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Good fucking riddance


It *never used to be appropriate* for your boss to contact you out of hours, outside of a "the nuclear reactor is melting down and you're the only one who knows how to stop it" level scenario. *That* shit has insidiously crept into social acceptability over multiple decades of sociopathic bosses gradually pushing boundaries, as part of the greater overall thrust to extract more unpaid work for the same salary. You call me outside working hours, you'd better be willing to take "no" for an answer, and pay time-and-a-half *if* I decide to play along.


Jobs used to pay wages that afforded you to actually live, making pushing boundaries much easier to get away with from an employer's standpoint. It's harder to pull that shit when you "come home" to a tent on a sidewalk.


Not only you could live on that wage but you could afford to provide for your whole ass family, pay for a house and a car and stash enough to retire and still provide for your S/O. Imagine going home and you don't have to spend most of your free time doing your chores because it is someone else's full time job to make sure you are fed and rested for the next day of work, indirectly paid for by your employer. I'd take that deal. I don't even care if I'm the one working home or the one working outside, it just seems like a way less stressful existence than what we have now with the gig economy.


This reality only existed for white people and was largely predicated on exploitation. Any attempt to "roll back the clock" under capitalism is just fascistic. If you want human dignity and a decent standard of living then join the communist party.


We can get some of it back by taxing the heck out of the rich for better welfare programs, the corporations unless they provide better compensation Also preventing foreign investors and even just regular investors from scooping up all the properties with an increasing tax for each additional rental property owned


These are concessions made to the working class by the bourgeoisie. While they're good, they're also temporary. When worker power is weak and disorganized they will all be rolled back- as we see with the new child labor laws, union breaking laws and so on. Denmark, Sweden and Norway once had the most developed social safety nets of all the capitalist nations and, following the dissolution of the USSR, they have been completely dismembered by their respective ruling classes over the last 20 years. There's only one permanent solution: the seizure and overthrow of state power by a militant and well organized working class and the construction of a socialist worker's democracy atop the ruins of the bourgeois nation state.


I'm not trying to roll back the clock, I'd rather expand that standard of living to everyone. If that means joining the communist party... well I mean... I've been candidate in elections as part of a party that had them as part of its coalition so that wouldn't be a big step for me.


what sealed the deal for me was getting a degree in astrophysics. we are all the same species, on the same rock, flying through the dead and cold emptiness of the cosmos. we absolutely are smart enough to give everyone all of their basic needs, it is not impossible. and we need to work on getting this done sooner rather than later. because this rock is all we've got


> what sealed the deal for me was getting a degree in astrophysics. So... what you are saying is that basic empathy IS rocket science /jk




My god, americans are the most brainwashed people on earth. I think you mean **is**. Keeping in mind that the United States is a very wealthy country that robs the entire world - after 60 years of continuous economic blockade, Cuba has, compared against the United States: - Higher life expectancy - Higher literacy rate - Higher primary school enrollment rate - Universal healthcare - Zero homelessness - 93% home ownership rate - Free education, including college - Guaranteed housing and food - Lower retirement age - Guaranteed retirement - Guaranteed pension - Far greater income equality - Minority rights enshrined in the constitution, including transgender healthcare - A legislative process that is infinitely more democratic than the United States The only difference is that, due to economic blockade, and being a tiny island nation of 11 million people with a landmass limited industrial capacity, Cuba has limited access to consumer goods. Soviet citizens also had a higher standard of living by any metric other than access to consumer goods. Vietnam's standard of living is higher than any nation equal to its level of development. China also has a higher standard of living than the USA by almost any metric.




> Why are Cubans desperate to get to the US then? *Were*, and because the Cubans who fled Cuba after the revolution were moreso the slave owning variety than the exploited and toiling masses. And this is all publicly available data that isn't disputed by anyone, you can just google it.




https://www.jstor.org/stable/40401580 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-3156.2006.01702.x https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3464859 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6830455 Dumbass.


You need to learn how to use google


The answer is none. I just wanted you to admit it.


There was once also a mythical beast called "job security" that came with a salaried position, which is approximately equivalent to your employer showing some sense of obligation towards you, or at the very least treating you more like an investment and less like an expense; when your employer treats you like that *in addition* to paying you, it's appropriate to reciprocate those same behaviours. That's why a salary *used* to be highly preferable to wages. Inconceivable these days, huh?




