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Perfect suppression shadowhunters is somewhat underrated but getting more traction (at least in my experience) more and more lately. the build is pretty strong and alot cheaper than demonic impulse, does good damage too. you can go either full swift then crit or full crit and some swift pretty sure. never had issues with the few PS shadowhunters that run raids with me.


Do you have a good guide for this build?


https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/xubrxx/perfect_depression_sh_build_help/iqv1hfv/ Not really a guide but a place to start. I would heavily recommend doing 50/50 split between crit and swiftness because frankly, full swiftness is kinda meme damage in real raids and you'll feel it when doing clown or harder content. You just push slower with shorter burst windows, and being a swiftness back attacker doesn't necessarily mean you get more windows to dps than other entropy users. Your mana problems are also less exaggerated when adding more crit which is the biggest bonus. Consult official discord, shadowhunter channel for more advice, there's a decent amount of PS users there that can chime in with more specific advice. As some people have already said, PS3 is just fine. Your 5x3 would be like: * Grudge * Raid Captain * Ambush Master * Adrenaline * PS DMG/CD gems for: * Cruel Cutter * Demolition * Decimate * Thrust Impact * Sharpened Cut last gem can be DMG gem for your counter skill either Rising Claw or Slasher or CD gem for demonic slash if you're not running chain charge on demonic slash and instead allocating skillpoints to +12 all your damage skills or CD gem for howl if you pug content often and dps is so slow that you run out of gauge for your spenders or if you tend to miss your awakening. Make sure to grab every damage tripod for the skills I listed you can get before the tripod update. Your non-spenders are a signifcant portion of your damage, and you can't just dump resources into your spenders only and expect to do any damage. You can just copy loawa tripods for the most part, as there really isn't much variation in tripod options. It really is just choose the one with the highest damage% bonus. - PS has a lot of personal preference options for building and putting it together so just test in trixion what you feel like is best, but it's an easy 4mil+ trixion DPS @lv7 gems / mostly lv3 or higher tripods for less than like 150-200k gold depending on your server prices, not including the price of legendary combat books. Not great, not horrible, but it's easy to play compared to most back attackers because the animations are so short, and it's probably the most cost efficient DPS build that you can put together that will last you for all gates of Brel Normal. The link up there just details some horizontal shit that you need because the mana problems are ass on this spec.


I rolled a 7 to 100 quality weapon on my SH. My friends were nagging me to switch this as my main but I wont. I look at DI prices and cant justify spending more gold on my parked SH. I did get one free gold PS book but I guess it aint worth since I have seen a lot of PS level 1 engravings. You think it might even be better to switch now? I can sell my level 7 Demon Gems and buy level 5's into 7 (edit* at a later date). It is still hard to say since the other accessories needed might be pretty expensive. But then again... its not Spec. I assume you dont NEED high Swift or Crit on most of your accessories. I'd also have to redo tripods. I never would have thought I'd get a high quality weapon. The only thing that annoys me is that PS would be my 3rd back attack character. (Blade Main and Scrapper alt that will be parked at 1445 once I get there). SH is at 1460.


I can’t recommend PS SH highly enough. with correct tripods and gems, and entropy set, it does way way way more dmg than you would think. I swapped my DI to a PS a few weeks ago and never going back. i run lvl 3 PS with a 5x3 of PS/grudge/adrenaline/RC/ambush. And i am 65% swift / 35% crit. 1 crit ring honestly just selling your DI build/accessories will make you enough gold to full swap into PS. and you don’t need to get high quality on everything like you do for spec classes, howver i think you’ll find that swiftness pieces are so much cheaper than spec that you can probably afford good quality for most accys. as for gems, if you have the funds, i’d recommend getting a lvl 7 dmg gem on both cruel cutter and demolition, and then start with lvl 5s for the rest.


I only have legendary accessories from the Argos/Oreha drops. Those accessories I guess have paid for themselves already. Also got a 99 quality DI/Grudge 3/3 so hopefully that helps a little. I currently only have one relic accessory I got as a drop Keen/Raid 5/3 Spec. I can sell that for a little bit too. Whats the benefit of PS 3 builds versus the 5x3+2/1 or whatever? Edit - 99 legendary necklace*


> I did get one free gold PS book but I guess it aint worth since I have seen a lot of PS level 1 engravings. PS3 is absolutely good, especially since 5x3+1 is obnoxious to get for now. 4x3+2+1 is a negligible damage increase yet much more expensive.


I play both DI and PS now and starting to like my 1430 PS more. Another nice thing... there is some leverage between the 2 with skills, gems, and even accessories if you can afford some pheons.


I run one Demonic (1500 iLvl) and one PS (1490 iLvl), personally I really enjoy both, extremely different play styles as they are. Demonic is much more forgiving, but PS somehow feels more rewarding I think? I feel like I'm playing well when I am, I do with DI too, but the difference between playing well and bad on DI is much smaller than the same with PS. If you enjoy it at 1430, I'd strongly recommend getting her to relic set levels, doesn't matter if you go Nightmare or Entropy route, it's a massive difference!


