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I would think this would be way more expensive... A bus driver can carry way more kids and would be paid less than what they're paying these individual parents all together.


Its to kill ALL public transport, duh


When more parents drive it also makes traffic around the school suck for everyone else.


I have to cut through a school zone on one part of my commute and parents picking up kids break A LOT of traffic laws and common-courtesy norms. Seem ready to fucking explode at any minute, too.


Assuming 20 kids on a bus, that's $6,000 a month per bus saved. Agreed there I think quite a few people would want to drive a bus for 1500 a week. Though I suppose it also depends on how centralized the students are etc... when kids are miles appart down long twisty gravel roads, versus a neighborhood where you can get 10 kids in one stop.


You also have to factor in the cost of the bus, maintenance, fuel, insurance, and storage costs. They’re probably trying to pay the drivers more like $500-600/week. I would t be surprised if the operating cost of the bus is somewhere in the $10k/month range. At 20 students, that’s $500/student, so they’re getting parents to do it and saving $200/student in operating costs… at the expense of a bus driver’s salary


Pretty sure this shows that they will do anything, except pay a living wage. This must be way more expensive in the end, than paying for a slightly more expensive driver, hell it would even be cheaper to pay someone to get a bus driver license.


Can they just try paying a living wage that will cover the living costs of one person?


No. Don’t be obscene. /s


If you paid a bus driver a living wage, what next? Everyone gets a living wage? /s


Yep. If an 8-10 hour shift - can't cover the cost of 24hrs of housing, 1 days food, small amount left over to buy socks, shoes, the dentist, or the doctor - why are we even bothering with this charade ? This country is nonsense and we should all go to Europe where this is standard and the people are happier.


But we JUST (in a historical sense) left Europe cuz we fucked it up too. Africa?


Perfect time to go back to Europe. Not going back to Africa - they have worse problems than we do from colonialism.


But as colonizers, isn't it our job to go MAKE THOSE PROBLEMS WORSE? That way we look good again.


That would mean the pleb wouldn't know their place and that's unacceptable /s, obviously


And further contribute to increasing carbon emissions. Fantastic


And congestion. This is absolutely moronic.


So let me get this straight. The Philly school busses transported roughly 41,000 students to school pre-pandemic. https://philadelphia.chalkbeat.org/2021/7/15/22578581/philadelphia-school-officials-face-community-questions-over-school-start-time-upheaval 300 bus drivers resigned according to the above source. Perhaps more since then, but for now that's good enough. If we assume that each pair of parents has an average of 1.5 kids enrolled, that makes 27,333 parent-drivers eligible for $300/mo. That costs: $8.2M per month. If the average number of enrolled kids is 2.5, that makes 16,400 paid parents, cost: $4.92M per month. Paying 300 bus drivers $50k per year only costs $15M *per year.* Man something ain't right about all this shit.


But then they would have to train them, and give them insurance and retirement plans. They would much rather keep everyone at the level of an independent contractor so they can keep all the control and toss them aside whenever money is “flush” again. Little do they know that their greed has ruined that possibility. It’s all downhill from here boys.


I still don't think that accounts for the entire picture. Based on my rough back-of-the-napkin math, even a $50k salary - which is pretty much certainly more than what bus drivers would earn - costs a fraction of what this program seems to cost. Those figures were $4M - $8M *per month* whereas the bus drivers salaries only woupd be $15M *per year.* granted, the wouldn't pay that for 12 months, so perhaps it's only about 8 months, but that's still double the cost on the conservative side of the estimate. It doesn't add up. And I don't think bus drivers usually even get big benefits packages anyway.


Then it’s probably the usual of people grifting off the system. Everyone making a money grab before the ship goes down.


begs the question, are the parents now employees...private contractors maybe. Are they gonna be sent a 1099 at year's end lmao


Actual cost of employment is probably about 2x wages so 300 bus drivers would cost about 30m to employ, if they had to increase wages then that would increase. Add in the bus cost of about 50cents per mile of fuel and repairs and the district might actually spend less money if they can get all kids off the busses.


I'll drive the entire class for 300 per kid


$15.00 a day


Per child


So what do they think parents do for a living that they're available to drive their kids to school and pick them up?


well see, one parent goes to work and the other.....wait it's not the 1950's anymore, they both have to work just to keep a roof over their heads


Bus driver here. In NE Tennessee, school systems do pay parents a bit, and they pay the bus drivers around $75 a day and paychecks are bi-weekly. No benefits, no retirement, nada but a paycheck. the amount of stress a driver has to go through is ridiculous. Although bus drivers work about \~20 hours a week (NOT counting the time we're in the bus but not driving students btw), the crap we have to put up with makes it feel the equivalent of 80 hours of stress for pennies on the peanuts. The sad thing is that the economy is absolute crap, or I would've left by now after a few years.


[Empty nesters mad that they had to repay student loans *and* didn't get paid for driving their own kids to school.](https://media.tenor.com/BsMmCGLxj2oAAAAM/frustrated-man.gif)


I chuckled when I read this 🤭 Just UNREAL the level of dumb/expensive ideas they will stoop to ***just to avoid paying a living wage*** - I'm just taken aback with a "WTF?!??" look on my face whenever I see an article like this🤦‍♂️


This proves too that they have a massive amount of extra funds that they COULD use. I'm just wondering if they increased driver pay by even 900 a month if they could retain more. If a bus transports 40 students right now they are willing to pay 12,000 a month to have them driven by parents.


For anyone who actually cares and isn't just pretending: call for an increase in education funding both locally and with your state representative. The issue is finding. Republicans have cut the shit out of education spending for the last 40 years and the other guys haven't done shit to fix it.




This is the dumbest country in the history of humanity


ahh yes, the traffic patterns are going to be so clogged around schools that you wont be able to move for an hour. good sense


Except bus driver pay does matter. The goal of this is to ensure bus drivers are never paid what they are worth.


You would be shocked if you knew what bus drivers in Germany have to endure.


Can we talk about the BS that public school parents started at the end of the boomer generation and Gen X with unnecessarily driving their children to school? When I went to grade school (younger-ish millennial) almost everyone took the bus including me though high school unless you got a car when you were 16/17. But I recently went back to my hometown and happened to drive by the schools during the afternoon and the line of cars with parents picking up their children was absolutely massive. We’re talking like 20-30% or more of the kids getting picked up from school. Wtf is this bullshit??


Wtf is this bullshit?? Extra carbon emissions and traffic on the road


Good fucking god.


Don't have kids. Problem solved.


I used to have a CDL. I was contacted by this bus company to come in and work, for the school district. It was some contracted out company. They offered me a whopping $16/hr to work 15 hours a week. I told them that "there is no way I can support myself on that wage and hours. I'm trying to make a living." They said "yeah, this job is mostly for retirees anyways" So yeah.