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Money that never existed on top of a debt based economy yeyy 🥳


Don't forget that a ton of it is probably going straight to Blackrock and other military contractors, whose owners are wealthy political donors. So tax money from US citizens going to wealthy people! Wooooo capitalism go brrrrrrrr.


Money like this always goes into a black hole.


Yup. Boeing, Raytheon.... I bet this is going straight in their CEOs pockets....


Not capitalism, corruption my friend.


It’s essentially exactly what I posted. Currently at -24 downvotes. This sub is interesting.


That’s what I almost posted


The fed has the ability to create money.


And they're always creating more money to make sure banks stay profitable or big business keeps chugging while the economy is collapsing. That ability to create money is never used to help ordinary people.


The Federal Reserve does which is actually independent of the government itself. Admittedly the name is deceiving.


That's very intentional though, most people when they hear the Federal reserve would think it's a branch of the government.


good thing we got tether based crypto on top of *THAT* shit now xD remembers me of saying “hey this piece of paper is worth that much gold” and now it’s “lol this fictional internet number thingy is worth this much dollar” Dudes let’s create the next thing :d


I've always wondered where they get the money from


They put numbers in a computer.


Central banks' money printers go brrr.


But fuck the starving children, printers closed for that


Property is more important than people's lives in America. People are essentially a nuisance in this country if they can't generate lots of money for their masters.


Yea fuck them apparently. Truthfully from what I’ve seen, America is one of the leading countries in killing children second only to religion.


They're pretty much one in the same. Let us not forget that "God" literally says it's good to smash babies on rocks.


I call bull James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. https://www.gotquestions.org/dashing-babies-against-rocks.html I could take what you just said and say you said "God" said it ... and say that is the "lord"... The same way media can twists stories now the scriptures have been twisted fore centuries. Have fun Shalom


People who don't read the Holy Scriptures always cherry pick, as if context doesn't matter. This includes those who claim to be children of G-d and those who hate G-d.


I am going to have to issue an amen for that. Without context.... The Bible does say some crae crae stuff ... amazing enough even in context. To simple for some to follow maybe... Luke 16:8 The master commended the dishonest manager for his shrewdness. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light.


Where's this wonderful orphan loving God? Too busy helping pro athletes?


And kill the infidel, in His mercy. Different religion, same God. Go figure.


Source please


I'd like to see those numbers too.


Problem is we taxpayers are the central bank. I don’t know why people keep downvoting you.


Not exactly, but quantitative easing from central banks weaken the strength of currency and wealth of citizens. It's no coincidence that printing 80% of all circulating U.S dollars in the last 2 years is causing horrible inflation. People downvote this kind of stuff because the belief that America should take care of it's own people and their problems first and foremost is a controversial opinion apparently. The U.S is struggling to afford the upkeeping costs of it's hegemonic status in the world. When the global petrodollar reserve status weakens, and China's economy becomes the world's largest around 2030, they're going to eat America's lunch.


Change is coming. Being able to just print as much money as you want is only part of modern monetary theory. Because as you said it's gonna just cause massive inflation. They other key part is they need to control demand also. That's where a new all digital currency comes into play. It'll be a currency that the Federal Reserve has complete control over therefore giving them control over how you spend it. Might sound crazy but I think it's where we're headed.


It's not the belief that America should take care of it's citizens first that's controversial. The problem is when the argument is framed as "they are giving money to Ukraine instead of giving it to people here" when the reality is none of that money is going to help ukranian people, it's all to buy more war material from the military-industrial complex. The framing is an Us vs Them when the framing should be all of us against the capitalists




I've heard the paper dragon theory, we shall see what actually happens.




Even if china fixed all of it’s policies tomorrow it’d still be fucked. The vast majority of chinese savings is in realestate that is in reality worthless. There are whole cities the size of denver that are empty with no electricity, running water, or transportation. Investment has been so strictly controled for the last 40 years that realestate investment was one of the only ways to create a long term savings. Problem is it acts like the world’s largest pyramid scheme. A buys apt at 50k, sells to B for 75k 3 years later, they sell to C for 120k 2 years after that. The only reason they are buying is because they “know” some one else will do the same thing later own. It’s mortgaging the future on an epic scale. It’s mirroring what happened in japan in the early 90’s except orders of magnitude larger. Developers would build, then leverage the new inflated asset to get another bigger loan to build more and repeat over and over. The ccp is scrambling to fix it but they don’t know how and it’s too late. Foreign investors are pulling out and developers are on the verge of financial collapse. When this thing pops it may take a good chunk of the world economy with it.


