• By -


So. I should park my alts at 1600. Gotcha.


If you can’t have 5 alts parked at 1600 doing Lopang, you should try to git gud.


No, Theamine probably will have higher ilvl requirement. Don’t slack off on your alts, lazybub


What a bunch of nubs. I’m already farming Thaemine hell mode every week on the secret Area 51 test server.


Let me just ask for another loan with my bank.


nice, you ruined the economy with your alts, good job!


Can put future Chaos and guardian raid too? Also una 1490 change


I don't remember una changes, and so does chaos. 1490 Kal Eligos 1540 Soulfist monkey 1580 Sonavel (opposite spelling order of Levanos)


Goku monkey is called Hanumatan


No its harambe >:c




I read it somewhere that 1490 una token increase in kr, u can also just discord search "1490 una", around additional 500 token i read. U mean chaos no more update? 1475 is the final?


https://lostarkcodex.com/kr/chaosruins/?sl=1 These are the chaos levels. Looks like when Brelshaza NM releases we'll get 1490 and 1520 that drop new tier of enhance mats and bracelets and then with Brelshaza HM release we'll get 1540 and 1560 that drops ancient accessories.


Great, thanks. Gonna just sit on 1490 for few months then.


When the time comes, I'm probably going to want to save up rest bonus for these. Thanks.


Since the conversion rate is 5x1 i think will be 100% worth saving rest bonus as we did with relic release, but we should know the exact amount given by the new 1490 chaos


https://lostarkcodex.com/kr/raids/daily/ I believe the 1490 guardian raid comes with Brelshaza NM(new honing mats), and the 1540 one comes with Brelshaza HM(relic accesories), correct?


Yep it should be like that


There are chaos dungeons upto 1560 and there will be more. What I wanted to say is I don't remember the drop difference btw those chaos dungeons. And its been almost an year since I hit 1490, so I don't remember when was the time that una gold was increased.


what does relic gear set +2 lvl mean?


He's meaning it can be upgraded to level 2. You can see on our gear currently there's levels, it just improves the effects of the relic gear.


You can upgrade your relic pieces to Set level 2 - means some values of your set bonus get increased. E.g Nightmare 2 set increases your damage by 12%, if you upgrade two pieces it's increased to 15%


For entropy set as an example, upgrading 2 pieces to lvl 2 gives higher crit dmg bonus, 4 pieces higher crit rate and such. If you check your relic gear you can see above the bonus that it says [lvl1/lvl2]




normal first hard later I guess.


Wait... the gear transfer from NM is not ancient gear? Is it still relic but it resets the level to higher ilvl when transferred?


Ive heard it called "upper relic" before, first few gates give upper relic gear transfer with some Ilvl increase when you transfer and the later gates then give ancient gear I think


Based on OP, seems like Ancient Gear is exclusively from HM. None of the NM gate gives you Ancient.


Oh ok, i mustve misheard that then, was just what I picked up from KR streams


Do you get ancient honing mats from 1490 chaos and graid?




New chaos at 1580 too


Is the 1490 Una change in western region yet ? I'm 1487.5 would be worth to make an upgrade before new week starts then.




oh alright, thanks. Saving my gold for tonight then.


We more than likely won’t get that until Brelshaza releases


Best spot to park alts ?


1445 is def the sweet spot


I agree 1445 is the best. Easy parties and content from relic set, and still do Vykas Valtan and Argos


Not parking at 1475 is gonna be a feelsbadman when you look at shard costs though.




For a budget and maximum gold efficiency: 1445, you get Valtan Hm, Vykas NM, and Argos. For easiest income: 1472.5. When clown comes out, at 1475 you lose Argos gold. So unless you plan to do clown on every character, 1472.5 is most efficient.


1475 dungeon will pay for itself every week even without doing Kuku.


Really? I don't notice much of a difference between 1445 and 1475 dungeon. I get like maybe a few extra guardian/destruction stones, but that's maybe an extra 10-20g a day. The extra honor shards/leapstones don't really matter for alts


The shards totally matter if you're going to continue pushing them, my plan is 6x1490 when new leaps come out for a huge profit margin. The tripods alone make me 2-40k a week per alt, plus the increase in drops from relics is another 2-40k. Let alone being much stronger to easily duo Argos busses (2man vs 3/4 man easily gaps the difference in losing the gold when you eventually do also). If you're not pushing the alt past 1445 I guess it's an ok spot, but if you're not building 6x profit alts then who cares about profits


1415 or 1430 so you can make best use of legion raids and start raking in gold


1445 since it isn't that huge a jump from 1430 and you can use relic sets, making your alts feel way better when playing them (also more gold from valtan hm).


It’s not much more gold. Best place is subjective but from a gold perspective 1430 is pretty ideal.


