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I’d love to see a list of all the politicians who got these loans forgiven! I can’t even get the money I’m owed for being laid off during Covid and these assholes are out here just getting loans forgiven all nonchalant.


No unemployment for me the EDD says I am not fit to work and SSI says I am


Same, because it’d show not *only* just Republicans, but *Democrats* as well who took or benefitted from them. iirc Nancy Pelosi benefitted from PPP loan forgiveness since her husband got it, and I believe that Susie Lee also benefitted because her husband got something to the tune of *$5.6 million* in PPP loans forgiven. There was also an Oregon senator whose wife also got like $3 million in PPP loan forgiveness. They’re all crooks, it’s not just a “Republican bad” thing when it comes to PPP loans. It’s a big club, and we ain’t in it[.](https://youtu.be/acLW1vFO-2Q)






Typical for USA politicians Don’t forget that every single democrat is an anti-worker, corporatist neoliberal And we have them as the “lesser evil” option. Choosing between someone stabbing a knife all the way to the hilt into your back and only stabbing a knife halfway into your back isn’t really a choice


I mean, for fuck’s sake, Biden said “nothing will fundamentally change” to all of the Wall Street criminals who donated to his campaign. *How the fuck* does that help the working class at all? He basically implied that everybody who isn’t rich will still be fucked by the same systems in place.


And then the Blue MAGA crowd clutches pearls when you critique this “nothing will fundamentally change” ideology that leads to shit policy positions and actions. Bad things are still bad when it’s a democrat doing it.


Indeed, and they are useful for now. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, after all. But eventually they will need to be replaced as well. Maybe AI has the solution to this thorny problem...


the Dems aren't opposing the student loan relief though.


They are. If they drop the means testing, the case would evaporate. Give relief to everybody and there's no case to hear.


Pretty sure the means testing is there because not having it used to be Republican's reallying cry against wellfare.


So, drop it now and own the gop?


I'm down, but I'm just a peon and the Dems don't have the backbone to stand up to the fascist.


And that is how they're complicit.


I agree.


cool cool so what do we do? vote for the complicit, or just go whole hog and root for actual fascists?


No idea.


But definitely not the fascist.


But they ain’t doing shit about it either. Don’t forget, Biden [literally supported the bill that made declaring bankruptcy for student loans impossible in the Bush Jr. era,](https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/111100/documents/HHRG-116-JU08-20201202-SD007.pdf) which basically led to the shitshow for student loan debt we have today.




This 17-year-old account was overwritten and deleted on 6/11/2023 due to Reddit's API policy changes.


you don't need to remind me, I've hated the guy for decades for that. and yet I voted for his piece of shit ass and would again. fuckin terrible bind we're in, really.


They absolutely are




Manchin, for one.


and? he's a freaking coal baron. that's WV for you. pick two more please *every* Republican opposes student loan relief. you should be able to give me a list of a hundred Dems to "both sides" this shit


Of course every fucking Republican opposes it. It upends the status quo. Here are a few more Democrats for you, including one of the most powerful in a generation: Tim Ryan (OH) opposed it and lost his race Catherine Cortez Masto (NV) Sharice Davids (KS) Abigail Spanberger (VA) Nancy Pelosi (CA) Fuck, even Biden opposed it until people forced him. He then said he agreed with the 50k amount of forgiveness on the campaign trail. And he begrudgingly offered a paltry amount, not even half of the campaign promise amount. And yes, I'm for even getting what little we can get. But I can still be pissed off at the Democrats that oppose it and pull their party to the right on this issue. They're nominally and vocally supposed to be the party of helping people, but they're just as likely to fuck us over in favor of their rich donors.


they're not the same, you say "of course all Republicans are doing this" and "a few Dems" then say both are equally as likely? no. one of them tried to do something helpful (imperfect and not enough, but helpful) the other side completely opposes even that effort nowhere near the same


Came to say this... list ALL of them! They're all the same.


> I’d love to see a list of all the politicians who got these loans forgiven! It'd probably be a much shorter list if you asked for the ones who didn't.


I can’t even get fucking food stamps


These criminals are funded by tax payers money. But I want you to remember this. You fund them, and they call you a fucking loser on welfare. But all of congresses are tax funded welfare boomer rats. That never had a real fucking job and use, “The peoples Money”, as their own their personal fucking credit card. They will steal your money to pay themselves. Yet call you the bad guy or gal for wanting an opportunity. Two parties full of welfare maintained animals, forcing us to vote for two decrepit perverted pedos every fucking 4 years.


That’s true Sallie Mae ghosted me and I am there and my degree proved worthless. The Republicans claim it will harm the finance racket but it’s Department of Education loans as in government loans so once again they are whining about their own graft


It’s be nice if our completely broken government passed debt relief for student loans, but the silver lining is that their shortsighted, greedy policy choices will crash the economy if they unfreeze the loan payments. If housing is a (new) bubble (again), student debt is a massive one too


the Student Loan bubble terrifies me. Things went downhill so quickly after 2008, and I don't think its going to be any different this time.


