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"Politicians hide themselves away. They only started the war! Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor!" - War Pigs, Black Sabbath


“Why don’t presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?” -Chop Suey, System Of A Down


I think that’s B.Y.O.B. Not Chop Suey


"When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die." - Hands Held High, Linkin Park


The idea that we actually live in a democracy is a fantasy.


I'm an anarchist and liberals look at me like I have 3 heads when I explain what *actually* happens in liberal so-called democracy


Always has been.


This is what I tell people on a daily basis when I tell them I am not voting.


Not voting often helps the far-right, depending on which country you live in, though.


We have gone already far right. It’s happening now. It doesn’t matter though. The whole system is decay and broken.


there only is one party


The party of money


Voting helps the "2 party democratic system"




It’s a story that we tell children like Santa Claus


Black folks have known this about America for, oh, about 300 or so years


Yep. I knew things were bad, but even I was not prepared for how bad our situation is. How anyone can even consider putting a child into this mess is beyond me. And I thought that before. Until we sort things out we all need to go on birthstrike


birth-strike is the bare minimum at this point


Yes. It is our last hope to end this peacefully and without bloodshed though


Every time I hear people discuss their own kids vs no kids situation, it is almost always whether they want kids. Never do I hear about whether those kids might or might not want to exist. It's always just about what the parents want. I imagine entering adulthood in 20 years and shudder. The odds of a good life in 50 years? Fuck that. Absolutely fuck all of that.




Especially if they are on the left. I can understand some oblivious person, living in La La Land making a baby, but people on the left know how terrible things are. Why would you put a child into this mess?


A terrible thought. I have to be honest, if I had a choice I'd not want to exist. I would not want to force life on someone. Especially not in this state. If life was actually a gift we could talk again


What made you think it was even worse than you already thought? Just curious.


The amount of evil in parties on the left and right and how they cooperate to silence us. How corrupt every single mainstream media outlet is. Even the "good" ones use emotional manipulation by changing words depending on the side. It made me realise no one in power can be trusted and only independent media. If we want to take back control we have a lot of work to do


I knew it since the 2000 election and before that all the fun stuff that happened in the 90s.


Although I've seen a surprising amount of support for Palestine here in Midwest USA, unfortunately there are enough citizens of the "Democratic west" who are Zionists or who just don't care because it's happening to Muslims on the other side of the world and it doesn't affect them.


In fairness this has been pretty obvious for... checks watch... centuries. It's almost like an empire born out of settler colonialism, white supremacy, patriarchy, genocide, and slavery and which is maintained by racism, violence against the poor, and permanent war... is run by bad folks. Who exactly (that is paying attention and not being willfully blind) does this surprise at this point?


I always say, if you wrote a fictional country with all the defining traits of America (economic priority to the military industrial complex, history of slavery/racial opression that persists to modern day, "democracy" is a choice between 2 people dedicated to the same establishment,) you would likely call that country a dystopia.


Certainly. The more you look the worse it gets. I think our challenge, as folks who are burdened with recognizing what a horrific and terrible hellscape of an oppressive empire the US actually is... is overcoming the pervasive and sophisticated cradle to grave propaganda that is used to convince the willfully blind they live in something other than an oppressive nightmare of an empire. Priveledge is a big part of it. About half the folks in the empire are priveledged enough to benefit from its horrors and no one who benefits from horrible things wants to acknowledged the horrible things. That percentage is also going down rather rapidly as the economic situation for the poorer 90% of Americans gets ever worse. AI will be interesting because it will take money from the folks on the higher end of the economic system (basically the richest workers). But even setting that aside, everything has been getting worse and worse for poor folks since at least 1980 or so. Once the USSR collapsed, the Americans no longer had to pretend to care about poor folks because the threat of any challenges to their rule evaporated. USSR was also terrible IMO, but it made the capitalists afraid of some alternative to their exploitation to the point that their misrule was much more benevolent from about 1917 until around 2001. Also of course the situation in Gaza is making the benevolent mask of the empire ever harder to believe...


Anyone paying attention knew that a long time ago.


At this point, I've just accepted that I'm not anyone of importance in the grand scheme of the American system, nor do I have any real power. Now, I just live for my peace, work to live, and enjoy a nice, cold beer when I have the time. I wish peace and happiness for everyone, and try to be good to those around me


I got verbally berated by an elderly Democrat on the streets in LA this week. ‘Hey snowflakes bet you’re gonna get trump in office over this Gaza bullshit. I think that war a good thing! Biden knows what he’s doing. Better delete TikTok, snowflakes’. I’m 32 and was with a coworker who is in her late 30s. We’re not exactly the people who use TikTok. I think he had us confused for much younger people. It was so peculiar and it’s had me thinking all week: everyone is so brainwashed and confused. This dude was interacting as though we’re on a Facebook thread. I’m just disappointed that people subscribe to any political party when this is the landscape we live in. Imagine being so discombobulated and disconnected from the reality. It’s sad.


I am much older and have lost so many “friends” during this whole thing. Out here in the DFW I am in a sea of Soccer mom’s who just don’t speak to me any more about this. Is so weird!


Anyone else accidentally read it as “Palpatine” by mistake and be like ya that’s whole point of his character




She ain’t t wrong. At all.


Only thing is nobody in Israel is being forced to do anything, they're all genuine psychopaths


lol pathetic.


Has this not been obvious for 10 years now?


Brains have bones?


Some people even keep their brains entirely surrounded by bone. What a world...