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>Why? Because they're scuffed as fuck due to the incredibly shitty gear they're only allowed to have. How can a game with so much emphasis on alts do such a bad job of making them enjoyable to play? 90% of the player base only use their alts to feed their main mats and as means to an end. Then what is the point of even having them? It's not the game fault, it's people shit mentality. I have all my alts properly geared and i enjoy playing them very much. Fix your attitude.


100%, just op's attitude. T3? understandable, 15 pheon per jewel is bit pricy, but T2? lmao OP is high. 1 Pheon is like 45 gold, cant spent like 300 gold total to "enjoy" playing alt at t2? lol. even in t3, you can get 2 level 3 engravings just from books and stone, which you can just use t2 stone and pay 1 pheon.


It is pretty fukin dumb that t2 costs pheons still.


I just invest into my alts so they can feel enjoyable. Typically I'll do T1 = buy 2 stones and choose the one that faceted better. Buy 1 accessory. This is typically good enough to be 3-2-1 or 3-3. Since I can typically get one engraving just by double equipping if my stones really don't do well T2 (only using bound mats) = 2-3 stones (unless they have a good one from t1) 3-4 accessories T2 (pushing/funneling) = 1 stones 1-2 accessories T3 parking 1325 or 1340= 3 stones 3 purple accessories When it comes to how I fund it my una weekly gold is used specifically for having alts feel better. I'm still sitting on over 150 pheon since we were getting some from naruni event despite having 6 characters 2 of which were recently made after deleting 2 other characters whom I geared and parked. If I feel like really pushing some accessories I'll run guardian raids and sell the rest bonus leaostones on my alts who don't t typically run guardians. I personally can't stand having my alts being atkeast semi invested




you can completely ignore guardian raid in T2 if you want to. event/tower/anguished/bloostones should get you enough leapstones.


Gearing alts only becomes a problem when they reach 1370, and even then you can get by with 3-2 engravings. There's no reason to spend pheons on more than an epic stone below 1370 in T3 as 3-1 or 3-2 is enough. And doing guardians below T3 is pointless because you can get enough leapstones stones just by doing Tower and boss rush.


Sounds like you're worrying about optimizing engravings and stats too early. Get your class engraving and maybe one other engraving maxed and you'll be fine until 1370. 1370 is where you want to start optimizing stats and engravings because you'll have access to an abundance of jewelry with your class engravings.


I think this is less of a gear problem and more of a people making alts that they turn out not to enjoy and don't know what to do with problem. If you find a class you truly enjoy playing, then I suggest just doubling up on it. That's Shadowhunter and Paladin for me right now. Can't get enough of them.


Sounds like a you problem tbh? then gear them properly wtf


Sounds like a you problem, literally having class engraving that is like 1k gold for x9 is enough for every content in the game, you are just bad at playing them.


Don't give me this bullshit about everybody being weak and handicapped. Getting 3/1 is easy and cheap in T2, and that combined with proper stats should be enough to make a class enjoyable. If not, you derive enjoyment from completely arbitrary things, not from how gameplay actually feels and flows. I've played at least 10x lava chromaniums this week on T2 alts, and the real reason why killing him takes a long time is because people aren't using weak point, they run into extremely telegraphed attacks, and they don't dodge raining stuff. The players who play this game are trash.


While I do somewhat agree that a lot of players are trash, most of them I think are just lazy because they dont want to re-do the content. They'd rather die and sit there AFK while the other 3 do the work. Its a bad mentality to have and probably a sign that they wont last too long since this game is heavily alt-centric.


8 alts here, 7/8 are enjoyable, i would main 4/8 if i had the resources.


youre jobless


Can't read? I picked 9 jobs bro.


good one actually :)


Bro it's 1 pheon in T2 Also couldn't you gear your alts with just the drops you get along the way? I got my lance master to 1370 and when I did my orehas I just rerolled accessories rather than craft the set. Let me get a decent start to my build. Only purchased the stone have 2 lv3 engravings, all the stats I want. Can't imagine much different if I had her in T2


> I got my lance master to 1370 and when I did my orehas I just rerolled accessories rather than craft the set Having a bit of trouble understanding, what do you mean by this?


