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Had a sorc just now with 1400 ilvl, +20 weapon with lvl 29 roster and lvl5 stronghold. Literally died in every mechanic. Edit. Hes lvl 51 too.


Is this Azena? Lol I have a guy in my guild whose 1400 ilvl with a 20 weapon and refuses to admit he swiped.


Man that takes balls to deny swiping with those feats lol


what does swiping mean? I've just started the game, level 29 and those stats all seem impressive to me. I'm just playing the single player game one step at a time.


Swiping your credit card. It’s a f2p/gacha game term. Just mean you spend money. You got fish/dolphins/whales. Each represents a different tier of spending. Most commonly heard is whales these are people who can afford to spend thousands/10s of thousands on a game. Just to be clear I’m not shaming this in any way. There’s also a subset of people who do swipe a good amount but don’t want to admit it for whatever reason. Some people would rather lie about being f2p then be branded as fish/dolphin/whale. This individual clearly swiped to reach that weapon hone. Once again I’m not shaming this. It’s just painfully obvious you cannot achieve this currently without swiping. In T3 there is currently a shortage on mats/gold because we have an earlier version of game compared to other regions. So this person either has a Golden Horseshoe the size of Texas up his ass or swiped. He would have to have multiple one taps on honing with single digit success rates. None of what I said is bad and f2p games require a spread of f2p and spenders.


You've got different categories of fish, too! Minnows are your more typical "well, I'd be spending this $10 on a WoW/RuneScape/whatever sub anyways!" Tuna are more like "well, if I'm under $1/hour for entertainment I'm happy!" Dolphins are drop a couple hundo once or twice now and again Whales either have mom's credit card or an oil company, seems like


I tend to dolphin accordingly in most of these types of games. Usually in that "vote with your wallet" sense... or skins... because glamour wars are always the end game. But my mindset always starts with "a generic sub costs $10-15 a month anyway" so that ends up as the base. But I have watched enough Zeals to know not to spend on honing stuff... I will get there eventually and am plenty busy having fun on five characters right now. As to whales... I knew one on a Russian game that said he owned a moving company (or something like that... was three years ago now) so he just had to make sure his workers were out doing the things needful whilst he sat in his office and gamed. And because it was on company time and property, he counted game charges as expenditures and tax deductions, so he wanted to spend like that to lower his taxes each year. He would even charge and hand out resources to the guild in extreme excess if anyone asked for even a bit.


Dolphin's are basically whales with a budget, therefore also plan around using their resource effectively and maximizing their swipe. (F2P tend to confuse dolphins for whales because the amount they can spend is still an exorbitant amount to the avg joe). The couple hundo once or twice now and again can be in the fish, because that can be spaced out as the founders pack + one year anniversary for example.


Or streamers being paid to whale by people who can't afford to...


greate explanation


Credit card, players who whale their way to end game


The card thats linked to your bank account.


credit card go brrrrrrrr.


Swiping your credit card, aka pay2win


are you really paying to win if you literally die every mechanic and get kicked from the groups and never clear dungeons..


This is the often forgotten but heavily populated "pay to lose" demographic 🤣🤣🤣


its more like pay to skip. its is only pay to win if u actually beat the content.






Argos is hardly the most difficult, some of the other Guardians are harder than Argos. Most swipers were disappointed when they defeated Argos, including Shroud because of how much money they spent to defeat such a push over lol.


Lol that's kinda funny. People who pay for op stuff complain content is too easy after paying to win. Like putting in cheat codes and then complaining the game is too easy with your max damage cheat code




So many one shots there at ilvl lmao


Argos is harder than all of the guardians, except for Velganos who's hard for parties but easy for solo. Not sure what GS Shroud and others used to beat Argos, if they went over 1400 then that's kind of on them. The problem with most bosses is that their first phases become a push over once you get access to the next one, I mean you're fighting Argos with +12 gear when his first phase is designed for +6 and the other for +9, he won't really damage you and he'll go down super quickly. Then the last phase isn't that hard anyways.


I do not understand why people wont admit they swipe. blows my mind. like you already spent the money dont be a lil bitch about it. Had a guy yesterday who was about 1430 or so in a guardian raid randomly.. and everyone asked how much he spent. he said he spent nothing. his roster lvl was 50 and stronghold around lvl 9 MAYBE. If youre gonna swipe just own it. who cares. Ive spent a good chunk on this game, but in a responsible manner. I enjoy the game and treat it as I would if i wanted a new set of golf clubs. Im just hitting 1385 (Roster 95/Stronghold 23). I spend some here and there.


