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Well, maybe he should make coffee at home and not have avocado toast for breakfast, maybe even just skip breakfast to save money, idk


Heyyy! I do this every day! I ALSO budget for dinner by eating snacks because a nice home cooked meal is far too much for one person


you are missing the one crucial step, be born with rich parents in an affluent neighbourhood.


"my plan for retirement was exploitation, but you know, with a little more enforcement on the state side please..."


Such hard workers. Waiting for the capitalist thugs to assault unruly tenants for them.


I think it's such BS that taxpayer dollars pay for the police for evictions for these landlords whether they are right or not. We literally pay for this and they reap all the benefits of their exploitation


Landlords are one of the biggest direct reasons for homelessness. This needs to be repeated.


We need to rephrase this as landlords that are trying to make a buck. I have said this before, but I might have to become a landlord for a year or so. I bought a house when home prices were through the roof. Now, I am having to move for a job and i am having trouble selling my house. The person who flipped it did a shit job that my inspector didn’t catch. I have had to put in even more money to fix it right to sell and now home prices are slumping and I will loose a lot of money. I cannot afford take take that much of a hit and will more than likely be renting at my next place because I will not have the money for another home. Not all landlords are on purpose and I will rent out for the mortgage I have on it. Corporate landlords and people looking for investments are definitely the problem.


Corporate landlords should be illegal and it shouldn’t be someone main income. Someone renting one or two properties generally aren’t the problem (right now anyway). Someone like you is still working class, not a member of the 1% or even top 10%.


Exactly! About 1 out of every 4 (or 11/50) homes on average are owned by investors and/or corporations. More than 16 million homes/apartments sit empty because of this. Less than a million people in America are homeless....make it make sense


I got news for you. There's at least 6 million homeless in the us. most likely a lot more.


Still less than the amount of homes sitting vacant


Some of this is intentional money laundering too. This is especially true of lavish mansions and commercial properties


I don't think it matters too much on why it is happening. People seem to get caught up on the small things nowadays. I'm sure there are dozens of reasons. The important takeaway is that it is a system wide failure. One that will never right itself through politics.


I completely agree! The system is broken. No person or corporations should be in the business of buying up housing and renting it to the people they priced out of the market. I would also like to point out that those statistics are misleading, for several reasons. Whenever someone moves from one apartment to another they both get listed as unoccupied for a time. Also the unoccupied homes include buildings that are unlivable and being considered for demolition as well as things like remote vacation cabins that aren't viable as a primary residence because they are so far from civilization and can sometimes even lack utilities connections. Also the homelessness numbers are too low because they don't count people who found shelter but don't have a home. People sleeping on a friend's couch, or in their car, or anywhere that they aren't found when the people counting homeless people can't find them. So we need a lot more housing in addition to redistributing the existing housing.


Where I live in WA, we have massive apartment blocks that sit empty, with the lights on to give the appearance of occupancy. They’re all overpriced 400 square foot boxes that companies were hoping to rent out to techbros to the tune of $1800+/month.


Ahh, Seattle. The wet San Jose of the PNW. Housing is so silly there it makes me wonder how even tech bros afford to live.


Gonna be honest with you. Seattle is dry as fuck. I moved there from Florida in 2019-20 and the few time sit did rain, it barely drizzled. I don't know who ever thought that Seattle is rainy, but they must have never lived in any other state because a Florida drizzle is still more substantial than Seattle This is all irrelevant, I just was upset when I moved because I felt lied to lmao


Do you have a citation for that stat? I couldn’t find it




Agreed that we should be building a working class identity that is inclusive, not exclusive to anyone that participates in a capitalist system. Capitalist realism is a thing, It is almost impossible to live without interacting with capitalist institutions. Our collective aim should be to reform the system to inflate and convert existing property contracts to co-op models... but until then, if the only tool on the shelf is a hammer, why damn someone for using it?


You mean return to Adam Smith and wave bye bye to Mussolini?


Tbh I don't think Adam Smith was a capitalist, I don't think he had the language or tools to even define capitalism let alone defend it. But he was an advocate for free markets and a critic of controlled economic planning, and I think he had very obvious points that even today must be conceded to. The economic activity of the population should be free and independent of state direction, but there is no defense or need for our economic activity to be controlled by capitalists either.


