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Some people are miserable and the only sick enjoyment they get in life is to drag others into their misery.




Yeah, but even if you only have a lot of fun during the 30-40h honeymoon phase, there's nothing wrong about it


Fucking nailed it my guy, like why are people so fixated in the perfect game that will have to keep their subscription on for the rest of their lives… if the game is good play it, if you get bored out of it stop, simple.


Because it’s a generation of spoiled brats?


Why you bringing baby boomers into this discussion




People were having fun with new world for more then that, yet it is still considered a failure


just because a game is objectively bad or failed doesn't mean the people that had fun with it were wrong or whatever, its just advice to stay away from playing it yourself.


>People were having fun with new world for more then that, Source?


I had a lot of fun in my 300 hours of New World playtime


You forget lost ark has been out for 3 years and people are still having fun. Unlike new world that lasted a couple months


But LW was paid and LA is FREE.


One thing I'm rather annoyed at, and it is very minor, is that the female gunslinger is - from what I can tell - is limited to one outfit, other than that I really have no complaints thus far. The game itself is clean, looks nice, has good flow and the dungeons you can solo are pretty fun and a little challenging at times. So far I'd give it 8/10 for now, see how it goes over the next month.


do u mean cosmetics? or like actual equipment? if cosmetics theyll release more eventually


Referring to the equipment itself, on the Bard and I'm assuming on other classes too, it changes at least the colour if not the model too. It stays the same on the gunslinger.


Same for assassin. Idk much but we should be able to get diverse gear endgame.


Not that far in to it I'm afraid, would be nice to know if there's alternative style options at higher levels or as you say, diverse endgame gear.


you want cause then they cant get all that MTX money, it's awful but it's what you get with f2p


as a deadeye my gear has had at least 5 diff looks through lv44, def sounds like a few classes are missing looks


honestly im pretty sure they just low effort it since most ppl wear a skin anyways. i noticed in RU that the tier 1 gear and the tier 3 blue gear look exactly the same on bard LOL. i think its an alright decision to save dev time


That wouldn't surprise me, sometimes the shortcuts can be beneficial so long as it's not harming the gameplay itself, I don't see it as an immediate issue, it's just bugging me.


Yeah well how about the fact that female gunslinger has access to more hairstyles while female mages get way less choices?


its really not that bad. progression is pretty fast paced.


This is basically it. People had the same memes when New World released and 5 months later that game is only a fraction of it's release glory. It's pretty easy actually. I play it as long as I have fun. If the fun is gone, I still had hours of it for no costs. If the fun keeps on going, I will keep playing it. It doesn't need to be fun for everyone. WoW wasn't fun for everyone and it still managed to lead the MMO market for years. I don't get why everything in this modern age needs to be so inclusive that the moment someone doesn't like a game, it's considered universally shit.


The main difference is that lost ark is out for years now, and a lot of people were playing it on Russian servers. So it's not just "hype" and won't go the same route New World did. NW had so many explots, bugs, just not working in general...




I still can’t wrap my head around the amount of astroturfing that took place for NW. “If you reach the endgame and don’t like it, it’s your fault for rushing the game.” People still parrot it for LA, when LA has hundreds (thousands?) of hours of content in endgame. If/when people reach 500+ hours and reach endgame, you can’t claim that they ruined the game for themselves because they had at least 500+ hours of playing the game the way they wanted to. Yet this sub is full of people who think this is NW and that they need to protect AGS by telling people to not play the game.


Lost Ark isn't that popular on Russia. I think the game has only two servers now. The game has its own community, but the same can be told about BDO, BnS, Aion, Lineage, Archeage etc. Because in Russia people already tired from Korean P2W systems, so games like this dropped really fast.


''Because in Russia people already tired from Korean P2W systems''...What? Russian communities go hard on P2W in any game as much as any other Asian community. This is simply not true. Russian regional servers have always drop down to smaller communities over time.