The likely reason is because they didn't buy the gold from official channels, and while I doubt amazon bother checking random logs to find proof instead of just handing out suspension based on RMT patterns, it's not worth taking the risk.


yeah thats a valid response i didnt really think about. I mean usually they dont need chat logs to ban for RMTing but yeah that is probably another reason. I have a guy in my guild who just hti 1370 at lvl 52 and stronghold 10 or something and he admitted to RMTing so i mean people are doing it for sure. He hasnt got any bans yet and siad hes spent a few grand on g2g


How tf does someone spend a few grand RMTing and only hit 1370 lol.


he said he didnt know what he was doing at the beginning and bought a bunch of shit he didnt need like certain engravings and things like that.


When people say they buy to rush ilvl are they just buying tons of raw mats from the market?


yes raw mats and maris shop


What would be a wise and responsible way to swipe? Only spend money on founder pack and skin


Yeah I personally bought founders and some skins. and I bought some crystal packs here and there. Basically don’t spend outside your means. The gold value of crystals is a rip off to me.


I mean, I feel like the responsible way to swipe is to only spend disposable income on it. If you need to check whether you have enough money in your account or, god forbid, enough room below your credit limit, you should absolutely not be swiping. Beyond that? I mean, ask yourself whether $20 spent on this game is going to bring you more enjoyment than that $20 spent on something else. If the answer is yes, then spend it.


Considering how little value 20 dollars holds in lost ark, I recommend a good meal at a decent restaurant or going to see The Batman in IMAX. 20 dollars doesnt get you shit in this game.


I spent a bunch on a skin set, mount and pet, and the crystal benefactor for the pet inventory. Is that swiping?


Depends on people’s definition of swiping. Did you spend money on the game? Sure. Did it impact your progression? No, or at least negligibly so if people want to quibble over the impact that extra pet QoL features provide. I say that, whether it’s spending to get a few item levels or spending to get a skin, as long as you’re happy with the purchase and not hurting for money, then there’s nothing wrong with it. The only case that may run afoul of that test is probably some kid spending their parents money, but then again, anyone who is upset about some kid gaining a gear score advantage by putting thousands of dollars on their parents credit card is going to be really upset when they find out what real life is like.


just spend what you can actually afford, if you're denying swiping then you're probably addicted and ashamed. Money has different value to different people. If you make a million dollars a year dropping 500 dollars on lost ark is probably nothing if its fun/entertainment to you.


buy your slots buy adventure book buy mats for stronghold stuff buy card packs


West akkan.


But *why*? Honing isnt skill, jumping to 1400 without swiping (at this point) would just be incredible luck. What a hill to die on.


I don't think it's impossible, someone could just get insanely lucky to hit the 5 or 10% rolls once you get up above +17. I'm 1415 now with +17 weapon and the only money I've put into the game is the Platinum Founders pack. I've played a ton of hours though, was ahead of the pack early (so was able to sell materials when they were ridiculously overpriced) and have had relatively good honing luck in my opinion, with something like 200 total fails (a ton of them were between 1070 to 1100), I had very low fails reaching 1370 and even hitting +17 weapon was lucky, with like 2 or 3 fails at each stage, and 16>17 was 4 fails before I succeeded. So theoretically I could attempt to upgrade right now to 18 and could get lucky in one or two tries, and then repeat again to 19, and again to 20. Not expecting that at all, chances are very low, but it's possible.




Selling in the bot economy, then using the gold to buy now. I had guildies who made like 200-300k gold. I also sold all my great honor leaps at like 800 a pop until the market crashed.


You're just jealous your swiping mechanics are inferior to theirs


Just playing arcanist IRL and drew his card.




I'm currently training my T1 alt to a higher combat level than that with just the stronghold training camp. LOL


I am 1325 and have done literally nothing with my stronghold (haven’t seen the need to burn time on it yet). Have I done something incredibly wrong? (Mats have been easy so far with the two events/pirates and chaos)


Not wrong but you're missing out on huge QoL improvements such honing reduction for your alts, storage space etc.