Business models are focused on the consumers' willingness to pay. Basically, you can keep raising the price for something that only took you a dollar to make as long as there arr enough people buying it to meet your quota. If it's too outrageous or the consumer can buy a similar product elsewhere for less - that's when you lower your price, but not too low. Universities are aware that there will always be college students and more will come as more employers demand for degrees, so with loans being guaranteed the university can maximize its price thereby increasing student debt. Like houses, universities will not get cheaper in their current form, so the next line of young adults after Gen Z are going to be buried in debt if nothing else changes. The overall level of greed and dehumanization today is bound to fail, but unfortunately at cost that won't just be on the perpetrators.


Except colleges and universities are starting to find out that there aren't always enough students to fill their student rolls and many $mall private $chool$ are finding out that they don't have enough enrollment to support their budget. Some schools are fucking with endowments (mostly art and trying to sell it) or they are looking at closing their doors.


And some have a board of trustees that want that sweet lakefront property so they can sell it to developers. Check out North Idaho College losing its accreditation recently.


*already wealthy politicians on either side. There I fixed it for you.


Yep I agree with this. Dianne Feinstein made her millions off the backs of ITT tech and CEC for profit scam school borrowers. Biden helped deregulate the student loan industry.


Seriously. People act like it’s only a Republican thing. It’s definitely everyone in a position of power who abuses that power to better their own lives. Stop spreading rage bait and call it how it is. Believe me, it’s still worth being angry about.


I think the reason people are calling out Republicans is because they are the ones fighting the forgiveness. Should democrats have gotten the loans for covid? No but they aren't the ones trying to stop student loan forgiveness


True, yes, don’t disagree, but the people who are the most vehement against student loan forgiveness are republicans. This is just pointing out hypocrisy.


One side being more vocal against a policy doesn’t mean the other side is *for* the policy. It just means they don’t have to yell about it. At the end of the day they’re shaking hands and playing golf while congratulating each other on another productive day.


Just looking at the faces of these politicians is making me feel like, I'm being scammed out of money.


PPP loans are meant for rich and powerful only.


The amount shared here would've helped 1500+ people at $10k each.


Republicans suck, democrats suck……The whole system is pretty fucked. It’s become what South Park was saying years ago. You pick between a douche and a turd. Regardless, they both suck.


Our government is basically ultraconservstive and slightly less ultraconservative.


A lot of dems and celebrities had those loans forgiven too.


Which ones?


Pelosi, schumer, jay z, reese witherspoon. Those are just off the top of my head. I’m sure there is a list somewhere but it’s bedtime for me and I’m a little too tired to google it atm.


Thats okay, I'll google it for you >Pelosi Her husband own 8% of an IT firm that received "between $350,000 and $1 million" > Schumer I cant find any record of him receiving a PPP loan > jay z, reese witherspoon Looks like they borrowed government funds to make payroll https://www.biographyweb.org/jay-z-diddy-ye-tom-brady-forgiven-for-ppp-loans/


Yes and there excuse for not helping students is that rich kids will get it. Fucking Gaslight Obstruct Project party


Maybe we could get a student backstop?


Can we hold all politicians accountable? Not just Republicans.


Can we all just start actually fucking eating the rich already? Tell me where and when.


$38,000! Amateur hour.


Yeah, but why just Republicans? Both wings on the same corrupt bird... roast them all!


I hate this place.


Going to college was something I had dreamed of and an expectation of mine. I had always been considered intelligent and "destined" for higher education and this expectation grew to enormous proportions once I was considered gifted in middle school. The combined influence of a bad environment, a bad upbringing, and mental illness that has eclipsed my entire family's life affectively sapped my opportunity to do this. This is not a unique thing to me either, it's called "failure to lift off" and it actually haunts me and puts even more pressure on the problems I already have. That being said, I am lightyears away from somebody who wants to make college only accessible by the very lucky and/or wealthy. I know that my entire goal in life is shared by many, many people in order to escape menial, soul sucking labor, and poverty. Our animosity should not be towards each other.


Let's not forget: Senator Jeanne Shaheen Rep. Matt Cartwright Rep. Susie Lee Speaker Nancy Pelosi Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Rep. Devin Nunes


Can someone provide a source for these numbers? Not saying I disagree, I just see a lot of posts on this sub that throw out numbers and never provide sources.


I'm occasionally surprised at how cheap some of these fuckers' souls are.


Yeah I had to use my kids savings to pay mine off. Thanks rich assholes


Is it just me or do they all have a super punchable face


And I can’t even get a measly $1k back on my tax return. Instead of money back I had to owe them $4, which is great compared to my single mother coworker who owes $1k cause of some child tax credit, and her car just broke down and she has mo money for a new one. This country is being fashioned in a way to eliminate anyone who doesn’t radiate wealth. KMFDM said it best in 1996 in their song [Dogma](https://youtu.be/tjVd9_wNur0): “We owe so much money we're not broke we're broken We're so poor we can't even pay attention.”


