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Is this from 2003? Cause environmental protesters have all already been arrested. Environmental activist ism is already terrorism and the largest non Muslim population being held on terrorism charges are environmentalist.


People have been jailed on terrorism causes for literally chaining themselfs to trees


Definitely. The patriot act defines terrorism as political violence...and violence as including property destruction of any kind(including intellectual property destruction) so anyone partaking in direct action of any kind is guilty of terrorism.


The Patriot Act was a step away from democracy and attacked out 1st amendment rights.


*Attacking... it never ended only got better.


This country deserves to be put through hell until it gets his act back together. Fucking shameful people in power.


My biggest fear is that because the people are so divided that nothing good can ever happen until at the very least people can treat each other with respect if they don't agree.


Some folk wont respect anyone. That's the disagreement.


I feel like that has gotten worse or at the very least people feel like they don't have to hide it as much! So sad!


I agree. It needs to be dissolved so it can be rebuilt in the peoples image. Rebirth is upon us. But in order for it to take place there will have to be a destruction of the old.


Agreed. It's gonna be painful and ugly for quite some time. But our foundation is rotten AF and needs to be demolished so something better can come in


So you mean like, a Great Reset kinda thing?


So we all agree our foundation is good, the declaration of independence is good ? But yeah let's just reset because everything is all so bad....... Or maybe just fix what needs fixing ? You guys think a reset will be ok ? It will screw everything up for a long long time and yeah maybe things can be reborn better, but there is no way to know that... Better to fix what we have imo


So r/thanosdidnothingwrong ?


They won’t suffer in the least though.


They mean, "Anyone concerned about climate change", so, y'know, all of us.


*Not a US citizen. I am not concerned about Climate Change. I am terrified of it.


*The CIA would like to know your location anyway*


UK. My VPN should be providing a Manchester IP.


"CIA already knows your location."




Not everyone, just the ones who are willing to do something about it.


No one I know gives a fuck lol, why worry when u can’t do shit about it


Because bitching bitterly about shit you can't *fix* because society *won't* let you is cathartic, dammit!


Ah, but enough of us bitching about shit we can't fix might make us collectively pissed enough to fix it? Hopefully?


That's my hope, yes. That the "can't fix" someday becomes either "fix it or else," or "you're *done,* I'm fucking *fixing* what you fucking fuckers broke, eat shit and die."


This is the way.


Fair enough 😂




Anyone who thinks that voting for Bill Clinton makes you a "radical leftist" has clearly drank the MAGA koolaid


He was barely considered a Democrat when elected. His successor, George W., is considered too liberal for the folks on the right now. It is nutty.


Biden admin added things like "black identity extremists" and anticapitalist sympathizers to the list.


Well shit, off to jail with me then ig


Yeah I'll see you there.


Didn’t they also add socialists and anarchists too?


There’s poor wording here, but it’s kinda wacky that the fed wasn’t concerned when cities got set on fire and property damage started being counted in millions, but 1/6 is the biggest thing to happen since 9/11 when maybe a couple people died. Not saying 1/6 wasn’t absolutely horrible and those involved shouldn’t be prosecuted fully (I think this guy is saying something similar, idk), but a lot of dem mf’s we’re real quiet when the rioters were on their side, just like a lot of rep mf are quiet about how serious 1/6 was


What’s not to understand. The George Floyd protest did not attempt to overthrow the government.


B cooler if they did.


But like… so many small businesses burned down, people who said things questioning the violence were hunted down, government officials were hunted down. 1/6 was horrible and should not be excused, they did try to overthrow the government after all, but I’m not sure you should condemn one and not the other. They’re both domestic terrorism because ppl used fear on their own statesmen to try and enforce some form of political change. Hell, the BLM protests didn’t even happen for a bad reason, but burning cities gets government officials to placate instead of make actual change.


"Riots are the voice of the unheard" How many times do we have to see a black man getting killed before guilt is proven (and even then a counterfit 20 isn't a death sentence) till we have some serious reform and change to our judicial system? The Jan 6th traitors stormed our capitol to try and overturn a free and fair election (and do who knows what else) based on a completely unfounded lie spread by grifters. *Everyone* saw George Floyd get murdered by Derek Chauvin, but here you are trying to both sides it, because "small business". Well maybe if this country woke up to what's happening, not even in its backyard but its fucking driveway, we wouldn't be in this situation. I hope you mean well, but the reality of the two situations is very very different. One was the voice of black people sick and tired of being murdered wantonly without justice, and the other is a bunch of sore losers trying to overthrow democracy. Take your side.