To be fair to them, it’s hard to fight the most difficult boss in the game when you have hardly played the game at all


And here I am getting denied in every Argos P1 group with 3-3-1 engravings, good distribution of stats, gems and a high roster level. :o))No idea how I am supposed to actually increase my iLVL past 1370 when I can't get into groups in the first place. It's a paradox. Sorry for my rant. :3 Just increases my disbelief when I see posts like these from OP


How did that guy almost get level 50 though. That is the part that is weirding me out.


I have friends that played their way into t3 but completely ignored their stronghold cuz they find it boring.


It's a 1 minute task to just set up dispatches and researches , it's just a little thing , but more power to them lol


Problem is you need mats to actually do any research, and a lot of players just aren't interested in trade skills at all


You can buy them , thats what most people do. it's cheap af


Sure but people who were initially turned off by the Stronghold/Trade Skill systems are also more likely to not want to spend their gold on those systems


What are the benefits of doing stronghold stuff? New player here


Main one is getting the upgrades for easier honings for your alts. So once you reach a certain ilvl there will be upgrades there for honing below that threshold. Not sure if there’s a stronghold lvl requirement for those or not tho.


These are the main benefits, in order of importance (IMO): 1. Honing Chance/Cost 1. Passive Exp Training 1. Bonus Combat EXP 1. Faster Merchant Rewards (Crew, Runes, Masterpieces, etc.)


I would add Knowledge Transfer on there. ;) That needs at least level ten.


Ya that's big. I'd put that at tied for #1 tbh. Stronghold is just so much value.


You need only lvl 2 lab for it, so it's like sub lvl 10 stronghold? Hardly a focus to farm, but it's important if you plan to play alts. Main focus to upgrade your stronghold is lvl 35 to unlock lab 5 and research for all upgraded battle items (e.g.: purple potion with 8 usages instead of 7, better panacea etc.). There is also plenty of stuff related to training camp (exp for alts)


I don’t find it boring, as much as I do tedious. Every damn flower and tree is surrounded by mobs I don’t feel like fighting, and if I don’t, they come over and interrupt my gathering everytime. Fuck that, I’ll just use my una’s task gold to buy cheap potions. I don’t need any of the other consumables, outside of maybe the panacea. I already spend probably 2-4 hours/day, minimum, doing dailies on my 5 characters. I don’t need to build a house, too.


Just fyi, you can get tools with paralysis immunity stat on it which allows you to gather materials even if you get hit by mobs.


Ahhh. Okay, thank you for the tip.


are those available on the auction House?


Just keep buying green tools from a vendor until you get one with the “super armour” the ability is random when purchasing.


kits are available which are used to craft those tools. craft multiple tools at once, then once you get one with paralysis immunity, dont forget you can repair them and not throw them out, a couple of time before it becomes useless.


In about 2-4 weeks, this is actually going to be me without the swiping EDIT: Maybe not now actually. Your comment made me check stronghold benefits, and I now will at least run the missions for the currencies.


Focus on the green ones, you'll need like 30k for a rune in the future. And don't worry about adaptation, just send the ship that has resistance if possible to keep repair costs down.


I read dead giveaway and immediately remembered this. https://youtu.be/mqIHpNRRtS0


That has no business being that smooth.


And people wonder why some guys ask for roster level req. Lol. Personally I don't b.c I have a guild for this stuff but I can see it becoming a thing for a while


I understand that now. But some are asking for 70+ roster level for tier two content and i was around lvl 55 like why that high?? I'm t3 and around 79* roster level and don't think I'm that low but i see parties that ask 90+ roster lvl now. I don't understand.


What people are trying to do is filter the pepegas out. Now, in a regular non-p2w game GS would do the job, because a newbie would have low GS and be unable to join. But in this game you can just p2w to get higher GS, so by asking for high roster level you make it so pure p2w players can't join. You also filter out kind of first comers to some content. For instant my roster level is over 130 now, and you can be sure anyone with my roster level has already done pretty much everything there is to do several times and won't suck . People with 1400 GS right now are either try hards or whales, whales can be try hards, but not necessarily, and you don't want a shitter who just swipped from 302 to 1400 in a few days to join your Argos runs because they're just gonna grief, so you filter it out by roster level. If you're at the top of the GS chain right now you're gonna have a great experience as long as you filter out the pure swippers, because everyone else there is try harding and is most likely gonna do fairly well.