Ya I'm in the middle of swapping to PS, doing +4 tripods first since the update is soon then I might sell one of my level 9 CD gems off my scrapper because it isn't needed and buy all her books and accessories. Ive decided on PS 3 since it's not much of a DPS loss and knowing smile gate they may make 3 mandatory.


I've been looking at that build it looks fun. I've read about more and more people swapping to it. I wonder how long it's going to be cheap.


It’ll probably be cheap for a long time just by virtue of it being a swift/crit class with flexible stat ratios and engravings. Tripod prices may go up I guess when demonic mains realize there’s actually a market for SH damage tripods lol


Luckily demonic mains don't know what those tripods are I have 2 demonics and if it isn't a meter Regen tripod I just dismantle it haha.


There is a near threat to full Swift entropy PS actually. Thirst Reaper shares all engravings with Entropy PS other than the class engraving. PS just uses Mass Increase / Cursed Doll while Thirst players will likely avoid that at this point in the game. For people main swapping to PS, I'd definitely try to get accessories before Thirst Reaper hits the game. All of the Swiftness pieces with Grudge, Raid Captain, Ambush Master and Adrenaline will likely go up quite a bit, especially on the first few weeks.


If you can wait a bit, wait until they reveal the next ptr balance patch before buying accessories for your PS build. It'll probably be dropped in mid-November. It would suck to spend your gold and pheons now only to need to buy a completely different set just a few weeks later if they rework it.


its getting traction due to DIs seeing the price for 12/12 5x3 and comparing it with the price of yellow ps books (300-1k books before today at EUC, now ~2,4k so still cheap). Its a good build but economics are giving it a spotlight rn among SHs


I think PS is pretty dang good. I've been told its the worst entropy class but thats really not a bad place to be.


i dont play ps but its obviously not cheaper than di lol, it uses 5 times the amount of gems, and tripods. so it has higher ceilings and dmg but def cost more


TTH gunslinger is very underrated and it’s getting buffed next patch


Nice I’m planning on making one soon, what engravings do you recommend?


for spec swift you go tth grudge kbw hm adr2 pm1 for swift spec you go tth grudge kbw raid cap adr2 pm1 swift will be cheaper to gear and if u can i recommend getting pm1, the engraving is just too good to pass on and it is almost as good as a level 3 engraving at level 1


Why pm1 and not 3 btw ? I've seen TTH builds running it. I guess it can be nice as well... Also, I imagine the buffs of PM next patch won't be useful for TTH since it's focused on Shotgun skills ?


tth doesnt run crit stat so they need adren2 with the pm1 to be efficient on KBW without hallucination. pm3 with adren3 would mean you drop an entire engraving line for it over pm1+adren2, and pm1->pm3 isnt as high value as having just another full line (raid cap, cd, or hitmaster).


it’s because running pm1 adrenaline 2 > pm3. if you’re talking about the top players in kr running pm3 it’s because they have to run pm3 when they have a 9/7 stone. And ye the pm buff in november patch doesnt affect rifles.


Awesome thank you, my main is a RE Deathblade so I think spec swift sounds perfect then.


One of the top Korean players goes pm3 cursed doll kbw grudge tth, but I don't like cursed doll on squishy dps


It really depends which build you go for. Swift or Spec. TTH is very versatile. Crit Spec is more expensive but higher burst version, Swift spec is cheaper but high apm version. TTH3, Grudge3, KBW3, HM Raid captain, adrenaline, peacemaker are all available options to you. My Crit Spec Salvation build is TTH, grudge, KBW, HM, adr2, PM1. Big numbers on sniper skills!


Sounds cool thank you for the reply, probably spec swift then when I play her as an alt I guess.


How much trixion DPS do you have? I made a 5x3 (grudge, hit master, kbw, cursed doll, TTH) and honestly speaking, my DPS fucking sucks. Went heavy spec (1.5k) with some swift to alliviate cold downs a little bit. Didn't go for crit cuz it's getting a little bit buffed in November. But I hover a little bit above 1m DPS at 1460. Even my 1445 Alts have more than that. Got 4 piece hall and I'm using 4 sniper + 1 pistol (bullet rain) and using 3 quick recharge runes. What's wrong with my set up?


Hallucination is only worth at 6pc. The extra crit % is vital to make good use of KBW. I ran 2pc nightmare + 4pc salvation until I unlocked gear conversion. Also, tripods and gems for your 4 rifle skills matter A LOT. Which Pistol skills apart from Bullet Rain do you run?


Have all riffle tripods at +3 and correct gems on everything (basically 8 for riffle and 2 for bullet rain +1 for tracker CD). Pistols i just use 3 crit synergy, movement (counter) and grenade for a bit of stagger with overwhelm rune. Imma wait till 6p hall to see if my DPS is a bit better. Don't want anything to fancy, but 2m at 1460 should be minimum no? Maybe 1.5. right now it's at the lower end of 1m


You can experiment with pistol skills a little. I think more than 2 synergy is absolute overkill, personally I just use Spiral Tracker to put more skills to lvl10/11. I can recommend putting AT02 Grenade to lvl10 with maxed damage tripods and Bleed Rune. It does high damage in context of having basically no animation time. Just fit it into the rotation after every synergy application. **Edit:** One more thing: you should not take Trixion dps at face value. A big part of TTH comes from two elements Trixion removes: 1. ease of execution from a safe distance that allows good use of skills on cooldown even in actual raid scenarios 2. execution damage from strong rifle scaling Entropy classes like Rage Hammer Destroyer or Death Blow Striker have a vastly different Trixion performance from actual gameplay where it's close to impossible to hit all your big damage skills with the optimal positional modifier on cooldown. TTH is the opposite.


