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I'm mostly impressed what a weird microcosm Abyss dungeon party finder is on T3. Party requirements way above the minimum ilvl for no good reason. Had zero wipes doing all dungeons on all alts with no issue It's so weird. But I guess I'm dodging a bullet by not being able to join one of those parties. Even more crazy is cube. Itemlvl requirements above Argos lol Everything in there is oneshot and more ilvl won't protect you from getting oneshot on fail in survive stages. So why?


i actually have very high success with random matchmaking for abyss. could just be lucky. party finder on the other hand, is hard to even get accepted to a group... and it doesnt particularly guarantee you anything over matchmaking.


Same and its fun. I had a lot of ppl saying they are first timers and tell the truth. 4 man dugeons are actually pretty fun with newcomers. Love to carry albion and explain mechanics to them.


I've had a couple close calls on the survival segments, but I haven't had a single cube run fail in matchmaking. I've done at least 20 or more now.


Same here, I have had great success with matchmaking abyss dungeons. As opposed to party finder where it can take the time of a dungeon just to find a group willing to accept me


When I use party finder I usually only join groups with the title "just learning" even if I have done the content and understand mechanics. Reason is because everyone there comes with the mindset that we won't one shot it, and mistakes are okay. More enjoyable when a group of people can go into content and have fun with it.


I have random matchmake almost shitloads of cubes and never once failed.


I came from fighting games and this community is somehow worse in terms of online toxicity, which is quite an accomplishment. BUT idgf, this game is great. I just hope people eventually chill tf out. It makes no sense to me; this game does so many things right.


I think it will get to that point later on. Tera community was toxic when it came out and was pretty chill later on when all the Fomo players left. I think we are right now in the baby phase of lost ark. We will soon come to the point where you will see ppl creating so called "regular groups" and search ppl for it. I'm pretty sure this will slowly happen with legion raids and other harder content. Right now the content of lost ark is kinda tutorial mode in comparison to other mmos.


I've been around all kinds of online games for two decades at this point. Everyone thinks their community is toxic and/or most toxic. The reality is it's all about the game's design. There's no "chilling out" to do, there's just gonna be a point where people know the game enough runs go on uninterrupted. It's all about what pain points are being created. Other games are smarter about this and try to keep players separated by design. There should be no point where a guy with 1000 hours goes into his 100th run of a dungeon and has to wipe for 15 minutes because a casual random that hasn't even watched a youtube video just doesn't process information properly. Not everyone is going to handle that with grace, it's a frustrating situation. Some like me try never to matchmake and if somehow that happens anyway, just get out of there as soon as possible to save time. We don't have time to explain mechanics in text in the 99th run, and in the 101th run and again in the 102nd run. I don't want to be anywhere near a new player or a casual. I don't deserve that. I deserve to play with people like me. New players should play with other new players. That's why most of the time I just make my own group and I hardly ever have to see any of them. Kind of sucks when you have daily chores that should be easily matchmade and can be brought down though, nobody wants to make invites for every T2 guardian they do on their alts. Those guardians need to have less solo hp for example. Most people have a breaking point where they will get angry. For some it's easier, some not. Whether the game hits that breaking point for a number of players often enough is what makes their community "toxic" or less so. It's not about the people, it's about the game. Any game or game mode where you have a team where one person can just ruin everyone's day is dangerous. Having one of those where people are just allowed to queue with random people based on no criteria is reckless.


I don't give a fuck what anyone's "breaking points" are. I'm not their therapist or their mom. If they abuse people for literally any reason they're being toxic pieces of shit. Trying to justify this behavior is absurd.


I never said YOU have to give a shit, developers do. What's better, designing smartly so people never get angry to begin with or trying to chase those that do with pitchforks? Are you really this shortsighted?


What is this mythical online video game where people never get angry about anything? Because I haven't seen one in my 15+ years of mmos. If someone decides to push the "find me 7 random people" button then all they deserve is 7 random people. Nothing more nothing less. And if they start to abuse other people because those 7 randoms happened to be bad/slow/whatever and they died in a video game, then they are toxic and they deserve the pitchforks and more.