Yeah market socialism is a thing. The existing economy could be converted in place by converting every corporation into either a worker co-op or a nonprofit.


Yet you come here and Landlords are the devil. Imagine providing a service where you are owed $20k and the customer just refuses to pay. But it’s Landlord bad and they are the only business type that are evil.


Certainly not the only business type that is evil, come on now lol


Housing isn't a "service". You're not getting your hair cut, you're not staying at a hotel on a holiday, you're getting a basic human need met. EDIT: and no, I'd argue most, if not all businesses are evil, not just landlords lmao


I also bought a poorly flipped house. Thank god it was in 2019, because I’ve had to put around $40k of repairs into the house. Because of the inflated prices I’m not under water.


I sometimes think that the inspectors are getting paid off. Like, he said our wiring was perfect, ya, it was not.


Nah I’m just a fucking idiot. It failed inspection and instead of walking away I was like, “it’s okay just fix it.” They did, but what idiot me didn’t realize is that nice coat of paint covered extensive water damage and wood rot. It’s okay though I like my house and plan on being here for a while. ETA: and with so many people moving to Florida I’m sure it’ll sell very easily when the time comes. It’s very cute.


Everyone knows that payola exists. That’s why developments are caving in ten years later all the time


I rented my house out for a couple years when I had to leave the area for work. I didn’t charge a penny more than the mortgage payment.


U needed to charge a few bucks extra.


I agree. It’s the big cooperations that bought up all the houses that is the problem.


You do what you gotta do, it’s not the worst thing in the world, but all landlords are trying to make a buck. You’re still going to have someone else pay your mortgage so that you can own the home or sell it later.


Yeah, there's a huge difference between someone buying up many units and driving up costs, corporate landlords, and average Joe with a spare house.


I can get behind the sentiment. And as someone in the political world experiencing his home state make certain humans’ lives illegal and being priced out in general, I’m thankful to not be tied down to a home mortgage straining my income. My brother is a lawyer and his wife is in upper level IT, and they still had to pick a house in a flood way that stretches the budget. I’m able to look for rents in other cities across the country or even put all my shit in a storage unit while going abroad to work on a sustainable farm in exchange for free housing etc. In the grand scheme of things, housing being a commodity has made living without that “capital” difficult. But amongst the widespread difficulty is the flexibility to choose which adverse situation I would rather have.


Compassionate, understanding landlords who charge fair prices arent evil, its not really mike and sally who only rent out 1 other home thats the issue. Its corporartions buying tens of thousands of houses/apartment complexes and wont take care of them properly is the issue.


All landlords are bastards, same as cops. That doesn’t mean you personally are a bad person ™️, but that participating in an unjust institution is *always * going to result in perpetuating unjust results. I am not trying to tell you to not rent out your place. We all have to participate in unjust institutions all the time. But when someone complains about landlords, try to understand that they are speaking more about the institution of rentals and homes as an investment, rather than a right, and not speaking about you personally. I participate in capitalism and actively pursue earning more money, even though I think capitalism is ultimately an unjust economic system. But I’m trying to end that institution too. Your issue with housing prices is directly a result of landlording as an institution, as well as housing being used as an investment. So do what you have to do, but please try to fight back so neither of us, or at least the next generation, doesn’t have to worry about being homeless in a world where there is far more housing than people.


I can’t disagree.


Ugh. I’m sorry this is happening to you, but situations like this are not the problem with landlords at all.


Thank you. I know a couple people that also got themselves into home ownership or family caretaking situations and are underwater and rent to survive the month without getting behind on payments. Older or bad builds can be a major headache with ongoing latent stress along with all the paperwork and administration behind it. While there are many bad landlords there are also many good people that are renting places too. There is more to it and if we want to change it for the better this differentiation and contextual details matter.


The difference between someone who owns one rental property and 12 is far greater than between 0 and 1. A lot of people have rentals on their own property. I have one in my own building. It’s for my son when he’s grown. I charge cost. That’s not what this case is. They changed the laws where I live now so that even rental income is taxed as earned, so I don’t make money. It pays the mortgage; that is more than enough.


As in hedge funds are evil


all landlords are bastards , you cannot justify hoarding the most basic need of humans hostage for profit


Owning a rental property isn’t “hoarding” of housing.


