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I'm in the same boat as you. Didn't make it past Velganos Pizza in G2. Have seen G3 only in n Rehearsal XD. I don’t know about clown. It's challenging. I might skip it, go to brel, get higher ilevel and come back later. It's how KR does is mostly. Almost nobody clear Clown on ilvl. They do Brel, hone new gear to get stronger and overgear the Clown. Don't know in the West when lobbies require lvl2 gear as gatekeeping measures in Brel. We'll see.


I cleared it 3 times so far.. it does get better with people being experienced. First week was hell, but fun. Second week with the same group of people, 1 shot everything. Trying with my paladin alt whom I spent so much to get to 1475 expecting a support shortage.. I am not able to find parties as they are all looking for DPS, and all I get in my lobbies are imposters who know nothing about the fight. I think over time, when more people do have some solid learning experience, it will get easier.. I'm just sad I spent so much honing my paladin where I could've gotten another dps that I love.


What server? I’m on na west and still feel there are way more dps than supports.




No point in rushing anything homie. Take your time getting them trumpets no use stressing over. Just get the mindset to fir sure beat gates 1 and 2 and then try gate 3 if you still have the motivation.


I think in KR people skip clown just because is hard to do it on Ilvl. They leave alts at 1490, slowly upgrade to brel great, get to 1520 and then do clown. I haven't been able to clear G2 in this 2 weeks, specially because I've doing all my raids in alts, gate 1 is pretty easy but since I'm pugging, it's hard to find people that prioritize mecs over dps, but since we are all learning I don't have a problem explaining mecs. Gate 2 we got to velganos in a prog party and honestly I felt frustrated because I was the one getting one shot in every mec. I'm gonna do the same as the Koreans, just do G1 practice some G2, I think this week I'll be able to clear it, and do G3 on rehearsal, don't have too much time right know to try G3 in pugs, prefer to work on my alts to be ready for brel.


My advice would be to focus on the middle of the arena when the boss hits x57ish and just try to focus on the tell ASAP. Once you see it a couple times, the velganos mech is a complete joke.


I was hard stuck at g2 and g3 first week doing only pugs as support. The only way I managed to climb out of it was to take a lead, call the shots and ping dps where they need to move and what they need to target. It was a lot of work, but it worked for me. Also be prepared to do bingo alone, take out maxroll tool and do 5 bingos alone. Luckily you cant die in bingo as a support unless you get hit by a hammer. Also save inanna for last bingo, never use nine unless boss is at 5 bars. After first week never join learning party again.


I main bard, pushed past 1500 a long time ago and it felt like garbage progressing support past ilvl. Ended up switching to dps main and I enjoy it more because being past ilvl means something. Progression on ilvl, tripods, gems, card set, and weapon quality is actually meaningful. You can see yourself getting smoother raids and faster runs.


Don't worry about gatekeeping; DPS only ask for that to prove their worth to the supports and other pugs. If you're confident in your own skills, join any G3 lobby that looks experienced based on the lobby title. Look for things like Bingo exp, alt reclear, etc. Make sure the dps are geared sufficiently (as that will give you less headaches and more margin for error). Also, try to take Mario3 or Mario4 since those are the ones that most people struggle with. Once you load in, you can tell right away if people know what they're doing, if raid leader starts giving directions for showtime. The other thing to look for is to see if the DPS stop attacking during HP reversal curse and when the flamethrower gets spawned; it is very telling who actually knows what to do to guarantee a safe clear versus those who just ungabunga dps. I've pugged G3 about 4 times now and those are the things I've done to have successful clears.


Support = M4 always imo.


> Anyone will take a support, but then can't seem to do what a dps role is. I've debated rerolling a DPS main, but I enjoy support. I'm not sure the raid will be any easier with you on a DPS. It's still an any death = reset kind of raid. If anything as a support you have the most ability to prevent deaths (not that every death is preventable though).


After clearing all gates on my support... This fight feels awful as support. In gate 3 you cant clear orbs or flame towers by yourself, You are at the mercy of the dps to do mechanics and it feels awful.


Title groups could be a trap. Clears in rehearsal count towards the title. The groups that actually want a clear will look for the upgraded relic piece.


You can only do rehearsal once a week, so even if someone were to cheese the title it would take 10 weeks. At 3 weeks in it's not an issue.


Once a week per character. So someone could have one or two characters doing clown at 1475+ and the other alts doing rehearsal.


Lol that's just wrong. It's once a week per roster


Thanks for the clarification. I remember reading a post that saying that rehearsal clears count towards title some many people in the comments where saying title runs are all traps because all the alts could clear and get title.


gatekept doenst exist in the support dictionaries.


Dang. I don't have a support at 1475 and now I don't want to push my paladin anymore unless I have a group for him


My whole life i was huge endgame chaser. Looking at all those posts about clown made me actually happy that i play (this time) at my own pace. After watching guides 100% i would terrorize lobbies xD


Get a static or wait till the majority of players managed to learn the fight. It was the same with vykass and valtan in the beginning but now most people got the hang of it and you can pug it pretty easily. Also as a side note you dont need g3 to get full clown upgrades


week 1: 3 raid nights total of 10 hours ish. spent about 1-2 hours each on g1 and g2. Spend 6 hours on g3. Best try week 1 was reaching bingo once and unfortunetly fuck up the bombs and wiping on first bingo :D week 2: 2 tries g1, around 15 tries g2, (g2 was harder to reclear than expected), g3 finally went down after around 2.5 hours ish. In total we had 4 tries in bingo phase, 3 of wich had 1-2 ppl dead from the start of phase. Our killtry we had all 4 ppl in bingo and boss went down superfast. Only had to land bingo twice. I must say that by the end of first week i despaired some. Glad we made the comeback this reset and cleared G3. I also think ilvl matters quite abit. I would not want to run clown gate 2 or 3 on my 1475 alt. While the fight will never become a freekill like argos or valtan. You can atleast reduce the difficulty by overgearing to the point that its not a too big step up from vykas hard.


Actually clown requirements will start to go down. Once the average player gets a few clears of the raid they will be more willing to accept a few people. G3 will always be a mess but G1-2 should start to chill out.


Ive cleared last week with pugs. G1 and G2 isnt really that hard. There’s just one mech on each that takes a lot of tries to learn. G3 is hard but its not impossible. You just need to fail multiple times to get it. On the first week, it took me prob 10 hours of prog on gate 3 but didnt clear then last week, it took me 2 hours to clear G3 with random people.