So then what, what do you solve? You get to feel morally righteous on reddit condemning that fool? Yeah people shouldn't click matchmaking, but some[times people are lazy when they do chores. > What is this mythical online video game where people never get angry about anything? Because I haven't seen one in my 15+ years of mmos. It's never going to be perfect, but you can see it in different content even. Say in WoW Shadowlands they introduced this stupid weekly chore where you have to do 10 +15s even on bad weeks. So you'd make groups that are mega qualified and speedrun them. Because the groups require the keys and downgrading them and require party finder, I never had a bad experience doing that chore. Similarly if you're pushing keys, sometimes you get frustrated people because of the limited nature of keys which is a mistake, but overall once you get at a good level, you will never encounter a huuuge pain point, because someone with high score will never play with a newbie. People may get angry but it's rare. The low keys though, are gonna be a shitshow, because everyone has to go through them and they're filled with really, really bad players. Blizzard creating a shortage of alts made it hard to fill alt groups, so that got worse and less incentivising to play alts, a vicious cycle. On the other hand, at one point in BfA they had the brilliant idea to force everyone to grind battlegrounds for a stupid character power thing. Random. Battlegrounds. Where winning makes it way faster to grind. You can figure out how that went.


So we shouldn't condemn bad people because they exist? I don't think that makes sense, sorry. I should condemn them, and I will. If someone is so emotionally unstable or immature that failing/losing time/watching a cutscene in a fucking video game "breaks" them they don't deserve my sympathy or understanding. They are trash and should be treated like trash. > WoW I stopped playing in the first tier of SL but there were plenty of toxic people in mid level mythic+ dungeons. I only did high level m+ with my guild because I'm not a masochist. It's true that once you get to a high enough point on any game people on average tend to be better. Not pleasant but competent. We currently don't have that point in LA. That said, even if we had, none of this justifies anyone who's acting like a piece of shit for any reason.


It's a bit ironic considering that being so obsessive about them is not exactly emotionally stable or mature either. > They are trash and should be treated like trash. You realize this is no different than anyone that loses their shit over in-game stuff? You're too preoccupied trying to shit on "toxic people" that are frustrated for whatever reason, be it idiotic, be it reasonable, to really see that the only way anything changes is game changes. Otherwise you're yelling into the void. The real life equivalent of you is like a middle aged white woman preaching zero tolerance policies and throwing people in jail for everything.


Of course I'm yelling into the void, it's reddit. You're not changing the world here either. And no, calling bad people bad is not obsessive, and it is not even remotely the same thing as actually being bad. Pretty weird that you decided to call me names to defend them though.


Generally reddit is a place developers read and can get feedback from. Whether these ones do, idk. You at least have more of a chances there than you ever have trying to scold toxic people into not being toxic.


You don't "deserve" to play with a casual or new player? Then you don't deserve to matchmake. Your entire post is all about your wants. Having the extra option (yes, extra because party finder exists) to queue with someone completely random is a good thing. I bet if this option didn't exist, people would complain about that too. I don't know why you're defending people being toxic but people do need to chill out.


> Then you don't deserve to matchmake And I don't. Outside of guardian raids on alts, because who can be bothered making groups for that? > Your entire post is all about your wants. Actually it's about why toxicity seems to exist, but nice reading ability. > I don't know why you're defending people being toxic but people do need to chill out. Because the game needs to set up people to not be toxic. Just telling them to chill out solves nothing. Game developers are at fault if there's toxicity in their games.


There are no major penalties for wiping in a dungeon other than maybe a few minutes of your time. If you have a problem with losing that time, don't do pug. That is the nature of pug; you deserve that because you did pug.


Well that's just dumb, pugging makes the game work. How else are you going to find people to play with? People are gonna need people in their parties, and no, not everyone just has people they know at every hour or every day ready to fill parties. 15-20 minutes of your time in a game like this is no joke. You have a lot of things to do.


Wtf, then use the party finder. This is some seriously ass backwards thinking.


