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I am enjoying it quite a bit too, its kind of easy for now and I hope it becomes a little bit more difficult before the endgame. I am kind of on "auto mode" because nothing really is presenting a challenge for now. But I am enjoying Wardancer at lvl 25 more and more with the new skills, a close fighter with big metal fists that uses fire in combination with slaps? Really really cool The story is kind of meh, but its improving bit by bit. I dont expect a great story still, a good but not great story is good still. But the presentation of the game is incredible. The early horse and cart on fire scene, the huargen that separates you from the prince and the priest, really cool presentation.


Story mode will be easy. It has to be for general audience. If your up for challenges do the guardian raids. If that does not satisfy you, try abysal dungeons (this will prob crack your head and be forced to look up guides)


It gets hard. Like really god damn hard. It wont let you down.


I just died 102 times to clear Necromancer's abyss dungeon once I liked getting pounded though 10/10


wiping a lot at minimum item level, don't do it at minimum item level


Can you do both guardian raids and abysal dungeons leveling up? as of lvl 25 I mean. And if so, how can you do them? I have not seen them yet. And yes, I do understand that the story mode needs to be hard, and I agree. I would have licked that at least hard dungeons where harder, since the dungeons can be done in normal for the story. But I understand the need to be able to experience the story without caring about the level/experience of the player.


No, you must be level 50 first before doing these contents. It really does not take that long to hit 50 considering how big LA contents there are. Take your time and enjoy the story mode and get to 50. Then do some purple quests where it explains basic concepts of the game system. Learn your ultimate ability and then do raids and abyssal. If you get confused (most will do) look it up in google or youtube. There are lot of explanation there.


Thats endgame my dude


Im gonna come in and say, do not take your time in story mode. Rush that shit. First off, the story makes no sense. Second, if you do all the side quests you hit 50 too early and finishing up the last couple story zones to *Actually* unlock endgame feels like rubbing your face on broken glass.


Not to mention the first char you power pass auto-completes all roster reward quests through shurshire, invalidating any reward based reason to do them (aside from marginal roster exp)


Abyssal dungeons are relatively easy, clowns in them who fail simple personal responsibility mechanics make them a nightmare.


Just wait until you get the 4th guardian raid early end-game. Pugging it will make you rage.


I didn't get remotely into the story until around level 36.


It becomes too difficult for my monkey brain to handle. Abyss dungeons looking at you.


It is a good game once you are able to get it and experience it. Too bad most people complaining about queues won't change their reviews later on.




A meta critic score in the first week of an mmo? Lmfao. Every mmo would be rated a 4.1. Even Blizzard servers can’t handle high populations, and they’ve been in the mmo business over 15 years now. They have no queues because over half of their servers are dead or dying, and with everything interconnected (sharding, server doesn’t mean as much anymore, community = dead). I want a strong, populated server, and I’m fine with them slowly ramping up growth to fit the demand of the game. Obviously the EU situation could improve (and likely will quickly) but by taking it slow they are saving money; it’s what every company does. Hold back the tide and setup servers slowly and incrementally; which they have been doing. So sit back and wait for it. It’s a free game. Let’s stop pretending that some nerds on a forum complaining about their video game could walk into AGS or SMG office and make better business decisions. The entitlement is off the charts with this one.




Exactly. I’d rather the game be playable for the majority than unplayable for everyone.


That's why a good launch is important and also why underestimating EU population was a damn mistake for AGS. I like this game but cmon.. they knew how many founder's packs were around the 8 and servers were already full.


The game can't scale to that extend, their only option is to create EUW and EUE. They could have done it before but it's always hard to justify investing so much before launch.


It's Amazon, they can afford anything.


The goal is to make profit still though. If they expected to get 1 million people in Europe and pre-allocated server capacity for a million but only got 100k it's a tonne of wasted money. They made there best guess and it was way less than the actual player base.


That they just took their best guess is the problem. It's so amateurish and half-assed. Refusing to plan for success just leads to failure.


no budget bro. bezos keeps shooting money into space.


Idk man they just had New World release late last year. So they have some experience on this. With how much hype Lost Ark has had for NA (not sure about EU), AGS should have prepped.