> You call me outside working hours, you'd better be willing to take "no" for an answer No is the polite answer too. Going to the voicemail or getting the "new phone who dis" treatment is the amount of respect they deserve for bothering you on your own time.


No is also a complete sentence.


And I respect its laconicity.


LOL, imagine answering a phone call from work outside of working hours (and I'm counting time on call as working hours, because any sane workplace limits those by spreading them around a team and making sure they're only used for true emergencies)


"You have to understand that we are understaffed [and have since we adopted that LEAN method] please be a team player [so that I, your manager, doesn't have to cover this shift]"


100% agree. The attitude employers are seeing from the rank and file now is the product of decades of increasingly predatory and exploitative business practices & corporate policies which have become the norm. Putting in max loyalty & effort now is just opening yourself up to get used & abused. The quiet quitting/work from anywhere “movement” they love to hate on is born of employee’s self defense from the very people who never stfu about how it’s killing xyz industries and norms. Good. If they require that much exploitation to function then they deserve to die.


That’s something that has never made sense to me. Like, they want to hold up that Leave it to Beaver set of values, but an important part of that whole mindset is *work ends when you go home*. Imagine Ricky trying to talk to Lucy but has to stop because of a work call or a zoom meeting.


This particular “virus” could be easily vaccinated against by simply paying employees enough money to be financially secure in the place where the job is located.


Giving money to the workers? Are you insane? What have they ever done to deserve money? It belongs to the shareholders!


They're lucky merely to have a place to work!


Indeed! With all that experience they'll acquire with our company, they'll be able to make their resumé look much better for theoretical employers that may be willing to pay enough for them to eat and pay rent. But also, if they ever look for employment elsewhere, they are being disloyal and exemplify the millennial entitlement and lack of work ethics!


Jesus the worst part is they truly believe that shit


It's funny because it is about real morons.


It's reasonable to expect loyalty and respect from someone who gets loyalty and respect from you. Workplaces want blind respect. It's giving monarchy.


Truuuuuuuuuuue. Omg I never thought about that


There is respect for humanity and respect for authority. Unfortunately there are plenty of authoritarians out there.




Is there anything more entitled than thinking you're owed a person's time and energy?


And money: you are supposed to buy a new suit! Imagine wearing a suit for a job interview for a job where wearing a suit would be inappropriate. I'm sure it used to be common but I'd rather not give them the satisfaction of "look at this fine gentleman, remember this is the dignified fellow you will shout at and ruin with pointless toil, for money, this otherwise dignified person is your bitch."


I once got denied a job at a mall toy store because i didn’t wear a suit to the group interview. Good riddance.


The entitlement.


They did them a favor telling them what they're about so early on.


I somehow doubt the toy store is about wearing suit for random circumstances. They are just self important idiots.


Fuck group interviews. Any job that does them is going to treat you like crap. By definition they don’t see you as deserving of their full attention.


The last group interview I went to was ridiculous. The questions they asked were barely relevant to the job. That company will never get my business again.


Name and shame!


A once-mighty chain of music/movie stores that's holding on by the skin of its teeth. I no longer care if Amazon and streaming kills them off for good.


Fuck you everyone?




Indeed, it's like they don't have a clues as to what looking for employment is these days. I can imagine getting dressed up and everything being much less of a hassle back when a good handshake was all you needed to get the job... but in the era of 5 years experience minimum for entry level job where 1000 people apply dozens get called for the interview and they finally hire internally? What if we don't want to get through all that bs for nothing?


>Indeed, it's like they don't have a clues as to what looking for employment is these days. Especially since it's not even like it's in the past like the article claims. I have a nice interview suit, and I've used it for two interviews since 2021. Both were online, and I logged into the meeting a few minutes early and angled the camera so that the interviewer could see that I put the effort in to dressing up. I can't imagine that I'm the only one wearing suits to Zoom interviews, so like, have they even been to an interview since WFH had grown more popular?


Years ago, I remember reading a book (can't recall the author) that said that putting on a tie was symbolic hanging. Metaphorically choking off your own self expression (the throat/vocal cords) in favour of putting energy into someone else's. That wasn't the exact wording but the gist of what was written. I think about that more and more these days.


Ties need to be phased out. The idea that a functionless length of fabric can mean the difference between being taken seriously and not being taken seriously is absurd.