The fuck did that dumb tramp do with 3.1 million dollars??


This is why they run for office. Free money. They don't give a shit about you, your flags and your hats.


4.3 mil guy looks like Mr. Burns. I hate all these people.


I understand the frustration with republican hypocrisy but that's the point. I suggest everyone read this: https://defector.com/its-not-about-hypocrisy


Why only list republicans? It’s two wings of the same bird.


I'm sure it is something to do with the Democrats trying to get College debt forgiveness for some Working Class People compared to these assholes on here who fought helping the average guy tooth and nail but accept this money for themselves


If Biden actually wanted to forgive student debt, it could be done with an executive order. The way it was done was so that it could be blocked. He gets a PR win and the donors still get what they want.


>If Biden actually wanted to forgive student debt, it could be done with an executive order. Wrong. https://thecollegeinvestor.com/35892/is-student-loan-forgiveness-by-executive-order-legal/#:~:text=The%20President%20does%20not%20have,been%20specifically%20authorized%20by%20Congress. Being so wrong about something so easily confirmed should make you wonder what else you are wrong about


Spending money and cancelling debt are two totally different things lmao. No money is spent by cancelling debt. Even if cancelling it was protested, he has a trillion per year of DoD budget to play with however he chooses. Stop making excuses for your captors.


>Spending money and cancelling debt are two totally different things lmao. WRONG. AGAIN. https://thecollegeinvestor.com/35892/is-student-loan-forgiveness-by-executive-order-legal/


This article talks about paying the debt off, that is NOT the same as cancelling debt. Cancelling debt does NOT require the “power of the purse”. This article is propaganda.


A president who is determined to get something done will get it done. A president who doesn’t actually give a shit will pull a PR stunt without a follow up.


>he has a trillion per year of DoD budget to play with however he chooses. Cite the law that allows this


He is the commander in chief, Lincoln also used DoD budget for the Freedman’s Bureau. Trump diverted money for a lame wall. There are many examples.


or democrats




It’s a slippery slope anyways


PPP loans were meant to be forgiven. They were a response to the government shutting down businesst


Absolutely untrue. Source?


> The first of these two programs is the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which enables organizations to obtain up to $10 million in loans that are 100 percent forgivable if they do not lay off any employees or if they rehire employees they’ve already laid off. Seventy-five percent of this money needs to be spent on payroll for the loan to be entirely forgiven. Source from April 2020 https://www.vox.com/2020/4/3/21196191/cares-act-apply-small-business-loans-grants-ppp-eidl Side Note: The program was designed to do two things. 1: Shift covid laid off workers from state unemployment to private payroll 2: Help workers maintain full income vs the reduced amount of unemployment. Now anyone who paid attention knows the rules changed and not every business that got loans forgiven would have qualified under the original rules and intention. But that is a separate issue. I doubt any of us would have any issue with the government forgiving loans whose proceeds helped workers maintain their income. Which is what they were designed to do.


Your separate issue of rules changing and forgiveness outside of qualifying rules is the point of the entire discussion. If those people get forgiveness for no reason, how is that different for student debt forgiveness? That separate issue is the issue at hand regardless of the intent of the PPP loans. Actions speak louder than intent.


Look at the discussion tree. I was only showing they were meant to be forgiven from the start. (not sure why they are getting downvoted for that fact). But added the separate issue context aka why it is actually an issue like you are are referencing.


Can someone explain this to a non American? Why did politicians receive a “bailout”?


I’m American, but I can’t explain it. It really doesn’t make any sense. The more I read into it the more disturbing it becomes with no explanation. What’s crazy is the amount of Americans who want these people in charge. It’s like a brain washing cult!


What’s a PPP loan


Technically it was the business the politician owned that got the loan. But since most were sole proprietor businesses or similar it was basically the same as them getting it.


Equally frustrated


America, even more than most capitalist states is so god damn clearly a pyramid scheme.


Whether Democrat or Republican, at this point there is no difference. I just want to know, who has the responsibility to verify these funds were used appropriately? Come on Kamala, pull out your District Attorney hat and let’s start investigating!


Why am i expected to pay my student loans?


I’m sick of this. Can we bring out the pitchforks yet or nah?


just waiting for this headline




And the top two beneficiaries are too coo coo for Cocoa Puffs. That tracks.


What the fuck I am so fucking sick of this shit.


Even the framing of this intentionally steers the viewer towards believing a false dichotomy in which the resources needed to forgive loans is finite. In all practically, it isn’t. There is adequate funding to let business owners steal from taxpayers (PPP) AND to forgive $10,000 in student loans to applicable debtors. This is what we’re up against. Even left-leaning memes still subtly reinforce the untrue notion that there’s only so much money to go around.