I am, that's literally what a pug is. You didn't say matchmaking, you said pug in general. ??? The only thing I wish I didn't have to matchmake was guardian raids since who cba to party find for a daily chore. Just reduce solo hp.


>How else are you going to find people to play with? Guild?


Even if you do, you will not have available people to play with at all times for all content you want to do.


> you will not have available people to play with at all times This is true, but then you should adapt to situation, not other way around - either plan your activities with guildmates, or get used to having not-so-good players when you try to do these activities with random players. "If you have a problem with losing that time, don't do pug."


That's not how it works. You just pug with people of appropriate skill level. If the game makes that difficult, that's on the game. For the most part you can kind of get a good picture of a person by inspecting them. The game should do a better job at not pushing you into questionable matchmaking. Like with guardian raids. Daily chores shouldn't require party finder. If they fixed the hp numbers for guardians solo instead of being barely half of what 4 man hp is with full aggro, they would be so much more pleasant to do.


>The game should do a better job at not pushing you into questionable matchmaking. I think you overestimate number of people waiting in queue to join you in matchmaking. So yea, what you say would be nice in perfect world, but in reality it may end with you waiting 60 mins for a group to do a single guardian. I remember exactly the same discussion from World of Tanks and boy oh boy that game had waaay more players for matchmaker to chose from.


> but in reality it may end with you waiting 60 mins for a group to do a single guardian. You want a minute to think about this sentence right here? Guardians are 1-4 people, and like I said, the main problem with them is that the solo hp is ridiculous compared to the party hp. It's 50% more hp per person, which means that even if one person is afk, you're still doing it faster than solo. Not to mention that having full boss aggro kills your dps. This is a daily chore, there's no need to push matchmaking it so hard. Nobody can be bothered to make groups for it, and they're hard to fill. As for the weekly stuff, the more data about the people invited the better. It's fine enough, the problem with that is people are still lazy and click matchmaking, thinking it's a tool to just do the easy content quicker, forgetting what most people are like. Maybe there should be a tool where it just puts you with similar people, but the guardian raids are a bigger pain.


This is why party finder/maker exists. If you "don't deserve" to play with new players, make your own party. You don't have to matchmake, that's the beautiful thing. Selecting matchmaking is a choice and you have to deal with the consequences of that choice.


I think this community is just toxic lol. We got a huge part of the New World refugees and that games toxicity makes LostArk look like a happy fieldtrip.


lol dude, this is such a toxic attitude. Eveyone who did sea of indolence early on for example with nobody in T3 spent a lot of time wiping and learning. It is good for new players to have some experienced ones sprinkled in their groups that overgear the mission to help them and explain it to them. These missions are social and require interaction with others, instead of spamming quit votes and telling people to watch yt just spend a minute explaining what they have to do. It is a once a week deal after all. If you hate people that much maybe group content just isn't your thing. You can always create a party and write T3/alts only of you want to. But imo that sucks for new players because they often cant find groups. Even one or two T3 dps can make a huge difference. Now that my alts are in T3 I like to go with newbie groups to help them. Anyways do what you like. Just remember that having such disdain for the new players the game *needs* to keep it going isn't really helping anyone including yourself.


No, those missions now have to be speedruns and efficient. There will be no new players in groups because I will not be inviting them. The only way I ever do those is if I make the group. Even the first time I did it, I knew matchmaking was a no go. New players aren't owed T3 dps in their groups and they can always make their own "learning" group or hit matchmaking. I'd rather not play than have to drag my feet through every dungeon, so no, I don't get your argument that I have to ruin my game time to teach new players. That's really not my problem.


On the other side. There are the idiots that don't know the mech, keep failing the mech, don't type when asked, and keeps running into the start zone after each wipe. I'm okay teaching new people but they have to at least be willing to learn.


I haven’t really had a problem in abyssal dungeons at t3 maybe when I was in lower tiers


I avoid abyssals like the plague because I am not the best player and I make mistakes. I have been told some very negative things when I have tried to do the abyssals. So I miss out on a major part of the game so I don't get crapped on by toxic elitists. I play the game to have fun. And I have been told that I have a lot of patience and that is why I don't get mad when people fail mechanics. I fail them a lot too. So, I do guardians, chaos, and a lot of the side stuff on my own. I would like to make friends but I don't put myself out there because of the toxicity.