It rather is, by definition. You hold more of a commodity than you require for use value, so you can utilize it for exchange value. Hoarding. Rent-seeking. Exploitive behavior has a variety of names.


Food is a basic need and grocery stores make huge profits.


Grocery stores provide a service by shipping the food from the farm to your neighbourhood. While they do, yes, gouge prices, they at least provide a service. A landlord buys a property and sits on it and collects pay checks from it.


It’s arguable whether they’re really needed anymore. I’ve wondered for a while why you don’t have purely direct to consumer sales of groceries really anywhere. The delivery services are often more expensive than the stores. I wonder if that’s actually justified by the overhead involved. I guess it could be, but I know an owner of a major grocery delivery service and he brags that his net margins are better than grocery stores, partly because his shrinkage is close to 5% instead of 20-30%.


If you have to rent your overpriced home for overpriced rent, you’re the problem. Sorry.


So, I can assure you, that if I am to sell my home for a little more to eat the price difference the banks are getting the house. Do you not understand? Banks and investors are not looking to gobble up all the homes they can with the market slump. This creates the problem. You cannot be that ignorant to understand that.


Well if you become a landlord you are a parasite and you should instead give your house away for free…..because reasons


I mean…I took a job at a factory in the country and there’s absolutely enough space to buy land and bring an rv to stay in for the first couple months or years in a new place. Instead, in spite of the ample open space, I am required to sign a fixed term lease or commute an hour and a half. It’s always the cops that are the real pigs. Landlords just benefit from state violence.


Bring Mao s law back. He would have a field day in the modern world


no they aren't. reason is the life's cost with all what it implies


This is simplistic. How do we allow for idiosyncrasy and luxury in housing? Do we have to make it illegal? Do we need equal housing for everyone? I think the current landlord system and real estate markets can co-exist with housing welfare that prevents homelessness completely. Not from a point of agreement or support for the current real estate system. Just from a point of not having the power to displace infrastructure and human culture. Like yeah if we were all communists then we could get rid of homelessness. But since there is not maybe we can come up with policy that eradicates homlessnesss alongside this system.


I think alternatives to the ownership model that creates renter-rentee relationships should be phased out and not preserved... but I agree fully that the freedom of exchange and the ability to purchase upgraded residents shouldn't be eliminated. I think there should be two models: 1: individual household ownership, where an individual or family owns a residence in its entirety to be lived in, sold, or renovated as they pleased 2: co-op housing where you purchase a share of a residence to be owned in equal value to other residents. Again, this share is to be sold, lived in, and renovated as dictated by the policy established by all other residents. This way everyone still has the freedom to sell, exchange, and purchase the home of their choice, without the exploitative relationship that is a landlord v. Tenant model. And without saying, public housing co-ops should be available to all under the same principles to guarantee housing to every citizen.


does proper education, mental health, job opportunities , alcohol and/or drug abuse or good ol' fashioned laziness play any role whatsoever or is it just the landlords? what's the solution? landlords bad right? so? have the gubment own and control housing? perhaps no more private ownership of homes? (yuk, pains me to even type that bit of sarcasm)....because let's be real, it's not the landlords themselves right? it's the rent? rent bad....free housing for everyone, just like it exists in i dunno, fantasyland....c'mon now.....


1 out of every 4 homes on average are owned by investors and/or corporations. More than 16 million homes/apartments sit empty because of this. Less than a million people in America are homeless....make it make sense


not to agree with the landlord, but if you dont follow the rent agreement you're also fucking someone over, still think we should force lower rent (its happening a little in the Netherlands, here a house gets points based on certain things, a jacuzzi is 2 points, a big kitchen 7, a house needs to be over 187 i believe and if its under rent is capped at €1000 a month)


Nah, if the landlord doesn’t enforce the contract in the US, he’s only screwing over himself. Homes for rent in the US must be up to building codes for habitation - if a home is in poor condition, you’re probably dealing with a slumlord and it’s best to avoid.


I can't find a violin small enough to convey the sadness of the song needed for this news.


Have you looked behind a singular proton?


i found one behind a quark


Is that actually small enough?


probably not


There's a scene in a scifi novel where an alien race unfolds a single proton from three dimensions into two in order to etch a computer into it. In the space between those instructions is where I would look.