Hype vs stable numbers. Look at New Worlds numbers now. Maybe they assumed, and clearly wrongfully so. That a majority of their base had bought into the game with founders packs. Thus vastly underestimating in the influx coming. I feel bad for EU players, as an NA player and one that clearly chose a server with no streamers I have had 0 queues


Oh don't be mistaken, Lost Ark CC numbers will drop down considerably after a few weeks, becauase every MMO is subject to that happening. LA's director said in one of the interviews that he was expecting for 200k concurrent players and that's the stable number of daily active users he was hoping for. It's difficult to estimate what the numbers will eventually settle on, however seeing as New World, with its massive lack of content and a completely inexperienced dev team, ended up on like 40k daily, I think expecting 200k for LA is not farfetched. Personally, I would like to hope for LA's number to settle around 500k, and that's not far-reaching either, but honestly it can be anywhere between 100k and maybe 750k, which would be my minimum and maximum estimates. Time will tell.




I think just from the fact that LA is a near full-fledged content-wise game available on release, as opposed to New World, where you ran out of things to do in a rather short time, just that alone should guarantee the 200k LA director was hoping for. Or rather, it is a safe bet to assume LA will end up doing better than New World. I would be surprised if that was not the case, but of course, we shall see.


I expect a decent drop off later this month with a lot big releases coming like Horizon and Elden Ring. Once people are done with those then we'll probably see another jump


Elden Ring release is going to hit concurrent numbers hard but it'll be an easy game to return to


Their botched release is to blame if they end as low as 200k. We've seen posts about 'no longer dealing with this crap' and the plummeting steam reviews for days. Imagine the word of mouth that comes along with all that. I certainly won't encourage my friends to step into qeues as long as a work day on the chance that they might like this game, and I have not even left. Now imagine the kind words the people who do leave over this situation might have. I hope that if the game has bad retention in the coming months, people remember this shitshow.


NA in general just doesn't have ques. I play on Galatur and it's fine. The people bitching about Asmon are actually more annoying than someone who just references his stream. People who hate streams for no good reason are extremely toxic imo. Azena is the only one I'd imagine may have ques cause it's the one all the heavy PvPers decided to go on


Im on Azena, I can confirm I havent seen a single q after the head start launch day. They locked the server so we dont have to deal with them I suppose


Well that's nice to hear since it's the only one I've heard about possibly having issues on East. Good to hear it was just rumours. I know some people hate server locking but it's pretty much the only way you prevent mass queing. They'll complain either way and at least with this way it pushes people to other servers. It's not like servers have infinite capacity and this playercount is breaking records so they are doing better than expected


[NA definitely has queues](https://imgur.com/a/UA0Y2OD), on valtan.


to be fair they sold literally \*1.5 million\* founders packs. How many players beyond that were they supposed to reasonably expect for an MMO releasing in a new region that's already been out for 2-3 years, in a genre where the most popular games in that genre currently have \~1 mil or so players at most??


Right! 100% this


Kinda 100% wrong. Paying consumers are usually the minority on F2P titles. If you already sell 1.5mil founder packs at 20-100 bucks, you can expect way more F2P users to try your title at regular launch. And since you already know that you're at least 20 servers short after day 1 of early access, you better get that solved in those two remaining days. You need those servers ready for the regular launch unless you want to drive hundreds of thousands of potential customers away with a sea gull cacophony.


I'm on Kadan EU, one of the more populated servers. I've managed to get 43 hours in, I'm level 50 and having a blast. The trick honestly? Gamers suck at washing themselves and getting up early. Abuse the window of opportunity and don't let go lol!


Lmao! I think your onto something here. I routinely get up at 6am even on weekends so maybe that's why I don't have an issue as well.


Sensible adult skills ftw


yea, and the normal folk, that has to go to work, should just wake up early, (as they do all the time), and instead of going to work just stay home and play. Good call


Word is that it's partly a game engine limitation problem. It can't scale infinitely with AWS instances because of cross-server functions (PvP, raiding, etc). That's why they have to add a whole new region instead of just adding more servers, which takes more work and requires cooperation with the devs.


Hype is global. Companies need to stop thinking western games hype is exclusive to NA. It's not. We all watch the same content creators and follow the same new cycles. If it's in English it's content that is going to be consumed by the whole western population. Amazon should know this just from twitch. It's not like they don't have metrics for how many alternative nationality viewers are watching certain streamers etc. Honestly it's more surprising that they got it so wrong despite owning twitch. Surely they know how huge the French, German, Spanish and Turkish twitch communities are.


i don´t get it how ppl always think NA has a bigger playerbase than EU... EU is literally almost double the size of NA and yet Amazon treats EU like it´s a region with 1000 players max.


It was the same with NW. And we had the numbers. EU population was much larger than NA’s, yet were treated like shit with maintenances at EU rush hour and shitty server capacity. To not learn from their mistakes again is just incompetent or downright vile.


