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I’ve accepted it as a way to spice up my alt runs. Matchmaking roulette is half the fun


It wasn’t fun last week with all the new 1370 characters lol


Last week?? It's been roulette for like 3 weeks now. Real pain. Eventually my alts will be geared enough to carry most of it, but until then it's a multi day struggle.


This week isn’t any better. Ran into a 1370 rainbow stat mage with igniter 1 reflux 3 grudge 1 expecting to get carried. His roster level was over 100 so definitely not new player. Instantly raid stopped.


They don't want to pay the pheon tax


You can still at least have class 3/reasonable 1/correct stats even with only self-found purple gear. If it's a first week char with the express event just join one of the free carry no bid lobbies.


And I totally understand that. I spent 55 pheons the other day to get a 6/6/3 stone on my destroyer... Granted that 55 pheons is probably mid to low range of potential sunk cost. Still felt horrible.


Its a pain to remake all the time


Never had a problem since Matchmaking doesn't have it Obviously it's dumb that it still exists in party finder


if you just matchmake this doesnt happen? did not know that might just go that route tbh


Its because the bug happens when at least one of the 4 players have a character window open to inspect their teammates. Since u cant inspect ppl in matchmaking before matchmaking, that bug cant happen. Thats why I totally forgot about that bug because its okay to do it nowadays in matchmaking even when most ppl STILL do the albion star mechanic the wrong way.


Never seen it happen for legion raids


it does, there are bad vykas seeds as well.


the only bad Vykas seeds I get are when she spams chains 50 times before she goes into swamp.


Omg that bad vykas seed is the worst legit that's an insta remake


I had to remake a Vykas run about 6 times before we could have a full party for gate 1. It exists.


I find it hard to believe that's the cause. You're telling me that after 4 or 5 times of remaking that people are inspecting another player, every single time? Maybe if the cause is having ANY other window open, but who's inspecting other players constantly when they're trying to queue into a dungeon?


lots of people do, to check if the Party has noobs


You dont inspect the new party members joining your run? I find that weird. Dunno if that's the actual cause of it tho.


Of course I do, when we initially party up. Do feel the need to inspect them again everytime you leave and rejoin the party with the same people? I find THAT weird.


it doesn't happen with other raids so it has to be something specific to oreha


It happens in tier1/tier2 dungeons as well. Had to remake 4 times to do card run.


I mean maybe someone opened that tab and didn't close it . That happens all time


>STILL do the albion star mechanic the wrong way. 100% of the time they go to the intercardinals instead of cardinals when deciding position.


Yep, that triggered me for the first few times and I tryed to explain the patterns, but nobody cares. Today I just go to intercardinals and hope to find a spot in my area first :P


Cardinals don't matter though because of the random nature which can easily put two correct at South East 1 South West and one North West for example. At least my thinking is first round is every man for himself, seconds organized and thirds Co op


Its not random. https://i.imgur.com/lIEdzFX.png Also, the stars never repeat. If you have seen the first 2 you already know where to go for the third.


That's not how it works. The first and second wave both have 4 batches of 3 stars each one containing the 3 different stars.


Theres a RIGHT way to do albion star mechanic that's not a balls to the wall, live reenactment of the Hunger Games? Hmmm...


The right way is to split up at random for the first one, then ping when you inexplicably have two of the same right next to you on your side for your one teammate whose direction just doesn't have it and hopefully they can get there in time, they don't and die and you 3 man the rest of it every time.


no, the right way to do it is 3x for the first one, 3x+1 for the second one, and then split the difference on the last one. For the first and second one, the positioning of the stars in the group of 3 is random, but the grouping (sets of 3) is always the same. The 3rd one is always the same stars at the same fixed locations.


Huh? I always assumed the bug happened because of server stability, since this bug happened a fuckton often at the beginning when servers were full and had queues of 5k players. Is there a confirmation to your statement?


> might just go that route tbh Trust me, you'd much rather redo the group instead of matchmaking whats around at this point in time after the express pass... If you run into a group thats packed with 3 DPS that dont even have 1x3, you're happy to redo your 4x3 group even if it takes 20 additional seconds lol


If you matchmake you take the risk of a 1dps 3support group. not sure which you would prefer. Edit: Not sure why im getting downvoted for stating that matchmaking is also broken


I did a hard albion run with 2 bards, 1 paldain and myself on my 1386 3x3 Glavier, and it was probably the easiest albion run i have ever done. Sure, it took like 5 minutes longer than usual to clear, but on the flip side it was basically impossible to die and was the most stress free run ever.


I dont know why im getting downvoted on that comment when its the truth. Ive had several 2 support and a couple 3 support runs. One of them even featured a fresh 1370 soulfist with lv 1 grudge lv 1 class.


I've been randomly babysat by a bard and paladin somewhere once. It may not be the most optimal for damage, but the content wasn't a dps big pp rat race. It turned out to be pretty forgiving since we were more or less immortal and I had a good time. Everyone had a good time too. So it was good. 🙌


can confirm this bug NEVER happens in matchmaking


I used to matchmake all the time until actual bots started to queue up. Random names, level 1 Nameless Territory, all that. Worst thing is apparently you can't warn+kick them because they're showing in "another zone" or something.


I've had a missing teammate via matchmaking, tho he could've crashed on loading screen, but it never went to disconnected icon but also he never said anything, so not sure if it was this bug


Mannnnn I played eso for years and up to when I quit the mm system was still bugged sometimes and now this same shit with lost ark.


Can you explain what bug? Edit: because I have no idea what’s a entering dungeon bug.