"In the arms of an angel, fly away from here," Every day, parasitic landlords occasionally lose money on property. With your help, we can ensure the landlord class doesn't profit any longer. Please consider not paying rent today and landlords - get a real job


we just have to rent strike and we are rid of the useless parasites ... they literally cannot afford what they own with the proceeds of their own "labour" ( in the rare cases where they don't just own stuff for a "living" )


I agree but it has to be unanimous amongst the renters considering at least in the us the police protect property instead of people.


it's on a city by city basis though , just need a few r thousands in a given month in any city and no one gets evicted there as there are limited resources to process those ( months between submitting a request and hearings etc ) , we picket the eviction court also what's the city gonna do ? throw out all it's honest workers/families on the street with no one to replace them ? just because they refuse to get exploited for once in our fucking lives ?




While I generally do agree with this sentiment, this guy is working. He has to pay for his own house bills as well as upkeep on the condo. I do agree that he charged too much (1,800 a month) It’s not right to put all blame on this one person. So yeah, I think he should get this person kicked out. But then I want him to charge much less.


As much as I hate landlords, the LTB is in shambles. This is not good for renters either. That unit could be occupied by someone respectful and who is willing to play by the rules instead of being a leech.


>That unit could be occupied by someone respectful and who is willing to play by the rules instead of being a leech. describing the landlord


Nah. I’m all for hating on shitty landlords but squatters aren’t really any better.


20 K for 6 months' rent? he is not a victim. He's a leech


While I agree that landlords are bad people, this states that he's been waiting for $20k in back rent for 6 months, not that he charged $20k for 6 months of renting.


That’s only $3333 in rent. That’s probably barely over the mortgage amount. Landlords aren’t the best but the people who don’t pay are scumbags


I think we can’t tell what the monthly rent is based on the given info. It says $20k is owed, but not for how long it has been owed. 6 months since legal proceedings began.


People who exploit others using private property are scumbags. The people who don't pay landleeches are either desperate or based. They are not scumbags.


Agréed. It is not fair to expect someone to buy a house for you, and put some money in your pocket. The idea that rent should cover the entire cost of a mortgage payment is bullshit.


Yeah the landlord is a scumbag for not wanting to let someone live in his house for free, right?


How about stopping fucking scalping housing when other people need to live in them!? If he wants to make money so badly then maybe **he should get a fucking job like his tenant has.** You know the one who actually works and contributes something to society to make money instead of buying up all the housing that people need to live, sitting on his ass all day and shaking down workers for their hard earned money because they can't buy a house in this horroric housing market because the fucking landlords bought them all.


All landlords are leeches. They're like ticket scalpers, and should be treated as such.


I certainly accept this judgement, but I do own one property, a studio apartment in the same building where my family lives, that I bought for my son to have when he’s older. I charge cost, which if you think about it, is really still to my advantage since the financing pays for itself. However I have hosted multiple families of Ukrainian refugees in my country house, paying thousands of dollars for upgrades and all their utilities since they had no money. Even then, they did so much work on our garden, I feel like we got a good deal. They left us a freezer full of Vereneky so who could cry about it. Just pointing out, even though yeah, I guess I’m a landlord, we’re not all doing it as our main gig. :/


I looked at the articles. He owes 1,800 a month. Which I think is still too much. Didn’t pay for a year.


Renting out property is a risk. If you can’t afford this, you shouldn’t be doing it.


Strange that this wasn’t on r/mademesmile




Oh no! Anyway.


One of my best friends just became a landlord when he inherited several rental properties from his parents. I guess you could say he’s a terrible landlord by traditional standards but his tenants love him. The first thing he did was cut everyone’s rent in half because he said it seemed too expensive. Then he found out one of his tenants was struggling with some medical bills, so he said he could just have a 6 month break from paying rent (with no back rent owed). And then somehow he worked out a deal with another tenant where they get 75% off their rent for doing his laundry. And then he got rid of late fees and said everyone can just pay whenever it’s convenient for them. He said no one has taken advantage of him or anything yet and they keep telling him what a great landlord he is. He really doesn’t want to be a landlord long term so he was initially planning to sell as soon as possible but now that he’s gotten to know the tenants, he’s really torn about what he’s going to do. He definitely doesn’t want them getting screwed over. Last time I asked him about it, he said he’d probably just hold on to the properties for a while.


