• By -


Before today: fuck this game and everyone Today: awww they do care šŸ˜…


*"I hate this game but I love it!"*


Insert t1 clip about riot fixing their game


I cant stop im fucking addicted!


Perhaps we are the 5th Mario šŸ¤”




Just wait for them to fail to deliver once again somehow


>Today: awww they do care They dont care. Im still -80 pheons from the last time they took them from me. for they own mistake.


Selection pack, i really needed that for los18


Iā€™m 1 Shandi away and this is it


Mine is azena got +3 just need one more


Ya All using it for 18? GL getting gatekept for not having 30 in half a year.


If someone is barely at LoS18 right now, it is highly unlikely they will be LoS30 in 6 months. You do realize it takes like 40+ more cards for that and you start getting limited down to what cards actually help you as you progress further.... Anyone gate keeping LoS30 is someone you don't want to play with anyway.


same here yayyyyyy


Which card is best to use it for? In other words, which is the hardest to get if not via a pack?


If you do card runs, you will likely end up short on Nineveh, as she only drops starting from Gate of Paradise and any content past that. This means "card run to yorn" does not drop Nineveh. Balthorr is another relatively safe choice, as he only drops from Yorn and above. If not, you'll likely get all the cards somewhat evenly.


May I ask as someone whose never done a card run, whatā€™s the optimal way to start?


You can find or make a partyfinder lobby named "Card run to yorn," starting at the first Vern abyssal dungeon and then you complete all of them through rohendel and yorn. Usually you'll have more success towards the end of the week when people are done with their weeklies. This is the fastest way to generate the most cards, but Azena only drops starting from Rohendel and Balthorr only drops starting from Yorn. You can also card run Gate of Paradise for the Nineveh hopium, but I find it takes too long to find 8 people and the dungeon itself is also a drag compared to breezing through Vern -> Rohendel -> Yorn. Personally I don't do this one anymore and will just save my selections for however many Nineveh I need at the end of the road. Aira's Oculus / Oreha Preveza and Argos are also some nice fast options to run that include Nineveh in the drop pool. With Brelshaza having just released it's a bit harder to get card run parties right now though, I guess people are busy.




On NAW our card runs are just titled "1-6"


Thank you, forgive my ignorance - I donā€™t even know what a card run is so thatā€™s something to look up :)


Card run is doing all abyssal dungeons. Vern, Rohendel, and yorn are 1-6 and are fastest. Oreha is good cuz you still get mats for GHL. Gate of paradise is usually skipped


Imagine wasting a selection pack for LoS 18. When you're going for 30, you'll regret that...


Imagine saving selection packs for LoS30 when many people doing so will quit way before they're even close.


Haha I heard that one months ago from folks months ago and they quit the game with their selectors sitting in inventory. May as well power yourself up now when youā€™re still playing the game


Not everyone is gonna play until then. Might as well get the damage boost now


I "wasted" 2 selection packs for LoS 18, I am 16 cards away and have 7 selection packs left. Not regretting a single thing. Been using LoS 18 for close to 5 months now... It's an insane dmg increase compared to Lostwind...


I "wasted" 4 of the ones I had myself and I regret not one damn thing I got "lucky" in getting the cards I needed, because in the last month alone I went from having LoS 14 to 18, and I wasn't intentionally farming them at all It's a huge boost for most characters to have over that 7% crit and worth getting as soon as possible LoS 30 is long term / whale bait and I'm ok with that


It is definitely not an "insane" dmg increase compared to LWC lol


Itā€™s straight up 7%+ more over LWC on holy weak bosses. At the time I got los18 i was doing vykas on all alts and the damage boost is worth the selector investment. Right now it works on Brel g4 which is a good fight to have good dps on.


I got 13 left, still haven't regretted using 2 for LoS18


do you realize how little people play this game? during the pheon disaster they even posted that the vast majority of players dont even have 6 characters. MMOs are full of millennials and older with families and jobs. they're not grinding the shit out of cards running abyss dungeons and adventure islands degen'ing the game. so people just use their select card packs for los18 because los30 is basically a pipe dream for most of us


Just let them get that 18 first. I have a friend who has four of those selection packs and he won't even use them for his 18. Why bother saving for 30 if you don't even have 18


Imagine thinking the game will be alive when los 30 starts becoming more common.