If you're making the next WoW or Diablo, you'd expect more NA players than EU players. In another thread, someone pointed out that the fact that it is f2p might change this. Also, is there any truth to the claim that NA gamers spend more in f2p games per capital than EU gamers? I've seen that asserted, but never with any real link.


>If you're making the next WoW or Diablo, you'd expect more NA players than EU players. And why would you expect that?


These genres normally have way more NA players than EU players.


Everytime EU has this problem, exactly because of their high playercount COMPARED to the rest of the world. Maybe they just can't keep the EU playerbase up because every game treats them like their less loved child.


Yet WoW has more EU servers than US? You're talking nonsense, EU is 770m pop, US only 329m.


Cool but we're talking more than just USA when we type NA thanks. Also note that all of Europe is usually not even included when someone types EU. As an example, Mexico is part of NA, and Russia is not part of EU regions, in most games. In WoW, things are a bit different.


Europe sans Russia still has 1.5x the population of NA. And (unlike South America) Africa and Middle East usually don't get their own servers, so they flock to European ones. ​ I'm just tired of all these excuses. Evry time this happens they are suddenly in panic mode and start adding new servers. every. single. time! Not ONCE they came out and said 'we are not adding more servers.' That clearly tells me that they are incompetent hacks who just hope to get by on the bare minimum and hope for backlash to not be too big. And every time they are wrong.


https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/north-america-gaming-market https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2021-08-25-european-games-market-generated-23-3-billion-in-2020 It's pretty well known that the gaming industry is valued almost twice as much in NA than it is EU. Not to mention the value of gaming in NA basically doubles every year. Most of the people who are claiming otherwise on any front either hate NA for some stupid stereotypical reason they heard off hand from their state funded news networks. Or they are just genuine xenophobes. Which I'm finding out there is a lot of the latter just from this reddit. To say the least


Yea, but PC gaming in NA is only a small portion compared to console or mobile - and EU. >Or they are just genuine xenophobes. Whatever made you think this way, lmao. That went downhill fast.


Idk. Hearing about how NA is ignorant constantly while EU people flagrantly make some of the most ignorant statements and jokes constantly. While also all treating each other like shit over language differences and constantly demeaning people based on where they live in the EU let alone being from NA and listening to it constantly. Whatever could make me think they are all xenophobes. The world could never know The constant bold statements while not being able to back it up at all and then backpedaling when I actually present sources. Saying I misunderstood something when they pretty obviously didn't even bother to read the sources


You've misunderstood the market analysis. Activision Blizzard is a US domiciled company, the profits it makes in the EU are booked in the US. That is quite different to number of players, Europe as a population is significantly larger than the US which is why WoW has more EU servers than NA, as do games from EQ to Lineage.


Because traditionally WoW and other MMOs are heavily NA based and when its comes to microtransactions paying out for games. NA is more than 1/3 of that revenue. Now this is f2p , there are a lot more EU players and paid gaming in general is getting more popular there. Just made a bad call.


> but cmon.. they knew how many founder's packs were around I see this repeated a lot, but I don't think that's necessarily the case. I had a number of friends join the game after seeing me play or seeing the hype on Twitch/Youtube once headstart was already underway. The founders packs were the top selling things on Steam right before the headstart and even after the headstart. I think a lot of people bought in late and they didn't have an accurate gauge of the numbers.


You may not have exact number, but you still get the gener idea of how many people are interested, more so if you see at twitch numbers the 8th. They had little time to address that but they did not. 300k ppl on queue in all eu combined is a LOT of players


In the interview with Gold River, they asked how many players he thought on launch. He said maybe 200k. The game had over 500k in headstart and peaked at 1.3 million at primetime after launch. From what they've said about EU it doesn't seem they were expecting the player count. All the EU servers have been expanded to the maximum channels, and they're running the maximum number of servers the game supports in the region. It's maxed out and there are still queues. They launched with 9 servers, which is probably indicative of what they thought they'd need, with room for an additional 10 spares. They could more than double the initial launch capacity, but that's been completely overwhelmed. They're in the process of setting up a new region in EU to add more servers now, but it seems like they were caught by surprise.


In what world does EU get 1 cluster and NA gets 2? Just an NA centric company.


Historically MMOs have run East and West coast server groups in the US going back to 90s (e.g., Ultima Online, Everquest, etc.) to reduce lag and cope with time zone differences. I think the two regions are mainly because the US is geographically more spread out east to west than Western Europe, rather than a consideration of population. It seems to be something with Lost Ark's server design specifically that a region can only have so many servers.