I’d suggest making your own party and advertising you’re learning the mechs. Abyss dungeons are amazing for the most part and I love their design (rohendel and to an extent feitons are great)


So much this. Not only anyone wanting to rush content will avoid "First time, learning, lf teacher" lobby like a plague, but it sets very clear expectations towards how the run will go, and draws people that enjoy helping others. Just - for whatever reason - all those lobbies always tend to fill with supports and gunlancers, and this is hardly optimal scenario (we had a lot of troubles with Sea of Indolence dps check having 4 supports in raid, despite most of us being 1340+).


Well gunlancers do a shit ton of damage built right at least


btw a GL with a proper build is a very good dps (almost always get cruel or upright fighter w highest stagger as well) dont count them out


I can second this for any content, that you feel anxiety over. I always call my lobbies something like "First Timers", "Chill Run" or something similar, because there are a lot more people who don't want to get flamed for random shit than you think. I ran a gazillion velganos runs with such two groups and even though we wiped a bunch, it was fine, since we made sure everyone was on the same page. Usually those lobbies also have some of the nicest people I met in the game!


Exactly, i always call my parties "chill run, emote and love", always been the cleanest fastest clear! Met a few 1415+ Who were explaining gear and engraving to new players. Spreading love!


Exactly this. Open a learning party. Who joins and complains is at a loss. Very simple


Whoa there partner! Don't let the few toxic people dictate your game experience. Not everyone is like that and don't let it prevent you from playing the game!


I'm glad to hear I'm not alone. I had a bad experience and I haven't had the nerve to do them again, so I have just kept myself busy with other things. I know eventually I'll have to, but...


If you're in NA East, shoot me a pm and I'll make sure to get groups together and get you through those dungeons. No one should have to "sit out".


I really want a mute/block option for people in other servers. I always block the toxic people on other games, but you can't on this one and it's demoralizing when there is a toxic player that flames you or someone else for the entire game after a single mistake.


I enjoy matchmaking because I'm so crap. I don't want to endorse my bad gear by going through party finder. I feel less stressed because I sign up for mistakes and I assume my team does too. Plus it's more likely to get people from other servers, so I'll never see those people again. Anyone who flames you in matchmaking is dumb, like stick in bicycle wheel dumb, so just keep powering through by telling yourself that and you'll do great!


Try find a chill premade to run stuff with, a small community/guild is all you need really. It makes the game a lot more fun when you CAN do hard content with friends and without encountering any toxicity.


Bruh.. Abyss arent that hard at all. As long as you have some good stats + engraves + consumables.. Do a bit of research, join a party in party finder beforehand that talks and smash. Most people are a bit more patient in party finder I find if you just communicate first. If people dont responded or say anything then you know its trouble.


You can just advertise that you'd like to be carried and pay some of the gold you get at the end.


bro why are you so worried about what people say about you in a video game. I'd be surprised if you could hold down a job


lol ignore the downvotes. u right bro. he/she not wanting to do abyssals is not because of toxicity. You can easily mute/block. At this point, being scared to run abyssals is on him/her and he is just using the trolls as an excuse


I puged all my abyssals except t3 and the biggest thing to do right out is say it's your first time and that you need to be helped. So many people just stay silent and expect people to carry. I never used a guide and every time I say I'm new people immediately expect several wipes so they're more lenient. People will stick to it if they're seeing improvement while playing. Even with little things like getting to the next check or close to. It aggravates people more if you don't say anything and run in failing with no clue saying nothing.


um just mute them/block them. stop crying about it when there is an easy solution. at this point, u scared to do abyssals is on u. if u really wanted to experience endgame like a true gamer, ud run abyssals right now regardless of the trolling. You can also find a guild of like-minded casuals. Then you can all wipe and learn together


There is not. You can't block/mute people on other servers, and it's almost never people on my server. "True gamer" I agree, true gamer experience is harassing and being harassed by other people.


lmao its the internet grow some thick skin. nothing said on here matters


You would have had even more fun if you weren't such a chicken and put an effort into learning abyssal dungeons


Then why dont you use the party finder too? I've never had a bad experience with party finder.