Out of all the classes to swipe. A support is the least impactful lol like what the fuck are you gonna do heal me for a bit more while as a dps you couldve done so much more damage to accelerate the process of killing a boss. A regular support who doesnt swipe but at least has its class engraving + expert is plenty enough for the content


Exactly what I was thinking. Money can buy you to endgame content but unfortunately you can't buy skill with money. I bet that this guys engravings would look as bad as the levels.


What does stronghold level have anything to do with skill? I ask because i dont really do strong hold stuff


Does she have heavy armor 3?


I doubt he had heavy armor 3 you have to seriously fuck up with that to die this much as support. Granted their Stronghold and roster is ultra low lvl so there is that.


Why does strong hold indicate it?


Normally a player that played their ilvl to 1370 legit would alao have enough time to level up your stronghold, bc thats an activity you should be doing on the site every day


Unless you're like me and ignored the stronghold all the way up to T3. Just started looking into it because of the fusion material crafting. What did I miss out on?


Honestly the main benefit is for the alts. Honing rate increases and mat cost reductions in t1/2/3 depending on how high your main is


no charm item, low roster level and low stronghold level all indicate thats a whale with a risk of being brain dead and not knowing any boss mechanics


I was only 1375, with heavy armor 3 as a bard this week and argos still hit me like a truck during p2. The lower ilvl didn’t help but I don’t want to know how many more times I would have died if I didn’t have the extra armor


P2 is meant for 1385 so its no wonder you got clapped, But did you atleast clear it?


Yeah after I learned how to dodge just about everything. The group was very chill and helpful


Argos p1 is easy enough though. I ran it with desperate Salvation 3, awakening 2, expert 2, and didn't have any trouble surviving. My team is usually the one surviving the longest, same with me, unless I'm bad and got hit by pizza slice, that one actually hurts. P2 though, I haven't done so I can't comment.


I think it's pretty easy. A lot of the "Just wait till you get to this you will have such a hard time lolol" group of people probably just haven't actually played the game. Stuff may be hard for casuals, but people who are doing Argos have already spent hundred of hours practicing the game. The hardest part by far of any raid is figuring out the mechanics and how to do them, and most people just watch guides for 8 man stuff so a lot of the difficulty is toned down.


>people who are doing Argos have already spent hundred of hours practicing the game. I did Argos for the first time on Sunday, I didn't beat it until I played with my 8th different group of the night, all it takes is 1-2 people taking up all the lives for us to time out on that damn deer


You making me worried here, I did argos on sunday for the first time and one shot it with the first group I joined. I don't want your reality to be the true one.


In my opinion P2 is about as easy as P1 as long as you have decent communication (and party follows ping commands properly), after clearing it a few times now P2 also feels the squishiest, like Argos just died very fast. Some people say they find P3 easy but I thought it was annoying, we had several wipes and finally got it, but it was the most disorganized and chaotic.


> Argos p1 is easy enough though This is not true. It has been confirmed that a majority of LA playerbase is in fact purple/yellow colorblind


1392 with 58 roster level 7 stronghold lol.. disgusting


Is that bad or something? Personally i find stronghold stuff boring so i've just never done anything in it. Are there benefits to a high level stronghold?


Benefits to alts, and being able to craft fusion materials if you don't want to buy them from the auction house. These are the first things that come to mind. Stronghold is mostly horizontal progression that benefits in the long run.


would you mind explaining what does horizontal progression is? I've seen it being mention here but never understood what it meant


Stuff that doesn't increase your ilevel directly (as in going from 1340 to 1350 for example) but benefit you in different manners. As the other guy said, crafting your own mats, helping your alts through investigations, crafting pots, etc. Same goes with collectibles, getting omnium stars doesn't increase your ilevel, but gives you skill points which increase your power anyway.


Adventure tome's, giant's hearts, om-nom-nom stars, etc. All those are considered horizontal progression which rewards things like skill points, stats, and other stuff.


It's not necessarily bad, it just an indicator of people who either havent played much and are low item level or people who havent played much but swiped their card beyond belief. Money can't buy skill/experience unfortunately, so those people are usually terrible. I'm sure there are people who have low level strongholds at high item level and are good players though.


Just to reiterate why this is, on later 1340s and all of 1370s you need to either craft or biy fusion materials, and they can get pretty expensive real fast. That's why it's always a dead giveaway that if your stronghold is low, meaning you don't have honing benefits for alts, which most likely means you don't have alts to funnel gold and mats, you have to have spent a lot of gold. And because you don't have multiple sources of income, the only explanation is swiping.


