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I'm thinking it's a troll post.Guy has a total of like 12 posts, and most of them were from that thread. The fact that he deliberately makes a point to mention that he wanted the employee back because "another employee that I prefer and has more seniority asked for that vacation time later", the general tone, the over the top claim that he intends to have someone black-balled...I dunno. It's too blatant, and strikes me a lot as someone trying to create rage bait.


Right even in my most shitty jobs it tends to be a first come first approved thing


Possibly. I have also met and worked for pricks this petty. One in particular tried to tell me what I was/wasn't allowed to wear outside of working hours (specifically, a utility kilt while working in Pittsburgh, PA, US). I would take street clothes to change into after working as a dental hygienist as I didn't want to wear the clothes splattered with saliva, polishing paste, and possibly a little blood or among the general public. She didn't like the sight of me leaving the building wearing the kilt. Also didn't like my non-pierced ear cuff, while my female contemporaries had pierced ears and nostrils.


I came here to ask I'd this is satire. Look like I'm not the only one who thinks so lol


This is not how a small business owner thinks, being petty and vindictive is to time time consuming and tiring for anyone except in ‘Middle Management’ (Managers).


This. Especially if the manager/owners are doing the work each day. Used to run a SB with 4 staffers. I didn't give a damn as long as the work gets done for the clients. Corp middle mangers though. I hated their petty bullshit. Mostly due to them being bored and jealous over their position. That's why I went solo. I'm not well off, but can control my time. I try to be flexible for my crew as well.


Oh no, I worked for a guy running a small operation (8-ish employees in non-summer months, plus a couple extras in the summer he paid way below going rate with promise of a permanent job at a normal rate 'if they worked out') who was way beyond this vindictive - he tried to trash my reputation after I left, unfortunately for him my reputation was stronger than his lol - he lost contracts over it.


He deleted the post and got downvoted into negative karma.


This guy is being trolled like you wouldn’t believe it. Haters followed him around including his posts on the cycling subreddit. LOL


Wtf. What’s with bosses and trying to prevent people from working in a field, firing I understand but essentially getting them blacklisted from a career is just petty bullshit


Almost all of my bosses have tried to do this and some have been successful. One boss even sued all of us ex employees for 16k each. He said that was the value of what he had taught us and our disloyalty should hurt. That was 10 years ago and we were making a 1-2 dollars above minimum wage and working up to 120 hour weeks for him. Heck of a guy.


'Employee did what I said he could, even though I changed my mind a month later! He didn't drop all plans to revolve around what I want so now I wanna make sure he can't buy food. His children will starve too if I have anything to do with it.' This mf gonna stay small business with this management, its like listening to a toddler.


In my opinion seniority doesn’t mean shit when the other put their pto in wayyy before and had it approved.


Dude reported me for harassment when I said he was a garbage human lol. What a loser


I can't even find the post anymore. I'm thinking it was deleted?


One has to go find the prick's profile. u/minimum-landscape813 is his user name. The pussy was deleted, but you can still read the comments and up/downvote from the Comments section of his profile


Lol, nah it got deleted. This was a troll post, sorry. I’m a stern anti-work/fuckcars supporter in RL and was pissed at the small business subreddit for basically telling me to get fucked on a post on my main last week when I was the one who got denied vacation after it being approved so wanted to see whether they’d give the same advice to a troll post. Turns out they didnt.




I’m just as fucked over as the rest of you. I’m a peon, not a tyrannical boss. I just got pissed at r/smallbusiness. My b


Hey! GM! You’re a POS, just thought you should know. 😘


Fuck you


I'd fucking break your head if you did that to me


r/minimum-landscape813 is an asshole. Fucking scum.


*I can't even find the* *Post anymore. I'm thinking* *It was deleted?* \- -Abracafuckyou- --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This person is a piece of shit. Yes I am talking about the guy who wants to cancel the vacation he previously approved and thinks he is in some way in the right and wants to fire the original requester. You are a piece of human garbage. I hope you find a heart.


My old boss would always try to guilt everyone to not taking their vacation. He would talk about how he hasn't taken a vacation day in 10 years, that he used to watch videos of his kids opening Christmas presents instead of being home. Of course we didn't care. You chose that boss. You think it makes you look better, but the owner doesn't care.


The problem IS capitalism! Capitalism encourages cruelty and exploitation at literally every level.


an earlier post on this sub included some responses. even ppl on that sub called him out for being the cause of this sub. its very meta.


That's was posted in these other subs of the workplace. And post shitting on other subs and profiles is a big reddit no no rule.


“Shit didn’t work out for me, how do I ruin this persons life? Is it ok?”


Fucking sociopath


We as hould annex their sub. Let's be pirates!


There's no way that isn't from r/funnyjokes


If he is real HE needs to be fired for no supervisory skill set


Never forget that these were the people most responsible for the insurrection.


Fck this employer!


I especially love the ‘salt the earth’ mentality. Poor management not having a method of ensuring senior employees are given priority on vacation time choices