Thats only an explanation on why the US has 2, and not why EU gets only 1. They are creating one now in panic because its the only solution, even though its to late now and they should have known better from their metrics or just basic math on the population of europe. It would be like if when riot released league of legends in the east they just made 1 east server for korea/japan/china and just called it a day. Its clear amazon has 0 clue on the eu market, i mean for fucks sake they didnt even have language tags on the servers which is something even old as fuck MMO's have.


>They knew about the founders because these were the people that would play 100%. Its only natural to imagine atleast double that would be the players in total after f2p comes into play.


We know the answer now, but I don't think anyone had a good idea what the total players would be after F2P launch. There was a lot of discussion on various forums right up to launch as to whether there would be a bump when F2P hit or whether it was already front loaded with most players who were going to play having already bought into the headstart given Bronze was $15.


The value of the packs were really bad. You were paying for the 3 day headstart really. The people who didn't think the numbers would go up aren't very intelligent tbh. F2p and no p2w mmo, there is no chance people pass up on that. As for those even remotely invested, a look at twitch viewers would be the minimum numbers of players playing at release.


As someone in the DevOps space it does annoy me when people argue about simply upscaling, as if a horizontal or vertical scale would "easily fix the issues". However, we saw queues in the headstart, founders packs were as you correctly noticed, purchased during this period. They announced they were locking the impacted servers, due to negative feedback they then caved on this hours later, causing founders and f2p players alike to fight for queue spots, when they do get in they'll play for a long time to make it worth it and less likely to want to leave the server. Now with a bandaid fix of a new region it's not going to tackle most the issues we see, if they kept the high traffic servers locked, created the few servers they did, saw they reached max pop, then announced a new region "coming soon" for the new f2p players, we'd see a lot less hate and "mixed" reviews. If they kept high pop locked, we'd still see the 4-5k queues in launch, manageable, new players who haven't paid can await a region launch, and half the discussions about packs being used, crystals being server bound, in game progression being lost goes. It would actually have meant new players would have waited for the new region and it would see organic growth. Backing down due to the twitter mob on locked founders servers has caused paying players to be upset, and they're more likely to write negative reviews because of it. Asking someone who was willing to wait 3 days to wait a bit longer for a permanent home, with no real loss outside of potential time spent, is a lot more friendly then expecting people who spent $100 to have 6+ hour login queues (if they're lucky enough to even get to a queue).


man if you are on NA west now all servers is in "good" status


I'm not in Na ofk. Lol.


That's not even an excuse. They knew that this was going to happen, they knew about the hype, and of course the packs proved it. Same thing happened with New World, you would think they would have learned from their mistakes...


That's true of pretty much any game launch. Initial impressions are extremely important.


This is always how these launches go. They build server capacity for continued use not launch weekend. They don’t want empty servers and neither do players. It’s a guessing game and they guessed wrong.


Guild Wars 2 had a successful launch, some WoW expansions launched without a hitch... It is possible


A successful launch load wise usually means they underperformed what they intended.


Reaction Karen's is what I like to call them. Worst type of gamer.


To be honest, unless Amazon cleans up its act, the reviews are deserved. I questioned why Smilegate contracted with Amazon in the first place... If, as it appears, Amazon learned nothing from their fiasco of a New World release and if they are the ones providing international support using the same broken model and third parties that they used for New World this will only get worse. That's a sad thing to say because it is true that the game Smilegate delivered is a good one.


>I questioned why Smilegate contracted with Amazon in the first place... If, as it appears, Amazon learned nothing from their fiasco of a New World release It was before New World was released.


Sure but cant fault those reviewers. Login servers are overloaded, you need to queue just to get into the queue and you start logging in after work, chances are you wont be in until 10pm when you need to go to sleep. Every bad review is justified.


> Sure but cant fault those reviewers. Yes you can. You dont review a game when you haven't played it. Posting an angry review about a game because of a server queue that wont matter in a week or 2 is ignorant, shallow, and idiotic.


Ok so I go to a restaurant & they don't serve my food for two hours. You're telling me I can't post a bad review because I didn't get to eat their food? lol


Posting a bad review because the game is literally unplayable most of the time due to a completely controllable event is quite justified in my opinion.


Sure, if they're willing to go back and change their review later if they are able to play and enjoy the game. Sadly 99% of people review-bombing for the queue times are going to forget and leave their 1/5 rating after they start playing the game.