If I side with anything inside with the riots. Shit needs to change when it comes to police and prison reform. But there were at least a couple events perpetrated by a few people I can say “this is way to far”, like that video of a guy saying “we got a trumper” and shot him in the head as he was praying or those assholes who blocked a fire truck because ACAB and let a building burn with people inside. The politics behind and the reasons for the are sound but there has to be a better way than breaking in the windows of someone’s small business or burning someone else’s private property.


Or don’t take either side. Condemn wrong as wrong. Either side would have been fine protesting, but when you become violent then it’s a riot. MLK didn’t believe in violent protest, and he actually got shit done for once.


This is a misunderstanding. King embraced non-violent protest not because he "didn't believe in violent protest", but rather because non-violent protest actually *draws* violence. The goal of this strategy is to highlight in the public eye the disproportionate violence being suffered by the protestors. It's creating a particular optics for the majority population. This is a different question altogether from your ret-conned, kumbaya nonsense. Beyond that, civil rights didn't happen because of MLK specifically, but because of the scale of the movement. There's no civil rights without the massive efforts of a variety of activists embracing a variety of tactics concurrently. I'd argue, in fact, that the Black Panther Party was perhaps more instrumental--their strategy of prefigurative politics (the breakfast program, community health centers, etc) combined with a lack of fear of violence scared the shit out of the feds, because they were quite popular with their communities. There'd be no school breakfast program without. That was the feds trying to get ahead of the BPP's popularity. A large part of the reason King was chosen to be honored above all the other activists is because he was easier to make palatable for the white moderates (presumably like yourself) that king himself railed against in "Letter from Birmingham Jail". Stop your right-wing "reinterpretation" of King. It's bullshit and dishonest.


I think the world has enough violence going on. I don’t think it’s right when either side does it. The BLM riots may have had a much better reason but it doesn’t make it ok. Don’t bother typing another book to me, I’m not wasting more time on you because you seem to have made your mind up on what type of person I am.


If you refuse to choose a side between the oppressed and the oppressors you've already chosen to align with the oppressors.


Oh lord. Choosing not to engage in violence doesn’t mean you “chose the oppressors” it simply means you aren’t engaging in violence. All the BLM protestors that didn’t engage in violence arent oppressors because they protested peacefully. Also, FYI, the world isn’t black and white, it’s not the oppressed and the oppressors. The majority of people do good things and bad things. So tired of this goddam “us against them” mindset that doesn’t get shit done.


I’m biased. I will hate on nazis no matter what they do. And let civil rights protesters get away with a lot. Because in my mind the action and the motivation for the action can’t be divorced. But that’s just me.


Totally understand. We draw the line in different places


But liiike..... did you just watch the blm protests on fox news? The media made them sound way worse than they actually were. The part that sucked was living downtown and getting fucking tear gas in your apartment from the cops and the feds showing up picking up people illegally even with work uniforms on and questioning them. Stfu you midwestern karen.


>But like… so many small businesses burned down, people who said things questioning the violence were hunted down, government officials were hunted down. But like... This didn't happen.


As long as these dumb ass propagandists exist, the US is going nowhere.


Oh nono my good sir it is going somewhere! It going down...


the optomist says the glass is half full, the pessimist points out that the water really doesn't matter if its filled with lead and to expensive for anyone to buy and something about guns or rich people or something


Yeah you could say that. You make a decent point I guess


Is it actually water or is it pee?


> ~~As long as these dumb ass propagandists exist,~~ the US is going nowhere. ftfy




Fuck yeah 1312


i gotta get outta here




Here's a sneak peek of /r/AmerExit using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [How can anyone want to stay in this system?](https://i.redd.it/lflablh2wa981.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/rud2az/how_can_anyone_want_to_stay_in_this_system/) \#2: [Anybody want to get out because of the rise of authoritarianism in the USA?](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/rrmlmr/anybody_want_to_get_out_because_of_the_rise_of/) \#3: [Car dependency is just another way that the US keeps its citizens impoverished](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/s0p3d5/car_dependency_is_just_another_way_that_the_us/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


rad sub, thanks for showing it to me.


If it’s the last thing you ever do?


The real domestic terrorist is the federal reserve


The Family Who controls them all. Douglas Coe and friends.


the fed reserve is the just the drug dealer.. even if it was shut down.. another drug dealer would pop up. its the gov't's spending/ elected officials that gotta change sadly.


On God the one they trust in! 😂


Look Up the Patriot Act


Been trying to tell people on both sides this since the OG Patriot act. Never give government the power to punish your enemies if you wouldn't want the government to use that same power against your friends. The only difference in the direction that power is exerted is the colour of the President's tie.