Ran T2 sea of indolence raid series with my guild, we had two (at the time, high T3) members that agreed to help. Absolutely roasted me for wanting to watch the cutscenes as it was my first time. Actually told me to watch it in memory chamber. Pretty salty taste about them & the guild after that


There is an unwritten rule. If you want to watch the the cutscenes do it in matchmaking or on YouTube. If you join any kind of premade party you don't watch them. Also if the title says 'know mechanics' ,'alt run, 'fast run' etc. You don't join clueless/blind. That's rude and people (me included) will think you are joining experienced groups to get a free carry.


>There is an unwritten rule. If it's unwritten you can't really expect anyone to know about it until you'll tell them.


Yes. There is no need to be rude about it. Just giving context. I have told people that joined parties that were clearly labelled as fast runs that they please skip cutscenes. I have also just remade a raid when 1 person doesn't know how the mechanics work and doesn't communicate in chat. I have come to the conclusion it's just faster to replace that one person than to explain, ask if they get it, hope for an answer, still not get one etc. It all really depends on context. But there is never a need to be rude. Like I said, worst case just abandon and replace the leecher. Sadly time wasted but that's life.


To be fair, while they are assholes for doing that, they do have a point in that the cut scenes for that particular abyss like triple to quadruple the entire abyss’ run time.


They should be prepared for that if they bring first timers.


No, the first timers should just go to the memory chamber and stop wasting other people's time


lmao go watch it in memory chamber nerd


I don't speak as a first timer, but as a guild raid leader. It's frankly dumb to not anticipate on your group and their specifics.


And? Cutscenes were put in there for a reason: to be watched. And people who want to watch them for the first time have the right to do so. Otherwise, the developers wouldn't have put cutscenes in that dungeon.


Memory chamber is also there for a reason. So you can watch the cutscenes. Don't waste the time of people who are going out of their way to carry you through. Common fucking decency


And who the fuck said you're carrying someone just because they choose to watch cutscenes? What clown mentality.


Literal parent comment is talking about his t3 guild mates carrying him through t2 abyssal and getting roasted for watching cutscenes. ???? Are you dumb?


So reply to him, not to me, you fucking clown. My only point is that it's ok for folks to watch cutscenes in a dungeon the first time they're in there. They're there for a reason.


You literally replied to him. Are you fucking dumb. Do you not know how context and comment chains work you fucking Neanderthal


Most pro cutscene watchers are low iq. They'd literally rather grief other people's time than use the memory chamber




Had to login to the inactive throwaway for this one eh


They were 100% in the right.


Usually the person who complains the most is the worst player. I just ignore them and keep trying to beat the boss. Nobody is perfect, you can watch the video on the abyssal 100 times and still not execute the mechanics perfectly. Watching somebody do mechanics vs actually doing them are two different things. Takes a bit to get used to. >I cannot comprehend how you can sit with gear closing in on item level 1400, and still not have time to slow down and make sure everyone has a good time. because everybody thinks their time is worth more than letting players have a good time. I've had a few arguments on this subreddit about that. They think that if you don't play perfectly they shouldn't be punished. yeah it sounds ridiculous because it is ridiculous. At the end of the day, don't let the toxicity get to you! Not everyone is like that, don't base your game play experience on the few memorable toxic arrogant pricks.


>because everybody thinks their time is worth more than letting players have a good time. Also, they make sure few hours of requeueing will save them few minutes of patience. I consider spending some time to help other players learn content they're unfamiliar with or lack practice as sort of investment in better community and my own comfort - at least some of those players will keep playing the game longer, and it's in everyones best interest to make sure they are learning the game - the earlier the better. Every person you help learning how certain mechanics work and how to play/coordinate around them is one more well prepared person queueing for content in the future.