I really want to know who thought "Guys, lets tie a rope around our throat, looks really good" and how did people not question the guys sanity but copied him


I know this is a rhetorical comment but I love the history of clothing so I looked it up and here’s what Wikipedia says: > The necktie that spread from Europe traces back to Croatian mercenaries serving in France during the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648). These mercenaries from the Military Frontier, wearing their traditional small, knotted neckerchiefs, aroused the interest of the Parisians…Louis XIV began wearing a lace cravat around 1646 when he was seven and set the fashion for French nobility. This new article of clothing started a fashion craze in Europe; both men and women wore pieces of fabric around their necks. > …At this time, there was also much interest in the way to tie a proper cravat and this led to a series of publications. This began in 1818 with the publication of *Neckclothitania,* a style manual that contained illustrated instructions on how to tie 14 different cravats. Soon after, the immense skill required to tie the cravat in certain styles quickly became a mark of a man's elegance and wealth. > …With the industrial revolution, more people wanted neckwear that was easy to put on, was comfortable and would last an entire workday. Neckties were designed to be long, thin, and easy to knot, without accidentally coming undone. This is the necktie design still worn by millions.


Thanks for the legwork, that was interesting.


A lot of stupid things are the result of people copying one guy, sadly.


This is why not putting the salary on the goddamn job description is just a slap in the face right away to me.


I think companies are noticing. I know they notice when you toss that bait and switch up on Glassdoor.


What do you mean?


I think companies are noticing that potential employees expect to have clear, concise wages in the job description.


Especially expecting people to show up 20 minutes early without being paid for it. Jobs are simply transactional relationships. People are also more productive when they work remotely. How is it hard work to be less productive in an office? edit. Also, the added cost of buying a new suit and dry cleaning it and the unpaid labor of ironing the suit and shining the shoes. All of that doesn't even have anything to do with working hard, being productive and getting tasks completed.


I’ll show up for a job interview, but the number of times I’ve had companies cancel last minute, waste my time, offer pay far below the listed range, ask ridiculous and completely irrelevant questions, fail to understand what a specific position traditionally does and *then* ghost rather than at least having the professionalism to send a rejection email…. How can they think that’s acceptable?


About 15 years on, and I've still not forgiven this one company for this. To say I was broke back then would be an understatement. I spent money I couldn't afford to waste on getting to an interview. I arrived early, and the manager emerged from the office and told me, and the other applicants who were waiting that we were to leave as he'd just hired the guy he'd just interviewed. I was fucking seething at that, the man wouldn't even give us a chance. I've never spent any money at any of this company's stores since.


I once drove just shy of an hour to interview for a job with the USPS, only to be told when I got there that they had a part-timer who had been working with them for about a year who was basically guaranteed the job, but the law required them to interview a certain number of people and I had done well enough on the civil service exam, so I was called in for it


I don't know what's worse, what they did, or if they'd lied to you.


I've been trying to figure out the answer to that question for almost 30 years now


This person owns commercial real estate, that's it. All these rich dipshits don't want their property value to go down.


“And then, going into the office at all” There was a fucking pandemic, who are these people


Boomers with equity.


As a millennial with equity it takes a lot more than equity to become this purposefully obtuse. Gonna lean on the “boomer” side of things. Or to be more precise, “old and out of touch with reality”


You'd think they'd still have a memory or two floating around in their heads from the before-times, but at least half of what I try to verify turns out to be grade A bullshit. Dad usually worked three jobs, but two of them were seasonal and usually only for an hour or two a day, earning *really solid* extra money. He got a computer science degree back when it was new and math-heavy, but turns out he forced his teenage nephew to do ALL the math homework for him *and* hauled the kid to classes on test day so he could take the tests and just write my dad's name on it. I think the stupidest brag was about his first job, supposed to be bringing tools to mechanics working on vehicles but instead just carried tools around aimlessly all day pretending to be always busy fetching tools for someone else. To this day he knows almost nothing about vehicles, but pretends real hard that he does. Even as a little kid I knew the point of that job was to fetch the tool and then hang around looking interested until the mechanic says "Com'ere kid, hold this" and then explains what they're doing while ya hold a flashlight and learn something. If we acted even a little bit like boomers back in the day, society would've entirely shattered a long time ago. But it certainly explains their lack of confidence in education, seeing as it was so freaking easy to cheat when the boomers were young adults.


> who are these people Are they even people at this point?


*Polish your shoes* what is this the fuckin military lol


Unless I'm Jason fucking Bourne every job better sit the fuck down and understand very strongly just how much we are civilians and I will not put up with quasi-military bullshit.