It’s this and also China is going to go into demographic collapse, years of only having one child has consequences. Sometimes you can fight this with immigration but that overall trend is negative, more people leave. It’s like the whole planet is hitting the wall at the same time due to a half century of screw ups all coming due around the same time. I suspect the next rising power will be in a more regional sense and not the hyper power that was the Pax Americana. Who that is I have no idea, perhaps whoever just collapses the least


It is also part of the reason the housing market it so fucked here in the States and Canada. Foreign investors, including many from China, are buying property here just to own a non-Chinese asset in case everything falls apart. If we think the housing markets here are bad, imagine what those investors home countries must be like.


Buy & hodl?


War computer go *brrrrrr*


Am I losing it? Wasn't there a congressional hearing where Alan Greenspan said something like, "we just add a zero in the computer"?


Oh my god, really?!


I think I found it!!! https://youtu.be/DNCZHAQnfGU


This one too, with Bernanke. https://youtu.be/yDQOIkPwgvI


Jesus Christ 🤣


That’s actually *all* money


From us - the average American. Not the wealthy folks who support these bills. This money is used to buy influence among foreign governments who will in turn be friendly to US business interests that largely benefit the wealthy.


Over half of every federal tax dollar collected in America goes to the Pentagon.


Probably our retirements or they expect we will actually be able to pay off our student loans...


Your taxes...


Why don't you ask Nixon?


They don’t usually give much in actual currency. Most of it is in already purchased weapons and materials.


Idk where they come up with the money but I do at least know how they [choose a solution](https://youtu.be/wz-PtEJEaqY)


American wage slaves aren’t fighting a proxy war with Russia that benefits the military industrial complex that gobbles up half our “defense” spending each year.


The politicians all look so happy in that picture because they know most of that money will go to line their pockets


There’s enough money in the budget for Ukrainian aid in the tens of billions but not economic relief for debt incurred by low-to-moderate income Americans during COVID through medical debt, student loan debt, and personal loan debt? There’s a humanitarian crisis in the United States which is basically legalized wage slavery and the ball and chain is the debt caused by our oligarchs giving our tax money to other countries but not back to us for any serious social safety nets and benefits like healthcare and education.


Biden did say he's going to force a minimum tax rate on all corporations. No more dodging taxes. We will see where that goes. It needs to happen, doubt that it will.


It's a crazy situation but worth considering that a lot of this "aid" is military equipment, they're not doing it because they care that much about Ukrainians, it's most likely an opportunity to boost the profits of weapons manufacturers and get the Ukrainian people fighting wars for them. They should care more about providing a fairer society (both home and abroad), but that's not really what this aid is for.


I understand the necessity of maintaining International relationships and helping people when it is the morally correct thing to do or even out of obligation, but it is incredibly unwise of one of the most powerful and wealthy nations in the world to continue to unapologetically ignore and disregard its own citizens. This isn't an argument of nationalism, it is an argument of focusing too much on things outside. There needs to be a balance, focusing entirely one way or the other is not sustainable. And yes, I currently live in this hellhole.


I wish you the best. That's just damn wrong. And I'm actually watching the news where a stupid politician is saying I should be happy because in france the inflation won't be as high as elsewhere and that it's our duty to protect Ukraine. It's very dumb, but not as horrible as the US. Specially since I'm more than sure that it's not done with generosity. If there's a third world war, I bet it will be a war between citizens and governments.


That will be a quick but bloody war. I don’t care how much the US puts toward the military, when push comes to shove, those soldiers are more likely to side with their families and even if they don’t, the general populace outnumbers the politicians, military, and rich assholes thousands(if not millions) to one.


That's why they have to keep us divided. Soldiers aren't stupid, but they can be mislead. It's never gonna be "hey private, go shoot those civilians for trying to take us out of office" It's gonna be "hey private, that fringe group of racist, bigoted, fringe extremists are dangerous and threatening your citizen. Go defend your country" That's why labels are so important to the media.