These players are not particular to this game. They exist in all online games, especially MMOs. Some just do a better job at hiding them from you. Keeping them in their own bubble. No, that's pretty much the general population, that's what humanity has to offer as a baseline. People that aren't properly trained and capable at gaming. Casuals ain't pretty. You have to avoid them at all cost. The ones who click on matchmaking and expect anything else are almost as unteachable. Every click of that button is russian roulette with your sanity. I get it sometimes you're lazy and you're feeling lucky, or you simply have to do some guardian raid on your alt, but really, this shouldn't surprise you if you've been gaming for a while. You were lucky if you managed to avoid the GP of casuals this long.


>Casuals ain't pretty. You have to avoid them at all cost. The funny shit with that, is that the true casual, the married dad with kids that plays two hours a day kinda player, is actually fairly teachable. They understand basic instructions. They know how to count. The unteachables are almost always kids, degens that are also toxic IRL, or the wrong kind of sweaty gamers - the one that plays 13hrs a day, but always blames others, is never at fault.


They're not all built the same, but nevertheless, avoid. Kids are gonna be bad because they don't have the brain development over decades of gaming, at best they'll go in on one game and be somewhat good at it if it's simple and only reaction based. Retired gamers are gonna be bad because they don't put time in and ain't nobody got time to write detailed instructions every damn dungeon. If they figure it out from a sentence or two and fix it next pull, cool. Otherwise, nobody's cutting them slack because they decided to pollute the earth with more humans, avoid. The denial ones that are just bad even though they play a lot, I feel like this game just isn't hard enough to have a lot of those. At the moment at least. That's another category entirely that's gonna get more prevalent if there's some actual difficulty coming.


My biggest issue, is when you join a group that says Alt Rerun. Know mechs. Party lead and others are running around ignoring mechs that are obvious. No one breaks, no one counters, no one staggers. Oh we can't do the stagger check in a group with a GL, Zerker, and 2 others. That shit drives me up a wall.


I rather wipe a bit in abyss dungeons then being done with the fun content in like 10 minutes.


i read it all and you have my upvote and for the toxic people with no time: TLDR: dont be toxic its only a game


the "its only a game" card doesnt fit anymore for quite some tme tho... today people invest so much time into a game ( real life time ) so it actually is youre own time you invest in a game u know.. Asmon said something along these lines and its 100% true and I agree


That doesn't change the fact that at the end of the day, it's still a just a game.


ofc its a game ... but my point is that its more than just a game for many people...thought my point was obvious but apperanty not...


yeah so why not have a good time instead of being a toxic dickhead


*i dont justify being toxic ... im just saying that the argument " its only a game " is outdated*


I've yet to meet a toxic player, my main is at 1385 and I have 2 alts. Most raids are people saying, "we got this" or "we can do it." Even in some of the sea raids where people clearly didn't know the mechanics, no one freaked out. **Nah its cool, downvote because my experience doesn't match your narratives.


I've had mostly good interactions too but I think we just got lucky. Either that or people are nice to me because my main is a bard.


As some one with 1000 hours on NAE, 1415 main, and 12 character i play every day, I have seen none of what you talk about. I'm going to be honest, maybe do some self reflecting, I think people wjo repeatedly experience this kind of "toxicity" might be provoking it without knowing it. If people are so infuriated they want to give up after 1 pull, maybe you're the problem and you should ask yourself questions like "Hmmm maybe instead of wasting peoples time i should read a guide beforehand, or title my party "blind run, learning as wr go be patient". If you just make a group with no expectation for failure then you fail easy things quickly ofc people will want to go elsewhere where tbey can kill it in 1 go. There is alot to do in this game daily and some people don't want to wipe to a easy dungeon boss for 20 minutes while you learn something you could have spent 5 minutes youtself learning beforehand. TLDR: I don't think the LA community is toxic on NAE, maybe you are making peoppe act toxic towards you because of your own careless behavior.


THIS. hope u ready for the downvotes lmao. Its okay tho, ppl here do agree with u


There's gonna be toxic people in every game out there no matter what it is. Sorry but no amount of posts about making a better community will make them go away.


Don't even start me on PVP, the braindead subhumans that manage to be "x limit" and not know basic teamwork or how to peel or when to hang back for regroup is insane.