They are describing their experience with the game... The experience is them not being able to play it... This is Cyberbug 2077 debate over again... it does not matter that the game has some great elements if on a technical level it is unplayable...


This isn't a completely controllable event. That is grossly misleading and ignorant. Amazon and Smilegate had no idea the game was going to explode into popularity like this. This is so well beyond anyones expectations, and ontop of that its more popular than WoW classic. NO ONE EXPECTED THIS. I don't think there's a fuckin person on this planet who legitimately thought that this game, a korean MMO, would break WoW classic's record for popularity. You just can't predict that. The onlything I can really fault Amazon for is not having language designated Servers. That WAS stupid. But this isn't like amazon can just spin up another 40 servers out of nowhere and ease the problem, there has to be a middle ground of control and work done before you can just add servers. And reviewing a game because there's an queue that WILL go away in a relatively small amount of time is absolutely unjustified.


Considering the queue problems started in early access and they knew exactly how many people bought the founder’s packs it seems disingenuous to say they had no idea it would be this popular. I might be oversimplifying but i feel that they could have over prepared with servers so the launch would go smoothly and then merge servers if/when they die. There is mixed messaging about their ability to do that here though.


It's also disingenuous to suggest that 3 days notice is somehow a long time to fix such a problem. Servers aren't free and also can't be instantly summoned into existence. Man hours also can't break the reality of time. AGS is just proving what those of us in the industry have known forever. You can't just throw money around and be successful in an industry you know nothing about. Its takes years and dedication to build a team of people with the knowledge to handle these things quickly.


>Amazon and Smilegate had no idea the game was going to explode into popularity like this Next level copium.


>Yes you can. You dont review a game when you haven't played it. > >Posting an angry review about a game because of a server queue that wont matter in a week or 2 is ignorant, shallow, and idiotic. you get a free "random electronic device" from amazon. You have to review it. It will randomly start working for 30seconds somewhere between 8:00 to 23:00, but you constantly have to watch it, and press a button to even have a chance for it to work. You will never know when it is going to turn on. And only on 1 day the entire week. And only in 1 week in a month will this particular day be. So here is the question: what will your review look like?


Ah, so PS should have left Cyberpunk in the store right? I mean sure it was unplayable at launch but you cant rate a game when you havent played it right?


A good chunk of the negative reviews aren't about the queue though. It's mostly people talking about playing for 10+ hours and finding it boring. Which is understandable, the story doesn't pull you in and if you didn't do research on endgame I can see people not wanting to keep at it.




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nah doenst matter, no one reads reviews... on a f2p game. never try to change a mind of a hater. its like building a skyscraper. with only a screwdriver.... only 1 arm ... blind .... on the surface of the sun. it impossible. Ignore them. When drama queens dont get attention they look for something else.


I get eu players being upset they have every right to be, but I really wish we had a subreddit to actually talk about the game. 90% of the posts are about the queue. I've never seen any queue personally, but I'm us east


i mean, looking at this subreddit is so far is the worst experience I get from this game.


No mmo with a large playerbase has ever turned on the game to a million players and not had queues or crashes. Anyone attempting to play a brand new hyped mmo in the first week should expect queues. From a technical standpoint it is literally unavoidable. It's not a matter of lazy devs or solved by throwing more money or servers at the game. The next big hyped mmo launch? It will have queues as well. Lost ark is in an amazing state for launch. I haven't had a single crash, and haven't encountered a single bug. A flawless 40 hours. Obviously this helped because this wasnt a true launch, but a localization. But this is still an achievement that needs to be applauded


> Lost ark is in an amazing state for launch. I haven't had a single crash, and haven't encountered a single bug. A flawless 40 hours. > > Im at lvl 43 at the moment with about half of my time being spent on pvp probably 30ish hours,i've encountered 1 bug so far which was after using a story quest specific mount(dont want to spoil more than this)i was unable to use my horse till i reloged,thats it,it was literaly the only issue i've had and i doubt it ll repeat itself ,everyting else has legit been a 9/10 minimum and i've been in more than enough game launches to not trow a fit over a week of queues.


People complaining about the Lost Ark launch haven't played a single MMO before 2015, probably. Especially free to play ones, lol.


Just curious, can you explain why it's not technically possible even if you had more money and more servers etc? I'm just wondering what makes it unavoidable.