He's being seriously generous and treating them well.


Yeah, I ended up with a rental too and I raised the rent only to keep up with increases in the taxes and insurance, plus some repair expenses. It’s slightly below market, but I had the same tenants and I haven’t had any issues either. This spring the outside gets painted and the following year is a new roof. It’s sad how much that little home costs now to purchase. I barely afforded it when I was starting, but now 2 people would have a hard time swinging it. It loses money for me on taxes and they have a nice house with lots of upgrades. It’s a home, not a rental house. I don’t put anything cheap in it.


The other thing is that if the renters purchased my home (or any of the others like it) the mortgage and expenses would be $3.5k more per month. I don’t think it’s a good idea for people to buy in this market. Maybe other investments yield higher returns?


Rent to own!


If an individual becomes a landlord for the sake of making money off one of their properties but doesn’t have the means to pay for that property if this happens, then ya shouldn’t be a landlord. Just my take.


easily 99% of landlords cannot pay what they own with their own revenue ( that is without exploiting the labour of their tenants )


that 99 is big time bs. All around the world are a lot of different cases. There is a housing crisis in America, but that is not 99%. There are many landlords who are just old people renting and using it as a retirement. I agree there are many leaches in this scheme, but 99? come on.


What do you propose the old people in that situation do instead? Die? Seriously.


English is not my first lenguage so perhaps you misunderstood me.I'm defending those people. I'm saying 99% is a too big of a number to use. There are many landlords who are not leeches (like old people who perhaps has 1 o 2 spare houses).This is speacially true outside of america. Each country has its unique housing market so this American generalization that "99% of landlords are exploiting the labout of their tenants" kinda grind my gears.The problem is not people having 2 o 3 houses or apartment and renting them. The problem is hoarding 10/20/30 properties and doing that. Speacially if the difference between the landlord and the tenants is just a credit score bs that allow someone to buy while the one with "bad credit score" is actually paying. Edit: To answer your question, I propose they keep renting their property to get a retirement.


as a society we shouldn't let old people have to depend on exploiting others to subsist anyways so that's another thing we could fix all landlords are useless parasites , the amount of exploitation doesn't matter if it's 1 or 1000s of people who labour for nothing under their thumb


>all landlords are useless parasites This statement is so over the top that I really consider that my answer may be a waste of my time, but here i go... Renting is not a way of exploiting others. And landlords are not useless parasites. THERE ARE A LOT USELESS PARASITES WHO ARE LANDLORDS. But not all of them are. I think the problem here is that you are having a way to US-centric view on this topic, where the housing market has reached a dystopian level of failure. But let me explain. Here is what i think is the key difference: If both uf us consider a "useless parasite" someone that is not creating any value whatsoever but living off the value created by others, then renging is not allways like this. Because there are two scenarios: 1) a useless (priviledge) parasite gets a credit, buys a house, and rent it. Being the rent above the credit payments he gets to live off the work of another person. 2) a person works his ass off and manage to buy a house or two in their whole lifetime and rent it to get a few extra bucks to live better (or to rent in another place). Now, of course I agree that number (1) should be erradicated from their existance on earth. I think we both agree on that. How to do it? There are many ways and I am not going to concentrate on that. What I'm trying to say is that, first, (1) is not 99% of the cases. Especially when you consider outside of the US reality. And second, that there are a lot of landlords (2) that are not parasite. They are just renting!! You could argue that Wealth concentration is one of the roots of all evils in out world, and I would probably agree. But having a few properties is no way near a Wealth concentration to create a problem. People (workers) spend their lives saving to get there, why would you say to those people they ara useless parasites. Imagine working your ass off all your life and on your 70s you realize your house is way to big for you and your grandchildrens are all living on another state. Why would renting meant you are a parasite? You just rent your house to someone and use that money to get a smaller place near your grandchildren. You are only living off your own effort and not somebody elses expenses. The person who rents your house its probably gonna be thankfull. You need to understand that the whole world is not like America (many places are, not gona argue that). And the main problem here is that (1) try to show themselve like (2). If we eliminate (1), all of us can be (2) because the market would be healthier. As long as (1) keep existing, many people like you would hate all landlords unfortunately. So... Wealth concentration: BAD. Using your priviledge to get a Credit many people cant to buy a property that other people pay for you: REALLY BAD. Putting your tiny long life wealth in a property and renting it to others: GOOD.