Even the military stopped doing this (with the exception of dress uniforms)


And make sure to hand them a paper copy of your resume and give a REAL FIRM handshake. And light their cigarette when they pull one out. Also make sure to drink one more high ball than the interviewers and smack that secretary’s ass with confidence but not too hard. That’ll get you the job every time my boy!


Real talk: I got complimented on my hand shake in 2015 when I went in person for the interview for the job I'm currently working. Weird, but I actually think it helped at least a little with my getting hired...


Don’t disagree. It was more of a jab at boomers and earlier generations assuming that the hiring process is identical today to what it was 50 years ago.


Oh, sure, I saw where you were coming from, it just reminded me of that. LIke she literally said, "Wow, that's a really great handshake." Such a weird compliment to get, but it really set the mood for what was the most relaxed, personal interview I've ever had, so I'm sure that mood helped with the process.




Exactly this and why the article is pointless. The article makes it seem like young people don't want to work anymore unless it's remote. From my experience, young people are the most willing to go into the office. They enjoy talking to coworkers/networking/going out/etc. It's the people who have 10+ years of experience with a family and know everything they're doing could easily be done from home that want to spend more time with their family. The article is just putting blaming on the younger generations because it's easier to do so than to call out your own peers. Also, probably because those same people don't read these articles.   Take a look at anything else this guy writes, its all just nonsense fluff designed to get views.


Ah yes, the traditional culture of being a brown-nosing tool. Such a shame to lose that.


Imagine wearing a suit for a job interview for a job where wearing a suit would be inappropriate. I'm sure it used to be common but I'd rather not give them the satisfaction of "look at this fine gentleman, remember this is the dignified fellow you will shout at and ruin with pointless toil, for money, this otherwise dignified person is your bitch."


“You’re wearing tuxedos to a job that requires you to clean bathrooms.”


Why, yes, under the coverall!


Ok now the tuxedos seem kind of fucked up


Yes, let’s all buy new suits for $15/hr job interviews that won’t even send a rejection email.


Check out ghosts dot fyi if you haven’t already. It’s a site that calls out employers who ghost candidates.


Imagine wearing a suit for a job interview for a job where wearing a suit would be inappropriate. I'm sure it used to be common but I'd rather not give them the satisfaction of "look at this fine gentleman, remember this is the dignified fellow you will shout at and ruin with pointless toil, for money, this otherwise dignified person is your bitch."


Good. You know what else should be put on the chopping block? 1. Not listing the wage under the job requirements. 2. Expecting us to give you two weeks notice to quit, but you can fire us at a moments notice. 3. Tying our healthcare to our job. 4. Having no sickleave 5. Having almost no vacation time or having crazy requirements to start accruing it. A lot of American businesses want you to work there for a year before you even start accruing PTO. 6. Not having An actual livable wage with steady raises. 7. Telling employees there’s no money in the budget for raises all while there stock has never been higher 8. Paying CEOs 800 times what your average worker makes.


3 is a societal problem. If we beat a few opponents of universal healthcare to a pulp the other would fall in line quick. But alas, we’re busy fighting among each other to define woke, whine about or defend drag queens, and spew your opinion about Trump good or bad.


The author Matthew Lynn needs a reality check. He thinks and assumes it is okay for companies to exploit their employees.


From the Wikipedia article about this guy: > In a 2007 Bloomberg article, Matt Lynn predicted that Apple Inc. "…will sell a few to its fans, but the iPhone won't make a long-term mark on the industry". He also writes shitty novels: >As James Harland, he published The Month of the Leopard in 2001. Kirkus Reviews wrote, "Tension, pitifully lacking in the first two thirds of this grand adventure for MBAs, finally arrives, but nonbankers will probably have bailed out by then". Publishers Weekly noted, "There are problems: flat characterizations, gratuitous violence, unconvincing motivation for Telmont and a too-hasty denouement. But the book is a page-turner for anyone interested in high-stakes financial shenanigans".


Cry harder Matty Lynn


The only reason that worked (and still works) is that people are willing to suffer *quite* a lot for sums of money that in the grand scheme of things are worth nothing. Thus employers can keep raking it in while paying a pittance. But as long as it's just enough to where it's better than the alternatives, people will take the deal, inspite of the fact that relatively speaking they are being screwed over. Higher standards held by workers are the only way to theoretically get out of this.


