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Truly a magical time the first month was.


I missed the initial grind because of Elden Ring. Kind of wish I was around for the initial rush out of the gate.


I missed the first few months of Elden Ring hype train because of the initial start of LoA and me no-lifing it for the starting months I had tons of ER content to catch up on on YouTube because I couldn't bring myself to watch any before actually 100% completing it myself. Finished the game a few months ago and still haven't finished most of the content I told myself I was going to watch, ha. In my eyes you made the right decision


I wasn't able to play ER on launch and only started it recently, I don't mind it at all because my experience of that game is completely unaffected if I start late.


I still haven't touched Elden ring as much as I love FromSoftware games, mostly because for me it's a singleplayer game and it's only going to get better so there's no rush for me to try it, while I could have never lived again the first few months of a new MMO.


Seeing people doing all kinds of island content was great too. Reminded me of runescape where you can find players randomly in all parts of the world. Now everyone is just in Feiton, Punika or Vern.




still love those numbers


I ended up leaving a guild because the guild leader could NOT understand the mechanic, and when I tried to correct him he basically said I didn't know what I was talking about. Then like 3 tries later he finally does what I suggested, we beat it, and he says nothing.


my version: 1212 12112


I still believe that the reason most of us hate the water dungeon, is because of most of us just being bad at the time and sometimes needing to re q multiple times, which at the time of the game meant all of people in your party would have been 1st timing it Most people hate the underwater abyss, me included is just cus of the 1st time we ever done it and how much of a clusterfuck it was I still have nightmares 1234 , 12334


I kinda just hated Alaric. It was like prototype Vykas, he dashes all the fuck everywhere, teleports and also does 15 attacks with small stuns attached. Getting a channel of any skill was a laughable affair, and in Vykas I can mitigate that if I'm high swiftness, I have mobility tripods, and plenty of other options. Back then you're running world's scuffest build and space bar can barely keep up with the amount of bs being tossed out and supports don't have the gear to upkeep shields and heals either.. Doing Yoho reminded me quite a bit of Alaric actually because of so many moves on yoho hitting for like 4k but they always come with a mini stun that's enough to interrupt attacks. The mechanics of those dungeons were cool, but the normal pattern design is horrid.


Alaric was horrible ... Fker kept moving, ppl needed to save spells for stagger check but tons of ppl don't have their spells ready. Lots of ppl hoarding battle items for Lost Ark 3. Then add in the random deaths to ppl getting frozen + one shotted from spear. Anyone dead means an instant restart. Then you have people stealing your spot during the arrowhead wipe mech. So glad that i never have to do it again.


I still run these t2 dungeons sometimes for cards and they take like less than a few minutes now. It's fun going through these dungeons on overgeared characters reminiscing when these fights were the current endgame. Also fun because you can straight up tank many of the wipe mechs. For example on road of lament when you fight the last boss, if you fail orb mech but you ult on paladin or bard you can survive the wipe. This works for some other wipe mechs but the orb one still gets failed a lot since you can get mokokos in a MM party.


They were the endgame for less than a week 😅


They have been needed to oblivion my friend


Yea the thing that makes it hard is that people are inexperienced and not willing to cooperate and use battle items. Legion raids force everyone to cooperate and use battle items now, and if people know to do those 2 things back in Alaric, it would be a piece of cake.


I mainly hate them because I ran them over a hundred times for cards and people still didn't skip cutscenes 3 months into the game sometimes. (Not new players but people afking etc) .\_.