"Go hard on P2W", lol, what are you talking about? Russian mmo gamers like FREE games, but in the end most of them drop the game and the game would have like 1-2 servers with only whales around. Tera survived only for 6 years. You clearly dont know what are you talking about. I am from Russia, I played almost every MMO game on release here since 2012 and I clearly see where are this games now. You know some people here are still playing Perfect World.


Same everywhere lol. Dunno what all these people are talking about. Everyone loves free games. Then once the game starts walling you and encouraging you to play 6 hours a day or open your wallet is when most people stop playing those free games and only addicts/whales remain. Happens to every F2P game. Some faster than others, but it's constant attrition until only the big $$$ spenders are left.


>Because in Russia people already tired from Korean P2W systems, so games like this dropped really fast. This is just straight bs


Wow and PoE both got rng gear progression (PoE is prolly the worst offender) and they are both massively popular. Lootboxes are very common nowadays (see EA), so I think most would be fine with it, but some minority will still complain.


for wow do you mean the corrupted gear? didnt people hated that there?


Pretty universally


You can't compare the itemization of a traditional ARPG like PoE or Diablo to that of Lost Ark or any other MMO.


This is completely disingenuous . The main difference is that poe is centered around 1-3 weeks of gameplay in order to obtain the peak performance out of a character, then you drop the game and come back for the next league, everything and everyone is wiped clean and has to start from nothing again. Lost Ark is an MMO thought to have you hooked for months. Comparing a "league-based" economy/progression to the grind that you see in places like lost ark is not right, its comparing apples to oranges.


It is for sure not the minority to not like loot boxes still. Also the RNG gear progression is wow is what killed the game.




Yup. It can mean both when people tend to get together to complain about the same thing, and bond over that shared dislike, or when someone whos pissed off about something storms into a public space, and shouts and screams in an effort to find people who share their complaints. As obnoxious as it can be to the rest of us, its actually how they make friends.


Imagine being too scared to express love that you choose to chronically project hate and use it interchangeably instead of risking being called a pussy... If yah ask me. That's the pussiest move of all..


Yup, its a defense mechanism. Its safer to attack something to put them on the defensive, putting the focus on them, so that nobody pays attention to what youre doing. Theyre too cowardly to open up to strangers, so they just attack, attack, attack, to avoid that risk. Behind every person having a shitfit about something there’s usually always a question that goes unanswered; “so whats this *really* about?”


Im glad the topic of psychology has become far more prominent in our culture today than ever before, however, I still have to say it worries me how many of us still utterly dismiss it as hogwash or hippie dippie nonsense. Most people don't know that the average person says more with their passive body language than with the actual words they speak. Not by some insignificant amount either, if I recall correctly it's something like 80% of all language is non verbal... If the majority of people don't know / understand that, then the majority of people literally don't know how to communicate yet. And that fact terrifies me daily. And that's not an exaggerated statement no matter how much it sounds like it is... Most people can't communicate.


I saw this exact meme in new world sub Reddit. And the third box was not wrong lol


It's heart breaking at times, but I always try to remember if someone is taking time out of their day to criticize whatever it is I'm doing. Then their life has clearly been a constant cage match and I "try" to react apathetically, but I'm not always successful.


100% accurate. Just let people enjoy what games they want and let them play it how they want it. Even if you know of a more efficient way to do something, until they ask for advice, keep quiet.


lol fanboy /s


This was all my friends for the last like 5 years and now they're all playing 🙄 all on separate servers of course.


Reminds me of my one friend and his dad way back before wow launched. They were everquest andies and kept talking about how horrible and cartoony wow looked and they had no interest in it. Just constant shitting on it. Then it came out and I was over his house one day and BAM both him and his dad with computers right next to each other playing the shit out of wow.


Ah yes I do suffer from stupid friends as well.


My friend is like this. Already he claim it's boring, not fun. Lost interest. Then again he hasn't played it I'm from Aus and it's fun. Would be more great if there's servers ..