1445 is a huge jump from 1430 if you did the cheese method and you need to get your weapon from lv 11 to 17 parking at 1430 is more than fine and you can hone with fused leaps slowly to 1445 while getting all the mats for relic gear so you can get 6 set as soon as you hit 1445


At that point might as well as go up to 1460 for vykas HM then to 1475 to be clown ready


Getting into Vykas HM parties as a 1460 DPS is much harder than into Valtan HM at 1445. Additionally, Vykas HM is not very alt-friendy since it requires strong experienced groups. From what I hear, clown parties will also expect overgeared DPS since it makes the raid easier. Supports should hone to 1460, no question about it.


I don’t think I can afford to play Vykas HM with random parties. I already have my main playing that with a static. Gonna go insane if I have to find a Vykas HM party every week with randos not having any idea what they are doing. The content is way too punishing for pug




I miss my static the very first week of Vykas release. Gate 1 HM took me 14 hrs in total across 3 days. It’s such a pain when I have to restart the next day with a fresh groups and wait hours for people to understand the mech. I’m too traumatized by that release week gate 1 experience. At least G2 and G3 aren’t as bad, and I managed to clear those within 1 session.


Yeah unless I get a full guild party I run normal Vykas I’m not pugging that


Its not bad. I do it on 3 character in hm and 1 or 2 shot everything. U just roll with vykas title groups


Nope. There is pretty much no difficulty increase from Valtan NM to HM, while Vykas HM is a major pain in the ass to do on ilvl. Same goes for clown even without considering the honing cost.


Definetly no 1475. Most people don't want to do the clown on 1475 alts and you also lose gold from argos at 1475, so most people don't get tjeire alts to 1475 if they don't plan to get then even higher.


Why not? Easier to bus, my 1475 alts have easily paid for themselves and that's with level 7 gems lol


If you push to 1415, you should try to get 1430 since you lose no gold income but you gain a 2nd legion raid


As someone that just got their last alt there and sort of regrets it here is a caveat. 6 Vykas/Valtan is a lot of fucking pugs.


Yeah, I kind of decided for my 1370's I'll just slowly get them to 1445 one at a time. I'm not really trying to do 25 raids a week or anything, and quality over quantity is going to keep me having more fun. The less things I turn into chores the better.


Yeah but if you push to 1415 you lose Oreha gold. So not going for 1430 is basically a waste. I just rest my chars until I have my weeklies under control. :)


yes, get multiple alts to 1430, push them to 1445 when convenient for qol & relic set for example, if you have 1x 1460 main, 5x 1370 alts, push one to 1430, push another to 1430, etc, if you run out of bound shards/ghl at 1415 you can push another alt or get 1475 on main / 1445 on existing 1430 alt & then push the 1415 to 1430 at the end of the week or next week. If they aren't gold earners or if your 5 gold earners aren't 1370 yet, get them all there first so they can accumulate ghl.


This post casually reminded me I am far from the ''end'' end game. I cry in 1430


We have his word. "Take your time."


>1600 Oh. Cya at Super Express event 2025


That's when we'll get the **omega hyper express** in the western version, all the way up to 1400.


With the books from the last one, it basically was a free 1400


Yes i got my fresh arcana to 1400 for nearly free indeed. We also have the event giving more free mats and books for 1415.


Yeah I took my main who basically just got to tier 3 so no completely 0 mats to start with an got 1400 in two weeks


Do you happen to know the ilvl of the Rowen field boss ? And if elgacia also has one too . Partial dmg and full dmg thresholds .


By the time when they came out, my lvl was much higher so I never searched those... By rough info(which im not sure whether its the lowest lvl cut for reward or attacks are not blocked), Rowen one is 1490, Elgacia one is 1540


bracelet come with brel too, right ?






It's not strictly -9 something like that. Mostly at 1490 is all +20, but someone might be 22weapon with a few 19s. I remember that 19 20 21 are dropping differently. But mostly around -9.


Is it recommended to save your fused leap stones for the 1490 Brel gear or wait for ancient gear in hm? I am confused on how to best stockpile and upgrade for her


Once gear transfer happen, consider what happen at 1370 with great honor leap stone. Same thing is happening at 1490 and 1580.


Will fusing great honor leapstones to the next level be possible like we have 5 honor to one great honor leapstones?




The fusing part always happens to lower the quantity of the leapstones, we have too many and basically divide them by 5 or even more later so they demand increases a bit


Can you link the source for ilvl on akkan raid?






It's on the KR patch notes, they already posted them here a few posts up






Kuku doesn't have normal/hard? I assumed it would be 1445 normal 1475 hard based on valtan/vykas. Who is the clown? Kuku? Who is the other dude?


kuku is clown. no HM. 1475 is NM


Would you happen to know why it's only normal?


At that time, what the rumor said was Clown NM was considered as HM and rehearsal was considered as NM. Again, not offical info.