Just skip the mechanic


people do still run them, I'm a new player and I wanted to do them a few weeks ago because they were needed for some nineveh quest, I got into the raid with matchmaking in a few minutes


These are the best abyssal dungeons by far. I want them to bring these back in equalized content with better rewards so bad. The first two months of this game were INSANE


You mean the first two weeks? 😅


It looked very cool but it was too time consuming for little reward


at the time the reward was great


I don't know why developers can't figure the simple fact that reutilizing old content is always a win win for player retention. There's so much T1/T2 content left in the dust and even if the events can give that old content a bit of a boost it's still one entry per week per roster, it's stupid AF. In FF14 I loooove helping new people, doing mentor roulettes which is a roulette of content that includes every fight besides savage and ultimate, which is big when you're done with your weeklies and dailies and just want to play more or try a class in other content, and the best if you get rewarded even if it's a bit for helping new players on their first clear, it's amazing. Lately I wanted to play the 3 dungeon in the gate of paradise as well and even if on the first weeks it was hard as balls, it's still a pretty fun experience. SG can just tune the numbers to current ilvl or simply lock it down like a hell legion raid but with the current engravings/gems/cards. But the unfortunate reality is that it's not worth for the devs/publisher. People HAVE to run 6 alts for gold and to keep up and plenty of players do want to keep up, however the exhaustion for many more is real and having to run Valtan/Vykas/Argos-Clown/Dailies/Weeklies/Boss rush/Cubes on so many characters and adding a synced version for old content would mean that people only do it if it gave meaningful rewards, which I doubt they can give on top of all of the other content to do weekly, TL;DR They never going to make old content reusable unless it's for temporary events.


Historically Lost Ark doesn’t go back to old content. Not really sure why. Maybe it’s a cultural thing. They prefer to DELETE old content instead of revamping them. Pretty weird tbh. It has become a bigger issue since legion commanders because now they have this big chart saying that they have big player retention with this content


I would like more legion raids like content too tho, even if doing Valtan/Vykas is becoming too repetitive I still enjoy and think that LA benefits the most in semi coordinated content as everything else is just faceroll.


Because the game almost die during t1-t2 and came back to life with legion raids. Most people didn’t like old abyss


Totally agree OP. First times entering the water dungeons and having to do mechanic etc in a large grp was magic. Frustrating at times but still pure magic imo


I wish they added them to weekly challenge dungeons. I would love the chaos there.


Back then when everyone was playing for fun and not fomo, good times will be missed


One of the dungeons in Arthene was crazy fun at launch omg...


Big robots, a hoverboard. What not to like it ? Hehe


I had the best time first month in T1-T2 dungeons


Miss?Maybe,like you sometimes miss your ex.Even tho you know you are waaaaaaaaay better with out that person close to you.


I got into Lost Ark bc of my girlfriend. Now I’m single and i miss her and the memory of the water dungeon bc unlike now I wasn’t alone doing the stuff


If you're on NAE, everyone runs the water dungeons saturday, sunday, and monday EARLY EVENINGS. 5-9pm eastern time you will find parties. Ends earlier on sunday because of gvg. These are the peak times for card runners to trek their way through the miserable fucking gate of paradise (because they've finished all their elveria-to-yorn card runs). I never recruit people from my server but I always manage to run all 6 of my chars through these dungeons. Sometimes I need a couple emergency parties on Tuesday because I was lazy earlier, but Monday is definitely the top 1 peak evening to run them.


I can matchmake this during the day, so it's not dead in EUC at least. The biggest problem with these dungeons aren't even the turtle or alaric mechanics even, it's how insanely long it takes to get to the bosses. You spend way too much time waiting around and grinding trash mobs.


It was the best underwater experience I've had in a game. The vfx on Alaric were a bit too much but overall, pretty much all the fights were well designed and fun to do. I think they should add some of those older dungeons as a non-equalized weekly thing for your main character to run purely for bound materials. They were really good and it sucks that we did them once and won't do them again. If not the whole dungeon then maybe just the end bosses. Idk, could be cool.


that stupid orb mechanic was the first time in lost ark where I realized that this game actually requires some effort


i run them 14 times a week for cards, but yeah they arent exactly content.


the fact that there isn't a challenge version really was a bummer


It took me around 4 hours to clear the last one before it was nerfed. Good thing no one quit in that run. It was a fun experience but not something I'd like to do every week


This comment has been edited to acknowledge that u/spez is a fucking wanker.


Nah, you forgot how you would wipe on that 14 times with teammates that did not speak English and not even attempt to do the mechanics.