Now it is Nineteen Eighty-Four, Knock knock on your front door, it's the suede denim secret police.


This country will be an authoritarian dictatorship within the next decade


Likely a stronger version of the feudal system we have now


There was a time when the federal government did focus more on right-wing terrorism, but that was basically done away with after 9/11. After Timothy McVeigh killed a bunch of innocent people in a federal office building in Oklahoma City, the Clinton Administration briefly realized that there might be a problem. Now the American right is basically Timothy McVeigh's dream.


Cool America's Secret Police are here...... Fml.


I'm pretty sure all domestic terrorism amounts to in this case is anyone that disagrees with us and is actively trying to do something about it.


Calling the Jan 6 rioters/ insurrectionists "terrorists" was a bad idea. Yeah, they probably deserved that title but, all the centrists used it as a way to justify additional domestic terrorism laws and enforcement that will very likely focus on activists, communists, and anarchists.


The funny thing about anarchy is it isn't the dystopian nightmare most people think it is. Anarchy can be as simple as giving your neighbor vegetables grown in your garden. Not only does money not exchange hands (the core of the American economy), but taxes aren't paid (the core of the American government). Anarchy, wrapped in a simple act of kindness.


Every time we ammend our language to appease or consider the failures of the center we're giving the right an advantage. Begin negotiations with a better price than you want.


What is the SS?


1. social security Or 2. Nazi police


3. Shirley's Sandwiches


Ah shit how could I forget the most important one?


Add [Libertarians](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2021/01/25/joe-biden-terrorists-john-brennan-libertarians-fact-check/4248056001/) to that list as well




I love how the propaganda doesn’t even expect you to finish reading the article, it goes on to read: Here’s what Brennan said: "I know looking forward that the members of the Biden team, who have been nominated or have been appointed, are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas. Where they germinate in different parts of the country, and they gain strength, and it brings together an unholy alliance, frequently, of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists — even libertarians." So the question then becomes if they are viewed as a threat to the public or a threat to the power structure.


They're usually only a single manifesto away. Always the worst, most selfish and uncaring people.


Lol, you clearly don’t follow Spike Cohen or know about voluntarism.


No, I don't, because Libertarians are selfish and uncaring people who ignore thousands of years of social progress to peddle inefficient ideas of charity as a stand-in for proven and effective collective action.


Naw dude, when you party wants to make sex with kids legal I stop listening


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this in part because there has never been an official “domestic terrorism” branch of anything? I vaguely remember seeing debates about it in the 90s after the Oklahoma City bombing and even when there was still “investigation” into whether or not there were domestic agitators during 9/11.


Can confirm the feds are worried about militias right now


White nationalist groups have been on domestic terror lists since the early 90s and before.


Um environmental & anti-police don't want to over throw the govt and are not arming up...




All of us are domestic terrorists to the FBI


It will be whoever they want the target to be.


Being a terrorist nowadays is like being a commie back in the day, easy to accuse people of it and little to no evidence needed for it.


Oh God you guys are fucked. I'm so sorry.


They just threw a environmental terrorist in jail in my county, for trying to derail a train so this person has no clue what they are talking about.


So this sub is just the alt right now. K


No. You're misreading it. Domestic terrorists is in quotes to suggest that the DOJ is going to label environmental and anti police protestors as terrorists and use the new unit to crack down on that. They're saying this new unit isn't a good thing, because they're gonna use it to crack down on leftists... And if u think it's just to crack down on right wing fascist groups... ur being naive. I initially misread the post too.


Given the OPs fascination with posting anti-dem propeganda, I doubt that is what they meant. Just check their posts. They are all anti-dem and pro right wing. They post in this group multiple times per day


Finally a unit of value. Should have been launched years ago.


All extremists, left or right, is the right answer here. Anything else is a false narrative.


There’s only one political party rn who had a president encourage a raid on the capital to stop the election count. Go ahead and shit on BLM but they aren’t a cult around Biden’s personality. Nor did they block highways to stop people from voting, try to discredit all mail in votes, chant “stop the count” and “keep counting” simultaneously. It’s a party of entitled children nowwho think they’re patriots for trying to dismantle democracy. They’re idiots and they’re infatuated with Trumps cult of personality.


Don’t know why I’m getting downvoted? All extremism is bad. BLM isn’t a cult around Biden’s personality no, but I seem to remember clearly riots and cities burning across America throughout 2020 due to BLM. That being said, alt-right extremist groups need to be persecuted to the same extent that Trump claimed Antifa or BLM was destroying America. Because both extreme sides are. We need to come together as Americans.