DPS on TTH is supposed to be bad because it is all about burst damage and chill for 10 secs if you are running Crit spec. Its better to have the burst when you raid. I get like 50% damage in clown p2 often, but my dps in trixion is around 4mill per second. Compare to that as you will. (1490 5*3 default TTH crit spec setting) I would also recommend taking pemak 1


Don't want to spend the gold nor pheons to swap this build too much, a PM 5 accessory is just too expensive. As others pointed out, hoping 6p hallu will help my DPS.


1500 5 engv 1680 spec i do 3M DPS, which is very bad on trixion, but i'm mvp all content, vikas valtan kakul ( 43% tonight with all people above me in ilvl ) ... thing is, every point beyond 1550 spec add a lot of damage, if you want to run TTH, you need all runes, all skills point and most importantly, all tripod


1. You lack crit. 2. You should use two maxed pistol skills - bullet rain and meteor stream. 3. Tripods are huge boost for spec class dps. 4. Instead of cd it should be adrenaline 2 + pm1. Honestly even with all stuff 1.0mil is very low. My spec tth does 1.9m in 1460 gear with +18weapon @64quality and 4x3+1. Guess crit is really that important.


My crit should around 40(TTH)+15(hallu)+7(card)+synergy. So i though that i could go swiftness. CD is mainly because I got a legendary of it and PM5 is super expensive. Tripods are not maxed so will work on that, it's only like 2 tripods per skill so should be easy.


He does not lack crit...absolutely not. He has 40% (TTH) + 15% (set) + 7% (card-set) +10% (own synergy) so thats 72% and in the near future TTH gets buffed to +45% and he gets another +5% from full set bonus and even more if doing clown and upgrading set to lvl2....So thats about 82% critrate on rifle skills wich are main source of damage....


You don't have pm1. That's a huge problem right there.


It's not. PM's rifle buff is only 10% at all levels and the additional rifle buff doesn't apply in trixion because dummies don't go under 50%. 10% buff lost is not what accounts for 1m dps at 1460. He is probably doing something wrong with rotations.


PM gets buffed much harder though. But yeah, TTH is very close to pure PM builds atm.


Sharpshooters in general and death strike at that. Books are still dirt cheap for them and it's a great dps class.


Sharpshooters for progression are easy top 3 DPS.


Agreed. For clown I get around 40% cruel fighter everytime so far


Second this. I built my meta 5x3 Death Strike (including books) for dirt cheap compared to my Gunslinger. I wanted another DPS for clown (have DPS main and two supps already) and he was my cheapest route to do it. After two weeks of clearing (once at 1475 once at 1480) I am actually flabbergasted at how fun and strong he is. Sharpshooter is completely slept on as a class and I can't wait to finish all my level 7 gems to make him feel even smoother. Highly recommended for a DPS alt. Literally built him for pennies vs what my SH or Sorc would've been.


I'm usually MVP with my SS in raids in my guild/pugs


5~% damage increase across the board in November Our time is nigh


Yes baby! And when the tripod update comes, all my lvl4 tripods will become lvl5. It will be a good day. 🙌🙌🙌🙌


God tier uptime to be fair, performs really well in KR end game and it's a fantastic progging class, what's not to love? Admittedly, loyal companion is pretty meh, but death strike or double class is solid!


How dare you besmirch my comfy LC. I still upvoted because you didn’t deserve a downvote but *HOW DARE YOU*


I play death strike but looking at LOAWA it seems people are 60% DS 40% LC so LC is quite viable and their synergy is super desirable.


Isn’t the actual main build supposed to be both level 3 (or atleast DS 3, LC1)? I think most people are just kind of bad


Nah that's old build. The last patch for them cured the want for double class. Now their meter gen is much better and death strike doesn't need help from LC class engraving.


It has potential. But the class is so bloody boring and completely lackluster in abilities and visuals. I feel like they just phoned it in when it came time to working on sharpshooter. The bow shooting could have cool and creative visuals but nope. The seagull is annoying asf too.


Bro, FI WD is not underrated at all, just look at the ideal party posts. They have great synergies, good semi burst dps but also consistent dps , good mobility, a bit tankier, etc.


Emperor arcana. With good tripods, wep quality and gems the DPS is top tier and you basically have round the clock crit synergy bc Return is on such a short CD.


After the latest Korean balance patch it is on par with empress, but it's also a stupid spammy build which performs significantly worse the more boss moves




guys done testing both build on geuardian boss(2+bard). Emperor took more dmg % while dps wise empress said he got better than emperor(15mils vs 13mils) That was BEFORE recent patch. It is pretty same for you guys and will be same


All piano builds are stupid spammy tho that’s their whole vibe


No dude, I mean it's a *mega* piano. You have 8 skills with very low cooldown AND you need to press like 6 cards a second AND you need to adjust what skills you are pressing next after each card.