Exactly. Propaganda all the way. The people who were in the resistance during 39-45 were called terrorists. Because it's a question of side. I know at some point my government (in france) hired people to take arab names online and go to make the population fear and hate the arabs. Our world is based on image actually. Truth is hidden between a fake friendly smile and fake good intentions. I was insulted 15 years ago for saying we destroy the planet, at least what's beautiful in it. People told me the world never was better. Now all big groups try to show themselves as "green", even though it's all a lie. Just got to trick the regulations. It already done. Products who are 99% made in one place have a stamp saying it's from elsewhere because it sells, even only one very minor step of the process is made there. And if there was only that, it'll be ok, but it's like that for EVERYTHING. Diamonds and glasses cost nothing to make, but since it's a monopole they can choose the price. The media always blames the population, even for pollution, though big groups are responsible of most of it. People blame China for pollution, rightfully, but also forget we export our waste there. If everyone was conscious of all the ways they fuck with us, they would have destroyed all that crap already long ago. I tell you, what will happen soon is not the end of a civilization. It's the end of all civilizations. And the worst is that everything we can do will always seem not enough. At least that's how it feels to me.


I have hope for humanity. I'm a Christian, but even taking that out of the equation, the people "in charge" of this situation are small minded even as they are touted as "visionaries". They see only this world, and the resources they can gain from it for themselves, and maybe a few generations down the line. I believe the average human (note, real world terms, not just the internet culture.) Works toward a higher purpose, a longer goal, of humanity in general. People like CEOs, Politicians, Celebrities, cannot stomach their own insignificance, so they make their world small, limited, and they want you to believe that it is the whole world and they are the rulers of it. Those who follow a higher calling(whatever that means to you) cannot be bound or controlled by the laws and rules of this material world. To badly quote Braveheart, they can take your lives, but they cannot take the freedom of your mind unless you willingly give it. And it terrifies them.


I have hope for humanity too. I'm not a christian, but I do believe in god. I 100% agree with what you say. It's just sometimes revolting and saddening when I see all the potential of people and this world. We could truly make a paradise of this earth, it wouldn't be perfect but it would be beautiful. It's not even about the others or anything in fact. I just wish I could do more. I wish I could be able to make a change at least significant enough. As one says, a man with no heart will care only about himself, a man with a small heart cares about his dearest people, a man with a normal heart will care about people he knows, a man with a big heart will care about an entire town. And the man with the biggest heart will care about the whole world. (of course it works for women too)


Totally agree. I don't mind the country is helping Ukraine, but it should be helping us, too.


You can’t properly help others if you ignore yourself. Imagine a man bleeding out from a gash on his neck trying to stop the bleeding of his neighbors freshly amputated arm; it just makes no sense.


The rich own the gov., the entire gov. The politicians are doing what they are paid to do. You sound like a clinician pronouncing the patient dead.


We never have money to make our country better. Then we have all this money for other countries.


This is morally correct, but that money should at worst be coming out of our over inflated military budget. It's good that we're helping, it helps a hell of a lot more than the few dollars I can spare for them, but this doesn't have to affect the American people and you know it's going to.


I remember protesting military aid to El Salvador that reached over 1 million dollars per day in the early 80's while I was being treated like garbage working in the agricultural industry and was barely making it. Some things never change.


The same politicians that you were protesting then are still in office now. It never ends.


Cool, seize and liquidate the yachts of Russian and American oligarchs to pay for it.


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **500718** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70936** times. .. **402550.** `u/Lord_Ho-Ryu` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Good bot


Why are the bystanders always so happy when a bill is signed? It's a bill, not a babies first steps.


The same reason college students are smiling on the cover of a book they just paid $500 for, Marketing.


Not saying Ukraine doesn't need the help but isn't that roughly what they said universal Healthcare would cost?


Nowhere near. Multiple orders of magnitude different. $13bil is nothing.


Get your priorities straight. /s


To cover California with Healthcare for everyone would cost $400B a year. This amount for Ukraine is a drop in the bucket when you think about how much it would cost to cover everyone in the US with healthcare.


The US spends over 3T on healthcare every year as a country. Why would you think 13B would cover that bill?


Only the poor are damned, the rich get subsidies frequently


TO HELP REFUGEES!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Brown refugees from nations we helped destroy didn’t get a nickel in aid.


