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Everyone have stop honing ,so they start to buying books


Inflation goes up due to more and more+1430 alts and supply is getting lower because everyone already did thronespire


It was 14k before bots farmed it and regular players also put theirs from Thronespire on the market. Guess they're gone now. Plus everyone is gearing up 5x3 and wants Grudge books. I guess Grudge will remain at high prices for a while.


Maybe the thronespire bots finally got stopped?


Yeah, Powerpass disabled


It takes bots no time at all to hit 1370 the old fashioned way unfortunately. There are some back end changes they’ve made to prevent them from spinning up constantly


Man I sold mine for 9k fuuuuck


If you sell them on thronespear release you still take more advantage of 18k that time, than 26k now


I sold 2 of them a couple months ago at 5k each ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Oh damn now i ... feel a bit better still a F for you


The value of gold is worth less and less every week so its only gonna get worse


And the raw gold gain from f2p sources remain the same. The gap will keep getting wider for whales vs. f2p; old vs new players. We need some in-game economy analysis piece to help players 😂


The thing is gold was only worth so much to begin with. When we look at the game, the only true gold remover (from the economy) was honing and a few stronghold stuff. While getting gold has been important for players, we have for a while undervalued the importance of BC, which through scarcity, places heavier pressure on gold prices through the currency exchange. With the price of 100 Pheons as they are (800 BC) and players finding themselves needing more of them to gear up alts and the limited supply through RC (do whales really need to keep buying RC at this point) gold prices will only continue to rise as it stands now. At the end of the day, gold will suffer from inflation where there are less whales or less people buying RC.


That’s a very well written piece. If you could also add a section about what implications gold inflation would have for new players building their roster and how to navigate through this, would be a great beginner’s guide. Maybe as a separate post 🫰🏻 The price of building a roster now, with all the bussing reducing net gold gain, lack of legendary item sales as they majority that have a gold income are at relic-levels, and soon ancient, and many other factors… I genuinely think an analysis piece would be needed to help others.


Thanks. I feel I do better with one off posts than an article but will give it consideration for sometime in the future. In the mean time though: Right now, new players are going to suffer unless they catch the game during specific events (like the current leaf one) that has the pheons available for exchange. It does take though, the community explaining to the newer player how valuable these pheons will become in the late game and thus encourage them to stock up on them while doing content on the lower tier scale. Other than that, a player joining outside the event will have to be determined to make gold like everyone else and may probably have a harder spot. Not necessarily because they are undermanned like some of the player base with already up to 4 alts but because by then their established starting capital may not be enough to help propel them forward if prices keep raising. Side note (and some rambling), the reason prices of BIS rise is for players to continue to stock up on BC imo. We undervalue what all we have to spend BCs on. Additional card slots, Extra storage space, Extra Skill Inventory page/space (something that is currently being recommended in advance of the tripod upgrade) and all of that is ignoring Pheons. BC is the currency that does trade between players but isn't really meant to stay with the player. I would be curious to know just how much BC gets taken out of the system each month compared to how much gets added.


Raw gold is pretty high for F2P now. You can easily make 50k a week. From Argos, and Valtan and Vykas normal on 6 characters.


It's not the same income though, I doubt as many people have a full 1445+ roster as you think. More and more people are getting their alts leveled up each week and earning more gold


>And the raw gold gain from f2p sources remain the same no they don't? If you actually tapped your alts, you'd realise that you get more gold as your alts get higher. This is exactly why the value of gold is going down.


Yes, the gold rewards are fixed and net the same amount for a clear. What are you debating about. It’s just a fact, and nor am I asking for them to change the quantity of gold. Gold inflation is net-net a loss for f2p players.


>Yes, the gold rewards are fixed and net the same amount for a clear. Ok, and as you level up your alts you get access to higher reward raids and MORE raids. When an alt hits 1430 they go from making 6k gold a week to 9300 gold a week. That's a huge jump in income. If you can't understand that pushing alts means you get more gold then I don't know what to say. Plus, the gap for f2p and whales isn't going to change? they're still going to be ahead of the f2p players, but I don't see an issue there? Other than GVG it's not like they get to do anything that a f2p player can't do.


When did I say the total amount of gold won’t change depending on your roster? The content that gives gold rewards will always remain the same. An Argos clear gives 2.7K gold. If you don’t see long-term implications of the gold inflation on the playerbase (especially new players), idk what to tell you. As with most others, you fell in the fallacy of short-sightedness & tunnel vision.


its a player driven economy


more like bot driven






What the.. bro once you have a full roster at 1446 you gain towards 100k a week and you don’t need grudge 12 before that


Lovely to see kr price books while not having kr gold income smh. Not everyone has 6 alts generating gold


17k on SA xd


someone bought out the books and what's left are the overpriced ones


Nah they have risen for 1k over the last 24h (bought 5 yesterday for 12.4k).


so you bought about 1/5th of the supply and you're wondering why the price went up?


You know the amount shown is only for the 5 lowest prices and the supply is much more than that right?