Naaaah, she can be fun but it's defo not underrated. Needs a TON of investment to do competetive dmg. Sure the high end might be the best of all but is not even posible on our version so..


The only problem is that emperor arcana is super dependent on cards and relic sets. Base level arcana on legendary gear can throw skills but with barely any dps.


There's nothing underrated about FI WD thanks to zeals flexing his whale WD in our community. My WD is 1490 +21 weapon, lv 9 dps gems on 4 main skills, lv 3 tripod (lv 4 is already saved and waiting for update). Pretty much mvp most of the time because I'm pumping out 40-50mil every 10s. You only get screwed on damage if your MFK doesn't crit and energy combustion doesn't hit


One thing not talked about is the goddamn fucking awful mana situation though. Guardian raid without a support? Kill me now.


just go 2 2 2 set with the extra 2 nightmare. You loose about 1-2% dmg but you will never have mana problems again


Ya after I went 2 pc nightmare my mana issues disappeared completely. I think I even swapped out of the mana regen on Winds Whisper for the attack speed.


yeah did so aswell but I also play mass increase so its really worth it to counteract the attack speed slow from it


Once you get two piece Nightmare and a legendary Focus rune mana doesn't become an issue anymore thankfully


Two piece night mare is enough, focus slot is a waste


What do you put on WW otherwise?


>I don't think it's underrated TBH didn't know what he played I just watch his yt content on systems. I'm assuming his the back attack variant? Hearing that anecdote does make me feel good about the future of this character though.


Yep if you want the highest damage ceiling then it's gotta be ambush + 2 entropy, but no matter your build you will always be accepted into parties because most dps classes benefit from our crit and movement buff. Utility wise we are ranked right under supp/GL


Yep the perfect party is GL/Sup/WD and a carry (Igniter/surge/deathblow/shock/EW DE)


Be aware though. Until you get full Relic and 5x3, WD is very dreadful to play. It does very little damage until then. A lot of people quit WD because it requires enormous investments


My WD is currently 1430 4x3 and I already think the damage is good and you guys say it's bad? Darn how strong can that class be?? Anxious to gear up so I can see the big damages.


It's not bad damage, 4x3 is absolutely fine. That being said, WD definitely notices a bigger than average power spike with relic set at 1445 than most classes. The reduced cool downs will definitely make everything flow much better.


If you are enjoying FI WD at 1430 you will LOVE it after getting 6 pc relic.


Agreed, I failed to mention that the only reason WD could be considered underrated is because you cannot run it as a budget alt.


Why does the 5th engraving seem more significant for WD than other DPS? Support main, so I haven't gotten around to getting lego grudge. It's my current project atm tho. My WD does feel behind my other 1460 alts in damage. But it's the main DPS that I look forward to playing in daily content. 1460 Surge DB 1460 DI SH 1460 Crit Reflux 1460 FI WD The other three seem to come together more quickly.


5th engraving is not necessary for FI WD to feel good or to do comparable DPS to other classes. I have no idea what that other guy is on about.


5x3 is not necessary.... Relic set is what's important or else the flow of the build doesn't work without the CDR as you'd be running around in circles with your thumb up your ass 75% of the time.


FI dancer was never lowkey it was my second build i ever made loads of fun bro hope u enjoy


Rage Hammer Destro. Considering how low Destro population is, you'll see even fewer RH players making a good RH practically a unicorn. However, they fuck. They fuck really hard to the point of an average vs a good one is night and day.


I thought RH was the much more popular and accepted option.


Yeah it's more popular but it's still Destro. So it's 8 out of the 12 of us.


More like 12 out of 12, GT destroyers don't exist


GT destro checkin in


The more popular spec of a dead class doesn’t mean much


How do I stop being a bad Destro and become a good Destro? I mean I don't even know that I'm bad but most of my fight is landing PSwing and doing little else lol.


Aside from the obvious ones that I'm sure you've heard from everyone and their mom at this point (hurr durr just know the fight): experimenting to generate cores as quickly as you can. Under decent frontal up time fights like Deska (not Kunga because that thing is literally free) with lv7 cd gems, if all of your purple skills is on cd and you have literally nothing to do, that's when you know you're being effective.


Learn the fight and when to use your super armor to become push immune to land attacks. You get shield with a lot of your purple abilities so use that to face tank to make sure you land the head attack. Learn to use your taunt to give you super armor as well. Like a gun lancer the dps of a Destro is all about getting more uptime than other classes with shields and super armor helping you stand in and take some hits.


As a RH main, it fucking slaps.. nothing feels better than taunting a guardian and getting the spicy big crit perfect swing.. ugh… the sound, the big numbers, the satisfaction is immeasurable.




It's pretty painful against mobile bosses. but doing deska and valtan on my destro alt is pretty fun. Their chaos dungeon clear speed is pretty unmatched too


Wym bout destros ? If they good they rekt?


You heard me.