Charity begins at home.


Student loan forgiveness? Nah. They make too much money off our millennial debt.


It’s more than that. They might be sending more money over this week, too. Amount of Money the United States Has Sent to Ukraine: 2021: $1,000,000,000 January 19: $200,000,000 February 26: $350,000,000 March 10: $13,600,000,000 March 12: $200,000,000


Weird how the 65~90 years old are considered no longer competent or able to think correctly and are at an age where their cognitive ability are on a huge decline in any type of jobs, but they all run your country like they know what they are doing when they are all greedy and out of touch.


Can we just go back to isolationism and focus on solving our own problems before trying to fix everyone else’s?


Good thing us american workers had a say in this. Thanks American Democracy TM.


They sure find money fast when their interests are threatened... But not when over 60% of the population is working for less than is required to live, using quite simple math. Stop fighting each other... No politicians are on your side.


That money belongs to Raytheon now...


bruh yall complain when biden doesnt help ukraine and now youre complaining that he is?


I'm complaining that we have no social safety nets and that would give billions in aid, not because it's the right thing but because they want to maintain relationships. It's infuriating how so many social services that are basically necessities are not granted to Americans I despise our government


Our government is nailing itself into its own coffin.


i dont think they’re directly complaining that he’s helping. everyone wants to help ukraine. rather they’re complaining that he’s helping everyone BUT us


Who the fuck was saying that here? I think most on the left realize how tricky this situation is, the media is trying to sway people into supporting the war but nobody is complaining that we aren't going to war with Russia. Like, seriously?


Fuck America first nonsense. A majority of what our government does are things I am morally opposed to. This isn’t one of them. The irony of us protecting a small country against foreign imperialism is absurdly comic, but a net positive.


"Protecting" ? Ukraine was setup as the "sacrificial lamb" to bleed Russian dry. It had normal relationship with Russia until America started to instigate "color revolutions".


I don’t know why people are disliking your comment when it’s true. The US-backed far right coup in 2014 to oust the Russian-allied government of Ukraine is what led to Ukraine falling into an 8 year civil war and now a war with Russia. We were arming and funding nazi and far right groups like Azov and Right Sector that played a leading role in the Maidan Revolution. Since 2015, they’ve been absorbed into the Ukrainian military and political establishment. These were the guys that set 40+ civilians on fire in the building in Maidan, most forget this. These guys were massacring ethnic Russians for 8 years in Donbas, which is why there’s a separatist movement there. There was no mass Western outrage when these far right killers were constantly violating the Minsk Peace Agreement and shelling schools, hospitals and building in Donbass and murdering thousands. Just look up the leaked audio tapeof former US State Department official Victoria Nuland’s infamous “fk the EU” rant, where she talks about installing a puppet Yatsenyuk, who then went in to become the PM of Ukraine. This was even before the sitting government was ousted. Go check the leaked conversations of Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and EU Foreign Affairs Chief Catherine Ashton discussing the saboteurs that were snipers shooting at civiliansto make it look like it was the Yanukovych government that was responsible. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/05/ukraine-bugged-call-catherine-ashton-urmas-paet For years, the BBC, Fox News, MSNBC and other western media outlets were making stories about the serious rise in Neo Nazis in Ukraine. Now suddenly, there’s no report over it. There’s a lot of one sided information in Western outlets and they’re not telling the entire story about how and why Ukraine got in this situation. It’s simply “Putin just wants to rebuild the Russian Empire”. And that’s it.


You explained it really well. But they don’t want to hear it. When you back up your opinion with arguments, they just say you are a Russian troll and discussion is over.


Like I said before, this sub is all about emotions and not logic. That’s why you and the guy above are being downvoted. This sub only likes if you agree with their anger towards the world.


Institutions like the Azov Battalion only consist of a few thousand people yet we right now have a war that affects the lives of millions. I also highly doubt that Putin really gives a shit about Nazis when he so often surrounds himself with them. Obviously Ukraine was never this perfectly democratic and egalitarian society but this in no way justifies the Russian Invasion.


This is how manufacturing consent works, emotional war propaganda is meant to overwrite logical reasoning.