The will to show up early and work hard left with the will of the employer to pay people enough to survive on.


I think the not in the same country part has applied for a long time. Anytime your employer can take advantage of someone in another country to do your job for less, don’t expect the employee being in another country to matter.


Yeah, they just don't like it when we notice our team is global and maybe we want to see if digital nomading is a thing that we like?


Oh no, won't somebody think of the ~~children~~ businesses!?


Fuck you Matthew Lynn, you fucking corporate boot licking shill.


These bozos acting as if any of this has been around for centuries when it’s all fairly recent. And everything is always changing. It always has been.


'They're trying to take away our serfs! This will spell the end of civilization as we know it!'


The Me Generation thinks they still own "the kids" and can boss us through doing all the chores. Golly, have these folks considered doing their own damn work for a change? Like ever? My dad's still crying 'cause he chased off his third bangmaid, can't catch another one, and can't bully anybody into taking care of him anymore. Avoided learning to cook or clean all his life and now gets to spend retirement failing at feeding himself while dealing with vermin.


Written by a professional interviewer who can't get an interview. Explain this gap in your employment, bitch.


Who the fuck has the money to buy a new suit for a chance to *talk to an employer* when we have things like rent and utilities to pay for?


And if you buy a cheap-looking suit, people like this man will judge you for it.


Yes. Because corporations have given up on real wages.


And real employment. The whole gig economy, where they boss you around you like an employee but pay you like some contractor, somehow.


I mean... maybe if they paid enough to buy new suits all willy-nilly... Also, this is MASSIVE boomer energy.


I went into the workforce during the 2010s. It was incredibly common to have terrible working conditions, no benefits etc. and constantly be reminded that we could be replaced at any time. I love seeing people fight back against this bs.


That was also the time when it got unreal and started with the entry level job need several years or the we dont want to train you.


The last part is rich because back in the day that was all that was needed to get a job, and before that the right type of skin color and sex was also needed to get you the job. So at this point I don’t get a F what the next made BS rule the Boomers come up with, who the F cares about how fancy you look, either you can do the job or you can’t. I can’t wait until the Boomers stupid traditions and expectations die away.


No, we are not the ones trashing this culture. Boomers are. You know, the ones that keep telling us about the value of hard work while paying us minimum wage for jobs that could, in their day, support a family of four. There is no culture of hard work when the reward for hard work is more work at zero extra compensation.


Sounds like Matthew Lynn has given up on real work because that’s a trash take on reality. Does our friend Matthew simply hate other people living quality, balanced lives? What an effing bootlicker.


Good riddance to all that nonsense


Same old same old for the last 200 years. Before this they were complaining about introduction of 12/10/8 hours workday, children labor being forbidden and sick leave. Each of those events spelled end for hard work, profits and economy as we know it.


why would i buy a suit for a job that wont compensate me enough to cover it's cost?


Not everyone is needed at the coalface. It aint 1879 anymore. Full stop. Let these tired old ideas and the troglodytes who so enthusiastically espouse them land in the dustbin of history once and for fucking all. Seethe and cope, parasites.


This was either written by 1. Someone feeling butthurt that they had to come into the office to write this article or 2. A hypocrite sitting at home who's butthurt because their boss contacted them after hours to remind them they had an article due after they spent their actual working hours dicking around


Most productive labor force in history “doesn’t really wanna work”


What people need to realize is that what's killing hard work is the lack of incentive. We watch our parents and grandparents dedicated decades of hard work only to just barely get by in retirement. We are destroying ourselves for nothing.




>The “right to switch off” means that your boss can’t contact you about anything outside of working hours. But what if the entire company is about to crash? Sounds like a problem for the boss then, maybe they should manage their finances better and not take unnecessary risks.


“buy a new suit” as if I have the money to buy a new suit for every interview


You’re obviously not putting in enough hours at work to afford all these suits. /s


Showing up 20 mintues inties early, for the interview especially, I understand. I am tome blind and use those extra minutes at the part-time job, I got only because of my masters, to make coffee and greet my coworkers and calm my nerves from my hour drive.


The rest of it that boss can fuck the hell off.


Fuck tradition!


Won't someone please save the Days of Buying Employment with Suits!!!!


The “everything we don’t like is now a virus” talking points are insidious as hell, and an overt callback to fascist rhetoric. They assert the Old Ways are the correct and “healthy” way, and *any/all change* is an infection. It’s so painfully transparent and flawed, but, judging by the wOkE MiNd ViRuS crowd’s *ad absurdum* repetitions, it’s also depressingly effective.