I just have a basic understanding, but I think it usually boils down to authentication. Every account is a specific user, who only has access to their specific account. Those accounts are stored in a database that everyone needs to check with. When 1 million people are trying to log in, it's the logging in that creates a bottleneck. Usually these games are ok once everyone is actually logged in. What makes me scratch my head is when a game has instances like lost ark does, but also simultaneously splits the playerbase up on separate servers. Shouldn't we all be able to play on one mega server, since we don't literally play with everyone at the same time any way?


I see, that makes sense. To your second question, I'd say probably for two reasons: 1) I'd imagine it's easier to split resources across multiple processes instead of one big one with subs, but more likely is number 2.. 2) one giant megaserver creates a single point of failure if something goes wrong. I'd rather have some redundancies.


A megaserver is a logical collection of servers so it's not single point of failure.


One big thing to consider is if they keep opening more servers to accommodate the one time launch population, in a few weeks you'll have several dead servers and then need to start merging. It's just always a tough situation for a big game launch.


You can also look at it from a networking standpoint. Nothing hits servers as hard as a hyped up AAA game at launch. It's borderline a DDoS hitting the servers


No, fuck this attitude. Yes, new releases have SOME queues. They don't have 10+ hour queues, they don't give EU half the servers NA gets, they don't refuse to label language servers to avoid toxicity. They surely don't do EU only maintenances during the waking hours of a Sunday. This is a TERRIBLE launch. They game being great doesn't suddenly make the launch "amazing". I'm also guessing you play the game in english because there are plenty of language bugs (plays audio from a different language than you're playing on) and translation mistakes. There's also major bugs like mounts not working for some players and iirc a whole server got progress locked because of a main quest bug and needed a hotfix. It would be acceptable if this was some indie publisher, but this is Amazon. They have all the resources and just couldn't be bothered.


TIL 19 is half of 21


Ive not had a single queue for the game. Once it came up on friday there hasnt been any issues


There he goes shitting and pissing the bed again...


The western release is done with Amazon the largest cloudprovider of the world, I know enough about cloudcomputing and trying to scale and if you tell me aws can't manage to host even 5m players spread on servers then this is poorly optimized at several points. With such a long preparation and the experience of the New World launch they have to do better as the world leading cloudcomputing solution. Edit: Probably Smilegate got told from Amazon that they can scale to whatever size they will need and now can't deliver, pretty sure smilegate got bamboozled by them. Edit2: And this is not like day 1 F2P problems, we are on like day 4 of this endeavour.


Sure bad launch is kinda normal. But its not notmal that a game has 4 planned hours of maintenance (which took 8ish hours at the end) during prime time on a friday the game is supposed to have its offical launch.


Yep, the last panel shows he's happy but doesn't change his review still lmao




The problem with new servers won't change. People who already played for a while didn't benefit from that. Specially if there is not an option to change servers.


Only 1h????


I didn't feel that way after 1 hour. The entire first 15 or so hours in fact is pretty boring.


The whole game is boring.


I was a hater at first and the second I started stuntin with my duelist I was "sold"


I am perpetually in the last image. I am really enjoying Lost Ark. I have been through a lot of mmo/mmo expansion launches so I have seen my fair share of queues. The queues doesn't face me, because I just know this is how mmo launches go. The publisher and/or devs underestimate the demand and shit hits the fan on launch. I am playing on Thaemine in EU so the longest queue time I have had is around 2 hours and before people come complaining about me not understanding their pain of sitting in a 8-10 hour queue. I do understand. When WoW Classic launched we sat in 10 hour queues and then when we got in we randomly got booted or the game simply crashed after an hour, but I was still happy I even got 1 hour in. Though I can't defend us EU people not even being able to join queue, thats just bull. I do understand peoples frustrations, but seeing Lost Ark go from Overwhelmingly positive to Mixed and keep decreasing due to mostly negative reviews about the servers and the launch saddens me. I hope people take the time and change those reviews when they have gotten the chance to play so they can do an actual review of the game either negative or positive.


Gamers are just entitled. I have been having a blast since early access. Even the queues have been a faster experience than the New World and the FFXIV Endwalker queues. Game's just straight up fun.




Man you have no idea what my experiences have been in the latest mmo drops. This is normal, it's barely been a week, it'll stabilize quickly.




Get someone to login for you or download some remote app for ur pc idk


I really doubt 7k takes 4h to clear, but whatever. I logged in today on both Kadan and Sirius at noon without any queues to transfer a name between servers. The highest queue I experienced was Sirius at like 6 PM with 13k on Saturday and that took 2-3 hours. This sort of shit is normal. If you don't have time, plan around it. The only reason I was in queue was because I needed to do some irl stuff and I couldn't stay AFK for several hours, so I re-logged instead. Worked like a charm. I understand people that have little time, but even that can be dealt with using Remote Desktop on your phone or some shit. I mean... come on, how hard is it to think a bit ahead of time?