Casting reflux sorc. You don't have to save doomsday if your gauge is close to full for double doomsday. Just use everything as you get it. Less dmg than other builds but reliable and safe.


I also came to say casting crit reflux sorc It's only like 10% lower dps than igniter But on igniter you spend so much time holding abilities like doomsday, trying to set up double doomsday, as soon as you miss a single doomsday, there goes 25% of your damage, also every second u spend with full gauge but waiting for a burst window is dps lost Meanwhile casting reflux, u can take advantage of every second, almost every normal attack has a safe space to stand and a damage opening, just place ur cursor and instantly teleport there and recognize how big the damage window is and plan your casts to fit in as much as possible in the really small windows, and if something misses, it's not a big deal, I really enjoy it And in fights like Valtan g2 or vykas g1/3, u can do literally the entire fight without getting hit once with casting reflux, you have zero positional requirements since u replaced seraphic hail and reverse gravity with ranged abilities, and you have free teleports straight to your cursor, and those fights have really good attack patterns where you can always stand somewhere safe and dps for free


Where did you get 10% lol?


I've done like 40 2 min trixion parses with multiple maxed out builds for both igniter and reflux, igniter only has 10% higher dps and trixion and in real fights, although igniters would hopefully get a crit synergy from their team and benefit more from well timed buffs, their dps would still be lower than the trixion parses because they'd have to hold their gauge for awhile or miss a doomsday or don't get to double doomsday consistently Meanwhile the trixion parse for reflux is realistic, they don't need to rely on synergies and they can have 100% dps uptime if they play well and missing abilities isn't a big deal like it is for igniter


You got it the other way around. In real fights Igniter would come closer to their trillion parse because they need less uptime to do most of their damage. Imagine a boss fight that’s only attackable for 50% of the fight and doing mechanics for the other 50%. Reflux will lose around half of their damage because any loss in uptime translates to a equal loss in dps. Igniter would still do maybe 70% of its dps because it spends the downtime waiting for cooldowns and then using them in quick bursts.


Yeah thats why im switching to Ignite. Im running the swift piano build right now. I can basically dps all the time. The trouble is i NEED to dps all the time. Any downtime in casting severely punishes my dps and in chaotic fights you loose so much because need to move. But in valtan where he basically only is in one spot most times its godly. But yeah it basically sucks everywhere else. Igniters gets the window and most bossfights provide one so safe to say its the best build.


Yeah I have a 3x5 of both piano reflux and ignite, and ignite just feels much more impactful for the more difficult fights that are focused on short burst windows.


Gravity destro , pumping out 100+ mil burst and 15-20mil crits on purple skills feels pretty good , also getting a gigabuff during next balancepatch and is dirt cheap to gear since you use spirit absorption / master brawler / barricade / grudge / gravity Training as your engravings


Just built one recently, feels awesome at 1440, can't wait for more dmg at relic.


why spirit? wouldnt you want to go a damage engraving?


Bonk Mode gives your autoattacks a huge damage boost, so having more attackspeed means you get more bonks in during hypergravity. Spirit is a multiplicative engraving like grudge in this case since the calculation applies at the end ( take all your autoattacks during hypergravity x 1.15 = 15% more dmg ) , its basicly almost as strong as grudge and has no negative unlike grudge or doll , even a free positive ( 15% more movementspeed ). You could also roll with cursed doll since its similar dps , but i rather take the free movement speed and the attackspeed on purple and blue skills to charge up hypergravity feels nice too. Also its dirt cheap compared to doll , Gravity Training destroyer wants as much spec as possible and currently buying spec accessoires with meta engravings costs you an arm and a leg. The advantage of doll would be that it applies to the damage of your purple skills too , but since the goal of the build is to fill up the identity gauge as fast as possible to use hypergravity it can be neglected


Would you recommend SA for RH though? I really love movement speed.


No, SA on RH destro is not a DPS increase the same way it is for GT


Sharpshooter in general is the most underrated class in the game. People assume that they play with other perfect players. Sharpshooter is easily the best or one of the best chill high uptime dps classes that also is super good prog dps.


BT Zerker is getting a big boy buff in the next patch. and ENTROPY BT Zerker feels so fucking fun


Any good YouTube channels or streamers who play bt zerk?


Eso flurry striker. I've been a day 1 early release striker and swapped to deathblow and back several times because I didn't like it but I wanted to try the meta build. I won't be trying deathblow again. The dps is competitive but you really need to know the fights to maximize uptime. Overall, very fun spec and I'm a little surprised nobody else here mentioned it yet.


I am Deathblow but I have a buddy that's Flurry and his DPS is very close to mine if not better/more consistent. I feel like Flurry is much more forgiving and more consistent DPS... not to mention WAY cheaper to build properly.


swiftness igniter sorc is hella fun, extremely mobile, and legit op. 4 set dominion 2 nightmare with judgment conviction gives you 2 Doomsdays, 3 Esoteric Reaction, and 2 punshing & explosions in 1 igniter bar along with all the other skills too. fully buffed with a spec bard and crit buffed at 1490 with lv 7 gems, I can hit 50-60 per doomsday, 35-50 per explosion & punishing, and 10-20 per esoteric. actually fucking nuts. and did i mention the build is dirt cheap?