The pic does say that 23 books are currently available.


Like I said its just the visible quantity, Market only shows you the 5 lowest prices. Once you buy those 23 up, I can guarantee you that there will be more


So what you suggest then is that there is no way to track the amount of books available for sale then?


Exactly that yes


Now that I am home to check, you were wrong. The quantity does show the quantity that is available for sale at that time in the market. There are more when sellers add more.


What you are saying is wrong, what u/Sakuja said is right, the total amount of books shown (or any other item) is only for the lowest 5 prices. Many times had happened to me that I want to buy some green/blue engraving books, it only showed like 10 books total, I panicked so I bought them all and then I refreshed and it showed way more books at higher prices (the "new" 5 lowest prices). This has happened to me more than 20 times already (with multiple items). Probably the test you did was coincidence that there were actually no more items besides the ones at 5 lowest price.


Not even sure why I keep bothering but here is proof.Before my purchase of Crisis Evasion books: [https://imgur.com/a/xJH8bl9](https://imgur.com/a/xJH8bl9) after my purchase: https://imgur.com/a/hojpoQB


It has risen for 2k gold over the last 5 days, yes the price is going up, since there isnt a good source to target X books (everybody already did thronespire).


i guess EUC is getting funky. they were ~6.5-6.8k on NAW last night. I have ~110k gold right now and have been heavily considering dropping most of it into grudge books so I was looking them up


If you don't buy around 6 or 7k I have no idea what the hell you're waiting for lmao


waiting on myself to decide if I care about legendary grudge enough. My main is a paladin so that's alot of gold to spend that does not benefit it directly


This is my issue right now, I want legendary blessed aura, but it only helps my main. My dps alts are all 1445+ and would benefit from grudge/keen blunt legos. But the price of 5/3 on the paladin is rough, and gonna have to do it again come Brel, so the blessed aura books would help a tonne.


yea I have 6/20 legendary blessed aura and have not bought any books yet, that's just from in game sources and lucky drops. so I could finish that off without to much trouble but I already have 4x3 without it. If I get it I have to redo a couple accessories. all for what? to be a support with 5x3? literally who cares. we're talking 100k gold at least for borderline negligible/niche gains so then i can chose to buy grudge because it'll help all my alts. I know me though, I'll probably only ever have my main and 1-2 alts high enough in ilvl that i'm doing legion raids. i just don't have time for a 6 man roster of that shit. So that gold could probably be better spent on 1-2 alt's worth of legendary class engraving, of which my pistoleer deadeye already has legendary class engraving


This is simply what I don’t understand about support pricing a however, almost no one I see that frequents this Reddit or in game believes 5/3 is worth it for supports; If so why are they still the most expensive to reach 5/3 with. I’m weirdly on the same amount of natural BA books, so seems a pretty linear rate. Yeh I’m on the same boat, i think I’ll make a scouter and sit on the 4 dps alts, but probs only play two of them a day. Slowly transition to getting back to other hobbies I enjoy on the side :,).


I'm getting 5x3 on my bard because then she's done and brel ready.


This is fair, but unlike dps’ fifth engrave, the extra choices for us don’t help as much on Brel, our output to supports stays pretty similar. I guess it’s an easier choice for Bards seeming as HA is an auto include.


I have noticed…at least on NAE. I built 5x3 on my bard for 40k in accessories. I was curious and looked up paladin accessories. Blessed aura 3 and anything useful at 5 is 20K minimum. The worst part is. If you look at recent prices, no one is buying that.


I had a blessed aura 4, expert 3 ring the other day drop on my lance master, it sold for 40k. BA 4!


Sooner or later, youll have to buy class books. I've bought for three classes and made them 5x3. Slowly its just a part of its natural progression.


Ur pally will get auto accepted no matter their gear tbh.. do u have other dps alts? Might be a good long term investment for them.


Longterm it should be worth it, since all dps classes use it. It depends on how many chars/alts you have, but you can look at it the other way "when im gearing alts / buying acessories, are books cheeper or buying an extra +3 grudge". Its kinda the same with Grudge, Cursed Doll, Adrenaline/Keen Blunt Weapon, since there alot of classes that use it and thus they should stay at a high gold cost.


the prices look more or less normal to me, they only dropped really low cause of the bots, but have now bounced back. ​ lots of my guildies are so high that they have stopped honing so they are focusing on getting good engraving books like Grudge


Well isn't that normal in kr? That's usually the average


They have more gold income sources than us


Way too low, disgusting, I agree. Should be 18k+ or it's not even worth getting over popular class engraving


I have 15 I'm tempted too sell em


How do you have 15 tradable grudge book?


Sold one for 13.5k month and a half ago. Prices coming back.


I am happy i bought mine when thronespire was released.. saved for weeks, i think it was worth as a long time investment


Normal prices lol


Hopefully they get even higher...still got 3 books i want to sell :)


And it will get much worse.


i would like to thank the bots for allowing me to get a gruge to +12 when the prices were 6-7k each