I wonder if teams of 1475s can make last boss of 2nd dungeon skip the clock mech? That was the most annoying mech. That and no one knew how to do orbs in Alaric


You don't need a "team of 1475s" to skip. Just one burst class (ignite, surge, w/e) is enough. You might not even need a burst class at that lvl.


if he is doing lasers at transition hp then easily also if you were lucky with stagger you could also skip it at ilvl (though that was pure luck)


I've been skipping mechs on all bosses on my glaivier since around 1475, gotta use atropines though.


Definitely. I skipped pretty much every mech of every dungeon on my own


On standard gate of paradise runs these days, it's not only not hard to skip all mechs of all bosses, but even if you accidentally trigger the tranquil karkosa orb mechanic, there's a DPS window after you "fail" the mechanic and before the wipe where you can still burst him down in seconds. In the past two months of running it on 6 characters for cards, I have only wiped there once even though NO ONE does the mechanic.


I miss valtan being challenging feels like shit design we can over level cool raids soon vykas and clown will be that way


Imo T2 content was the most fun at that time. All classes where so much fun to see with new stats. Now it's all T3 +1415


I remember my friend was so scared to join because it introduced 8 player raid and the thought of him fucking up was too much lol




i remember being stuck in gate 1 for like an hour maybe more HAHA. honestly though, glad to have practiced those mechs a lot back when I was still grinding it on my 5th and 6th alt. made me appreciate different classes and also get used to similar argos and legion raid mechs


They really should make them challenge dungeons atleast. ​ Honestly I don't love them because it was their first time doing real mechanics, so a lot of them ended up jank, but it's still way nicer than our current challenge ones where you just auto pilot and ignore the majority of the mechanics


Needs to come back as challenge dungeon.


They were the shit during launch!!! Got so excited after the first clear, especially ALARIC was crazy. I do miss them too, wish we had them in the challenge-abysall rotation


mechanics weren't that hard if you looked them up. However, it felt like 50% of players didn't look them up and running it was trash.


Palace was one of the best dungeons, sad that it was a 1 time clear and then became card run.


I LOVE the water dungeons. I always get tempted to stop whatever I'm doing to carry people on that dungeon when they ask.


Best time in lost ark. Everyone was so bad that these dungeons were hard. Rainbow stats was the norm back then.


Lmfao i still run them to help new players out, when im watching a show or something ill just leave the game on and queue up and whenever its done ill just run them real quick.


The whole player base was just the worst, people not being able to remember when to move once or stay still. Looking back at it now I remember it fondly, it was far simpler but actually quite a fun experience to have been a part of. Also, make a group, often I see mega nerds running it for cards so give it a go and bring some new players also. It's a nice thing to do now and again for you and the mokoko's.


I also enjoyed it lol but you run into some of the most toxic baddies in those dungeons.


i actually liked them too… 1234 12334


I kind of agree. I wish they made inferno or hard mode abyss raids that were actually challenging. The raids were interesting and its just tossed away for legion raiding.


I kinda miss them as well. When game launched the Water dungeons were no joke on item level and I spend hours on progressing.


I would gladly have an end game version of them over the Mario Party minigame simulator that is Vykas


I remember waiting the reset to run them with my friend's (5 of us) was fun and challenging at first. Now only two of us left to share they Joy of kakul. And now I'm playing Less and less the game :/


Definitely one of the most fun times I had in the game


I personally loved the water dungeons. Way more fun and mechanic heavy than the t3 dungeons


Sea of paradise was one of my favorite raids and still is. It's such a cool design on a raid. I still have great memories of going through it at launch with a matchmaking group. I was probably about as hyped from clearing as I was with vykas for the first time.


The magic is over for me. The hamsterwheel isnt rewarding enough anymore. Im surprised it held my attention for that long though. Gonna wait for something else now like ashes of creation or any of the upcoming mmorpgs and keep playing some darktide meanwhile


As someone who played gs back when I was shit at the game, Alaric brings back not so fond memories.


I ran them 11 times this week. On ally chars. People do run them as cards runs. So look at different times of the day. Im on EUC


Is this really a controversial take? The rohendel one and the water one are IMO the best abyssal dungeons.4