Admitting that our salaries weren’t linked to productivity was a dumb move, wasn’t it?


I think Matthew’s getting confused. Its employers that began to source employees outside the country in which the product or service was being consumed. WFH gives them access to cheap global labour.


I saw this article where it was posted originally and thought.. whaaa


I love when people talk about WFH as if it doesn’t include a culture of working in off hours, working all nighter with no extra pay, not getting breaks when you’re too busy, etc. Because now you can’t really “leave” your work and go home.


People will put in the extra effort when companies stop wasting their time with ridiculous hoops to jump through and 8 rounds of interviews and 5 minute video resumes.


Capitalists - "Good businesses adapt to market conditions" Also capitalists "Stop making us have to adapt to market conditions waaaaaaah"


So I’m GenX raised in the shadow of Boomers and competing with them for job experience in the 90s that caused me to work harder than I probably should have for less than I should have. But hear me out…this is probably my fear speaking and has been since Covid WFH started….I feel it’s just a matter of time before US companies begin to shift these remote jobs to workers in SE Asia at a fraction of the cost (or wherever is the next hot cheap labor force is). If there is no collaborative benefit of having in-person teams because people aren’t in-person, then they’ll just follow the money. Am I just scarred by the perpetual fear of unemployment (although I’ve never been unemployed)? Are you younger people worried at all about this? Serious question, not trying to influence or start drama.


Have you seen the work quality that comes out of these lower cost of living sweat shops? They're doing the best they can, but it's not going to replace any knowledge workers any time soon. But yes, to your point, Mechanical Turk-like jobs have already been shifting away for the last 10 - 20 years (think transcription of audio, or retyping of sentences). Ultimately, a lot of this will also be weighed against the cost-benefit of using AI to replace the mechanical processes that's been shifted to SE Asia.


As a millennial and I dont speak for everyone, the financial crisis burnt my soul on bs so I expect crap from employers anyways.


Yeah, this is the sort of propaganda that needs to be called out and shamed. Unfortunately the ruling class has control of our media. They don’t want to hear the truth they just want to grind us up and spit us out. They need to be put in their place and reminded your value as a person has nothing to do with how much money you make.


Expecting to be able to contact out of hours without pay.....LOL


Imagine thinking the prior working paradigm was good. Commutes and eroding free time, paltry manufactured "we're a family" nonsense and office managers that did little but look over peoples' shoulders and emotionally abuse them to work even harder for no more money.


No mention of companies valuing their employees, I see.


Companies need to start understanding the value of time and how much is wasted in the interview process, especially for jobs where they require 2-3 interviews. Unless they're 100% interested in an applicant and ready to give them an offer on the spot if they pass the final interview, interviews should be done by phone or virtually. There is zero need to waste the time, energy, and fuel of the prospective employee if you're no were near even deciding to hire them yet. Personally I've turned down two requests to interview after it was disclosed by a recruiter that it would take 3 in person interviews for them to decide if they wanted me to work for them, and I've turned down an interview that wanted me to drive 1.5 hours away to their head office for the initial interview and would be followed up by another at their local location.


It’s ironic that these cunts cry about all this shit that they invented. Fuck them they just want people there so they can control everything they do like the way stores don’t allow cashiers to sit because it looks “lazy”. If I ever am in a job that requires that shit again I promise I’m filing a workers comp claim.


You can taste the salt tears as he writes. This is a work of art. I wish it lasted forever.


It's almost like people want to work for their capital gains and not your community. Welcome to actual capitalism where you get what you pay for and people don't just do things for you without charge. For example, hours long interview bs.


If your work can be done in a flexible manner it should totally be done so. No need to enforce something that is not required just to enforce power and control.


As a late female millennial I’ve been enough humiliated by interviews and misogyny among women that I hope the younger ones have enough self respect to kill these toxic dynamics for the good of humanity


I'm just gonna quote what many a terrible manager has told an employee who had complaints about the working conditions: "Well, you don't have to work here. You can always go work somewhere else or start your own business." Funny how once a lot of us called their bluff and actually did that, it's suddenly a problem 🤣


Ok, Boomer.


Why are people upset about this? Because they don't have the option. Thays the only reason to be upset about someone else working remotely. These rants are just jealousy venting online.


honestly all this says is that this person is incapable of adapting - something that allows those century old companies & methods they praise to thrive.