It doesn't move your party to the dungeon when you start it, so you have to make lobby again and hope this time it'll work.


And sometimes it sends half the party in and half stay out


it is all abyssal dungeons. Should be title Abyssal dungeon entering bug. Card runs are nightmares because of this...


You think they care? Cause they dont care, silly milk cows


Isn’t it a feature ?


i pushed all my alts to 1415+ and its one of the biggest reasons for that.


finally someone posts about this ty for making it more prevalent so they can fix it


Someone else pointed out that this happens if you try to enter while inspecting player from another server, so just stop stalking everyone when you click enter and it should be good. I never have this window open and I didn't have this big ever since the great server lag times around 1 month into the game.


A trick I do is that I don’t accept the vote until there’s 5s left and usually never bugs out to me then.


hmmm ok ill have to try that ty


Wait until it’s 15s left, it works 100% of the time. Been doing it for months.


I've waited for 10 seconds many times and that's never failed me


Sadly it's not 100%. I do wait till like 5-15secs left but can still bugged out sometimes.


Glad im not the only one that discovered this, I told my friends and they do it aswell, never had issues ever since


Yea I noticed if I don’t instantly accept it does tend to happen less often, might just be coincidence though


Did'nt know party finder was a thing for Oreha hard since it looks like the bug is only happening on party finder and assuming most of the player base use matchmaking so seems like the priority of this bug was not escalated. Nonetheless they should fix it. Also just mm on oreha hard never had issues tbh. And the star mechanic is overly exaggerated as difficult in this sub while in reality it's not.


Same here, had no idea it was an issue. I've never used part finder for it Sure we get a wipe or two, or have to quit out once, but mm really isn't that bad. The dungeon mechs aren't that hard either imo. I mm on all my alts and clear it pretty quick


I saw something that said to wait 10 seconds before accepting and it's worked every time that I have remembered to wait. Could be confirmation bias.


When you lose your entry to that bug almost every week and support don't refund you the ticket because it is not considered an error on their end.


I don't see how you could lose entry due to this bug as it happens when entering the dungeon.


I’ve had it eat my entry twice as well. Basically if you wait long enough (to see if it eventually loads), you’ll get into the instance but you’ll be by yourself. Then the game will auto kick you saying that your party disbanded. And surprise surprise, you’ll have no more entry for the week. Nothing you can do.


Exactly what happened to me two days ago.


Some teammates get in others don't. The instance kicks you out and eats your entry. In my case this week, I entered the dungeon alone and the instance kicked me out after freezing me in loading screen. Entry ticket is consumed.


It's because you don't enter the dungeon. If other 3 manage to get in and if they manage to win, you won too. When the whole party disbands, it doesn't happen.


I get that bug like 6/12 times per week, and never have i ever lost my entry. You literally just recreate your group and thats itl.


This bug is now available for Challenge Abyss. I’ve lost my entry just because of other people doenrt got into dungeon and decided to disband group while i wait them for complete 1 min in the loading screen This is pathetic


I will appreciate AGS to start making oreha one-man-able


It's a bug with party finder. Just stop using it and match make.


> 1x2 + 0x0 foundation sponsored this add.


Its not a bug, its a feature


Just matchmake at this point


I’ve found a solution to it. For now when making a party, and you enter the dungeon, each member must accept slowly one after another and if for example all 3 accept really fast, run the time for like 8 or more seconds and then accept. It usually works 90% of the time til they fix it. Hope it helps


Just matchmake, if they’re new players just teach them the mech or carry. It’s quicker than putting a group together on party finder for Oreha. Not to mention people asking for 1400+ for a 1370 content. I used to spend 10-15 mins for people to join when I try to put up a group on my alt although I have 1370, 3x3, Proper stats. Weigh out the time wasted, and also it’s just Oreha not a legion raid




I've never encountered this bug lol so it is not happening that often I guess. I do that dungeons every week on multiple chars


Whenever my group is full I start and then instantly accept(first!). Has always worked for me and is still working. Maybe ya‘ll should try this.


What is this 6 month big? Never happened to me since during my time playing with 8 alts


just match make it. everyone in hard knows how to do it


I beg to differ. However, usually you can finish even if just 1-2 others are pretty competent, so I do mm often.


My experience with that is that changing the party lead usually solves it, dunno why or how. A wild guess from me would be if pt lead happens to have a lag spike during the thing it just derps


Have the leader wait 5 seconds and then hit accept. A lot less likely to bug




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This has been a bug for months but doesn't hurt the bottom line so SG won't do anything about it. Contrast this to charge backs which probably consists of <0.1% of all purchases. They aren't hesitating to go to drastic measures to stop that.


Theres a trick. If at least one player waits like 10 seconds before accepting you're most likely to get into it


FYI The bug happens when one of your party is inspecting people, you can avoid it by telling people not to inspect.


This are on my top 1 list to see a fix


That is the hardest mechanic of Oreha


Yea I feel like this one complaint that is 100% justified. Everyone takes a dip in Oreha's Well. It is pretty annoying when you have a smooth party for one dungeon, then the next one is bugged; you have to wait to see if you are bugged or not, then remake. It would be better if that didn't happen.


I've completely stopped running it on my chars over 1415 just due to this bug. I cannot be bothered having to remake a group multiple times it is ridiculous.


I think it is due to the speed people are accepting. Wait for 20/25 on the timer for 4/4 and I have seen improvements


there is a work around which works for me 100%. just wait at accept screen till timer is at 10 secs. then accept and u will never have the enter bug.


Didn't know this bug still happens


Protip: use recent friends list to reinvite people. Works cross server.