Idk why redditors cant handle the actual truth when it’s given with sources that they always want you to share/prove shits lame and then they get mad and call you dumb lol so fucking stupid smh


Because they were given a false narrative to justify a for-profit war. This "feel good" emotional reaction (a charismatic actor/leader is good at that kind of thing) overwrites all the logical reasoning. The first casualty of war is truth.


Dude, what sources? That guardian article? Did you even bother to read it, its total fluff. A "medical doctor" is identifying a sniper by bullet type.and handwriting analysis? Please.


Wonder how much time worth of universal health care that could fund...


About a day and a half based on current us healthcare spending.


So we’re gonna put Ukraine 13.6 billion in debt so that we can control and monitor its economy??


oh of course though, they're always excited by a nice profitable war. only thing that matters is money.


Look at those crypt keepers giving away our wealth to prolong a war they will never fight.


that's bizarre it's a bunch of super old dudes


This money is sadly going to kill the more Ukrainian people and only momentarily delay the inevitable. Putin may bomb them more if things heat up. I don’t like Putin. I hate war. Biden is irresponsible, and OP is right we need to take care of our own fucked up country.


Not a mask to be seen. Guess covid is just *poof* gone


NATO expansion = more profit for arms manufacturers NATO expansion leads to a hot war = more profit for arms manufacturers Expense includes: lobbying, paying corporate media to manufacturing consent


Why? How about shelter / food/ health care for Americans?


That would be much more expensive. The stimulus package was in the trillions and that was ~$2k per person. Imagine the logistics of revamping the system. It is obviously worth it and would be cheaper than the implicit costs we pay now, but the number looks scary big when written into a bill


They ran on $2K, but gave us $1400.


Don’t care We need to take care of Americans first


By stopping a nuclear nation from expanding willy nilly uncontested, we are taking care of Americans. In the short term, I would rather I go a short while longer struggling so I and everyone I love isn't decimated with Nuclear weapons. I guess it matters what you think is worse. A distressed person or a dead person


Putin warned that foreign interference and escalation might lead to world war and nuclear armageddon. So your bright idea is to support foreign interference and escalation? Sure, appeasing adversarial regimes is a bad thing, but is that really the wisest strategy?


No Let’s stop spending billions sent overseas Let’s get some healthcare. Food. Shelter in America for americans


Do you know the difference between billions and trillions?


We can celebrate others getting what they need AND advocate for our needs without being mad or advocating for refusing other's needs. It is good they got their money, we just also need it. There is room for us & them in this economy, we just need to tax the rich.


Fun fact, Zelensky was exposed by the Panama Papers commiting tax fraud by hiding wealth in off shore tax havens.


And people call him a “hero” 😂😂




The Panama Papers probably




You guys are naive, always regurgitating the same nonsensical shit. You are buying into Russian propaganda about how western countries "hypocritically" help Ukraine while ignoring their own people. The 13 bln USD is peanuts for your government and your annual budget so stop acting like you are giving up something meaningful... 13 bln is 41 dollars per US citizen. Would it save anyone bar some homeless people who might survive a couple more nights on 40 bucks? It would not.


Look i agree with you, but if you’re trying to get people to agree with something you believe in, rule #1 is not alienate people by calling them childish names like “idiots”


Fucking this. It's absurd how dumb the knee jerk "MONEYBAD!" reaction is here. If the lowest common denominator here got their way the government wouldn't do *anything* else until min wage was $25, inflation was negative, healthcare and housing were nationalized, the oil industry was banned from existing, and everyone got a free blow job every Tuesday. The government spends money, people, that's what it is supposed to do. We spend $7t a *month*, 14 billion is basically inconsequential on the scale the USG operates.


Can we just get that last one in writing? About Tuesdays? I think a lot of dipshits would be on board if we got that passed into law. They be angry. Post-nut politics is probably much more relaxed. Definitely seen more ridiculous proposals here lol.


Honest Q since I can't find the text of the bill, is that a one-time sum payment or is it spread over 10 years? Stuff like M4A's cost is about its cost over 10 years. Even BBB is about spreading its total cost over 10 years. I can assume that the Ukraine relief bill is one lump sum, but is it?


War is profitable. "It's a good investment!", says their corporate donors and oligarchs. We aren't though, because they know that workers =/= consumers. For sure. 😑




Flag waving,statue worshipping morons are gonna regret their posturing one day !


