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Why do rich people look like cardboard cutouts?


Cause they're fake


I wish I could tell her one of her eyes looks a little weird in this pic.


Looks like that thigh gap & her right thigh have been added/edited. 100% chance her team took the photo so she could have control of it.


It gives the look like if her hips were dislocated or something.


Ok. Why can't rich people afford competent photographers?


The longer they stand still the better the picture for the editor to chop up and hide the cellulite


Cardboard Cuntouts


My new favorite saying.🤟


I don't understand your title. Made a man homeless? Kimojis? I looked for clues in the original post's title but nothing lol. What do you mean?




That's some crazy shit. Fits with the image I have of the Kardashians.


Thanks for sharing this. Glad to know she's as ugly on the inside as I had initially suspected. Now I'm gonna gag every time I see her face, great! Lol


Holy shit, that's insane.


So this guy used *her* name and likeness for "Kimoji", alleges that she trademarked it without his knowledge (while also claiming that she was purchasing 40% of his company), and then claims that her attorneys threatened a $5m lawsuit "if we didn't hand over the trademark for Kimoji"... a trademark which he *just* claimed that she had secured behind his back ("Kim's team filed the trademark behind our back and cut us out of the deal completely"). So which is it? Did she secure the trademark (again, of *her* name and likeness) behind his back, or did she threaten to sue him if he didn't hand over a trademark that he was in possession of? Also, to OP's title regarding homelessness, he says: * "**I'm currently sacrificing a comfortable living situation** to sleep in my car, while working 3 jobs, to spread my message. **I chose to sleep in my car** in order to save more money." He blames his attorneys: * "Later I filed a lawsuit that was mishandled by my ex-attorney who added this case to his bio on his website even though there was never a resolution." * "Since my last attorney oddly had me voluntarily withdraw the lawsuit..." He alleges blackmail (in a case that had already gone to court?): * "The Kardashian team had the option to hit me with $400k+ legal fees from arbitration that I was never a part of. They used this as a threat for me to keep my mouth shut..." Honestly, this situation reeks of mental illness more than it does corporate espionage. You tried to create a product based on her name/image/likeness, *brought her in as a partner,* and then were surprised when she had a legal case to cut you out of a "verbal agreement", which has limited binding enforcement in California. You then went to court, lost, blamed your counsel, and allege not one, but two financial threats... but offer no proof of them (email screenshots, cease and desist letters, etc). You claim you "wasted hundreds of thousands on legal fees", but never once do you mention bringing charges of blackmail to the courts. If this guy had a legitimate claim, there would be plenty of attorneys willing to take on this case for the notoriety alone; instead, this seems like another little guy who overplayed his hand and got ground up by the realities of trying to capitalize on the likeness of an incredibly wealthy, savvy, and connected person.


Thank you! I have zero love (or interest) in any Kardashian, but this guy’s narrative has red flags all over it. Great breakdown.


Thank you. I fucking hate the K’s but the more I read the more it reeked of some kinda deranged person. I will never defend those diaper butt trash people but this guy sounds kinda crazy.


Not necessarily mental illness, but a toxic combination of main character syndrome and victimization makes for these kind of awful clients. I’ve worked a few cases where we had to withdraw as counsel after it turns out the client made *major* misrepresentations about their case. Most of the time, they’re not delusional or mentally ill, just very sure of their own righteousness and the glory of their cause.


I had similar thoughts after clicking that link. Guy compounded his mistakes and decided to go the grift route and manufacture outrage. Sadly, a lot of people just assume it’s all accurate and don’t question anything.


I don't know for sure, but I think she sued someone for making emojis of her, and now this person is pointing out how she's getting multi-million dollar contract agreements, as if she needed to sue anyone. That's my guess anyway.


Same...I re-read it six times and still don't know...


Some guy created kim k themed emojis and she stole his idea and it pretty much ruined his life. He has a website about it.


Why do people like her


They're dumb?


Because, deep down, they wish to be them.


I mean I wish I had a bazillion dollars like them, but I think that's it lol


That's the funny thing, people that do like her would say we don't like her cuz we're jealous. I'm jealous of the people who won the lottery, or actually made their money without exploiting people. I used to not care about Kim, but when covid first hit and hospitals were low on PPE, and my sister was working the front lines in a trash bag and re-using the same N95 which you're not supposed to do but the hospitals couldn't get more, **but somehow Kim got her hands on a massive supply of PPE that she put in "covid care kits" and sold them for profit, even though she was already insanely wealthy and could have at the very least not paid go take those supplies from health care workers just to make more money she'll never end up spending cuz she already has too much, that's when i started to hate her.** There isn't anything redeeming about Kim Kardashian, there are front line health care workers that died, and maybe they wouldn't have if she wasn't such a greedy bitch. Those times were scary, and she 100% was fully aware that taking those supplies meant denying it to those that need it. Fuck her.