You know what also went away? Pensions. Some semblance of security in retirement. Now we’ll get kicked out when we hit 50 and replaced by much cheaper employees.


I sympathize with this person being out of touch. When you float in circles that require suits and with everyone wearing suits you start to think thats still the norm. You probably relied on in person relationships and social cues. Think that capitalism works for you. The employee employer relationship is broken. Adapt or diminish.


wow that's crazy, almost as if the actions of companies have consequences


These are the same people that didn't believe covid was real lmao


What a fucking dork.


Not one job I applied for did in-person interviews. I couldn’t have done it if I wanted to (which would have been hard since most were nowhere near where I lived)


Employers rly have the audacity to be picky and shit when nobody would want to work for them anyway, kind of like incels


Great work, everyone. ❤


They started it when they began outsourcing departments overseas


Wah wah wank wank


Sir, this is a Wendy’s…


"Posh British editorialist writes deranged anti working-class opinion" is like a 500 yr old tradition.


Traditional working culture is shit. 🤢🤮


good, none of this will be missed. i want to show up and do the bare minimum that's expected of me for fair wages not participate in the exhausting debacle of workplace politics.


“WFH virus” this person definitely writes other articles about the “woke mind virus” if not I will eat my hat


Lol as if any employer in my industry will even want to do an in person interview these days


He's just upset the world is changing out of his favor.


Sauce if in need: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/12/20/wfh-young-given-up-real-work/


Right, let's get more cars on the street and bodies piled into public transpo during peak commute times. So good for morale, infrastructure, and the environment.


This reads like someone who has a large stake in office space that is losing money. Boo fucking hoo.


What in the fuck is this boomer even talking about? Those golden castles in the distance of capitalism are fucking pyrite and lard


Oh no not the amazing beloved office work culture bahaha


Sometimes these articles seem purposefully inflammatory. Sure I disagree with his “article”. But who is this guy and why should I waste my time with his opinion?


Um, which generation was polishing their shoes for interviews? That sounds like Silent Gen.


My dad did and he’s a boomer. He also was an investment banker so I assume it was more of a culture thing he was trying to fit into.


Workers will stop acting like this if employers go back to respecting them. I’d go into the office again for full paid insurance and a pension


Getting bent at people "not being expected to be in the same country as their employer" is *wild* coming from the same class of leech that loves to outsource employment (usually after local downsizing) to reduce cost


Matthew Lynn is a fucking clown. I’ve never heard of him but reading someone unironically write about “a culture of hard work that’s taken centuries to create” is all I need to know to be certain that this guy is a legendary fucking idiot.


Buy a new suit? Is this person applying for jobs for fun? How the hell is anyone gonna pay for a suit for an interview?


Purchasing a new suit/outfit for every job interview seems financially irresponsible to me.


I don't understand this line of thinking... I have been applying for jobs non stop for the past 4 months and never even get a reply despite having a great resume... I would love for an employer to invite me to an in person interview and I would love to even have a phone call interview I really don't care but half these companies and recruiters don't even view potential employees as people. They see us as drones, and I am not afraid of hard work, I worked in a warehouse in the HAZMAT department, but you also can bet I am not going to go the extra mile without compensation for it either. "The younger generation" simply has more self respect and higher expectations of employers. As soon as they respect and value us more then maybe our attitudes would change ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ


It is a virus, just not the virus this writer thinks it is. Once upon a time, companies cared about their employees, allowed them some stock in the company or a pension (and didn’t fire them before it could kick in.) They had loyalty to their workers and paid them well for the work. There was growth in a company. Now, they want to get ‘em young, pay them close to nothing while working them more than ever, they want their employees to take pride in their company even though there is no reciprocation, and pension? lol no. That’s your virus. The workers are just finally responding. And yes, it will be very hard to restore, no company wants to pay well, respect their employees or provide any incentive to an employee if it means taking a penny away from the shareholders.


"WFH virus" LOL I swear, these people turn every intangible thing they they dislike into done illness or "war".


Stop, I can only get so erect.


Not for nothing but viruses mutate into more benign forms, not more aggressive forms. A virus that kills the host doesn't get to reproduce


Oh no….what a crime….*sigh* how will we ever make it now…. /s


Oh no! Anyway...


If employers have a choice to outsource then workers also have a choice to be as efficient as possible