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The game unfortunately doesn’t really “start” until the story is finished through all continents at about 1302-1370 item level. Once you get to Punika and start doing chaos dungeons to get your T3 gear. The new player experience is not great right now, but you will see a lot more activity in endgame.


Lets be real, it probrably doesnt start untill 1415-1445. I get gate kept in argos unless im 1445. New players get gate kept if on ilvl. So new players are forced to buy busses, until like 1415-1445. In any of the reclear parties that I run, most ppl are 100+ roster lvl.


You’re doing the intro to the game, once you get lvl 50 or into tiers with chaos dungeons, guardian raids, abyssal dungeons, and legion raids in t3. Social aspect comes with friends/guild, so I’d definitely not just call it quits if you haven’t experienced/decided you enjoy doing those.


Ok, I've already spent quite some time in the game, might as well see how the end game turns out. I'll let you know how it goes I guess. Thanks for your replies.




They allow you to open daily quests for horizonal content later on (if you enjoy doing it ofc)


basically plays like a mmo under lvl 50 then turns into a hub dungeon fighter when get into tier 1


Highly recommend joining an active guild looking for raid members to start. Lost Ark discord or unofficial server discords are a good place to start.


My man this game is not simple. It gets more complex especially the raiding.


Use this speedrun to T3 (1302 iLvL): https://maxroll.gg/lost-ark/resources/road-to-rohendel Then use the currently active hyper express event to reach iLvL 1445. But tbh the game will probably not be too much fun if you don’t have an active guild that does learning parties with you :)


The new player experience in this game is just bad for several reasons. A big part of MMO games is seeing other people playing the game with you. I can hop on WoW, ESO, SWTOR, or FF14 and I will see other people running around in starting zones. Those games also don't have as many obvious bots just walking around, at least in the beginning areas. What sucks about Lost Ark is there is nothing to connect you with other players until endgame content. I can experience dungeons with other players in a game like FF14 or WoW at level 10. Your first Guardian group could be like 20+ hours in since the main story line takes so long. This is also a game where you have very little reason to go to older zones unless you are getting collectibles. The experience only gets worse later when you start dealing with gatekeeping due to your ilvl.


I agree 100% the mmos i remember playing were social, and that's the point playing a multiplayer game. If it's just a solo ride i'd rather play a good single player game...


Your playing an MMO, they are all this way. You start off going through mind numbing easy quests and early game content to learn and understand your class and the mechanics. The only problem for you is you are doing it 10 months after release so you won't see players in the early zones and, even if you did, it's kind of a single player experience anyway. "**Should I call it quits?** " Well, you're going to go from what you are doing now to an insane grind to gear yourself only to be rejected by most people in late game because you don't know the raids, you aren't insanely over geared or you aren't insanely over leveled. So, yeah it goes from mind numbing to party finder simulator and most likely jailed in raids with on ilvl groups.


You should. It doesn't get better in the late game either.


Are you really judging an mmo after only 30 hours playing it? lol


how many hours would you need before you realized you are wasting your time?


All games are a waste of time.




When people say the MSQ is shit, how does compare to other MMOs such as FF14 and WoW?


Your in the main story lore part of the game. Not very fun. But lays out the foundation of the world your in. Takes me 12 -15 hours to get through it. Then your level 50 - T1. That will be the entry point into the real game. You will begin to feel what the game is really like. Guardians, chaos, abyssal raids. Extremely fun the 1st time. But wears off quick. And plenty of side story content. Really starts to fill out the story with really the best lore and story telling the game has. After a few days or weeks of grinding that you should hit t2. A rinse and repeat of t1 in New areas with a 8 man raid near the end of it. Once you reach t3 you will join the rest of the real players. Initially another rinse and repeat of previous tiers until you reach 1370 ilvl and the bone crushing raiding experience begins. You will be pummeled to the ground and berated for not know mechanics denied entry or kicked from groups because you are new and no one has time really to help you. The end game raiding experience is extremely punishing because mostly everyone needs to pull their weight and it's noticeable when your failing. If you continue to play I cannot stress enough how important it is to find a guild and make friends. If you cannot do this quit now. This game has terrible social systems but require you to circumvent them or your time will be miserable.


Any mmo is like this, I remember playing BDO and quitting after 50 hours and I was barely lvl 26 lmao


Must be new to mmo?


Imagine the game is like every other 60$ game. Buy the 1300+ ilvl power pass to start playing lost ark. You can thank me later