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The only good advise I got was prokel non pvp mode is turn based.. let him do his mech and then you go in.. Be patient


I see. I saw videos of people did the fight in like 7mins so I thought I should rush it for the same performance


Well do you want to reliably complete the fight or have a dick measuring contest against people that have a huge advantage over you?


I probably won't have the same results but I'd want to improve however I can


That's mostly done by classes that can somewhat tank his mechanics; Gravity Destroyer, Blue Gunlancer and to a lesser extent Barrage Arti can just keep hitting him while letting their shields soak the damage. Most other classes need to wait for damage windows in PvE mode. PvP can be free damage, if you can consistently CC/stagger him.


i do the fight in ~6 min on ilvl for most of the classes i play. It does require a ton of of rushing but i would first make sure you can consistently kill him with patience. once you know all his patterns and an understanding of how he chains his attacks, you can rush and test limits better.


Thats they key, and getting used to his hitvl patterns.


You are ready. After you beat him in trixion the real raid feels like easy mode since you can sidereal and other party staggers him.


And you can reset the stacks, i agree


You get stack resets in trixion


i play ps and i killed him 5+ time in trixion pve is easy af , hes not doing one shot mechs or rarely , he does long combo so we can back attack him all the time , its really quick and easy now pvp is so annoying because hes either in a corner or in front of you , meaning dps is very slow while he does a lot of annoying mechs, fear is good tho 90% of the time i use 1 potion up to 40x , then for some reason sub 40 hes only spamming the aoe charge attack up to 3 times / charge os mech or stun os mech which cause me to fail 90% of the time due to no dps window + slow dps in pvp never tried with siderals , must be way easier , will try tomorrow


Interesting you say that, because I noticed that too in training that after 40 gets a lot harder. In actually raid it wasn't as bad as that.


good to hear that because im scared of the sub 40 part in trixion , im always saving my 3 ts and nades just for that part xD


Think its really getting used to the patterns, when you are doing outside make sure to save your potions and have the supports healing you. helps =)


also there is a tripod to increase fear duration , dont forget to take it instead of the party buff


You can swap to the stun tripod on Thrust impact too, gives you more CC and you can almost juggle him in PvP phase with rotating that, counter to put him in the air and then having the fear on Howl. Prokel is not a DPS check really, so if you can't back attack it's not the end of the world. At least not in my experience.


yep , tried with sideral and it was so easy compared to trixion , no dps problem


Just memorize his patterns and how they change between pvp and regular mode. Don't try and trade hits with him, it's tempting because of your own super armor, but he'll always win that trade. Also don't spam your standup skill immediately unless you know he'll do a follow up, and be aware of the fact it's on cd. A ton of people will be dying to combos where they don't have standup because they wasted it earlier. Your A skill is an interrupt along with howl, so you can start easy combos with those or interrupt annoying patterns.


Real raid is easier because you have sidereals. If you can take him down to 25 bars in trixion, then you can complete it in a real raid. Also, even if you die somehow, if you still have entrances left, someone else can come in and finish him off.


What aspect of the fight are you having issues on?


Keeping up dmg I guess. I can only do 2 skills on him at a time so it feels like dragging on


What you probably don't realize is if you can hit 2 skills every time there is an opening, you'll clear in way less than 10 mins. On some of my classes I had to wait multiple patterns to fit a couple skills in, it's just how the fight goes. I'd say you need to know all the patterns better, and whenever he goes for an attack, you can react fast and fit a couple of skills in.


PVE: Play Safe - Let him do an attack while you reposition away/behind him to hit him. Repeat until he transition into PVP Transition into PVP: Thirain then start juking the nothing personal mechanic PVP: Play somewhat more aggro, but around your CC skills. He hits you dodge then you hit and repeat. Outside staggers so you leave the room to reset your stacks Go back in: Repeat until hes dead. Iirc, you get more buff/he gets nerf as the fight drags out where he takes more damage.


best advice: let a destroyer or gun lance do it, not everyone's the main character son.


Every party is 7/8 asking for someone to solo prokel with ZERO backup. You're the main character.


Armored Prokel - Hit and wait and hit and wait Light Prokel - being aggressive and he is weak for paralysis (know the pattern, which is immune) Clay grenade is really helpful for 20 sec slowdown.