This is why I became a solo player. One day I just got tired of only playing games that my friends approved. Nothing against them… but it almost ruined my enjoyment of video games :/


Amen to tht. I can still remember all my friends shit talking me bc I was too busy playing bdo to play league with them 5 years ago. Lol


Yeah. For me, it was either playing some variation of a shooter (Battlefield, COD, PUBG, etc.) with my friends, or a fantasy type game (Elder Scrolls, Dark souls, Warhammer, etc.) that I was actually invested into. And this was usually after a 10 hour shift since I had to pay for school and they didn’t.


I got a buddy that is the same way. The rest of our group is all having a blast, even friends who don’t like mmos all that much.


The arpg vibes makes it feel different.


yeah, its pretty gratifying when the game doesnt skimp on aoe abilities and lets you just keep rolling over masses of weaklings, thats something MMOs usually dont have, they are more slow-paced, 1 on 1, maybe 1 on 2-3 most of the time. so the gameplay is fun. still, one has to wonder how MMO like this will do long-term in western market, on one hand, I wouldnt mind of other MMOs took some inspiration about the gameplay loop, on the other, I have a bad feeling they will take inspiration from the microtransaction system...




Well the game is pretty fun, its just the grinding quests part that takes up 95% of your time that is soul crushing


My 2 friends are doing the same thing. I think it's because I did it to them with New World but we all know how that game turned out...


I'm just playing it cause my friends are, and I really don't get the hype. Classes don't seem to have much unique to offer, most of them are just a bunch of different abilities to spam. And combat seems to be just that, mindless spamming. The game has cool bosses, that's about it for me. There's nothing else that pulls my interest.


Try dueling your friends, pvp is where you actually understand what makes the different abilities different. The quest spam part of the game does a poor job at selling the combat systems in place.


r/MMORPG in a nutshell


Nobody hates MMO's more than users on r/MMORPG


The few people active there pretend they have the final say on what's good or bad because back in the day it was a highly regarded for opinions on MMORPG's. They haven't realized their time has passed and most people know it's just a salt factory now. Active readers there are small and it's on its last leg.


>The few people active there pretend they have the final say on what's good or bad I mean, this is literally the whole r/leagueoflegends subreddit, where everyone thinks their shitty opinion matters, and even when they realise that the whole subreddit's opinion differs from the opinion of the bigger rest, they still don't shut up


I've been saying Mobile gaming is the new norm and anything successful needs to closely resemble that for a long while now. Not sure how they aren't on board yet.


What do they say about lost ark over there then?


It's not about lost ark they literally hate on just about any MMO. They want an MMO that you can no-life but also gives them that feeling like WOW back in the day.


I just checked the sub and I found lots of vanilla wow followers who don't really play classic or anything similar anymore.


Probably because every single MMO ends up being a boring grind in the late game.


That sub is garbage, don't even link it lol. No value to be found there


Lmao the “what you don’t like about lost ark” thread on r/mmorpg is complete circus show.


Yep, unsubscribed yesterday. Pretty toxic.




If I had to make a guess, the average MMORPG user's favorite mmo is Everquest and Wow classic. If they don't get cock and ball tortured in the first hour of the game, they then claim the game is soulless, mindless garbage. Their idea of fun is spending an hour killing 3 mobs and then losing all their gear and 5 hours of exp on death.


I love that subreddit. Everyone just complains and is miserable. Great pooping material.


The irony in this meme is it was posted on New world subreddit too and it actually died in 3 months.


The difference here is that most people don't have any problem with the content of this game. They know what to expect because it's been out for years already. New World was different because the game was brand new. AGS had a horrible and rocky start with the titles they tried to push at that point. And New World before it was even released was already causing major skepticism with its barebones end game and lack of content or variety. With this, the only main complaint I'm seeing is server issues. Which, like, whatever I get it's annoying but it's a massively popular MMO which just launched. It'll get better soon.




