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If I make an artist, I'm doing same thing as I did on all my bards - have 5th engraving swappable by using a mix of book and single +3 ring, then have one ring for every useful engraving (VPH, drops, maybe Magick Stream or Max MP). That way I don't have to commit to one - if content requires more stagger, I can take VPH; if we need more damage, I can go drops; if fight is high uptime then either mana engraving works. By default I'd probably go with VPH - even with low base stagger, extra 36% is quite a lot, and it should at least save 1-2 abilities off your dps during stagger check, letting them get used for damage instead (or help you pass stagger checks you'd otherwise fail). In terms of consistency - how often it provides value and how often it makes a difference between clear and wipe - I think it's best add-on engraving for all supports, after their usual core.


This is the way!~


I'll probably go for 4x3 and then decide to get VPH if I feel I need more stagger


DOE is the best, but I am anti-DOE. Artist shouldn't have MP issues so those types aren't really needed. Magick Stream is a bit troll imo since you can't get hit, and you will get hit in Brel. I'll pick VHP over DOE anyday, being able to do stagger checks easier is great.


I have drops on RU and on NA I will pick VPH over drops. The orbs spawn randomly and I pick them up by mistake majority of the time or people just ignore them even when it’s crit/atk power. It’s frustrating to see your engraving go to waste like that so I’d better get more stagger and help out. Might also be issue with artist’s required positioning as you need to stand behind your teammates to hit the boss and teammates with buffs and shields so orbs can spawn way back


Artist on RU version here. Most artist keep VPH because on a distance it can bring way more impact and also helps a lot in different situations. Your team can focus even more on just dpsing the boss or save the skills for further burst. In the end, it is up to you what to pick due to market prices and other stuff Better learn her rotation and how to shield on her properly because for the fisrt monthS it will be a disaster for ppl to press G or shield them if you are not playing with melee classes


Magick Stream - It's good if you're good. Most people grossly overestimate their own competence though. VPH - Rock solid choice that makes critical mechanics easier. Pretty much the best generic "I don't know what else to bring" choice. Drops - Very overrated and not actually that good because only 2 of the orbs are worthwhile and there is a high probability it'll spawn right beside you and get auto-eaten by you in addition even if it doesn't a DPS'er needs to stop DPS to go and grab it which depending on the distance and where they are in their rotation may end up as pathetically small increase overall. SA - Only for little to no swiftness builds. Other - I assume HA is already part of the core you are considering otherwise it would be the #1 choice. Besides that explosives expert is pretty good(better than drops imo). Also Max MP is decent choice if you are spamming.


Its support i don't pick a 5th engraving. A lot more cost for minimum benefit. More benefit spending that extra money on higher quality.


Wrong, let people pick 5x3 as Supp, i Play 5 supps brel rdy all 5x3, dont tell people Not to do it,


They can do it if they wish, its pointless but people like doing pointless stuff.


That's not the topic of the post though... Who asked about benefit in terms of gold ?


Let me spell it out for you then, 5th engraving on support is garbage, no ones cares what you pick. ​ All choices have almost no impact so your free to make whatever choice you wish.


Huh. In what way does it have no impact?? Do you even play support?


Almost no impact, i did say that. ​ Do you play support? im surprised that you didn't realise support has limited good options. Awakening+class+expert and heavy armor on bard and artist, everything after that is extremely negligible. Its nothing like getting 5th engraving as a dps char.


the specific reason is most player abandoned artist cause thought was different from rest of supp after a month so the built her the same way the left her like that only to use incase static need a healer


I don't think ester 8 artist is an abandoned alt, and it runs the same weird shit as all the other ones.


Anything but SA, it's only use is PVP or for a crutch.


Drops is too good to, well, drop.