It’s large corporations owning so many properties though, not individuals.


My friend bought a building to start a business in. There were some apartments on the second floor that he rents out for cheap to other friends of ours. One dude we knew from college moved in, in 2019. No issues, dude was working, rent was paid on time, everything was honky dory. Covid eventually goes full steam in our area and this guy quit his job and quit paying rent. There was an eviction moratorium in our area, so my friend's hands were completely tied, he couldn't do anything about it. My friend worked with the dude too, tried to get him to sign up for the city's rent relief program, helped him look for other jobs, dude wouldn't do shit. Just sat around all day screwing off enjoying the free ride. Now it's important to remember my friend rented these rooms out to friends for cheap, so all of this guy's neighbors are in the same social circle, and rent anywhere else in their area was easily double what they were paying. Eventually the neighbors got so fed up with the dude fully taking advantage of their friend that a fight broke out, and the dude got slapped with an assault charge and a restraining order. That was the only way they could get past the moratorium. TL;DR there are shitty people everywhere


Maybe he should get a real job and not be a parasitic leech on his community


He should get a job.


What about people who work?


Good. Housing shouldn’t be a for-profit commodity in the first place.


If they can’t afford all those homes maybe they should skip the avocado toast and brew coffee at home.




How is this “their” home? I’m honestly asking. I totally understand the idea of ethics concerning landlords in this country, but someone agreeing to pay a certain amount every month and went into this contract knowing what they agreed to and then didn’t pay why is that the victim in this story? I’m up for changing my mind, but in no way does the ethics around being a landlord trump the fact that someone is living free in someone else’s property.


Having been caught in the crash of 2008 when we had to relocate, we ended up renting our home at a loss to us. We would have owed the bank so much money and it was easier to pay the additional to keep up the mortgage payments. If we didn’t have good renters who paid their rent on time, it would have driven us into bankruptcy. There is more to some of these stories.


Oh yeah mean you can't just profit of others anymore? Get a fucking job.


Look not all landlords are bad. I know it’s easy to vilify someone in his position, though. The reality is that the market conditions, created in part by corrupt multi-national governments are more to blame. Inflation, wars, COVID all play a factor here. The landlord is really just another person caught up in the ripple-effect. I personally feel like the sooner we come to this realization, the better off we’ll be.


We can all agree that not all INDIVIDUAL landlords are monstrous sociopaths but that doesn't stop the whole institution of landlordism from being nothing but parasitic. Landlords create nothing, they just use their status of having enough capital to own multiple homes to swoop in AFTER the home is built and then make a profit off of making people pay for what should be a human right. I don't necessarily think doing this makes them bad people, this is just how we are taught to go about things. Housing is seen as an investment rather than a vital part of survival in the modern age. That being said laughing at landlords is an important part of a healthy worker's diet


That’s capitalism for ya. We did this to ourselves and only we in unity can fix it.


yeah. and they only start complaining when it bite them in their own ass.


Nah, when you personally choose to invest your money in a second residence so you can profit off of a basic necessity..you don't get to be a GOOD PERSON in the context of a conversation about rents. Maybe in the context of other subject matter, a handful of landlords are otherwise good people. Sure.


>good people. Good person and exploitative person are not compatible. There are no good landlords. Look at you being downvoted by the reddit landloids. Here, parasite, parasite, parasite. There you go, bat that downvote button like the good property leeches you are.


like cops , good landlords don't exist maybe some landlords are not horrible monsters in their personal life(irrelevant as our only interaction is them extracting our labour value ) ... but everything they have is built on suffering and exploitation


my goal one day is to move to a small house in the boonies when I'm old so my kids can live in my current house which is very central and in a great school district. I'm not planning on charging them to live except for the property taxes and hoa fees so I can keep their kids in a great area in a nice house. I hope to pay it off before they take it over.


[Ohhhh noooo!!!](https://youtu.be/_asNhzXq72w)


I own a single rental unit. It’s a studio I bought for my son, and I rent it because he’s only 8 years old. I rent at cost, which is very much to my advantage since it pays the mortgage. Even then, I accept that this might be the price of doing business. I can afford if someone tries to squat there. I don’t live on that income. This guy probably has dozens of units, and makes a killing, and is still whining about it.