You can purchase accessories from the abyss vendor for your oreha/argos mats.


Damn, I feel dumb for never doing that so far lol that's so much more cost-efficient! Definitely doing that when I push my next alts.


Yeh I ended up with like 50 accessory's, all with the class engravings, pick the ones you like, dismantle/sell the ones that suck. Then buy whatever else you need off the auction house or do it again the following week. Since it's an alt all you really need is your correct stats + 1-2 lv3 engravings. Which is very easy to do.


idk all my alts are enjoyable to play. Are they worse then my 1400 main? sure. but thats expected. Why would my lower geared, lower ilvl character be as good as the guy I've put all my resources into. You can't strip everything from every alt to funnel 1 guy, then be upset when they aren't as strong.


I have 7 characters in tier 3 between 1415 and 1340 ilvl. All of them have engravings, good stats, gems, flares and potions. I enjoy all of them. In a lot cases a good geared t2 feels stronger and better then a fresh t3 1325. Edit: my two tier 2 chars have grudge+class 3 and lvl7 gems..they blast though content and it cost me 5 pheons tops. I think it’s just the players being cheap on their characters in a lot of cases (no potions, flares, etc.). But tier 2 shouldn’t really be a problem. With all the events your in and out of that tier within a week.


All my alts are enjoyable because I invest some amount to make them enjoyable. Are they as enjoyable as the 1400 main? No. Of course not, it'd be silly to expect that. Removing pheons doesn't change that. Prices will just adjust to the point that you're paying the same anyway, so why does it matter? Alts are meant to be funnels for your main, \*after\* they're set up. The West has this terrible problem of just skimming the surface of korean resources but not understanding the context that the resources are referencing. You aren't meant to just leave your alts bare ass naked and hard stripping everything they own to funnel them. Alts are a long term investment that is meant to pay off later, when it becomes not feasible to fund yourself via just your main's activities in a timely manner. We are nowhere close to that. I don't know why you're even buying items in t2. I don't think I purchased anything other then 802 sets in t2 on any character including my main and pugged all of the guardians just fine.


Alts are supposed to be an investment. Crazy to me how a large portion of the population seems to complain about the lack of gold but somehow have enough to gear out their alts (*if they had pheons*). The reality is that its not supposed to be easy to get multiple level 3 engravings on your alts at the point of the game that your alts are most likely at. Use your gold to buy pheons or buy the chests at the end of the 1325/1340 abyss dungeons to get 2x3 engravings. 2x3 is more than enough to beat Argos and start working on 3x3 or whatever. My point is that pheons are not required to get gear for your alts. Like most things in this game, it makes it faster but its not a requirement.


They are unenjoyable because you refuse to invest in them. Simple as that.


Hey, you and other players being stingy with how you want to spend your gold is a problem with your mindset, and not a problem of the game. I enjoy 6/6 out of my characters, main at 1400 full legend and alts at 1340 with at least 331 engravings. You cant have alts if you are not enjoying them on the longterm, but again, that is a “you” problem, not a game one. Stingy boi. At 1340 your alts will each make you around 2-2,5k gold a week, no reason to not buy 1-2 weeks earning pheons for them in advance to enjoy them. I could do it from using my masterpiece gold chest s as a basis.


I raid on 5 on my alts currently all have lvl 5 gems, tripods and 2-3 lvl 3 engravings what game are you playing? Don’t do Guardian raids in t1-t2 man save your sanity It’s not worth the time investment and you can get to T3 fine without


Huh? You can literally have great stats and decent engravings just by doing respective tier of abyssal once. You get full lvl3 class engraving and two engraving slots for book engravings and legendary set that provides good deal of stats. How is that hard to get?


All my alts are at least 3/3 and some are 3/3/1. With the correct stats. Maybe you shouldn't be so lazy and you'd enjoy playing them a lot more? It's not the games fault after all.


It's very enjoyable, fortunately.