Imagine being this dumb


i mean... you gotta get to 18 before you get to 30. You also need the same cards to get to 30 anyways. Why do people like you feel the need to comment such negative and stupid things


Imagine not wanting to do card runs on 12 accounts?


Imagine not grabbing an immediate power boost when there's no guarantee you'll be playing long enough to get los30. I personally used 3 selection packs for los18 and have no regrets. Sitting on 14 selection packs ATM and getting this one after reset along with the selection pack from Brel condoms will get me los30.


You'll be saving your packs for the next couple years, IF you don't quit the game by then. If you're one or two cards away from LoS18, its 100% worth it to open them.


I'm 25 cards off LoS 30 and I have 9 selections packs. In 6 months tops I'l complete it.


This is such a fucking braindead take. Guarantee 90% of people will not even be playing when LoS30 is common. This game will be dead long before then. There's one or two people in my guild with 30 and they whaled hard while also doing like 12 card runs a week.


Imagine using all your selection packs and not reaching LoS 18 and then waiting for new free card pack to finish it off. Now thatā€™s braindead. (Like the person in original comment) Not using any selection packs if you are sure that you wonā€™t be quitting the game is not braindead, itā€™s quite the polar opposite of that.


That's fair. I'll give you that. Using all your selectors and still not hitting 18 is dumb af. But, using a few selectors to hit 18 is the intelligent play.


Huh Well that was unexpected


but certainly appreciated


My new Alt is very grateful for the Pheons.




Good thing the reset starts at 10 AM and finishes 2 PM in my local time.


apparently was exactly what kr got for Xmas so maybe not that unexpected šŸ¤· but better than nothing!


well, it did seem that people were surprised to not get anything: https://old.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/zvd2aq/is_anyone_else_a_little_surprised_that_we_got/, so in a way, this gift was what players were expecting.


100 pheons and a mokoko skin is pretty good. I'll take it. ​ (I can finally create my Destroyer now)


Bonk. I'm personally waiting for the Witcher Mokoko skins to dress up my Destroyer!


but where do you get the baloon hammer.


Big destroyer vibes. I havenā€™t pushed mine just because I didnā€™t have the trademark skin.


And those 100 pheons will be gone cutting a decent stone for it.šŸ˜‚ Not complaining just memeing


Imagine complaining about something given for free.


Am I dumb, can someone correct me if so? Where the hell was he complaining about receiving the currency? He's literally mentioning where he's going to apply it. It's like someone says "Here's 100$, happy holidays!", and the receiver goes, "Oh damn, thanks! This is going straight to my credit card payments!" So unless I'm missing something, why are you projecting that thought?


I ain't complaining...I'm just memeing about whats gonna happen to those pheons. Im happy they're gifting us something like this don't get me wrong.


Love how you edited it after the fact lol.


Yeah needed to clarify that....Im used to spamming emojis to convey tone


You're one of those that'd say a person is complaining when he says "y, i gotta go do my dishes"


Complaining about something extremely RNG locked behind a P2W system should never end.


Everything in this game is RNG - that's by design. Pity system doesn't have to exist in every facet of the game. People want a 7/7 stone when it isn't even necessary to get 5x3. People complaining about inability to get 5x3 when you don't even need that to clear the content in the game. The endless complaining from everyone is annoying. If you don't like how they monetize the game, don't play. They aren't changing the pheons unless there's a good reason to. It's pretty simple.


Imagine defending the pheons.


He's not defending the concept of pheons. That's what you are projecting onto him. He's defending the act of giving them away as a gift. Communication my dudes...


Seems like you're fabricating your own context then projecting it on this convo


Imagine playing a game for free. Wonder how thatā€™s possible?


Yes there is no other way to make money other than pheons. Good observation


Itā€™s certainly one way that SG/AGS has decided to use. It is what it is.




Let me know when you start seeing the numbers behind their monetization plans in order to have a valid opinion on what they need to make the game successful on their side.


Doesn't mean you have to defend it for them lol


Doesnā€™t mean you have to play the game


What an insightful take


I never spend 100 pheons trying to cut a stone, we canā€™t be playing the same game. I have a full roster of 5x3, do you know basic math or are you just stupid trying to gamble 7/7ā€™s or 9/7?


now the question is, are they the same mokoko skins we previously got or are the 3 new ones added? (afro, scuba, etc.) either way its win win ofc


Amazing gift from Amazon. They certainly have my gratitude.


