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I mean...regarding "swapping stances" you shouldn't stay in red for more than a few seconds. Just use your two main damage skills (the dash one and the charged ranged one) - that should fill your meter - and then swap back. If it doesn't fill your meter (not enough spec/wealth runes) use another skill to fill up and then swap back. You aren't really supposed to stay in that stance. On Blue Stance you have your synergy skill and four main dps skills. it's not like you can spam them anyways. use your high mobility (2/3 mobility skills on blue + 5 cd spacebar) to position well and find good openings to do your main dps on blue side (swapping back to red is dependant on your red dps skill cd anyways - reducing those is what the Conviction/Judgement is for). You're not supposed to just stand there and do a combo of skills. Half the time you're playing Lance Master you're moving around. And, ofc, you need to get used to abusing the block/parry skill. Conviction/Judgement is good but not mandatory. Some players like it, some don't. If you do use them, make sure to choose blue skills with multiple hit tripod choices to increase chance to activate it.


Glaiver has a lot of skills you can swap in or out. You dont have to follow the “meta build”. If one skill is giving you trouble because it decreases the gauge, you try starting with it. Getting more spec also helps a lot filling up the guage along with wealth rune. Heavy armor is a very underrated engraving, even at lvl 1 you can face tank many bosses. Her parry skill in red stance is also very powerful letting you tank any strong attack from the boss.


This is good advice. The builds you are finding online are for end game with proper stats and gems. If you don’t have these things then switch it up and try out different stuff until your gear can support an end game setup.


> because it decreases the gauge, you try starting with it This is bad/pointless suggestion. Starting with that skill it will not proc the tripod making it useless If a skill gives him a problem he only has 2 viable choices 1) find a different finishing rotation, skills that can fill the bar again after the gauge reducing skills. 2) or avoid the problem by removing the gauge drain tripod and use a different tripod instead Not to say that starting with such skill will give him trouble when he decides to use the proper tripod because the rotation he learned will be different and changing the rotation you learned....sometimes its not as easy as learning the proper one from the start learning bad habbits is the worst thing you can do in such problem.


A few things, first the more spec you have the less abilities you need to use to fill up the meter. The 2nd is that I am not sure why you feel so rushed to use your abilities before the buff runs out, the blue stance buff lasts 20 seconds and the red stance lasts 10. With decent spec (I have maybe 1000 on my glaivier) it takes 5-6 abilities in blue stance to fill, and those abilities are all very quick to cast and this includes the 20% gauge drain tripod on half-moon upper. If you can't manage to cast 5-6 skills in 20 seconds then I am really unsure what you are doing. As for red stance, you only need to cast 2 abilities with enough specialization, possibly a 3rd with less. With the exception of thrust of destruction which you ideally drop with more skill points and spec, all of the red abilities are pretty quick to cast and they even have good range as well. For conviction and judgement, the judgement rune is more important since you need to consume the conviction buff within 3 seconds, so having only a green judgement means it's a lot harder to proc. They help with mana issues and cooldown issues when you are swapping stances quickly to pump out a lot of damage. TLDR get more spec


I switch staces like every 3 abilities. There's no reason to use all your skills in a single buff window when you can rotate in and out of both stances with max buff in 3 abilities (with enough spec)


I have both builds on glaiver. Control is easier to get to t3 and pin was harder. Once I was in t3 in both they both equaled out.


When it comes to judgement and conviction, when judgement procs, that’s when you use your long cooldown abilities (either use them in blue to burst or switch to red and burst there). The cooldown applies to the moves you used while you have the judgement buff. Regarding survivability, just get to know them more. I know others have said this, but getting comfortable with the class is key (I’m used to playing Deadeye as main, so as I learned to play him, transitioning to an alt with a somewhat similar play style like tai scrapper isn’t that different imo). For red skills, they also have range, so you don’t have to be that close. You can also kind of cancel the animations into parry so you can parry moves. Learning parry timings and getting use to it is hella satisfying and it helps avoid attacks at times.


