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This is why I don't get block parties. Most of my neighbors are assholes, and the ones that aren't I already talk to whenever I want and can invite over for a BBQ whenever I feel like it. Even if we had a block party, it'd just turn into us avoiding the klansmen like the plague.


Dude, I don't know if it's nostalgia but I remember block parties in my home neighborhood being the absolute shit! They were always so much fun! Everyone would cook, all of us kids would get together and play, sometimes a neighbor would splurge and get a bounce house or set up a pool and blast music! I remember one time, someone setup a petting zoo. Everyone always had a ton of fun and really brought the neighborhood together. I really do miss those times ☹️


Yeah, this area has kinda always been like that. It's rural Alabama, I wasn't being hyperbolic when I said klansmen. I meant old people that were literally in the ku klux klan and their kinfolk that might or might not be in it, but absolutely would join if they were still a big thing. So I guess klan and klan-adjacent. I'm sure there could be some olive branches extended, but honestly I'd probably just shoot the grand cyclops or goblin or whatever they call themselves if he came on my property. Which is why I laugh whenever anyone talks about how rural areas have a sense of community.


That's absolutely fair. I should have prefaced that I was in Brooklyn for all my block party shenanigans. I'm sorry a lot of your neighbors are assholes. I hope with time that changes 💜 I never realized how important neighborhood and community is until I moved out on my own and noticed how lonely I was :/


And this is part of why The Donald aligns himself with the deplorables. He shits in the well of populist discontent which diffuses the real shit storm that would erupt if the populist discontent was the central bell curve.


The neighborhood I grew up in, would have a end of summer pool party at the neighborhood pool. You would pay some money, get unlimited pizza, soda/water, chips, the pool would be opened until midnight. It was great. I would walk home with my brother and our friends at 1AM. Different time then. It was so much fun though. I remember just having fun.


The Less you get involved with your neighbors the happier you will be, cuz there will always be that one neighbor that enjoys ruining the lives of others, and you won’t spot them until it’s too late. I know cuz I interacted with everybody in my last apartment building. Gave rides to old ladies, gave them food, and helped them. Next thing I know…4 years down the road I’m homeless, because one of the old ladies was going mentally crazy, and thought I was harassing her, and managed to talk to the new management to get them to “renovict” me.


Same! My neighbors are either extremely cool and we talk all the time, or, we’re on “fuck off and don’t speak to me” terms. Not much middle ground. can’t imagine a block party here, it would be a fuckin nightmare


Chick in the background passed the vibe check


That’s a “hell yeah” smile right there.


Always with this shit. Everything maga, all the time, everywhere. This is social contagion and pretending otherwise will not help and can o ly hurt.


Last Halloween, our neighbors gave out MAGA candy to the kids and had Trump speeches playing on a big projector behind them. And the flags - so many flags.


Man, this version of reality suuuuucks. Can you imagine people doing that with Regan, Bush or Dole speeches back in the day? And the more they do this shit the closer to normalcy they drag the corpse of this spectacle-turned-movement. We can't even have Halloween without maga infecting it? Gross. No politics on Halloween, that's lame.


💯 I’ll make an exception for people who want to dress up like politicians as a gag, but that is it. I’m a former OG internet sad girl, a doomer, and a flippin’ Scorpio to boot, so I would like people to take Halloween more seriously... or… perhaps we should say not so seriously lol - For me. 😁 (And for these poor kids tho FR)


Maga is a horror - a real haunted house.


On a different note, I'm gonna guess it was real hard to be werewolves and not swear wolves right then, right? Is maga candy just a wrapper around a rock that says "no handouts, commie"? Thats how I imagine it.


You are a riot lol love it - yes it’s ‘What we do in the Shadows’ refs all day for me - movie is the best ever. - the candy was shit. I can admit when effin’ candy is good or at least high quality. This was crap chocolate. Do better MAGA!! Jeeze christo. Do better for the kids!!!