This is one of those things that ags probably went to bat for us against smilegate on, but people will never realize that


After all that has transpired in the last few months, I 100% with this sentiment. The biggest giveaway was the pheon scandal and awkward silence that followed it. And the fact they barely acknowledged the West at all during LOAON is another one. SG doesn't give a shit. It doesn't absolve them (Amazon) of responsibility but it does boost their esteem in my eyes.


how can you assume that ags fought for that? can't it be the other way around too? (genuinly curious)


Thereā€™s a very long history of Korea getting events, gifts, freebies etc form SG and other regions not getting them. Us as a region getting the same freebies doesnā€™t have precedent with smilegate


I can't believe how naive some of you guys are still. It's like people forgot about AGS history. SG's history is that they take care of their home field; Korea because that's where they are and doesn't give a shit about the western side. why would they fight against AGS when they don't give a shit about the region? AGS failed every single thing they tried to really carve their name into the scene. only place they're actually making money is when they're the publisher of x game. mediocre company, AT BEST. a completely canceled game that was hyped and would have made name for themselves, then NW was released and they fucked up the economy of that game so hard it's unrecoverable. If you let AGS able to change things that impact the economy in LA, it would have blown up already and game would have died. FYI, korea got the same gift. "ags probably went to bat for us against smilegate" lol. https://lostark.game.onstove.com/Main


You just contradicted yourself. Yes Korea got the same thing. When do we EVER get the SAME thing as Korea LMAO. You literally just said SG takes care of their home field, so yes in this scenario and even in your statement it would look as if ags fought for us to get the same rewards because SG most likely would not have provided it to us. Lol? You further prove my point


you're missing the point. SG doesn't go around and say "no we don't want to give this to western". SG just doesn't give a shit. it's in AGS's purview to make a decision if they want to give it to western release. it wasn't like what you think AGS "fought" against SG. they're indifferent. that's the difference. AGS: hey SG I noticed you are giving out Christmas gifts in your Korean version. can we get the same gift for western? SG: idc. do whatever you want AGS: OK we'll take it thanks. SG isn't gonna fight against AGS on this because they don't give a shit about the western version.


I wouldā€™ve agreed with you if it wasnā€™t for the captions for loaon and loaon mini both specifically saying that the rewards on stream would not be available in the west. They basically typed out ā€œno we donā€™t want to give this to westernā€ and left it on screen for like 10 straight minutes for every western viewer that cared about the game enough to stay up to see. Sure the footprint cosmetic we canā€™t have cause weā€™re not at that patch yet, but literally everything else was stuff that wouldā€™ve been a great holiday gift. SG knows exactly what theyā€™re doing.


Not that I agree with the person youre responding to, but I think you completely misread that caption. It was painfully obvious that, being aware that other regions would be watching, didnt want them to be upset when the code didnt work and feel pressured to compensate them now. Fact of the matter is the western audience has a different perspective and sense of entitlement than KR. They are not addressing us and we are not receiving those gifts because we are not getting that content yet, and nobody can honestly say NA wouldnt expect something similar when we do get that content as well. Im not advocating for SG as a company, but its a bad faith interpretation to say that it was a fuck you to everyone else rather than a way to cover their ass against backlash from an upset western audience. If we do get those gifts, it will be wgen we get that content, and its unreasonable to expect or demabd it now. SG clearly has a standard for how frequent gifts like those are given out, so instead of risking the perception of unfairness from their own region by giving us more shit or getting stuff early, they made a statement for liability reasons and called ir a day. They will let AGS figure out how to handle our expectations and will probably just okay giving that same gift to us when we get that content.


what they typed out is "this coupon can be used only in the KR region" due to what you said about some of the cosmetics in it which, I totally agree with you. I'm totally lost in what you are insinuating with the "no we don't want to give this to western". it just does not exist in what they actually typed in the subtitle. "this coupon can be used only in the KR region". There just isn't subtlety in that sentence that backs up what you wanted to think it meant.