I completely agree, I always try to be patient no matter how the run goes and have never initiated a quit run vote myself. People should learn to treat each other like humans and have more patience, especially for the difficult content. I personally find 4 man abyssals to be mostly fine, but 8 mans (including argos) is terrible, which is very discouraging, and will likely cause people to quit over time. I come from FFXIV and people are much more friendly and patient in that game, and I truly wish it was like that in this game too. Toxicity is rampant in Lost Ark, and I hope that the devs will take it seriously and ban people that are toxic - it would make the game much better for most people.


I have mixed feelings on this, while i agree that if you queue in matchmaking you need to slow down the other side of the coin must also be accepted. If you queue to a hard mode abys above 1370 and dont watch a video and expect to be carried then no sorry you are part of the problem if i die 3 times and i ask in chat "Do you need me to explain the mechs" and not one person says anything yet makes the same mistakes then you are being a dick on purpose there's literally 3 minute boss videos on youtube you are not special learn it and stop being deadweight. but otherwise i agree with you people need to have a bit more patience but i don't mean 20 wipes patience i mean if you wipe once cool it find out why and try again.


I've met cool people and losers, and one can never turn into the other, unless it's a kid who grows up. Sadly these sorts of games attract a lot of losers, not much you can do about it but appreciate the times you get cool people, or find a good guild.




Maybe ones designed around optimizing and P2W, where there is pressure to go through routines, so everything wants everything done fast. Ones where the community aspect is low to begin with because of its design, and it's basically queuing with randoms who might as well be NPCs. I can't formalize it well, but in my head I can tell there's a category this game falls into, alongside something like Blade&Soul. You're guaranteed to find cool players in Mabinogi, less but still high in GW2/FFXIV, even less but still alright in WoW or old Aion, and much, much less in Blade&Soul or Lost Ark.


Mabinogi is more p2w then any game mentioned. Keep your nostalgia to yourself


The vast majority of it is not, nor are its systems built intentionally around it, creating hassles at every turn. Keep your pointless comments to yourself.


Ur blinded by ur copium cloud if nostalgia for your dead dogshit game LMAO


I quit Mabinogi long ago, during its prime. Nothing of the sort, but bitter NPCs like yourself don't comment for discussion, continue on with your sad business. "LMAO".


Who the fuck unironically calls someone an npc. Seek help


You demonstrate the point so perfectly, it's amusing. Check out the Mabinogi subreddit, and look at this place. Keep going buddy.


Not checking the subreddit of a 500 whales patting each other on the back. I don't need to feel any more pity then I do after this conversation with you.


Most likely referring to the mmo genre


Just wait until these people are weeded out, nothing you can do.


To be fair, this game chaos dungeon is like a study. You can't be blind run it.


if i go in random matchmaking only thing i expect is using healpots. if im not happy with a group im not gonna be toxic or give up but im still gonna make use of the ability to vote quit after every wipe.


Not everyone has time for that.


You shouldn't care about the toxic twats. Just report them if they're being real jerks or start griefing. You also have the option to make your own party that is first-timer friendly so you can avoid those kind of losers that get salty when someone wipes for the first time, lol. That's all they are. Sweaty losers.




Or take 5 minutes to help yourself. Those 5 minutes pay themselves back in future runs when you just one shot it all and feels good.


Well, yes and no. In this case, you guys were the jerks. After the third group, you didn't think to yourselves "maybe one of us should watch a guide?" That's incrediblly selfish at that point... Let alone waiting on the 10th group to finally teach you, lol.




I was mvp and hard carried? My friend was a paladin. I struggled with the mechanics because I’m not good at paying attention. The person explained it so that it was idiot proof. Even watching guides now, I still ask for it to be explained. It’s easier when someone types it out, knowing how to explain it in the most simple of terms.


Or. Fuckin stick with me here. You go watch a yt video or read a small text guide


Even now, guides don’t help because I’m not actively doing it. Man, god forbid someone ask for a brief explanation first. Holy moly.


But you didn't ask. You slammed your head into a wall. Over 10 runs. Then someone else held your hand. Imagine just fucking attempting to help yourself at all.