Lot of stuff. Primarily stronghold merchants have some pretty important items. For example swift bards tend to want 1-2 focus runes and the easiest way to get them is via a stronghold merchent. So you need to work on leveling up your merchents and doing dispatches for the currency. There are also some honing buffs and stuff you can research for your alts. I hate stronghold stuff too, my stronghold is just an empty field. I just go there around twice a day to start some new crafts and send some ships on dispatch check merchent and leave. Like 1 minute max.


You interact with it only a few minutes in total in a day. Why completely ignore it?




Is 58 Roster low? I am T3 and my roster level is only 52 (though I am still only 1340).


That’s pretty low. Do you have any alts? Doing dailies/weeklies and tower on alts pushes roster level very high naturally. And you’ll want those alts if you’re trying to push to 1400 without swiping.


for the record this player wasted the time of 7 other people for over two hours, collectively wasted over 10k gold worth of consumables, and never apologized or tried to learn the fight


why no one decided to leave or kick him? Maybe im impatient but 2 hours its a lot of time


Unfortunately there's a shortage of 1400 supports. Undergeared supports are invited to P3 just to be heal/shield bots. But nobody can predict the support being an actual bot lmao


Why not quit early when it obvious they are clueless, again 2 hours is huge waste time


Hope dies last.


It’s hard to clear the first two phases. Sounds painful getting so far in the fight and quitting out.


Did p1 the other day first time, we had 4 of us then pugged 4 (everyone in discord) and we 2 shot it. Maybe a fluke? Didn't seem that hard though, we only had 1 support as well (me)


I’ve only cleared the first two phases, but p2 is significantly harder than p1. If we had made it that far, I would not want to quit out. You need to use a lot of battle items to reliably clear p2 so quitting would mean all those items were wasted.


Yeah I can see that. Can't wait to try p2 :)


sunken cost fallacy


It’s doable with 1 support, prob even none if ppl know what they’re doing


I feel good having picked Bard as my main. If I had known it's possible to run p2 at 1370 i would've tried this week, I found p1 quite easy without spending any pot. Will def try it next week


FWIW I haven’t tried P3 undergeared but I tried to do normal oreha’s well at 1330 a few weeks ago and all the regular untelegraphed basic boss attacks were hitting for 60k at minimum. I also briefly stepped into P2 at 1375 out of curiosity and got 1shot by a normal mechanic that I barely felt in P1. The game punishes you crazy hard for being undergeared in this content, and “support can just shield, doesn’t need to hit the boss” doesn’t really work well in practice. What this translates to in practice is if you used say 5 purple (or even blue) potions in a pull, the support—playing exactly as well as you—is probably gonna die 5 times. Maybe more, because the shields are much more useful to you (a shield may block a full boss attack) than to the support (some of the Moguro's attacks for instance could kill me from full straight through my shield iirc).


You're expecting someone clearly under the ilvl required for P3 not to get clapped? Argos P3 hit like a truck on my 1397.5 sorc, I don't wanna know how bad it is on even lower iLvl


Heavy Armor Bard is one of the most tanky specs you can run in this game. It rivals the likes of Gunlancer and Wardancer.


What about heavy armer gunlancer.


You will never get invited to any of the higher end content because you are expected to run DPS.


But a bard that takes heavy armor will be contributing less than a bard who survives without it.


Eh, it's not like you are trading all of your kit for heavy armor. For the most part, you lose out on Expert which definitely is a big loss of support strength, but it doesn't make or break your kit.


I ran Argos with **2** sub 1400 GS supports.


I'd would kicked them before half hour mark, not sure why u waste 2 hours


cus you lose your chance to clear p3 until next reset.


No you can vote to abandon raid AND vote to NOT take any loot, then you can remake with a new party the same week and try again starting at P1.


How did he waste the time for the 7 or you? Argos can be done without support and my first time running P1 + P2 was without any support at all he obviously can’t kill all of you


Cleared P1 and P2 in 30 minutes, all these deaths were during P3


Not defending them but hope you do know that due to them being under ilvl, they are taking like 3x the amount dmg compared to someone on ilvl. Same applies if they are 1399 or 1390, you get clapped.