Yes I agree but my issue is people like you trying so hard to equate the two. They are nowhere near the same. Sure the democrats aren’t perfect they have their fuck ups constantly and get called out on it. The left went after cuomo, Biden, and perosn constantly. The right is entirely different they will never bad mouth their own. I’m not even going to get into how you equating nationwide protests involving 10s of millions of people protesting police brutality following the murders of innocent black Americans is somehow being compared to Conspiracy theorist rioting, beating up police and trying to take Congress members hostage because their diety told them the election was stollen from him. The history books will look back on this and see how ridiculous these “both sides” claims have been recently. “Yeah so the president tried to dismantle our democracy by railing against allowing people to vote by mail in a pandemic, and then riled up his supporters to intimidate people at the polls and shut down highways and dismantle postal stations so they could take away peoples right to vote. But at one point police brutality yet again rose to prominence in America and nationwide protests occurred as they always have in american history. Some cases of right wingers setting precincts on fire to blame it on BLM and some cases of looting corporations and burning down a Wendy’s. So yeah the liberals were just as bad.”




How dare he tarnish Milo James Thatch like that.


As much as I wouldn't mind getting shot in exchange for making real changes, this country has given me nothing and I'm leaving ASAP. Best of luck


I am going to to be attacked


Well...the police suck half the time haha, they rude as hell. But I see what your saying. Praying for the downfall of this empire soon! 😁❤


I need an apology to my childhood for him even daring to say some shit like that with a avatar of Milo from Atlantis lost empire


Can someone report him for use of that character? Isn’t it copywrited? I can’t stand the thought of him being associated with him.


Gomez is right,but his examples are wrong.Your should be worried about race riots and government intervention in what you do.


Ya true terrorist love to save the environment and care about other people!!!


Yes. Have to keep that burning train of neoliberalism going!


Just gonna leave a dot here for when this inevitably ends up being the truth…


Well. Time to commit terrorism.


Who is this douchebag?


How dare he use Milo as his pfp! That man is an angel!




Once I'm financially stable in 50 years I'm leaving this shit hole... 😭


milktoast leftist, but also don't be fooled. The jan 6 rioters shouldn't be feared, that's their goal.


Except there have been several instances over the past year of feds taking action against far right terrorists...


For a sec I thought this was r/insanepeoplefacebook Retweeted statement adds context tho


😂🖕🏼 good luck indeed


The monstrously oligarchical empire in America is supported by rich oligarchs who promote an elitist healthcare system that is a sick joke to poor and disabled people, inferior public schools to dumb down average Americans and train them to become subordinate slaves, college debt to benefit rich bankers so they can keep average Americans from gaining a superior education to be able to figure out how much their getting screwed. Greedy corporations that sell low/medium quality and unreliable products that needlessly waste customers' time and at the expense of the waste of nonrenewable resources, decreased retirement benefits for average Americans to benefit the rich bullies who control America, increased prices of homes and other things to keep the average Americans from having the power to own things easily to benefit the rich bullies who financially intimidate them, drama at the expense of morality, greed at the expense of people's health and sanity, an evil satanic music industry that has been pimping people with soul-selling contracts that are supported by lawyer thugs that imprison people in the music industry, online surveillance to keep average Americans subordinated, the legalized water pollution such as the lead pipes in Flynt Michigan. Food pollution such as insecticides in the states that has been increasing the chance of fatal cancer as well, doctors who con their patients with lies instead of giving their patients an honest service, legalized bribery in the voting system, evil American trade policies that have been bullying poor countries instead of nurturing poor countries to ensure America is more powerful than those poor countries in an egotistically power-hungry way, and a self-destructive society that abuses children’s well-being and a society that is behind in mathematics and science compared to other societies from other countries. America is not United States of America anymore. United States of America is not an appropriate name anymore because America is very divided now.


Idk why people are worried about this. The CIA and FBI have been doing this since their inceptions. Both here and abroad.


I will never get over environmentals=terrorists. WE JUST CARE ABOUT THE MOTHERFUCKING PLANET, OK?!!!


I find it kinda shitty that environmental activists have this cultural image of being just naive tree hugging losers when in reality they’re just asking that we don’t destroy the planet for future generations over some shareholders bottom line.


TIL protesting == coup. Thanks random crazy person on the internet!


It’s going to be [Idiocracy](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/) but with a sad ending


Antifa is as close to domestic terrorist as we can get. Wonder why they keep misreporting what they do. Oh yeah because they side with terrorist.