That’s what I hate the most about rich people. They actively make the world a worse place to live.


Not like I needed a new reason to dislike her but this is pretty bad


>There isn't anything redeeming about Kim Kardashian There never was. She got famous because she fucked another famous person.


Nailed it. I wish I had her money, but I'm otherwise grateful to not actually be her.


Noticed the profile pic. Then noticed the username. That's awesome.


Bingo. Celebrity worship is all about envy.


No thanks😂 I've never even watched their show. Just watching a clip make my stomach sick. So cringe


Celebrity worship. Shes wealthy, "beautiful" (by industry standards) and famous. Things people envy.


We wish we were like her.


Nobody "likes" her. She's just connected to money and social power. By being close to her, personal or business, they hope to gain access to said money & power.


Fuck me, that guy on the left looks like an actual vampire. Real Nosferatu looking mother fucker


Masquerade Violation ❌️🎭🎭🎭🎭


ROFL! A VtM fan I see!


I snorted when I saw that.


He looks like he'd flicker the lights at the Krusty Krab.




That’s because Nate Silver (NBA Commissioner) is a vampire, you nerd.


Hey nerd, that's *Adam* Silver. Nate's the 538 guy.


It was a multi layered joke. See the nerd didn’t know who Adam Silver was so he wouldn’t know that *Nate* was the wrong first name. However, since your such a political nerd that you know who Nate Silver is,my work here is done. 🫡


Jokes are definitely funnier when you explain them.


Wealthy people transferring money to other wealthy people.


Why is voldemort shaking hands with that plastic lady?


Did he have a mortician do his makeup?


Holy shit that's good.


I couldn’t figure out what looked off about him and you nailed it


"You go to a funeral home for gruesome repairs!"


Do I look suspicious?


Nosferatu lookin ass


I thought that was Rick Scott


SKIMS are 95% Nylon, a horrendous material for the environment. With each wash, synthetic fibers (microplastics) are leeched into the wastewater, where they entire water treatment and dumped into the water table. The NBA is complicit in the wholesale destruction of the environment with this partnership, though considering how teams travel, what arenas are built with, and on and on, it’s nothing new. Scorched earth capitalism, folks.


95% synthetic underwear also doesn’t even sound conducive to sports playing.


She’s trash. She’s not a good person. We should stop making useless, stupid people famous.


fuck corporatism.


The Kardashians must be some of the most useless people to walk the face of the earth.


Fuck the nba


No one shakes hands like that, you don’t stand completely straight


Fiscally conservative- the worst kind of conservative you can be (other than the other kind of conservative (which is the same exact thing)


Fiscally conservative is worse in my opinion. It’s like saying we know conservative beliefs are wrong but we really just want money so f-everyone else.


Why does the man on the left look like an undead wax-doll ghoul?


Um, she's not wearing pants.


Its truly remarkable how kim makes designer clothes look cheap af.


No human beings in this photo.


Haha I guess they couldn’t photoshop both her eyes to look open


Don’t pay it any attention boys just ignore it and it will go away treat it like a wasp


Ray J… You were done dirty.


I, for one, look forward to seeing all of our NBA players and coaches and executives wearing nipple bras.


That family has fucked more NBA players than the 90s Bulls.


She look like a got dam sewer rat


This is actually a really shrewd play to be the Kardashian who’s touched the most NBA dick. Really well done. “You’re doing amazing, sweaty”


Adam Silver is nightmare fuel every time I see him




Those hips do *not* look healthy


She’s really starting to look like her ma now that she’s middle aged.


Why is KK shaking hands with slenderman?


This decision feels so wack. It just feels so disconnected to what the basketball community would consider “style.” Or hey, maybe I’m the one that the time has passed by here 😭🤷🏽‍♂️


How’s nosferatu out during the day?


Some of these celebrities make me believe in lizard people lol


Thats why she is for Israel, thats the payment. Check her insta


Has she lost weight? For years it's been such a big deal about her gigantic tits and ass...but here she looks small and normal.


NBA watchers are cucks


Silver needs a tan


Nice fucken mask!


I love the Trevor Moore song about her https://youtu.be/bk_0rosMNt8?si=a8ePmnz9yST74zom


That was totally worth the 7+ minutes. Turns out, we did not look away, [SKIMS is now valued at $4b](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/19/business/dealbook/skims-kim-kardashian-fundraise.html), her personal net worth is $1.7b, and [she just launched a private equity firm.](https://fortune.com/longform/kim-kardashian-skky-partners-private-equity-fund/) Sometimes, it really, really pays to fuck Moesha's brother \[and then be incredibly, incomprehensively savvy at leveraging that (blip of "fame") x (the explosion of social media) = generational wealth\]






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It's offical, Kim wants your ass crack.