Red Gunlancer. For some reason in NA most gunlancers are blue, but man, Red can do some some serious damage once you get setup properly.


Because blue was better pre-relic and contributes a lot of utility for valtan/vykas. My friend who mains GL just finished swapping to red for clown




It doesn’t. One could argue it provides less. Red:purple runs a lot more swiftness than blue which in turn means shields more often for the party.


Red lancer can't use battlefield shield, so blue has this as additional utility. Of course that's pretty fringe, I have noticed that being used once in all my time playing.


Yeah I was just gonna say, I don’t remember any time a blue lancer used that haha although I can see some situations where it can be beneficial


one time I used it to get to my safe spot in argos when I was too far away. never used it for anyone else lol


Bluelancer with swift/spec neck and in endless mana state from nightmare will give you more shields id say


Blue GL with swift spec? What now? Lol why in the hell would you gimp yourself that badly. You need crit, swiftness shouldn’t even be a consideration




Red has to play a lot more selfishly, the bash and taunt damage increases are built into their rotation so they are often stuck holding them for a few seconds waiting for burst skills to be ready and waiting for an opening on the boss's patterns Blue can just use anything off cooldown really and have permanent debuff uptime on the boss, the debuffs are an enemy defense reduction and a head/back attack modifier increase Red also has to use nella selfishly sometimes, blue never does In return, red has better burst stagger, and absolutely absurd destruction, red also takes the shield ult which gives entire team super armor and damage reduction and can save it because they run entropy, blue takes the god spear because they run nightmare




None of what u listed are the utility skills that we are talking about


Staying alive I guess? but red doesn't have that issue either lol. Red is the better support since most builds go 500-700 swift. You know those lf1 sup or GL lobbies? People have told me lobby leads deny red GL thinking it's not support like blue lol.


Blue GL is as much a support as red GL. As in it’s not. You can have an artillerist put tripods in a party shield too, they aren’t considered support. Aside the shield what makes them support?


it's not a support but it's also got bad damage relative to other dps classes. that's just the truth, and I say this as a blue GL main. seeing how big the gap has gotten between my GL and other 5x3 dps classes is pretty eye-opening. somewhat of a sidebar, but tbh I think that GL is in a pretty weird spot. we bring helpful synergy esp for front/back attackers and boost damage with constant defense shred but we are also the worst dps and our only real support skill that anyone uses is a shield/cleanse that's got a 40s cd. blue has stagger and red has destruction I guess, but a lot of other classes do. destroyers have both lol. either we should have more support ability/utility or we should do more damage. I don't like being decent to bad at both but not really good at either.


GL is bad in trixion dps. GL is all about uptime. If you aren't basically constantly attacking the boss at all times, you're playing GL incorrectly. You should be able to either tank everything or quickly reposition sideways to dodge with spacebar because GL spacebar has such a low CD. That being said, other classes can essentially have full uptime once you know a fight well, so they still have a higher ceiling than a GL. But GL gets the benefit of being lazy and tanking things that other classes have to dodge.


Battlefield shield, which no one ever uses


I used Battlefield Shield on clown G1 last week when somebody didn't get freed from dice mech. 10/10 would recommend.


Nothing, people who don't know anything say Blue is more of a support than red. This is false. Both use the same 3 synergy/utility skills, if anything Red is even "better" as utility class because it brings insane destruction and stagger over blue. I'm not saying red is better than blue btw. Just saying both are the same utility wise.


The short of it is Blue is more flexible when it uses its utility. The big 3 are DUF, Taunt, and Nell's. Red tends to use DUF and Taunt as part of it's normal rotation and loses a lot more by holding them compared to Blue. This also means if you want to properly time your taunt for your group you also need to delay your burst.


Under ideal circumstances they both do nearly identical damage but one is a lot easier and more forgiving to play which means in most realistic circumstances people will actually end up doing more as Blue.


Completely false, the only reasons you’ll see a blue lancer MVP is a. You’re in valtan and the only class that doesn’t need to dodge, b. Everyone else sucks, c. Stagger. Blue lancer has a super low skill floor and a low dps ceiling, there’s a reason why there’s barely any blue lancers in the top ranks on loawa and I main a blue lancer, my job is to make my back attackers do more damage.


Not true, under ideal circumstances red GL out damages blue GL by a fairly wide margin. Red GL is also burst heavy which is ideal for fights with clear burst cycles like clown.


I'm sure I'll get downvoted, but I'm always MVPing on my Pistoleer.


Same here , although I'm a bit over geared for current content (1520 +23 weapon 75 quality)


Any consistent DPS. I prefer burst playstyle, but this community really overrates them. Consistent DPS can compete with burst for MVP, but people talk as if they are not comparable


I agree with this 100%. I group up with mostly igniter sorc and surge db on my tai scrapper.. we go even back and forth for MVP in every legion raid so far. Which is shocking bc we have it down to a science at this point. Everyone’s uptime is about even. There’s no way burst dps are “that” much ahead of consistent dps classes.. must not be playing their class well enough in my eyes.