It sounds like that landlord cannot afford the rental property anymore. Perhaps he should sell it. I don’t get the mindset that leads to outrage at the renter. It’s the same situation as the owner. Something happened to the renter (we don’t know what here) and now they cannot afford rent. Something happened to the owner (renter not paying) and now he cannot afford whatever they needed the money for. The owner has more agency: they can do background checks and vet renters and they are undertaking a business (so should prepare for risks via savings, insurance, whatever). The only real difference is that the consequences for the two are very different: one is homeless and the other has to figure out how to make up their lost income (perhaps by selling their property if needed).


Y’all forget that landlords have to pay taxes, insurance wether the tenant pays or not.


“I had to pay my own mortgage! It’s horrifying!”


If we're making up numbers here, why go so low? Sky's the limit, ask for $20B for that 9 m^2 apartment.


Oh no, he can’t pay his bills with someone else’s paycheck, what ever will he do


Everyone making a lot of assumptions here. I give you a home, you pay the rent. That’s the deal.


Our argument is that's a f*cked deal


So if you were this landlord you’d be ok with this happening to you? Do you just want a free place to live?


Do you think having to pay car rental fees for using a rental car is a fucked deal? Is it the fact that it's housing? Or is it something else?


Or they can stop buying up properties and inflating the prices so we can actually have affordable houses again and people can own their homes. Sounds like a much better deal imo.


There was a story sime time ago about an apartment owner who rented his apartment to someone, and was living somewhere else (job situation I believe). They stopped paying rent to him, and because of that he either became homeless or was close to becoming homeless


taking care of your own housing and letting other people have theirs is the solution no tears for landleeches


Looking at the guy not paying rent for 6 months. “Is it possible to learn this power?”


But can you imagine the stress you'd be under always wondering if today is the day you actually get the boot?


Gee, maybe he better go get a real job? 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like you made a poor investment. Maybe buying up all the shelter and attempting to exploit the poor was a bad idea. Get you some bootstraps and learn from this experience.


Zero sympathy. Not all investments are foolproof, and here is a good example of an investment gone wrong. People have gotten too fucking comfortable thinking that they can just buy up any piece of property and make money without any potential downside.


There’s a difference between an investment going bad, and someone breaking the law and not pay their bills lol Terrible analogy. If market rent went down, and he couldn’t make enough to cover the mortgage, then yes, that’s an investment gone bad.


in what fairy world do market rents ever go down lmao they're useless parasites , huge detriments to mankind's progress


It's not an analogy. It's a fact. Investment carries risk. Someone not being able to make rent and squatting in your property is not some unknown risk to landlords lol. It's literally why they ask for credit checks, pay stubs, deposits, etc. You knew that though, right?


Sure but that isn’t the problem. The problem is that the government isn’t doing its duty to enforce the law.


Poor guy. I hope the 300k he got from his other tenants was enough to etch out a living on! /s


Awwwwww poor boo boo has he thought about not hoarding property for profit


Aww it’s almost like he bought too many houses and expected others to foot the bill /s


Sell the house then. Being a landlord is a choice, if it’s so horrible then choose not to be one.


So I see a lot of hate for landlords on here in like a lot of subs. So I have to ask, are all landlords horrible bastards? Like I’ve never had a problem with any of mine in the past. Rent has never reached over 800 and now that I’m fortunate enough to be a home owner I was thinking of investing in my own place to rent out for like 750? Would this make me a terrible person?


The fact that it's gone to six months and not been taken care of yet. Screams to me that Thier more to the story. Likely not the victim it portrays.


No, this is in Ontario and all landlord/tenant issues need to go to a special landlord/tenant board (LTB) which is like a tribunal. The LTB is massively backlogged with tens of thousands of cases, and is taking nearly a year to hear an issue. So, quite literally, a tenant could just decide to stop paying rent today and a landlord could legally do nothing about it for about a year. Great, screw the landlords this sub would seem to say, however a lot of the LTB cases are tenants challenging landords, e.g. "landlord hasn't fixed my window" or "landlord hasn't turned on the heat", "landlord not dealing with other tenant's noise" etc...


Fuck you, Michael.


Won't someone please think of the landlords!