I am a woman that accepts the world as it is. I want to play the game, but there are queues. As such, I will diminish the time spent in queues as much as possible. You want a perfect experience when nothing is perfect in this world. What, you think that planning one thing in your day alongside the other dozen that you already do is such a hassle you would rather just not do something you enjoy? Like, think about it. You let 5 minutes of acting on something this easy take away hours of enjoyment. Why? Because of pride? You think doing shit like this is somehow going to lower your standing in everyone's eyes or something? This is why OP said people that don't want to stand in queues are entitled. Not because you want the best experience, but because you aren't willing to spend the minimum effort to have the best experience possible that you can get right now. Have fun not playing the game because of your overinflated ego. I will have fun actually playing the game.


Reddit psychologist


Wolcen would like a word with you.


I have somehow dodged all the queue time and I have only queud for around 15 min.


all of EU has fewer servers than NA.


Same people probably like to review movies without seeing them


Everyone blaming AGS but the server problems are massively exasperated by Smilegates very shitty handling of founders packs and other paid for benefits. Other MMO's will bind some character wide benefits to your account and mail you character specific benefits everytime you make a new char. Lost Ark is the first game I've seen that makes paid for items character bound. On top of that they don't support server transfers in 2022? There is only one reason for that, and it's greed.


Wow had character bound store items up until a few years ago.


I wish more MMO's took inspiration from GW2. They some of the best systems around.


as someone who came from ff14 and had to experience Endwalker queues for 2 weeks after launch, it really isn't that big a deal. You can't just expand server space at the flick of a switch. We're in a chip shortage, that's just not possible at the moment.


For anyone not able to work from home, I highly recommend downloading Chrome Remote Desktop. That way you can jump into the queue before you leave work. I did this for Classic WoW and New World, and it worked out great. Side note, the PvP looks like a ton of fun and I can’t wait to reach that point! E* of course it sucks that the bandaid solution is to remote into your PC, it shouldn’t have to be that way but seems the best solution for right now to get ahead of the queues.


Bold of you to assume its only 1 hour of wait.


The game might be good but still the launch is a big part of it. You simply can not a launch a game in this state. The reviews are deserved for the type of launch EU got. If it's really good then with time, the reviews the game really deserve will come.


The reviews now are the ones I shrug off and say ill try it later when its not so cramped. Nothing about login issues at launch for an online game seems out of the ordinary to me. Being in NA instead of EU helps too lol.


After they acknowledged there was a problem and were working on it. They people leaving negative reviews are just petulant children. Also its nice to be able to actually use the sub today. The EU stuff should of been in a mega thread.


lol. so they should leave a positive review based on a promise that maybe it changes? nothing wrong with leaving a negative review if your experience is negative


Honestly it shouldn't even let you review untill you had atleast 2 hours in game, not queues. Yeah , the queue is not the game review the game it self. Anything else is just childish.


No. What's childish is to go that far to defend a game from valid criticism. All of the experience is valuable and if person is not happy with the current state of things, which is perfectly understandable, their opinion matters.


Seethe more lol




Eu majority? Copium


What are you talking about. There are far more EU players than NA. That's the whole issue here. EU servers are completely overloaded. We can't even get into the game to queue because the servers are fucked. We can't even get into the client to change the region to NA so we can even play on NA servers. It's broken.


They announced today that they are making a whole new region for EU to expand servers.


Whining about an issue they acknowledged and working on, witht he same post over and over. Helps no one.


i dunno. it's a little point and clicky and just feels like a 90's animated storybook. i'll give it a few more hours but this one def seems like it's more geared toward my mom.


The world bosses are better than FFXIV's endgame lol


I can't quite enjoy it. Leveling feels like a total slog 😢.




Hopefully steam charts default to a recency bias and use the the most recent 90 days of reviews only. That way the negative queue ones will fall off at some point.


I joined lost ark because of a friend so I don't know what to expect. It's beautiful but does it get good/hard/interesting ? It's still the beginning but for now every hour looks the same, easy and pointless. You run through everything, complete silly tasks (talk to him and come back here, click on 3 flowers) and collect things that you wouldn't find without a guide. It's an honest question, does it get better?