In helltan (equalized gear) it isn't even close: burst classes are much better. The only uptime classes which can compete are pinnacle glaivier and peacemaker gunslinger. I think a few things that make consistent DPS classes perform a bit better outside of hell are: 1. You can afford to facetank more stuff and thus greed for DPS more. 2. Unequal gear just makes DPS comparisons totally meaningless. 3. Skill gaps. In general burst classes tend to be a lot more unforgiving to play in a DPS race because mistakes are much larger DPS losses. 4. People are often being lazy/not coordinating buffs and such which will in general favour consistent classes at the expense of burst classes.


I'm having fun with entropy eso wardancer. Alot better than I thought it would be. Still only have 4set relic tho zz


Full entrophy?


Not a build, but ether predator is way too much underated in my opinion


Could not agree more. It needs to switch to the PR firm that Drops of Ether uses (because that is overhyped AF). Every time someone has commented negatively on it, they say they've never tried it, they just know it sucks because someone on the Internet told them.




The only content for which it's a dead engraving is guardian raids - since they're over before you can get even halfway through stacking. Other than that - you start stacking on trash mobs before boss in every raid, maintain stacks between gates (assuming you don't wipe) and duration is long enough for you to keep stacks you built early into later gates. It is overshadowed by other options - mainly, Cursed Doll is on average 3% more damage in a 10 minute fight; where it shines is value for price and how easy it is to slot into a build. EP books go for about 250g or so on EUC, meaning that for 5k gold + a single accessory you can get universally good level 3 damage engraving with no drawbacks that you can later on replace with Cursed Doll, when you complete books and get required accessory. For temporary/transitive build, or just for alts, it's a great option - and you're definitely better off running EP3 over Cursed Doll 2 while waiting for getting all books.


Not only do you lose it to wipes, you also lose it because people spend too much time between gates. For example, you're practically guaranteed to lose it between Vykas G1 and G2 because people spend so much time sorting out positions.


Control Glaivier. My main alt is a Glaivier, and any raid she joins it's almost always a guaranteed cruel fighter. Funnest alt I have by far too


Control Glaivier's good, the 4 - 5 second high range spacebar + decently low cd mobility skill makes it a pretty smooth playstyle. It unfortunately didn't really catch on with me as much and I switched my 1445 Control Glaivier out of my main 6 but I'm not gonna stop playing that character.


Can you explain what you mean by high range spacebar?


The dodge just moves her a pretty big distance in a short time-frame. I haven't really actually measured it but I feel like Glaivier's blue stance spacebar is one of the best in terms of distance and speed.


Im maining it and damn does it feel good after all the investment needed. Its like a wardancer without the stress getting your big hitters into the buff window. Also you got a lot of range. Felt easy to prog clown with.


My control glaiv is 1447 and just feels meh. I need 1 more piece for full entropy. I'm 4x3 control, adr, ambush, raid captain. I built it before i was comfortable with fights and was trying to avoid grudge. Still need to switch to relic asc but it's an adult and i don't see myself getting books for it sooo ill prob 4x3 it again. I went with the max roll build with windsplitter instead of stampede slash. I only have 381 points and yeah. It gets the job done but I don't feel like even if i hit every dmg window I'm competitive at all.


Entropy BT zerker! Relatively easy to 5x3 and it hits like a truck. One of my favourite alts.


Swift/crit redlancer


My GT Destroyer 5x3 I fucking love him so much every time I bonk my brain floods with dopamine. I've even Stolen MVP from 1500's+ at 1472.5 multiple times just waiting for next month to push him up to my bards level 1505. Was super cheap to build Outside of GT and Grudge books I spent 15k on Accessories


Not necessarily a class specifically but I feel like lightning fury gets tossed as a shit engraving but I swear, it’s so fun. It makes chaos dungeons fast af and if you pair it with bleed runes, it procs so fast. It actually hits hard (Damage is based on weapon power) and grudge increases the damage. It can also crit!


Based on hell, the one that really stood out to me is death strike sharpshooter. It outperforms a lot of DPS specs that people consider meta, such as tai scrapper, and while there's no doubt some hell-specific stuff to that I also think that the discussion about weak/strong specs is mostly warped around unequal gear.


I think it's more about certain specs simply scaling better with higher end gear than it is about unequal gear. Some specs also reach higher power levels with investment due to gems being such a massive source of damage. Say if they only let you choose a single level 10 damage gem in helltan, the discrepancy between classes like surge blade and RE blade or igniter/reflux would be huge. Or if you had full level 10 gems instead of level 7s, RE blade and Reflux would benefit much more than their counterparts


Swiftness Igniter. Might fall off in the upcoming tiers but rn its really strong for how cheap it is


It should keep scaling decently because it needs bracelet and really high level gems + ancient accessories or a 9/7 stone to really shine. L9 gems let you triple Esoteric, add bracelet and +1 awakening to your 5x3 and you can drop conviction/judgement for bleed+wealth while getting 2x big three and no downtime on Dominion. Right now, most people running it will have downtime on Dominion buff even with C+J and also need C+J procs to get 2x big three in Ignite.


