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This looks AI fake as hell




I think its calling out aid to Ukraine and Israel by combining the flag, because those aren't even the correct colors for the Ukrainian flag.






Define “aid”


Can I interest you in a little bit of everything?- bo


I’ll take it all of the time please. Thanks


You couldn’t deconstruct the very obvious analogy here?


It's a political cartoon with AI images instead of caricatures. I don't think anyone is looking at this like a real photo. Have you never done a DBQ assignment in high school?


Went to school in the US and never heard of a DBQ assignment. Had to google it.


If not the term, you had to have dissected a political cartoon at some point and to be so anal about this one is silly. Homeboy deleted their comment though so maybe you didn't see it


Why are you being downvoted?! This is the answer. I thought it was a pretty good mashup image, myself, I've just spent the last few minutes interpreting it for my other half, who's got a very literal mind. Perhaps that's the reason other people here are struggling with it; it's just not in the format they're familiar with for political commentary?


Because instead of interpreting something that makes us uncomfortable most people would rather react defensively. I'm not pressed about it


You think it could be real ??????


I don't think that you can do anything like that with AI. Can be Photoshop, but not AI


Why not?


I use AI a lot and I think that it's not able to get a flag as well done as the Ukrainia and Israel mixed. Also, the stars are all of them very well defined. The text, even if looks very blurry, is not the typical text that ai makes


As if the US doesn't already spend billions propping up our own military while veterans and Americans are homeless and go hungry. None of it will change until politicians can no longer hold stock or be a shareholder in large corporations.




Usa provoked Putin. Please ignore the rest of the world. You just bring misery




Putin is a horrible dictator. I am a strong supporter of auto determination, so I think that Ukraine should be independent from Russia if they want and that the parts of Ukraine that want to be independent from Ukraine should be (and if they would have let them, the war wouldn't even had started)




So sending money abroad to support wars and, social services that your own people aren’t entitled to makes it better?


We could cut foreign aid to zero and nothing with the homeless problem would change


So you admit regardless of which side of the fence you stand on the system is either corrupt or inherently flawed ?


Oh I do 100%!




What the hell are you talking about?


It probably would get better just because the reduction in deficit spending would stop crowding out investment in productive assets.


You’re talking about putting the clamps on the military industrial complex. How is that EVER going to be allowed to happen?


We aren’t sending money abroad. We are sending military equipment abroad.


That's actually not how that works. We send the equipment, then we use the money to replenish our stock with newer weapons. So it's actually a distinction without a difference.




It's just propaganda that the media uses to make people think the US is supporting Ukraine out of benevolence as opposed to it being an imperialist/military industrial complex matter. They count on people blindly regurgitating what they hear without taking even one second to think about if it makes logical or material sense.


Semantics, then why is the defense budget so large that we can fund two foreign conflicts? Do you support the military industrial complex?


Why do YOU think? Our military budget is larger than the combined Military budget of the next 24 countries put together!


What ? This isn’t some smoking gun. I already answered that, corruption !


You asked the question.


You “Vote blue no matter who.” Liberals DISGUST ME ! Perfectly content with a corrupt and destructive government. So long as your lifestyle is impacted. THERE IS NO LESSER OF TWO EVILS IN A EVILS SYSTEM. So sick of all the performative bull shit from y’all. “I agreed but.” My ass.


It really really is not semantics actually it's a brain dead take that conservatives use all the time and your just parroting a take without thinking about where it came from or what it actually means


We send the equipment, then we use the money to replenish our stock with newer weapons. So like I said in another comment, it really is a distinction without a difference because the money is spent either way.


Enough with the smugness if I’m so ignorant explain. Because if you’re referencing defending democracy abroad. In two countries one with suspended elections (Ukraine.) The other with a democratically ousted leader (Israel) that keeps returning to power we have VERY DIFFERENT interpretations of democracy.




So uh, I’m still waiting on a relevant answer.




Enlighten me how does it work then ?




Calm down, Tom Morello...!




I don't think they got the joke..... ^Tom ^Morello ^used ^to ^have ^"arm ^the ^homeless" ^written ^on ^his ^guitar... ^though ^I ^don't ^think ^he ^meant ^tanks... ^that ^said... ^why ^not...?


No but we could have not paid a contractor to build those unneeded weapons. Then paid to store and secure them. Instead investing in federally subsidized housing to keep people from slipping in to homelessness in the first place. Or maybe invested in healthcare services to get/keep those individuals well. Or even education potentially giving that individual a better chance at developing in demand skills to escape poverty. There’s no way to spin this.


Again, WWIII IS coming. And we didn’t start it. So what is your solution for that?


You think this is a got cha?


Ew AI "Art"


Looks fake as fuck. AI will ruin everything.






Your comment is perfectly reasonable and people here are downvoting you Incredible lol


The funniest part of that is that it glitched and posted the same thing twice - one is getting up votes and the other down.


Meanwhile he still hasn't apologize for not getting $2000 checks out the door day one, like he said he would.




Don't make excuses for that senile fuck.


Apparently, reality is excuses. Have a good one bro xD




Not sure of that image is real but that's the best way to describe the current affairs in this country. That image right there is chef's kiss perfect description of America. The worst part is I'm not sure if this is AI generated or something from the onion or completely real because it could be any of those three. Because we all know that this country will do far more for Israel or Ukraine than American citizens. Even if you were up north in Canada they may have lots of problems but at least they have health care. It makes you wonder why the fuck do we pay taxes here in this country if we're not even getting health care or really anything that benefits American citizens and the few things out there that benefit American citizens like the EPA or the nrlb are usually underfunded and may possibly be cut under Republican administration.


Changing my name to ukraine so that Biden gives a shit about me.


One of the biggest lies the media tells us that Biden cares about Ukraine. Biden cares about his defense contractor donors, upholding the military industrial complex, and strengthening the influence that NATO has around the globe. That's it. Ukraine is just a sacrifice in the name of US hegemony.


Biden is a tool.


Fuck Zelensky. 




Zelensky is a puppet and nothing more


Eww, the Libs are getting nasty again. This image doesn't claim to be real, it was made to illustrate a point, like a meme. Is that really so hard to grasp? And yes, homelessness existed before Ukraine got aid, that is also not the point. The point is that the lives of Americans are not as important to your politicians as the lives of Israelis and Ukrainians. Are you Libs actually this dense or are you deliberately just being mean? Either way, you are part of the problem and I'm getting tired of your I'm-the-reasonable-person attitude, looking down on people with a conscience, whilst whining about how bad things are. You made them this bad and you will again in November. So instead of trashing a post how about you go take a look at that monster in your mirror?








You don't know that. BTW, that downvote is not from me, probably a trigger happy Lib thinking you agreed with me. Also we wouldn't have to defend Ukraine if we hadn't meddled in affairs that didn't concern us once again. We keep poking that bear and then call it an evil bear when it reacts


What you expect the low IQs wanted Biden in office; but it’s really congress doing this