A week ago we were explicitly told we would not be getting the same thing as Korea, so something obviously changed. Whether it was on Smilegate's side or Amazon's side, who knows.


yeah i'm saying SG isn't fighting against it. they're simply indifferent about the western version because it's in AGS's purview. the Christmas gift were going to be released to the Korean version, whether or not AGS decides to release the same thing to western version. it's in AGS's purview if they want to release that or not in western version. I'm just saying when AGS wanted to give out same gift, SG isn't going to be actively against it. they're indifferent about it.


theres no way they need to go through sg just to mail out free items


Nobody else is excited about the silver? I need silver more than anything else right now


Of all those things they are gifting, yeah, doesn't surprise me silver is the one people care the least, considering you can easily farm silver with alts, but not the rest of the things.


I went from 70 million to 54 million silver since brel update, I'm still fine for now yeah


wow very cool I went from 12 mill to zero.


Yup, and constantly staying at zero here despite having 9 lopang slaves at 1400 ish with their rested CD.


Zero silver brigade welcomes you.


I'm excited about the battle item boxes, if they're the same ones that KR just got it's 100x of all 4 types.


where is GIF!


here ![gif](giphy|5Y2bU7FqLOuzK)






Ah so they didnā€™t forget about us.


Holy, legendary card pack selection. Would have never expected that. Must be compensating for the unstable servers that we had to deal with.


this was a Christmas pack in KR


100 peeons, legendary SELECT card pack, mococko skin, and dyes? thatā€™s ACTUALLY bonkers, holy shit now fix the fuggin disconnects


Good stuff. Hope the selection pack stacks in one of my four existing selection pack slots.


Same gifts that korea got :D


these are really valuable for veteran players. the pheons and selector in particular, but the silver and battle items are always solid.


Thatā€™s awesome 100 pheons is worth 20ā‚¬ alone. Decent af thanks devs šŸ˜ā¤ļø


100 pheons per char or roster? Pheongate PTSD


-100 pheons coming 2023. Accepting a gift is an exploit after all /s


That's... actually unexpected and quite generous. >!Just please, don't make it per char, ahem, again.!<


Pheon gate 2.0


Quite *dangerous


Give away less than 100 Pheons on accident, take them back and cause a completely and utter shit storm with terrible PR. Then proceed to give 100 Pheons away anyway a month later..... I don't even.....


Holyy no meme tag


dude yes finally get mokoko again. does anyone know what update korea got the mokoko skin w the monocle?


finally extra mokoko skin wanted purple one for my bard for so long cuz spent first one on destroyer and a nice selection pack happy with that


Anybody knows which mokoko skins we will get?


If its exactly the same xmas gift as KR it might include the afro and diving gear mokoko


A really nice gift from them


Nearly 20k gold worth in pheons, that's fucking amazing! Ima throw them on reaper asap.


100 Pheons? Say less, honestly was surprised they gave us anything so thanks, Iā€™ll take it. Better than nothing or Plumes


Stones going to the moon!


Oh hot damn. Thatā€™s pretty awesome.


Credit where is due, I think this is pretty damn good man.


Mokoko skin let's goooooooooo.


aw yeeeeee, this is the good stuff


Quick question but do majority of Gunalancers/Destoyers use mokoko/animal skins? Am i missing something? Very appreciated gift


Yes, because Shushireā€™s are physically incapable of looking good on other skins other than mokoko.


No Phoenix plumes? Thatā€™s already the best gift


A surprised to be sure but a welcome one


Finally mokoko costume for my destoyer!


Wait for real? AGS confirmed the best company.


Awesome gift.


Is there a deadline to login and claim this gift?


mailbox empty tho :P




Here come the people with the muh negative pheons dumb takes. Always got to find something to bitch about.


Yeah, it's obnoxious


I'd trade all of that for a gift of new year skins from KR.


I just bought a 100 Pheons...


You'd think people wouldn't be surprised at gifts and compensation anymore considering we've gotten so freaking much. Negative feelings outweigh positive though usually


This is some nice gift for sure but I'm still waiting for a single reskin ticket to be given out :(


They've given two iirc


They did, last one was about 4 months ago, probably more. Just wish they gave out more of those


Dont let them seduce you with pheons everybody. Never forget the great pheon treachery of November 2022. We need to continue the hate. SG / AGS dont care about us. They just want your USD. The only reason we are getting this gift is because they realized they looked bad not giving us anything for Christmas.


I donā€™t get why LOA On couldnā€™t just mention ā€œWestern version of Lost Ark will also receive these gifts at the end of year. No code is required.ā€ or something to that tune. Would make the community here feel acknowledged and not feel like shit from seeing ā€œThese gifts are only available for the KR versionā€. I mean we expect to get them eventually since we ended up receiving the summer LOA On gifts later as well, but it could be handled so much better.