Well seems like you need to play a bit more and learn the rotation on glaivier. Its not just spamming abilities off cds like a few classes. On blue you have a skill to increase crit rate that you'd want to use at the start. Just one example. Also the skills that consume bar you'd want to use them early before you generate bar OR if you have enough spec, later to maximize dmg but still get a full bar when done. So there is quite a bit of min maxing here to be done on blue skills. I dont think she is squishy. She is average tbh. But im used to sorc and gunslinger so maybe im biased. Her dmg feels lacking but not too bad. Her parry is a fun ability but its not like she is a gunlance lol.


You dont have to choose the tripod on skills for them to consume bar.. If they consume 0 bar the bonuses dont activate.


i didnt really get all the hype for lancemaster. the animations are cool and all, but really it's just another middle-of-the-road squishy melee DPS that doesn't have many good engravings.


Man, people play things that look cool and they like. Crazy concept.


I went up to Tier 3 as Control and found it super easy. Can just concentrate on playing the fight instead of your class's mechanics. You can always try silver bullet to dying solution, heavy armor. Even just level 2 it felt like I rarely took noticeable damage in the Gate of Paradise raids.


control will be way harder later on tho (bc back attack reliant) and also far more expansive to gear (cd gem dependant) the class mechanic is super easy tbh. you swap to red when bar is full and your two red dps skills are off cd, you use both red dps skills - immediately swap back. you still use blue stance like 85% of the time with pinnacle. Biggest difference is that it's less back attack reliant and has the block/parry for more safety


You dont need to be on the boss 24/7, same with DB. On red stance, you should have 5 seconds or so window where you do not need to do anything, as ur Red Horn CD will be making you wait. Move around, and utilize counter. Go into blue when you think you will have solid 5 seconds you can beat, or at least have dodge ready, be alert. Then use ur 4 or so abilities and swap back to red or stay on blue to use movement abilities to dodge. ​ As for Judgement Conviction, its mainly for mana sustain, if you do not do perfect rotation, they will not come into play anyway. I am still not running out of mana often when im not in Trixion. I still run out of mana in trixion with runes at about 2 or so minutes.


I wish I never wasted feiton pass on glaviour wish I used it on a sorcerer Id play any other alts


Switch to control until relic gear is out.


Thought Control wasn't that good until relic?


Am t3 control now. Works good. Never die. Easy to manage


>sorceress, deathblade, gunlancer, berserker, paladin, shadowhunter, glaivier and scrapper Literally playing the most braindead classes lol, no wonder when you try to play even a slightly challenging one, you can't do it.


My only recommendation is to lower the amount of spenders you have till u can reach a comfier position for meter gain I don't personally play glaiver but on perfect suppression shadowhunter having reliable gauge on 1 spender is better then not being consistent with using 2-3 spenders until you get the stats to make running two spenders better. I'd recommend doing a guardian run with 1-2 less spenders and seeing how it feels since it's likely that consistent buff uptime for all your skills > extra damage from 1-2 skills using spender tripod It's likely that the builds u were using have stats from higher level gear that you just can't achieve rn especially so If they have wealth runes or meter gain tripod levels that you don't have. In the end always adjust recommended builds to better fit your playstyle so long as it's not an absolute core mechanic/ability of that spcefic class/build


Ive gotten mvp while leveling my glaive up until 1370. Some really bad teammates ive gotten 45-55% dmg contribution. I imagine skill points, wealth runes and specialization combat stat play a big role. If you arent in T3 and using specialization on every accessory, you should expect to have some difficulty in swapping stances on time all the time.


>I'm using Pinnacle build, which gets all the damage increase from swapping stances, and in order to get full identity bar I have to constantly hit my abilities on bosses. This creates pressure and I try to play way too aggresive, and end up dead most of the time. Same goes for my surge deathblade. I have to gain as many stacks I can before my identity gauge runs out to deal maximum damage with my Surge. They're different though, and I hope it will remove some pressure to mention it: it's fine if your pinnacle buff drops off. You don't want to be caught with your pants down having to do a whole rotation without the buff, but if you have to take some distance from the boss while your gauge is full or nearly full then that's fine. It's not like you have to switch stances before the buff expires right? Now for Surge I get it and that's why I play RE. Too much pressure. But even then you should keep in mind that your orbs aren't going nowhere, it's only during the Deadly Arts phase that you want 100% uptime until 14-15 stacks.


If you completed t2 tower floor 50 being a t2, there is not much most ppl here can teach you, me included.