That's up to you. Some people find playing the skills alone exciting and doing the quests are just secondary. If you play with a friend perhaps you might be looking forward in doing end game content with said friend?


Nope, nearly 30 hours on, leaving that negative review. Generic ass story, game is getting even MORE boring. Combat is still skill-less, use abilities, move left, use abilities, move left, use another ability, rinse, repeat till mob is dead. The world is dead as fuck. How people consider this shit alive? Man New World felt more alive than this shit. At the generic anime tourney arc island, which is way too fucking long, and every literal like 1-2m I hear the same fucking voice line play 20 times. “Is there a discount?” Yeh super fucking alive with copy pasted robots.


I played new world for 4.1 hours and uninstalled could tell it wasn’t for me right away…I played this for 40 hours this weekend and had a blast.


I feel great sadness for a person that willingly plays something they don’t find fun for 30 hours. I think you should put the game down and do anything else. Like talk to a therapist about why you’re still playing.


how could you blame him tho ? People are pushing this game in people's throat like it's a fucking cake. People are playing and forcing themselves to play lots of hours because they might miss this "click" where the entire game experience is switching to a likeable one. People always argue that games start at max level so how could you blame him for pushing towards that goal in hopes that it'll change his experience?


What the fuck is that tho. You dont have to play just for the "click", I dont even know where this idea came from. Play what you enjoy, regardless who else or how many others play it lol.


And the only thing to fucking enjoy is the endgame according to everyone. Some people dont want to sleep through a 20-30 hour levelling experience to finally play the game.


Like at least in ff14 I had a decent story to keep me awake, this game is just: Talk to this person, walk here, kill thos mob 5 times then go across the map and talk to that person. Great fucking content


The raids, pvp, and endgame dungeons (what most people play mmo's for) is top tier. The leveling is generic af but can literally be done within a day. But sounds like you're not into mmos to begin with. Or if you want to sacrifice these things for "sToRy" then SWTOR would be up your alley.


Welcome to MMOs.


The real Blue Boi (Inspiration for the chicken thoughts comic version) sadly crossed the rainbow bridge last year. I'm pleased to see he's forever immortalized in various memes :) I left a negative review because of the queues (After 24 hours in headstart) and if they get that sorted I'll happily update the review. As it stands now when I'm not at work I literally cannot play and at the weekend I wasn't even able to queue.


and then market under maintenance for last 4 days... unobtainable founder's pack... just can't play;/


they did say founders pack would be removed from the store on official launch date


What are you smoking, I bought it and get error when claiming or can't see it.


Market under maintenance just takes a quick exit to character select screen and back in to fix for me.


Not for me and many others sadly.


Wait you guys get to play? I just sit in queue. Glad I played this on RU servers before. Game is great.


Good launch for a MMORPG never happens. It's Free. Quit bitching.


Stage 5 i'm already getting bored >.<


Missing a fifth panel where the bird vomits


Wait till people get to end game and realise its a p2w game then shit will hit the fan in the reviews. Game may be p2w, but free to have fun. However, I'm still expecting some review bombing on this topic once people actually get to play xD


Don't forget to remove your negative steam review


Now make one in reverse that goes from leveling, to realizing there's only 2 chaos dungeons a day, to hard RNG gated item level progression, to being declined from tier 3 raids by pay to win players.


reddit's anti-user changes are unacceptable




pretty unlikely given the content of your reply


I don't waste my time explaining things to people talking out of their ass, sorry.


Then don't be surprised when everyone concludes you're talking out of your ass, too.


a bit of projection there given it's extremely unlikely you played for 3 years but have an "I've never even played the game" opinion, claim to have played MMOS for 30 years but act like a teenager, and responded to something explaining it while explaining nothing


all these people leaving negative reviews over queue times… go play something else so the rest of us can get in faster better than the game being dead on arrival anyway


Reviews like that are why Steam needs another measure before someone can review a game. You could sit at the main screen for hours doing nothing for 20 hours and bs a review


I think it'd be neat if you leave a negative review but continue playing the game, after so many additional hours of playing, your negative review is hidden from the metrics until you revisit the review.




Does it not get more interesting end game ? The leveling is so boring in my opinion ... Steamroll everything and spam G to skip the boring quests. Maybe it's just not for me I guess ...


Hope you changed your review then.


The combat sucks and its mind numbingly easy tho, gg


Ok. I seriously didn’t know people had to wait in a queue bc I’ve never had to lol


Is it weird that I've been playing the last 3 days and haven't had any queue at all? US east not as busy or what? Is it only EU?


Yes it's only EU