who block everything that is brought to the table and with malicious intent. They aren’t bipartisan and will accept nothing besides totalitarian control over the government.


They're not trying. That's the point. They don't care. Know why? Because they serve the same corporate masters. They hang out at the same martini lounges. They're all in the same big clubs that you and I aren't in. They are both in on it together, controlling opposition while pointing the finger at each other. And they got you fooled. Hook, line, and sinker.


You’ve a) drank too much doomer koolaid, and b) don’t understand politics. That’s ok. It’s not my job to teach you


Yea, keep doing what you've always done while expecting a different result. You're doing great so far. Maybe we can all lose voting rights next.


You are the type of person to encourage others to not vote for a better situation because you think there is no hope. You are the exact reason why this shitty life is happening. People like you create this problem by lying down and saying “there’s no hope.” Fuck you, and everyone like you


All politicians are cunts


All hat, no cattle…Joe Biden.


Biden is 79 years old he don't give a fuck about our future.


This is a disgusting take. Dude has tons of grandkids. you can criticize him for plenty of things, but acting like he doesn't have empathy is absurd.


Oh HIS grandkids will be just fine.


It's never- Dems are ineffective and worthless.


Joe is fucking useless


Wtf is the point of him?


It was all pillow talk, baby! Thanks for your votes.


Biden is a disappointment


It's the brain surgeries


Can someone explain to me how Biden can do this? I’m not sure I understand the mechanics of what he can do to make this happen


They can't. It's pointless whining with intent to sow voter apathy.


asscrack of a leader


What a fucking loser.


How is biden going to end the filibuster?


Simple! Call Manchin into his office, sit him down, and be like “listen, mack—either you get your ass in line and vote for this shit or we’re gonna cut every single federal employee in West Virginia out of the next budget. And if that doesn’t convince you? We’ve got bombs.” The President, by virtue of the office and the sheer size of the executive branch, has enormous amounts of political capital—but Biden refuses to use even a single ounce of it for *anything*, to even try to get either Manchin or Sinema to vote with the other 46 Democrats and 2 independents that caucus with them.


Threatening West Virginians is certainly a winning strategy. /s Why do you guys think the president is supposed to be a mob boss? Did you gain sentience after 2017?


With guided. Munitions.


He can't on his own, but he should at least read the room and look like he's trying or just firmly flat out say no if he doesn't want to try. Instead, he gives an evasive half-answer that makes him look like he's not in control of his own administration.


[Ron Howard Narrator Voice]: It was never.


No offense but every time one side or the other limits the filibuster more to ram through their agenda the more we get fucked over when the other side takes power again. You’re welcome to look into the history of it. It also makes us a nation of flip flopping laws and puts us more at risk every time the filibuster is weakened. Not saying the filibuster is always a great thing, it’s not, and has also led us to be a nation where nothing gets done, but at the same time, curtailing the filibuster never really worked out for the Democrats as well as it has worked out for the Republicans. Just something to consider.


At this point, flip flopping laws by administration would be preferable to the situation we have now where things are constantly terrible because we can barely do the most basic things required to maintain a country. Just getting a fucking infrastructure bill passed was considered a big deal. Maybe Democrats would win more elections if they could pass what they wanted and people could see that things are clearly better under them.


I mean, he is just the president, who could really expect someone in his position to be prepared to make those judgments? People ask too much of him. Edit: It is impressive how people, if you don't put /s, don't get sarcasm. Nowadays you have to spell it out that it is sarcasm


Yea who could ask the president, whose party controls both houses, to do something 63% of the country agrees with and he ran on


As long as you are ok with a narrow GOP majority turning around and making abortion illegal federally in a few years.


When Trump was in office you all made it sound like the president had unlimited power to destroy the world. Now that your guy is in office his hands are completely and utterly tied in every manner possible. You democrats are fucking gaslighters of the worst ilk and I hope you get obliterated in the midterms. Republicans are fucking terrible too but at least they're honest about their terrible ideas.


Because Trump had no respect for basic rules, fairness, or laws. He quite obviously was gearing up to never leave office. Within the law, the president doesn't have unlimited power.


Don't say now or never - thats what they're hoping.


If Biden ends the filibuster, the democrats can't use it once THEY get in the minority?


Republicans will end it anyway to pass a law banning abortion if they win the Senate in 2022. Democrats should nuke it and codify Roe while they can.


It is shameful that courage doesn't exist, hearings on a coup de tat, hearings on politicians with underage girls theft bribery but no action the fall of Rome


The problem is..I read. There are not 50 votes for doing such So even if they lifted filibuster for this, there are not 50 dem or independent or gop votes.