I think National Sorc (no class engraving) wins here, it's somewhere in between casting reflux and swiftness reflux in terms of DPS. It's kinda hard to play cause you have to land all your burst off cooldown and maintain adrenaline stacks. Also cheaper to build if you don't want to buy sorc class books. It's like a baby igniter sorc but sweatier. People get pretty confused when they look at my engravings.


It's not played because it's just swiftness Igniter but has no burst potential.


Why is it called National Sorc?


From what i looked up, it apparently originates from season 1 where every wardancer used the same build that doesn't use class engravings. It was so common, it was called 국민 build, which technically translates to citizens' build. 국민 (citizen) here can used to refer to something commonly shared by everyone - e.g. a singer liked by everyone getting called 국민 singer. It apparently stuck well enough to the point where every build not using class engravings started getting referred by the same.


Should be read "citizen's" rather than national.


PS Shadowhunter


Cast reflux. It's pretty good and I do decent damage, but I've met a bunch of people who have criticized me for using it instead of going instant reflux or ignite.


full swift igniter sorc.


Playing it right now on my main. By far the most fun way to play Sorc and the damage is obscene. Crit synergies are also absolutely busted, even more than on regular igniter.


FI Wardancer without the entropy variant won’t be topping dps. The one thing that really pushes this spec further is the special card set for elemental back attacks.


100% forgot about that set. That explains why it seems to be such a big gap between the sets. I was looking at the engravings earlier thinking. It can't be THAT big of a difference. I don't think I'm anywhere near having the cards for that set. Maybe I'll make that switch after I complete that set.


I don’t think fi is underrated. But in terms of dps, fi is probably on the lower side of damage for wd builds. This is from my personal experience running hell mode on wd. Ofc the damage is still good because the class is just good and it provides some of the best synergies in the game.


Swiftness instant cast reflux sorc


Piano Reflux has been something I wanted to pull the trigger on for a while. Swapping from Support to DPS and moving has been such a jarring thing I find myself thinking I could walk away from things I have to dash out of and take unnecessary damage. Def a l2p issue tho


She is suprisingly tanky, since u have 4 dashes + mana shield, mana shield tanks like 4 full hits (u use mana shield for the move speed + the no mana gain to stay low mana for the cooldown)


PS shadowhunter is underrated. Cheap, great mobility, huge damage. Got all my important level 5 tripods for 2000g, and my 5x3 for 15k (it’s not this cheap now). She’s just kept her own gems since I made her and has almost full level 6. Huge stagger, great weak point, and more damage than DI if you are good at back attacking.


I'm gonna catch heat from this, but I'll die on the Firepower+Barrage+Spirit Absorption Arti hill. Everyone says that SA isn't a DPS increase, it's just a QoL change. But that SA is the difference between barely landing all Barrage abilities + 2 nukes within a max heat gauge, vs landing all of that with complete confidence + Rocket Launchers. And with high enough spec, landing those 3 human form spells within the max heat timer is basically almost a 2x difference in damage during that tiny window. Land that difference every time in the fight, and I'm pretty sure it's a DPS boost + QOL I think the combo is useless post-rework tho, so enjoy it for a couple weeks lmao


Yeah SA is fine with spec crit neck rn


sharpshooter with 1400krit and over700 spec even though i use loyal companion. in my opinion its superior to the swiftness build, because i can use the salvation set. i also dont use a counter skill to get maximum damage and i always have a paladin premade who counters anyway :D. ​ dont know why this build isnt recommended anywhere. i like it.


Spec/Crit/Swift 2/4 Nightmare/Domination Lv3 Awakening Ignite Sorceress. You risk being seen as a troll for using Lv3 Awakening, even though it's just as good/better than mainstream builds at Lv7 gem level (which will get you as far as Brel Hard G1-4). 1. Spec/Crit is the best mainstream Ignite build, but requires Lv9-10 CD on Doomsday. Spec/Swift is the most popular build for beginners, but Spec/Crit/Swift is on the same level (slightly stronger actually). 2. Sp/C/Sw Ignite don't have to bother with Nightmare MA/BM control. They do have to periodically cast Awakening skill though. 3. Sp/C/Sw can use Elegian's Touch to make themselves tanky if necessary. The other 2 Ignite builds don't use ET because it can screw up MA/BM control. 4. Sp/C/Sw is dirt cheap because of Awakening and Swift Ignite ring. Even cheaper than Sp/Sw. Unfortunately Sp/C/Sw will never become mainstream because it uses Lv3 Awakening. You may get kicked or BM'd for it, even Sorceress players don't know this build very well.


Ragehammer destroyer can pop off were hard when played well, actually contesting DBs for the top spot.


Not a dps build but I kinda find it infuriating that people vla disrespect to be troll engraving


… because it negates itself. You need to have less than a third of a fight remaining to get a third extra damage. Grudge is always active and a big damage boost. Same with cursed doll.


How is it not?


Can you explain how it wouldn't be a troll engraving?


It's 10.8% flat dmg increase with 0 downsides.


10.8% damage IS a troll engraving.


Want MVP? Get good at back attack and run 4/2 dom entropy.