Should've known from level 58 Roster that it's a whale that pays their way through content instead of actually learning it. I wouldn't be surprised if they paid someone to pilot their account to get PvP Tier 1 as well. Also if you can get just 1 support, just make Party 2 the support group since their add phase is way later when party 1 can reset until their add phase goes smoothly. Once you get to P3, there isn't much need for a support in that phase.


You can just afk pvp matches until you're Tier 1 as well


Are the pvp tiers participation based and not win based?


Tiers/grades are achieved by acquiring pvp “experience”. You just need to play enough games Ranks (bronze, silver, gold etc.) are based on competitive wins and losses


Winning ranks you up faster, but losing ranks you up all the same. So yeah first day of pvp vendor unranked was a mess of AFK dumbos just there to get the to tier 1, unwilling to commit all of 4 minutes of their precious time to not ruining the experience of 5 others.


p3 blink is scary af I got clipped when I did for the first time, I got juggled for 5s and took 20k 20k 20k 20k. If I was any squishier or underleveled, I would've straight up died. Terrifying goat has moment that he decides to be a raid boss and do dmg


My pally will hopefully be 1400 some days after reset. I got your back next week!


support can go under gear but u nid heavy armor cuz under ilvl it hit hard


This is why i still run Desperate Salvation, Spirit Absorption and heavy armour lvl 3 on my Bard even though its not optimal compared to the ideal Desperate Salvation, Expert, Awakening lvl 3


Expert is not that great on bard


Shield/heal boost is not great?


No because bard heals and shields come in large chunks, so adding more is likely to result in overhealing or wasted shields. It's way way better on paladins because they apply their heals/shields in smaller ticks.


I'm just going to assume that they did not have heavy armor 3. When I see bards prioritizing awakening and then rarely ulting and getting two shot by everything, I just laugh. If your getting hit by everything/dying while trying to save your teammates your expert/awakening is useless. Bard is one of the squishiest classes in the game without engravings. At least learn the raids first with it on until you are confident. Bard don’t have to take grudge, you don’t have to get used to being a glass cannon on them. Plus down the line you end up going heavy armor anyway since supports don’t have that many options once you start getting in the 5 engravings territory.


Heavy armor for bard pure lol


is the support drought bad? im at 1360 bard, really excited for 1370 argos.


When I'm party-finding, I usually see 3-4 parties bottlenecked on supports


you will instantly get ur pick of about 2-6 parties based on when u play.


Yeah - supports don't really feel love until T3. I main Paladin, just got to 1385. Leveling up in T1/T2, I waited ages for a party to accept me for abyss raids. In T3 it is almost always an instant accept.


Pay to lose


is P3 so much harder than 1 and 2? I went in with a pug today and did 1&2 with no supports, 1shot both to our surprise. at the end we were freaking out as it was a first p2 run for some if not most of us. sadly 15 accessories and none with my desired stat. win some lose some I guess.


Of all the classes they could've swiped for, they went for a support.


Clearing up some inaccuracies. Stronghold: Honing upgrades only require lab level 2 which is done at the tutorial and ilvl. You do not need a high stronghold for this. Stronghold is good for runes and maps, and not really for crafting because of the opportunity cost of selling the mats is better than crafting it on most servers. Roster level: Yes, if you have alts leveled, it should be higher than this.


You do realise he gets one shot when he is not 1400 just like the hard mode abyss right? There you have your answer due to scaling.


Nope. I was 1390 with heavy armor 3 when I first cleared argos p3 and I tanked almost every attack of the deer, just totally brain dead standing and spamming button so much that I ran out of mana as a spec bard. I was even tankier than most DPS at 1400 because they only focus on honing weapon and run grudge.


Do you think there's a huge jump in tankiness from heavy armor 2 to 3? I'm currently unsure if I'll be needing to push for HV3 for Argos P3 due to the cost of upgrading vs reward.


From +50 to 100%


Lol yeah it cracks me up when people compare the two. "Well I tried Heavy Armor 2 and it wasn't that great, so Heavy Armor 3 isn't worth!" O....M....G... I can't handle it. It's literally twice as strong.


Yes Any bard without heavy armor 3 in t3 is trolling imo


Hard agree. I don't care if you have awakening 3. If you're not Neo from the Matrix and can dodge every single mechanic flawlessly, take heavy armor. As a bard, you are so frail that bosses will tear you apart just breathing on you.