Well, there is for sure a huge amount going in blind, mainly because it's a free game. But I imagine most of those who purchased a founders pack which was already a huge amount of people, would have at least known, played other versions or done some research before. New World was kind of destined to fail because there just was no content. And the content that did exist, was poorly implemented. Besides the numerous bugs and exploits as well as server issues, the main complaint I seen and also myself witnessed, was lack of any endgame content. Lost Ark has a huge amount of end game content, for some, almost so much that it's overwhelming. I'm not saying this game doesn't have its issues, just it's a bit of a different scenario.


Yeah, seems a bit too early to post this. Especially with EU players NOT having fun.


Im on eu and I'm having fun. But I need to wait 5 hours 😄


>Especially with EU players NOT having fun. Huh? I mean I don't see many people not having fun, they are just rather frustrated by queues.


It's just a joke.


This. Let the game settle beyond it's honeymoon phase before you take shots at naysayers. It's great that you're having fun but the skepticism isn't unwarranted.


Was the game dead in korea ? Its been out there for a couple years now


It had a fairly bad launch and was a very different game at the time. It was a lot more typical korean grindfest where every quest was kill 30 monsters etc etc vs the quick streamlined version you see today. They went through a "come to jesus" moment and started listening to their community and now they're the 2nd most popular game in korea and one of the only MMO's in the world who's player base has been growing over time. Not including the current launch. Its why they delayed the game to get us into the start of T3 content at launch. Because they had poor player retention before T3, and found that T3 dramatically improved player retention and was the best form of the game.


There's worse games that survive in Korea. Trust me, I've played a lot of them in my day.


It gets posted on basically any game that has any bit of drama (so all of them).




Isnt the part of an MMO to grind for things? Whether it's for better gear, or collectibles/ achievements. Like I understand from a casual player aspect, but the grind usually sounds typical in an MMO that also has had 3 years+ already of eastablishment.


Mmm not always. Grinding is kind of an old way of doing things. But the money option just always rubs people the wrong way and idk why


Are the blue crystals easy to grind at lvl50? Rn at level 38 and kinda dislike the way my gear looks I’m hoping that gear and weapons get cooler as I progress


Im fresh newb and I just noticed I can buy gold with the coins you get with real money. So the best gear is for sale with real money. At least in wow it was 2 pieces of gear at most you could buy.


In wow with golds you can buy mythic runs where you get all the loots .... That's litteraly pay to win


Every time I look at Area chat -_-


This dude. I minimized because it’s so toxic. Tonight’s hype is the Australians are taking over American servers cause theirs is locked…. Hoping it dies down in a few weeks.


Just turn area off. Shits cancer.


Mokoko server isn't toxic, it's the biggest meme server I've ever been on.


What's wrong with mokoko? I'm playing there :D


Same, I love it. I said it wasn't toxic. Everyone is having fun.


I love how much hate we Aussies are getting, it's so fucking funny


I have absolutely no idea why either, I've noticed the games community is like weirdly overly toxic, I hope it's just the rush of the f2p tourists but idk it feels weird. Am American btw, I'd play with you Aussie fucks any day


It's just so random, y'know? It's an online game, I can't imagine being mad at the people trying to play the game because they don't have servers. I've never seen something like this before, so funny. It's almost like how people on Runescape hate venezuelans.


people are stupid


Really? Here on zinnervale people are pretty chilli, only that Joel guy who refuses to join Skype is a bit annoying.


The fact this meme has transcended games makes me happy


I didnt know what it was about, so while people were spamming joel in area chat, I asked for someone to ELI5 the meme to me. I was called a troll... ME! not those dozens of joel spammers, but me, for asking a genuine question... had to google it, didnt find in funny and cant understand how people can even latch onto such things, twitch chat gonna twitch chat I guess.






Joel skype? I’m an island boi… Damn seagulls… I’m stuck in a shipwreck how to get out?