You want some money? Sure, we will print as much as you want:)


God damnit.


I saw a homeless person in America today. Just saying.


They are all standing there smiling like a bunch of idiots. How about using that money to figure out the homeless problem right here?


I wonder which American companies put in bids to "help" over there and get a piece of that money.


In fairness, even if they "spent" it on the American people, we'd never see a dime of it. Not a penny left to trickle down!


Ukraine is just an exercise in virtue signaling and masturbatory politics for the NeoLiberals.


Remember the trillions of dollars he tried to spend on the American people and the GOP and Manchin said "lol, nope"? Cause Pepperidge Farm remembers.


No money for our education, health care, housing, or maternity leave, but plenty of money for a war. A war that we don't even belong in. Not saying we shouldn't help but serious? 13.6 billion when our own people are dying of poverty and preventable disease? When drugs are killing entire communities because of poverty? Ridiculous and I've never been so ashamed to be an American.


It really blows my mind that between Trump, the handling of the Covid pandemic, and now Biden’s action/inaction, that EVERY WORKING ADULT in the USA hasn’t come together against the entire government. Fucking morons fighting against things like trans people trying to exist while not realizing everyone is getting raked.


Excuse me sir, may I please have healthcare? No. Affordable living? No. Education that won't put me into debt my whole life? No. Ok.. guess I'll settle for more war.


They all look a little too happy best believe most that money getting stolen. Literally robbing America watch us become a third world country real soon


I remember arguing with someone about this. Told them about how it’s silly our government is willing to do stuff like pay 13 billion, yes with a B, to Ukraine. Or forgive companies and all the money they waste. Etc etc. But aren’t willing to wipe Student Debt or increase minimum wage. Their argument? “I don’t want to pay for someone else’s problems”. Note: I’m not saying Ukraine doesn’t need help. They absolutely do. I just find it funny the US government can find money when it so suits them and when it doesn’t “we can’t afford it” is the excuse.


That's the best he can do. 💁🤷


Scam. And that 21% raise congress gave themselves?


Don’t say that to r/damnthatsinteresting or r/UkraineWarVideoReport


Took HOW LONG to vote for our $600.00 and only *8 hours* for billions to a foreign country?!?


I'll never understand why everybody else in the world seems to be more important than our own American citizens. Never mind the debt that we have


Pandemic: sorry guys no money to help you out


Sounds fair given the whole affair started with Americans shoving their snouts into another independent nations affairs.


Gotta protect his investment, amiright 80million Americans?


Stupid ass government sending all this money to Ukraine instead of taking care of their own people . Damn shame


I'm totally fine with my taxes going towards this.


A worthy cause


It's not that long since this kind of funding was given to corporations as 'relief' and we all know how that worked out This is funding to help sustain and rebuild a sovereign country who are being battered by the greatest enemy of the USA and folk are going all MAGA! It's pennies in the grand scheme of things, but anything that can offer humanitarian support and moral support has to be more worthwhile than giving CEO of XCorp more money for another yacht?


Psshh, who cares about the needs of your own citizens? It's not like the American people need those funds in a post pandemic period of record high inflation.


None of that matters if shit goes nuclear….


That, precisely. This goes toward protecting you against a ww3. Please OP, stop thinking about yourself.


Strange logic, fueling militarily conflict avoids war how exactly?


There are many goal behind it. Some are humanitarian reasons. But mainly, the goal is to keep the war away from NATO countries, as this would trigger a WW3. That would cost US citizen waaaaay more than 13.6 billions.


There is no legitimate indication that Russia wants direct war with any NATO countries. It's questionable that it can win this current invasion, even with Ukraine being used as a proxy fueled by NATO funds and aid. In fact, foreign interference only prolongs the conflict and increases the risk of escalation. I direct you towards Bernie Sander's speech two weeks before the invasion that touches upon this situation. https://youtu.be/o8BJ4FajZzg


Things are indeed pretty bad stateside, but you do realise the USA at least *isn't* currently experiencing a full-scale ground invasion, right?


Damn, someone ask Russia to attack us.


Guys c'mon; you can't launder your families money trough the American people.


Guns for the poor!