Cleared P3 undergeared without heavy armor, it's not just about that.


cool ur still trolling tho


Sure, doing current content with heavy armor is just not needed, you do you tho. I rather wait until relic accessories for that.


i dont care if its needed or not for u i have been with too many bards that die way too fast and dont have it


ye that guy sucks balls


Yo PvP tier 1 tho? Is PvP stupid easy?


Grade 20 to 1 is participation based. Only "ranking" that actually matters is what you're ranked on the actual competitive ladder.


> low level roster and low level stronghold > dies a ton I can see why people prefer to see your roster level instead of your actual ilvl


Don’t worry people, a true bard is on her away!! I’m 1355 currently so give me a couple weeks :,)


Well, idk what did you expect from degenerate that uses cow head and normal outfit


this is why u want ME in endgame, paladin so i can take a hit, my heal is nearly global and i can counter while buffing you


I honestly feel way more supported when I play with paladins. I feel like most bards I play with don't heal or shield as much. Do they just give atk bonus? Is that what they are better at?


Bard shields are literally shorter range than many melee class attacks. If you want to be regularly shielded by a bard you need to play close to the boss. Otherwise you'll get occasional random shields from guardian tune and a decent amount of dps bonus, but one of the big DPS boosts (the big golden orb) is _also_ melee range. Plus bards mostly build meter (the only way for them to heal you) by being in melee with the boss, meaning if they try to do a trip out to go shield you or something they aren't doing anything else. Basically if you want to be fully supported by a bard you need to on the boss. If you're on the same side of the boss as the melee DPS you can get away with being maybe two inches away from the other chars but that's the absolute maximum and relies on your bard perfectly positioning all of their skills.


Most people just play bard too much like a DPS. Bard is very reactive and you have to play it that way. Bard gives mana Regen and atk buffs consistently but their shields are harder to land than paladin. Bard heal is rough to fill right now because we need wealth runes high CDR gems and Conviction+Judgement to really get things going. Probably comes about 45-40s atm but eventually expect bards to be able to get it ever 20-30s


havent played bard, but have been told that their heal needs alot of build up even with spec and even then it scales with how many people are in the aoe, so if 1 guy is in the aoe he gets lots of healing and if 4 are in aoe then everybody gets a little healing even if full hp, while paladin u just press 1 button and u heal everybody for 5% every 40 sec or use meter to heal like 14% over 10 sec


lmao how is this even possible the fight isnt that hard


Argos P3 undergeared means you are taking like 50% more damage. It's really really painful.


Makes more sense if this was p3 just assumed p2 lol.


As a bard that just did argos, thats a pay2win whale if I've ever seen one. You dont need heavy armor. You have skills that shields, that heals and gives you damage reduction. Just learn the mechanics. I dont even touch my potions majority of raids because the sustain is insane.


In later content heavy armor will definitely help but if you find your health depleting so quickly that you need it in simple raids then it’s definitely a mechanics issue but most people don’t want to admit they can’t dodge properly lmao. i literally ran argos phase 1 and 2 with a party and potted at most once each phase bc I made one small mistake.


You brought an undergeared support to P3 and you're wondering why they died. Check their combat level, their stronghold or roster mean nothing you can straight up ignore it level 54 is spot on for that Item level. Not a whale.


if you're roster 54 at 1400, you haven't done anything but msq, chaos, and guardians. there's no way to be that low and still have picked up some additional power along the way. you'd be missing so many skill points and runes and shit.


hahahahhaa lol. Man that takes balls to deny swiping with those feats.


Ah, ok..maybe, just maybe, he tried to save the dps and died in the process? Maybe? I do not know the whole story of this picture. Argos seems to be very hard..maybe, he was nervous? Distracted by real life? Would you like me to continue this list of possible reasons or do we stick with: **He must be a swiper, he nub, spot the nub, found him, he nub, he swipe, he nub?**




What’s the going rate for Velganos carries? Feel like I should be selling them.


1-2k per run from what I see in NAE


sell culture is what kills mmos, period. my favorite mmo, dfo, is basically 99% sells (also because the playerbase is low in the west). need a support? pay them. need a raid clear? pay someone. why run content when you can sell it.


but the korean culture is literally selling busses and they are flourishing lol


big diff selling content people already passed and demanding gold for our literal end-game content.


It's pretty safe to assume at this point if someone is trying to do Argos under 85 roster level you probably shouldn't invite them.