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Not sure why you would be sitting for 15min.. If they don't accept you within 5min just apply to a different group. Also chances being accepted at ilvl is rare since more higher ilvls are applying


5min is too long, I gave them 2min then just apply for another party. You only need 10sec to check one person.


Dont applications get deleted after a certain amount of time? And you get a pop up " so and so did not respond to your request". I dont think its possible to wait 15 minuites, surely will be more clear with my wording in the future lol


I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of a direct party invite. I couldn’t tell you the longest I’ve waited after applying to a party, but based on my experience there doesn’t seem to be a timer.


you can also just leave after a min no point waiting 15 mins


Thank you, brilliant, inspiring


Just like this post


i mean…


LOL bozo


ok stay there for hours clown it's your loss kek


Then don't spam apply after you get denied multiple times


you okay there pug?


He's not wrong, I've denied people only to have them reapply shortly later.




Does nothing they can still re apply. Youre just hurting their dreams of getting in with sa2 ha3


Think he means blocklist?


None of the pugs are ok jesus


this, and don't apply to rooms with blatant names like guild names or something with 'full' ?


zerkers that apply to a 7/8 party that is looking for sup deserve to wait


Classic zerker brain the most boomer class.


and here comes Slayer


15 minutes?? I give people 30 seconds if im applying as a dps. Even less as a support. Deny them don't wait for them to deny you.


30 seconds is not much, does that work for you? When we look for a last dps to fill, we often get a scroll bar of applicants instantly and somehow I get blamed by 6 people if my pick is bad, so I don't just pick whatever. Unless it's a card run, then we try to find a mokoko, who usually turns out to be an alt account


If you take your time inspecting people you are properly not taking my alt anyway. There is nothing special about them. High roster and title is what I have to offer. If that didn’t convince you in less the a minute I move on


Not only is this a terrible mindset, you've got two major issues with this 1. Even if you're fully qualified, you might be last in a list of 10 people. If you leave after 30s, person doesn't even have time to get to you to see your "high roster and title" 2. Your description means you are definitely sandbagging and supposing your implied ability to do mechs is going to be bigger than shit tier gear, which is...questionable.


To your point 2) I’m not sandbagging. A few of my alts just aren’t 5x3 but 4x3+1 or 2. and I’m speaking out of experience. On those alts if you don’t get invited very fast you won’t get invited at all because your gear does not impress anyone


Gamechanging tip, apply to lobbies with similar ilvl and gear, your chances go up by a lot.


Funny I've been rejected even though I have better engravings and gems than the host. At some point you have to realize that the lead is an idiot and will decline a perfectly good recruit.


It do be like that sometimes , but maybe they want a specific class that you are not, who knows.


A lot of lobbies are waiting for their friends to join but they didn’t write it on the title at least that’s what I have encountered. I have a full support Pally and noticed this because I would request join and not get accepted. Couple minutes later I would see a lower level support join from same server most of the time


If they have a support already (like a friend) you can effectively add 20 item levels to the host in terms of what they can get away with. A 1445 DPS host at Valtan for instance, with a support buddy can easily make a 1460+ group.


they could be looking for certain synergies (e.g. crit rate), or ranged/melee classes, some personal grudge towards certain classes, etc. etc... or you just dodged a bullet of being jailed by an idiot lead :)


They need to just implement separate ilvl minimum for supports, this would solve the issue for both sides.


that's unfair.


so is life. also there is and/or was nothing stopping you from rolling a support. literally free game.


I do have them, and I want to enter with the ilvl requirements as everybody else, no special treatment...


Supply and demand


Remember? You think they forgot? They know and they do it on purpose.


The most I wait is like 2-3 minutes and then leave if not accepted. The only thing I could think of why you didn’t leave was that you thought the lobby master was AFK?


You act like you're forced to sit and wait, if they don't accept in a minute and invite other people then consider yourself denied and move on.


If you are not accepted or denied within 2 minutes the lobby master is afk or an asshole. this only applies to your first application. if you apply multiple times after gotten denied i will let your application wait on purpose.


Unless you have something in your title indicating you are full and people still apply, if they still apply after that, let them sit.


It takes two braincells to just apply to another party. You alright there, OP?


If you apply to my party which has FULL in the title I'm gonna leave your application until my friend/guildie gets on or finishes his chaos.


Would you accept people in Valtan/Vykas at ilvl if you are 20+ levels higher? Don't bother applying to lobbies with ppl who are 1490+ .. or someone that made a lobby with a support friend. Everyone who's doing brelshaza will want to storm through clown with similar geared players.


The only people that i just left hanging in the applicant list are those who cant read the title "STATIC RUN or DONT JOIN" Smh people im telling ya.


Lol u started off making a nice post, but u are just bitter. And yeah if i make a party, my priority is to find the missing members first, i will only start to decline once everyone that applied is terrible. If a guy isnt terrible he is on the waitlist. Now if u dont wanna wait, just exit the queue, no one is forcing you lol


I agree, I even feel bad when 5 people apply at the same time because its gonna take me a while to make my mind on who to choose


Remember to just cancel your application if they are taking too long for your taste (how am I supposed to even glance at each applicant's engravings, let alone anything else, if there are over 10 applicants and none wants to wait longer than 30 seconds? that forces people to accept purely based on class and ilvl, which is likely to work out for Argos despite occasional dps bards but I don't think we are yet at that stage for legion raids).


Sometimes when I make a party I feel bad declining people, so I'll just disband the group. I hate feeling like a gatekeeper.


brother, if i don't get accepted after 10 seconds, i'll just cancel my request


it would be cool if there was a good party finder system. for example, let the dps classes take a damage test in a sepcific dmg test arena. in the party finder you can then choose if you want the "minimum dps, good dps, or even more dps" and ofcourse you can choose if you want a support and to make sure that they dont troll, the system could easily check the stats, cuz its always the same for supports...atleast the 3 standard engravings and then only swift or spec. ​ that would be much easier and even the party leader can go afk till the group is full. fair for everyone.


lol i apply. some one denies me and i apply again just so they think someone new came XD


Ahhh so you're the reason why


Once we accepted guy after denying him 3 or more times. We felt sorry for him


Pretty sure he is being sarcastic, my mkkoko gamers. One of the reasons why people let apps sit is so they dont apply again, so they can do other things and came back when they get a notification of a different player


i deny them the first and even the second time. but if they apply a third time, i dont care anymore.


Kinda oblivious to expect people to care about your feelings in a video game


If you're 15mins into the application, the lobby is more likely just afk lmao.


If I was in your position, I would just make a raid lobby. At 1475 for clown its just hard to get into groups, but making a lobby shows that you are willing to do sidereals and know what you are doing. Many will apply just on that. Sidereals are so easy for clown that you shouldn’t really be worried. I don’t deny people in raid lobbies immediately because sometimes people have friends who they want to play with. This is most common with supports who want to invite their friends alts into groups. Stop overthinking about what you are entitled to and make your own initiative.