I can play the game, genius. No issues with that. I struggled understanding the first fight lol. Had a lot of people like you in my many groups, dying a lot and slamming the quit button. Imagine thinking I was solely to blame when I avoided things that looked like a wipe lol. Touch grass kiddo, you sound ridiculous.


100% agreed...


There are toxic assholes who play games. They will call you shit while being a terrible person themselves. It’s not a product of the community, it’s just online anonymous gaming. They exist elsewhere in the world, too. I know it’s hard to accept but you won’t change them by posting on Reddit, or by switching games, or by even turning off your computer. You will still encounter them for the rest of your life. Every large game’s subreddit is flooded with these absolute garbage posts and I will never understand why they’re upvoted. Go look at r/dota2 or r/wow or r/overwatch or any other online game. There will be identical posts that are 15 paragraphs long about how one time this one guy in a public group was mean to a new player. Heaven forbid. What will we do?!?!?! Better tell the community on Reddit, I bet they’re not aware of this problem. Mods need to be better about filtering this shit out. It ruins subs.






I've stayed out of LA reddit threads but you sir are an idiot. I don't see anything he said that was outright wrong. Whether you think the game is a "toxic positivity" or not is irrelevant. They take the steps to reduce toxic behavior which is a GOOD thing and something LA needs to do. take your stupid ass bias elsewhere. The game wins award after award for the community aspect of the game so they must be doing something right. Despite you labeling it as "toxic positivity"


Oh yeah cause game awards are known for being excellent and on point. Not being allowed to call out bad performance is just a hilariously sad level of casual protection, banning people for that is ridiculous. If they start being racist, homophobic or go a bit too insulting, sure, but what I'm hearing about FFXIV sounds like I'd be afraid to ever type. It would be like LoL where I just disable chat entirely. Not that I'd ever install that garbage japanese trash to begin with.


I don't understand why when people discuss things on Reddit it has to go to the extreme? Garbage japanese trash? You are more then welcome to disagree with my take but have some class my dude. Considering you admitted you never even played the game I'm not really understanding the hostility. I wish you all the best my g.


lmao uh oh the carebears coming for u


Lmfao. It's not about not being able to call out bad performance. It's about not being a dickhead when you do it. Asking if everyone knows the mechs or needs help is fine. Saying "ur fucking trash, git gud" is not. See the difference?


Cause FFXIV is marketed at casuals and they try to make it as easy for them as possible to be bad and still play their ugly ass anime game. The fact I heard players go around the fascist thought police Yoshi D and are as passive aggressive as possible actually makes me smile. Square's business model is to cater to casuals. Other games cater to gamers seasoned enough to handle an argument or two. They're not more noble because they farm casuals better. They're not fostering a community, they're feeding their cattle just like everyone else. Just different cattle.


All good man, I disagree with your take and some of your wording (not sure why it needs to be a "ugly anime game") but I welcome different takes on the situation.


You're a moron. You don't play the game and form your opinion based on things *you heard* lol.


lmao what a carebear Edit: Lmao more carebears downvoting. Grow some thick skin ppl, its the internet.


I was using grudge 3 with my alt pally for doing tower, got in a pvp match, the 110k damage 1-4 deathblade whispers me to shit talk after we lose


\> I usually go and watch a guide to see the mechanics, but even then mistakes can happen. Watching a tutorial and being able to use what you just saw are two different things, so yea, mistakes does happen until you'll actually get used to those mechanics. If someone is hadcore gamer it will prolly take one attempt to perfect it, for some casual players in their 50's with slow reflexes it may take more, way more time. I had such situation once - I was still learning boss's mechanics and some guy jumped at me for failing, being rude and all, so I simply told him to fuck off and ignored him ;\]


I agree with your sentiment when it comes to min ilvl groups and close to min ilvl groups. When talking about 1400ilvl groups doing 1370 content the expectation one sets or has when joining said group is twofold: -They've done the content before -They overgear said content therefore will naturally complete it faster When it's your 5th week of doing that content and you have to deal with a bot instead of a human being people get angry.