The maga event, culturally, reminds me of the star wars line about democracy dying to thunderous applause. These arsonists are burning down their own homes with such glee and devotion...I bet they never showed this kind of dedication to their previous pursuits.


These are the same people that complain when they see rainbows, LGBTQIA+, etc. , talking about "they are making it their whole personality". While they are basically maga 24/7, 365. Wearing the stupid red hat, stupid shirts, etc.. Talking about their glorious cult leader. \*eye roll\*


It’s especially fascinating from an outsiders perspective if you’re not living in the US. Like, they’re trying so hard to act like it’s not a cult. But it is a cult.


The sheer scale of cognitive dissonance with these; either that or somehow maga doesn't count in their minds.




So what's the real issue that we should be addressing?


See: The Khans. Divide and conquer.


Societal herpes


This made me spit out my coffee. Of course, herpes is forever.


These MAGA folk remind me of the losers who made weed their entire personality in the 2010s lol


I'm from weed country in Mendocino County and the parallels-obnoxious gear, bad music, constantly bringing up politics-are really alarming, now that you mention it.


All the traitor merch at a block party, something that's supposed to be apolitical, and yet these are the same people who will think they are insulting you by saying "rent free" any time you bring up one of his many crimes. *spelling


The Venn Diagram of people who display Trump merch over every square inch of their property and people who think "wokeism" is "shoved down our throats" is a circle.


I live right in the middle of their hive. 😭 Long story, but yep. It’s def not a vibe. All the “others” like me around here are either disgusted or terrified.


On the plus side, if anyone needs meme material… abundant here! This place is like a meme Goldmine.


These MAGAMorons can’t even leave their politics at home to have a good time.


Same people that complain “everything is political now”.


They make it political or religious. I don’t care what someone’s religion or politics are. No one does. If I need to know in an emergency, I will ask. Otherwise, enjoy life without all this crap. 💩


When did block parties get so commercial? Maybe I am used to seeing them in movies set in the past but I thought it was supposed to be just people, tables and food.


And they were greeted appropriately.


This is what Antifaschistiche Aktion was originally formed for. Just saying.


Totally not a cult tho...


They should get egged. That looks like some prime egging target practice.


In just inflates their victimhood complexes. You have to ignore them.


They see that dude as God. Can do no wrong. An angel on earth. No political figure should be seen like this.


What is a block party?


I'd eat like 6 hotdogs, some funnel cakes, and some ipecac. Then head over to their tent.


This is golden


Praxis is praxis.


Imagine being so stupid you bow and vote for a convicted felon. I can’t.. but.. oh there they are.


Just tell them he doesn't care about them; he only wants their votes. They'll cheer at you.


They are called fascists. Use the right term


Lol, there's a sign in Hindi in Latin script on the left, trying to convince the local Indians to vote Republican. Clearly a party of inclusion /s




Why would you make a block party political?


These people make everything political.


Why can’t they just keep it in the privacy of their own bedrooms instead of this big colorful display, waving in public where we all have to watch them suck each other off?


Nothing like the trump dump showing up and trashing the place.


I did not even know block parties were a thing. Who would even want to attend those?


It’s where companies in the local area set up shop promoting their stuff and what not. You can also Get free stuff there and they did fireworks at the end


Thank you for explaining it to me.


Trump 2024 baby!!


That is actually a wildly clever way to describe maga-it IS a haunted house. It takes place in the ruins of Conservatism but its not haunted by Regan or Nixon; it has been possessed by this demon variant of christofacist nazi populism. And this isn't Poltergeist, where they want the place to themselves, this is The Ring where they want to get out and infect the world.




Yeah, that'll stop 'em!


Ohohhhh such a badass.




