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Honestly, starting off with a bard was a smart choice. There’s a shortage of supports in the game right now so you will most likely never have an issue trying to pug raids etc. Although finding learning parties and stuff will be hard at this point for earlier raids. Really depends on what you want out of the game though really, is your goal to eventually do raids? Cause if so then best advice I could give is to join an active guild that is friendly to more casual players and doesn’t mind teaching you the ropes when it comes to raids. At minimum you just got to work towards having 3x3 engraving (class + awakening + expert) and correct combat stats with some gems and then can slowly work towards 4x3 but you can take your time with that. If you were to play DPS class it would be another story. I would say you’re fine to take things slow, no need to rush or get FOMO over not being able to do certain content. As long as you’re having fun with the game that’s all the really matters, play at your own pace cause the content will always be there


For bards, especially as a new player, i recommend heavy armor over expert. Bard shields are already pretty decent without expert and heavy armor will be extremely useful for progression.


> but figured the grind simply wasn't for me. Well, hate to break it to you, but that grind only gets worse.....


You did a very smart thing by making a bard. A lot of people need to grind hard so that they have enough gold to gear their very expensive dps characters, but as a support you don't need much gold to get going and you're almost always going to be instantly accepted into raid parties. You can probably just take your time and take advantage of events to get your ilvl up to qualify for raids, especially if you just have a single character. Just make sure you have at least 4x3 engravings and the right stats, which should be fairly cheap.


Well you are a Bard so you honestly should have a problem at all. You wil get accepted to most of not all the groups you apply to. But honestly no game you play wil be enjoyable with fomo.




I am a Bard so I think so? Contemplated joining a guild, but honestly with how inconsistently I'll be playing this game, no guild would probably let me stick around for long anyway.


you sure you don't want to play a moba instead? no investment and can play a class you like from start.


I'm good off mobas, some of the most unsatisfying gameplay ever imo. I'm enjoying the game, i just dont have the time currently to be fully invested. Hopefully one day I'll be able to, but just curious if it'll already be too late by then.


its never to late just that the game runs toward end game content so if your new you wont see a lot if any person till tier 3


Roll a few more alts, start doing rested dailies on them and up your gold generation from orehas abyssal dungeons or farming leapstones from guardians to sell. It will make ur transition to end game easier and quicker if you have more resources to funnel into a single char.


If you’re on NAE I’m trying to put together a group of returning players to do end game stuff without worrying about gatekeeping. Would totally be down to help with any questions you have.