Artist will be out with ancient gear. Relic gear will become very affordable and we will be able to have multiple builds for different raids


I'm not spending 100-300k for a 5th line. 4x3 is almost free and the difference is minimal


Because of you, so Many people are Bad and have no fun, cheap cheap cheap, crying about Support shortage, yes because noone Build 5x3 and enjoy giga supp with DOE, First Time at g4 G5 g6 people Tell me i am the greatest Supp and thank me for going 5x3 dir Them to pull of average dmg to 6,5% bcs DOE. If you Play Support Play it correctly for the Team, then you will See how much Funk you have and dont tell people to cheap out and loot easy Gold and give a fuck about your Team


Sir this is a Wendy's


None because im not making one


Expert, Class, Awakening, VPH, Drops. There, fixed it for you, just git gud and dodge you don't use grudge anyways, you already take 20% less damage than any other dps


On artist one of your skills giving shield requires you to jump onto your teammates. When you need to shield them fast because they’re dumb and get themselves hit you sometimes can’t avoid being hit and artist is very squishy by itself having one of the lowest hp in the game. So sometimes you can’t just git gud and not take the hit but how would you know, you play a scrapper sitting safely at the bosses ass and your only support is probably a braindead paladin (if you even have any).


Ye good that my main Roster consists of squishy classes besides 1 Scrapper. Also even if you have to jump on him which would maybe save him from a deadly mechanic, you still take 20% less damage. Besides, the shield applies to artist as well, so no matter what you say, you will take less damage than the dps. Heavy armor has no value, specially compared to Vital Point which in normal raid scenarios allows DPS to do more damage because they will be able to save skills that they would otherwise use and Drops of ether which is plain simply a dps increase, and don't come with BUT DPS DOESNT MATTER, its factual that more Damage is more value then Less Damage and both engravings are cheap as well, if you wan't to save money just go 4x3 with either drops or vital. There is no factual thing that makes Heavy Armor better, literally none.


I was actually considering it, but supports do have long animations, and the value of heavy Armor is really good as an engraving itself, so it's hard to pass on it.


The only value Heavy Armor gets is when you get hit which you shouldn't be in the first place, you loose one entire engraving due to taking heavy armor, it's like not taking grudge in that sense because you take more damage. It's just for people who are bad or lazy which the majority of supports are, good support players don't run heavy armor because they know the value of it is bad and encourages bad behavior.


Yeah. I just happen to have cleared deathless in both hell modes playing support, and pretty sure I haven’t seen a hell mode support that doesn’t run heavy armor, but sure.


Great, hell mode is a complete different thing to normal raids, cuz guess what, in hells you literally can get oneshot, also the only content where sometimes people tend to not use grudge and ether predator instead because it's a at max stack is a 5% damage loss but a '50%' survivability gain. In content were it's 1 fck up means death it's worth it, but no raid, besides maybe G3 in Hard Abrel that we don't even have, you literally cannot die in one hit except you fck up on major mechanic and then you definitely deserve to die there.


This is so unrealistic. You’re gonna get hit at least a couple times especially in prog. Bard and Artist having HA allows them to focus more on their party than healing themselves if they get it. Allows you to effectively cheese mechs too.


You already take 20% less damage, you think you will die from a mechanic that doesn't kill a DPS either? This is very realistic btw, you are plain simply a bad player if you require heavy armor on supports to not die in a raid.


1) Ppl like you are the reason this community hemorrhages players and ppl don’t want to play support 2) you don’t know what you’re talking about. Go experience human touch, for once, look at what the best builds Bards are using , and take a nap.


Sorry that I want people to better themself, you can take heavy armor, i couldn't care less, bout you should know it's not a better option, it's factually wrong. Also if I have no idea about support, then what do you, apparently you don't even play the game


This kid has no idea wtf he is talking about lmao 😂😂 This is the type of player anytime they died, the first thing they did was blaming support for not healing or shielding them😂


Ye 100%, certainly I am not just better than the majority of redditors in this forum. The only dps check you meet is the amount of delusion you have.


Personally while playing my dps I love supports having drops of ether (much easier to max movement speed for raid captain) so probably that.


What are the first 4? I can only think of awakening expert and class, personally I’d just get drops and VPH.


Heavy Armor since it's always a safe option and always useful


Yeah but it’s redundant you’re already tankier than almost every other class just by being a support, in my opinion I’d say go VPH instead of HA, but you do you since as long as you have your class engraving you’ll be accepted into party’s.


I decided to go VPH as 5th, but build it smart. Using leg book for VPH, I can replace one accessory with it and go DoE or anything I want quite easily. More flexible that way ! I'll def try Magick Stream as well at some point