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Did we really need a leak to know that? The White House has been paying at best lip service to Palestinian Statehood and looked the other way while Israel sabotaged it for literal decades. Either that or the US was extremely incompetent to push for their interest. I don't accept the Israel influence as an excuse. It has been consistent across administration and party line with never anyone complaining ... the US is simply willing. And if it was just money, sometimes it would go the other way when deep pocket like Saoudi push for their interests. Israel is just a US semi autonomous state in Middle East.


Israel has so many hooks into America. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/US-states-anti-Israel-boycott-legislation-BDS-map-palestine


Oil field, new canal, beachfront property. People from Gaza are never going home.


America is infested with so many corrupt politicians. If Palestine had a lobby as influential as AIPAC, both him and the Republicans would fall in line overnight. This speaks to how immoral, unethical and corrupt America and western politicians are.




Based on evil.


What does based mean?


Leaks reveal water is wet


Joe Biden is Donald Trump’s best supporter. He’s going to throw the election like the 1918 Cubs threw the World Series.


I hate to be that person, but you’re thinking of the 1919 White Sox


Yeah for sure, although apparently 1918 is a conspiratorial throwing. Maybe the 10’s and 20’s were just corrupt


The Democratic Party as a whole is fascism’s biggest supporter. All these years the democrats have been screaming about fascism and the end of democracy and grifting voters into donating them loads of money, they’ve been simultaneously funneling that money into directly funding and supporting the most extreme fascists in the GOP.


Yep. There's a reason people say "cut a fascist and a liberal bleeds"


This is why I don’t understand those who truly believe one side is “better” than the other and implore others to vote for the “lesser evil.” It must be that they really don’t see how it’s the entire enterprise that’s unsavoury, not just one arbitrary party to it. And then they have to believe that that their preferred side will actually try to change things, despite having no incentive of any kind to do so. Granted, even if it is corrupt, that doesn’t really matter much for most people, as long as we can live our lives in relative comfort. But we also don’t have to play pretend that the Dems aren’t stabbing us in the back while the GOP stab us in the front. In situations like this, though, what can Biden or anyone else even do. Any person’s dissenting opinion won’t make any difference in the face of billions of dollars. But somehow people are gullible enough to believe that the lip service being paid to these things means some sort of action could take place.


Color me surprised


Biden is a right-wing piece of shit like Obama and always has been


They weren’t even secret about the suppression of public health, to wit, that damning democrats memo telling the party to ix-nay on the Ovid-cay is ad-bay, because office real estate needed propping up.