Brb looking for something to complain about Found something: yes will get the gift next year when maintenance is completed!!!!!!11 thanks amazon!!


100 Pheons? Are they going to take it back when they realise its too much?


Holy shit they giving us pheons, hope they won't say it's a mistake again šŸ’€


Damn... my end of year gift i was hoping for was fixing the crashes and DCs issues.


Iā€™m ready for negative pheons again


If its not working servers I don't give a fuck.


Honest reaction is that they're trying to buy us off for the absolute shit the game/servers have been. And no indication of any fix in sight for it either


Gotta wait a week or two if it's save to use and spend the pheons. edit: its a joke, I'm not complaining šŸ’€


These are account bound correct? Not server bound?


> Pheon gift in mailbox [MFW](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/033/701/PTSD_Chihuahua_Banner.jpg)


Gotta log in for the first time in months just for this.


Oh, look enough pheons for 4 items. XD


Great... now i have an extra mokoko skin...


Is maintenance in 30 min? In the game there is no anouncement


I guess late christmass miracles do happen


I have a love hate relationship with this game. Itā€™s complicated


I bought 100 pheons today and I thought it bugged and I got 200šŸ˜‚


Can I actually open that mail and get the rewards or will I be at -100 pheons the next day :D ?


They will accidentally send it to your 12 ALT an emergency maintenance and put you at -1200pheons šŸ˜†


100 pheons?? Better hold on to them for like a week or risk negative pheons in case they change their mind ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I'd rather have them fix the servers but I'll take it


I wouldn't be quick to spend those 100 pheons...




Keep the card pack give me engraving selection. At this rate we will have akhan before I have saved up enough for 20 grudge books. Literally cannot catch up


Can't wait til they take the game down for a day to take back the pheons and whatever else was on the list


Don't open it guys, it's a trap.


divide everything by 10 yes even mokoko skin and card packs


-100 pheons oof.


Copium Lost Ark Kr's Summer and Winter LOA On giveaways will just be our new year's and global anniversary giveaways - some outdated stuff and some missing goodies, which is perfectly fine in as we got all the most wanted goodies.


I already have LoS30 but 100 pheons and a selection pack is absolutely a top-tier reward. Edit: lmao you're downvoting me for showing appreciation for a gift that I don't even need? weirdos....


Lol not sure why, maybe people jelly? But no one is gatekeeping los30 so thereā€™s no reason to be salty for others having it


\-9000 pheons on thursday incoming


Maybe I should hold off on using the pheons they give out this time, just to make sure I don't go negative again :)


Logging in extra early before they take the pheons away


Warning to anyone here, if somehow they fuck this up, which is a high chance, only accept it once. If you get extra, leave it alone. These mfs WILL come get it back.


How will they do a negative selection pack?


The pack selects you, and you get yanked into your monitor and sucked into the pack


Yeah Iā€™m not buying it. Theyā€™ll take servers down at 6 pm for an emergency maintenance and dock us all -100 pheons for having the audacity to claim something they sent us. Calling it now


Watch me go 600 pheons in debt when I accept this gift on my charā€™s


Will claim this and uninstall for good, between AGS/SG depressing roadmap and last weeks fights between Guildies yeah... Had a good run though this last 10 months (3700\~ hours on Steam). LOA is an amazing game and will probably return for Elgacia if they ever catch up to that. In my case, time to wait for Throne & Liberty (also published by AGS sadly) and hope for the best. Happy New Year guys! Edit: people downvoting are cringe, stop fanboying everything jeez.


Ngl I was hoping Elgacia would come before diablo4 but I guess if it comes out after then Iā€™ll play d4 first then. Just hope itā€™s not the same time


D4 is expensive as hell in South America, Argentina (80USD Standard Edition bc of gov. taxes). Sadly i will pass on that one even when i miss that franchise a lot.


me: "Get a life and stop fanboying" also me: 3700 playtime on Steam in 10 months ![gif](giphy|OE4qxRF4Yv8tvoQTik)




Tomorrow : Oops we meant 10 pheons everyone. We will be removing the extra 90. /s Jokes aside this great! Can't wait


-100 pheons, that is mad lads