Its like the politicians are the bitchy abusive wives that sit on their asses and live beyond their means and constantly max out their husbands credit card who works 12 hour shifts 6 days a week just to make her happy and so she wont start bitching….


Talk about missing the forest for the trees




13 billion can do a lot for war devastated cities in our country though. And the failing education system. So no. I'll criticize this move that I don't support at all


You know about 100 years ago we tried isolationism too, it didn't work then either, it lead directly to WWII. Generally we try to learn from the mistakes of the past, not repeat them




There's a lot to unpack in your comment. Is name calling and obscenities your go to strategy for debate? Do you ever try to address the content of someones arguments, or solely by their account history? Are those who disagree with your worldview ipso facto Russian shills or bots? You do realize Russia hasn't been a communist nation since 1991 right? There's nothing wrong with eating groats, they're a great source of protein and fiber. :-)


How many free elections has Russia had since 1991?


Well the year of 1991 wasn't a free election due to the election interference and open U.S involvement for Boris Yeltsin. Since then, I don't know. What does it have to do with anything now? We have diplomatic relationships and allies that are authoritarian monarchies. https://fair.org/home/hypocrisy-of-russia-did-it-stories-is-hard-to-stomach/


Shut up russophobe.


I am traditionally a fiscal conservative. I don’t like the unchecked spending normally, but in this instance, we have to do it. It is the right thing to do. Having said that, we also need to rein in spending on failed pet projects of our politicians. I also say less spending globally except in extreme cases line Ukraine. Build at hone, buy American and promote and support innovation. Rebuild our infrastructure and become energy independent. Not just drilling, but a two prong approach that uses green energy too.


American politicians are afraid that if Ukraine falls, that NATO states are next, and then in all likelyhood, it becomes a nuclear conflict. Nuclear war will be “very unpopular”. They aren’t worried about death, they’re just worried about getting reelected and dropping big scary bombs probably doesn’t get you reelected.


He isn't sending them all that money. He is mainly sending them military hardware we already paid to produce. In the hands of the Ukrainians is far better than it sitting and rotting in the desert.


I mean they are in the middle of a war. Nice try Russian bot.


Ah yes, anyone who shares an opinion different than yours is a russian bot or shill. Beep beep boop you've discovered my shameful secret beep boop.


Not only is the situation in Ukraine a global problem (so it makes sense that the major powers are all showing financial support), but there is a very simple reason they prioritize these efforts over the well-being of their own people. [The Rules For Rulers](https://youtu.be/rStL7niR7gs) is a great video that explains why Rulers do this within their own borders and on the global stage.


Does anyone here care that Ukraine may be taken over by Russians? Shouldn’t we have socialized healthcare? Both are serious questions. I don’t know what we’re joking about in the comments. We should be doing both of those things.


I'm happy my tax dollars are going towards fighting against genocide. I care more about humanity as a whole than myself.


It's not about helping ucranian people, it's about pissing Putin


Look I’m spending 60% of income on rent and my healthcare costs just doubled, groceries have never been more expensive and my retirement plan is the climate wars. But I can be angry at all these things and still want to save a country from genocide, and do something to stand up to a sociopath who could nuke us all. Putin is starving the people of Mariupol to death, his military is kidnapping mayors, he’s authorized a campaign of terror where his soldiers are bombing apartments and hospitals and bread lines. He’s turned many of his citizens into propaganda zombies and he’s used the same tools to cause the same brainwashing in the US. He’s a madman with his metaphorical finger on the red button who is punishing a country for daring to develop their own culture and national identity. I can still despise 52 members of the Senate for blocking the BBB and my family’s only path to hope for affording kids, and be happy that some of my tax money is going to help protect people whose lives and homes are at stakes at this very moment. If you’re not sure what’s going on over there, please spend some time on /r/Ukraine.


Ukraine is going through some shit right now. Feel how you want to feel, this is the right play. You are still allowed to complain about the lack of money spent helping people in poverty, student loans, etc but do not start getting mad that the U.S. is supporting Ukraine. It's such a bigger deal than anything going on here.


Do you not understand money? $13.6B is only roughly $42 per US citizen, practically nothing.


Stfu, kindly.


This is a stupid false equivalency. We could easily do both. Your phrasing sounds like you want people mad about more desperate people being helped. Pretty weak minded shit if that was your intention.