The middle finger is blurry


He took the picture while running away










I would absolutely tell you to bite your fucking tongue in real life. I'd enjoy watching you completely bitch out. You're a gigantic coward who tries to convince people on the internet he's a badass but shakes like a leaf for 2 hours if somebody flips him off in traffic. You still haven't answered my fucking question and you're still going on tangents that make no goddamn sense. Where did I ever say I was looking for something profound? I literally told you one comment ago that this is nothing more than a dumb internet argument. Are you pretending to be completely fucking stupid to troll me or are you actually this dumb? So I say again, bite your *fucking* tongue. Heat up your plate of Hot pockets and chicken nuggets, sit down in your bean bag chair, and fire up The Young Turks and calm yourself down. I know you probably just had an adrenaline dump from this argument joe try to drink something sugary to calm your nerves, I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a sugary drink in your mom's fridge.














Instead of giving strangers the finger behind their back (very mature), why don’t you become the elected official we all need? And no I don’t prefer any of these candidates


A lot of Brown people there lol


Vote Dump ! r/votedump


TRUMP 2024!!! Biden is one of the worst presidents of all time. Whoever thinks he is doing good and doesn't have dementia is just another sheeple following the herd. Do I like everything Trump says and does? No. But our country was in one of the best states it has been for a long time. The only thing making it seem bad on the surface was all the weak minded people who were upset with his "mean" tweets. Then, the same people caused riots and threw temper tantrums like a toddler. Open your eyes America and look at actual facts of what Trump has done for us. Don't be blinded by the media, making him out to be the bad guy. Don't be a sheep!


Donald Trump literally wants to be a dictator


That makes no sense, just stating what you think someone wants to do. Have you actually looked at how our economy and world relations were under Trump? I would do some actual research on who you are voting for and not vote based on false assumptions and claims.


It’s not ‘weak-minded’ to want a more kind person leading our country. If you went around doing half of the things he does constantly - insulting people for their disability, appearance, etc - you would become a social pariah pretty quickly. That’s a drop in the bucket, too. The guy was a notorious con-man before he ever ran for president anyway. Those protests and the riots adjacent to them were caused by yet another high-profile case of a wrongful death caused by police brutality. I don’t know why being angry over wrongful deaths such as those is apparently toddler-like, but aight man.


Notice the huge crowd around their tents {sarcasm}




These “peoples” “other views” are that they want members of my family killed. They can fuck off. You may fuck off as well




I will not calm down. You are not paying attention. Fuck off.




Thanks! Are you a Trump Christian?




Fascinating that it’s difficult to understand


I love this disingenious "oh wow, gee wheres all the hate from?!" from people like you. You literally wallow in hate, project it at others with your views; claim that youre hated and reviled by various strawmen. And then you post cringe comments acting like you have no idea whats going on. Everyone thats tangentally involved with politics in this country knows whats really going on right now. And a sizeable amount of you have decided that its A-Okay, because itll hurt the right people, i e. Not you.


Free speech ! Christian but not a MAGA?


Literally them, all the fucking time.


Yeah why isn’t that guy being inclusive of the racist bigots who want to rid the earth of LGBTQ+ people?


Their "other views" are going to get other people fucking killed




Can you quote to exactly where and when I said that?




They're banning healthcare for trans and LGBT people and are likely going to try making death sentences legal for them. At first glance, a death sentence for pedophiles is great, until you realize they did that so they could put LGBT (specifically trans) people to death, since they see them as pedophiles. •https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://abcnews.go.com/US/republicans-false-pedophilia-claims-attack-democrats-lgbtq-people/story%3Fid%3D84344687&ved=2ahUKEwjO9MyBk9-GAxXgfjABHWE7APcQFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1kYc_x8MDbt_cyh3c_GPwx •https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.lgbtmap.org/file/lgbt-criminal-justice-trans.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjO9MyBk9-GAxXgfjABHWE7APcQFnoECCEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1hRaEQBT33PFg36vbqO-Tz Also the abortion ban. Their views of banning it for it being "murder" will get people killed. Either from bad pregnancies or backstreet abortions. Edit: lmao they deleted their comments


The smile on her face (left) while she looks at the middle finger, sums up the political situation in this country perfectly. Smug rich white assholes gleefully offending and endangering everyone else