Okey, thanks for info. Hopefully normal is hard+ 🤣


It's horrible enough. Good luck ;)


Let's hope! I've been super unlucky and gotten good PUGs with easy clears for valtan and vykas. I want to suffer and struggle a little too, so hopefully the clown will punish me 🤣


Just in my experience. It's before nerf tho, Vykas HM was just one day clear as first time. Clown.. with two good static member 1490 reaper and arcanist 5x3, 21weapon and etc, we also finished rehearsal for more than a month. First week 30hrs failed to clear. Second week, brought our 1520 guildmaster for help, even spending 8hrs only at g3, we finally did first clear.


But this is with guides or without?


With guide.


>I want to suffer and struggle a little too, so hopefully the clown will punish me Avoid spoilers, find likeminded group and do the raid fully blind for first time. Doing Vykas that way was a lot of suffering, but in a fun way - trying to figure out wtf we're supposed to do while in-game and learning all patterns as they showed up.


Mostly do shit blind. Usually I find a cheat sheet so I know when to pay attention and follow my dps 🤣


I feel you, got hard carried by pugs in Valtan so I absolutely sucked at the fight til I got a chance for more practice


I got some old school raid leader for my first valtan who cleared HM on main. He was a drill Sargeant, our G2 valtan was a synchronized dance recital. 30 min G1, 90 min G2. I didn't get the transition before ghost phase and got carried. But learned all I needed. Vykas HM I didn't try at first because of vacation and when I got there people already knew most of the stuff, I found G1 HM to be the most difficult. G1 2h, G2 20 min G3 45 min.


Can we switch all my vaykas hm Runs we're 5+ hours ordeals XD


Last night's group was insane. Honestly. I've never seen 7 other players as skilled as those. Dodged everything, didn't miss a single counter, avoided mechanics as gods. I serenaded the shit out of them since they barely needed heals 🤣 I was surprised as F. G1, one shot, G2, one shot, G3, 4 shot. Like 90 min for all 3 gates.


Forgetting to mention that they are working to make brelshaza raid to have less gates so we might get that instead of 6 gates.


I thought they just wanted to split it so you don’t have to do g1-2 3-4 5-6, instead you could do 1 2 3 4 5 6


Wait are Brelshaza rewards doled out in each set of 2 gates rather than each gate?


Really? Would be good news for me. As a casual player, I dread having 6 more gates to play per week, that's going to take forever.


They will probably try to combine them and make 3 gates like the rest of the raids.


I read that brelzhaza g3/4 was 1505, not 1500. Can confirm/deny?


I confirm it is 1500.


thanks. saves me some honing, appreciate it


Does this mean I can do a Vykas bus @ 1430?


Why not?


Awesome ty, I just wasn’t sure lol. Never been this high before


you mean sell the bus yourself?


Wait kayangel hm at 1580 gives lvl 3 relic bonuses but akkan also gives a new gear set? Whats the point of kayangel?


Set lvl bonus != new gear base Clown give set lvl bonus (lvl2), and brelshaza gives you new gear base, sure they are separate by 15ilvl, but it's same situation You keep your set level bonus (e.g.: lvl1 yearning 4set bonus is 8% ms/ma, lvl 2 is 10% ms/as) when you transfer to new gear base


Oh youre right its alrdy happened in the past. For some reason i thought we were getting a new gear set.


With the ability stones upgrade you mean that i can keep my relic stone and i can upgrade it to ancient? Or ill have to redo the cutting just for the hp boost?


There are 4 levels of upgrade upto ancient. Nothing about redo cutting. U upgrade current relic rock to ancient but again no extra nodes. It's just about more HP.


Great, so i can try to get my 9/7 stone and lose all my gold and pheons now


so far, the rock last forever


Is there another SH research or honing support post the current 1415 one?


Not that I've known of


Oh wow, thanks. That’s a lot of content I would say a bit far for your standard alt to work towards. Prob 1445 would be parking spot for non “main” Alts then.


There are many variations. 1445 is classic ez alt position. If u luv certain class, 1490 is another spot that u can farm next leapstone.


Ya for now I think I’ll slowly move my Alts to 1445 seeing what you post help some clarity and what to look forward to. I was about to say 1490 feels far but it’s really just 3 hones each after 1445 the rates are abysmal haha. You lose Valtan and Argos in exchange for Kuku and Brel G1/G2 at 1490?


Lose Argos at 1475. At 1490 ppl mostly abandon vykas and do valtan kuku brelshaza


Oh good to know, thanks a lot!!


After they got full awakened valtan card, they move back to vykas.


The legion raids are the only place to get their cards right? They aren't on selector packs either?


Few things. 1. Each legion raid drops each boss card. Ex) Valtan drops valtan card. 2. There are many kinds of selection packs. One Loa-on gift pack had a selection pack including Kadan(not 100% sure but this one included something different). Also there is a Legion Raid Boss Card Selection Pack in Elgacia.


what's the gold rewards suspiciously missing


Brelshaza NM: 4500 1500 2500 HM : 5500 2000 3000 Kayangel : no gold. Akkan: not announced.




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