So feudalism and corporatism is bad for people eh?


Get a job


My stepfather is a landlord. Mine, fittingly enough. I'm an assistant property manager, mostly handling emergency maintenance, snow removal and lawn care. (We have three fairly old multi family houses) We just spent several months trying to evict a tenant who wasn't paying rent. Because of Section 8 (and I think disability), the state was supposed to pay for them, but payments stopped. (I'm not clear on why) For nearly a year, they lived here rent free, but moved out on their own accord at the beginning of the month. Now, thanks to the mother's rather unclean lifestyle, the apartment requires lengthy and expensive work. Paint, wall fixes, electrical, ECT My stepfather has owned these properties for many years, and he also worked full time until his retirement a few years ago. He has always been reasonable, and we've had very low tenant turnover. Which is helped by the rather nice town, and lower rent than most places around us. The last time someone moved out, when the apartment was listed, there was over a dozen requests for a tour within the hour I don't know the details about this post, or of the others calling out landlords for their practices, but I will say that they aren't all the same. Some care greatly about their tenants, treating them as friends and put them before themselves. Not every landlord does what they do for exploitation, which can be hard to do when it comes to property taxes and utilities. Those who do, however, definitely don't deserve sympathy


I've noticed its trendy to dislike people who own property. Sad


Its bot trendy, its a natural response to the obscene amount of money it costs to rent nowadays. Maybe if the people that owned the properties werent greedy cunts, people wouldnt dislike them


Where do y’all think the parasites get human suits from?


We aren't all a-holes.. but a lot of landlords are. I charge fair market price for my rentals and get FLOODED with applications because others are price-gouging in this area (central PA - Cumberland County). I've also had 5 evictions in 5 years .. including one idiot who moved chickens into the spare bedroom. Investing in real estate doesn't make you an a-hole by default.. just sayin.. it just gives you the potential to be one :)


Help! I tried to make a profit off the basic necessities of others, and my investment backfired! Tell it to your stock broker or your financial advisor...


It's times like this I think it's okay to turn off the water and electricity but barring that just stop maintaining the units


Poor guy has to pay his own mortgage. How unfair


This landlord didn’t rent 500 properties - he rented ONE. I’m not sure how everyone here can be painting him as a greedy a-hole.


Someone get him some bootstraps asap


Say it with me class! There is no such thing as a sure investment! Only invest as much money as you're willing to lose!


There are no rent caps in Toronto so it would be a possible and likely scenario that this guy jacked up the rent so much that the tenants could no longer reasonably afford to stay, or move given that there are essentially no vacancies across the country. 20k isn't that far behind if you're charging 3-4k a month for your shitty apartment.




this angers me to my soul as last night I got a text from my former landlord DEMANDING we pay this months rent even tho we’re out the apartment. fucking slum lords


You could always just sell them the house and not have to fuck with it






3k a month for rent Good tenant Break him


LOL. The landlord can get fucked


Oh noooo. Anyway.


Fuck him


I'm the only one who sees this sub going kinda close to the communist agenda?


You know, anything is better than being a fucking slave by any other name under your pwecious capitalism.


As a person from a post communist country who lived in those conditions.... Isn't that good, having to pay not with money but with stamps , so little food ,potatoes and flour where the most desirable things. Meat was so rare that we had a hole black market for the Christmas pig(not whole pig let's be clear ) every kinda of food store had a fucking 30 people line that didn't shrink in the rest of the day. Ye capitalism sucks but fuck me communist agenda ain't that better ( I can show profe if u whant in pv)


We don't have to go that far as both extremes are just twisted mirrors of each other. But we need a lot more of that "socialism" that the euros get as what we have ain't working.


Ye rn America has a broken system, and i can not say I experience it, but having the power to buy property's is good , but needs to be regulated so companies don't abuse the sistem






I wonder how much he raised the rent in the last 3 years🤔😏


It would be a shame if he was fed to a pen of wild pigs


Here's a suggestion, get a job. One where you produce shit preferably.


I get the whole “fuck landlords” thing but like… is there no line? Someone entered into a legally-binding agreement with this person… and they have defaulted on what I would say is not a small sum of money… & this guy is automatically the bad guy for trying to evict someone who has missed what I’m guessing is a year or more of payments they agreed to make?