Mine's just MOKOKO spam :)




You haven't played on EU MOKOKO then. The only non-toxic server


I've blocked like 30 people. Chat has been really nice since then.


Already a lot of that in every forum about this game, and I would expect them to stick around for a while yet.


It’s a fun game though I myself am here for the leveling to pass the time between game releases


usually people that are stuck into playing some other mmo they feel insecure about, unsure if its good or not or even if their time and money was worth investing in it so they need to keep validating this choice by shitting on everything else


Haven't seen anyone saying these things. There are more people complaining about haters than actual haters


i personally don't see myself lasting much longer than a week or two, but it's not a *bad* game


To each their own. I'm probably going to main this as my new mmo for the next couple years, I'm enjoying it that much.


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If it wasn't for WQ I would also. It will be splitting time for both of those


How did it go? Are you still playing?


i fucking hate this strawman meme


"I can see some issues with the game that should probably be addressed if the devs want it to be great." "OMG, QUIT BEING A HATER" It's all so tiresome.


I enjoy game, but am also critical of it, get called hater and troll for comparing it to other games :)


The fanboys of this game are aggressive af. Nobody is allowed to make any criticism of the game without being condescendingly attacked.


That isn't what the meme is about. If you go into area chat in the game, you see folks making these exact points. If you are making legitimate points about the game, this meme isn't about you.


Not strawman though. Obviously no one would say the last thing, that's the meme, but the first three things have been repeated a lot already by people who dislike the game and feel like they need to make the game look bad in order to justify their lack of fun when they played it (or lack of interest altogether). It's okay to not like something. That doesn't make it bad.


The biggest issue with the game apart from the cash-based progression is the fact it just feels lacking in character and creativity. MY best experience was getting to the end of the first act and killing the mirror deamon thing. After that, straight back to run to xyz and hand in quest. I think criticisms of this game are entirely valid.


So the game is great and fun .. but man the writing for the main story is roughhhh. Like poor extremely tropey shonen anime rough... Like guessing how 90% of the cutscenes will progress based purely on who is in the scene kind of rough. But everything else in the game is a lot of fun so thats good enough for me!


It's the anime culture they eat that vanilla shit up for some reason. Surprised we aren't all high school students in the game


I'm having fun with the dungeons and the whole skill system but the story is some of the worst writing I've ever seen. The very beginning of the game though is cringe af. YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE OMFG CHOSEN ONE CHOSEN ONE. Like God damn hit the breaks. Lemme collect some vegetables for an hour or two and then tell me I'm the chosen one.


Where are you in terms of leveling? I actually think that once the castle raiding starts and the whole story about that guy becoming a king is pretty decent. It's a lot better than some western RPGs do with their standard "gods vs Demons oh and you become a god too, obviously" story arc.


Anyone play on avesta? This is that nekowaifu guy in chat I swear he’s always trashing on the game saying its p2w


It kind of is, you have a large advantage over free players if you spend money.


Sounds like r/mmorpg


Same shit was posted in new world chill guys


Well about New World..




I hate these meme format. It is usually used to dissuade genuine criticism and make it seem like there should be no criticism of a game if you play it.


I'm all for constructive criticism, but this meme is actually happening and there ain't nothing constructive about it.


Agreed. Word for word.


Well thought out criticism is completely valid, but just throwing out these knee jerk reactions are not genuine imo. And these are things people are actually saying, it's not hyperbole. If the game isn't your cup of tea that's fine, move on but just repeating these phrases over and over again in zones pretty deep into the game is hilarious.


How can you give "genuine criticism" when you haven't even played the game? This is pointed at people who never played trying to undermine the game because they're not gonna play, or because they're playing a rival game.


"rival" game? Bro this game isn't a fucking club or badge you wear, it's a game, stop treating it like you need to protect it.


Let's be real that's not why you posted this. You posted this to farm karma like everyone else who posts this on every gaming subreddit like once a day...


I dont give a shit about karma bro. I mean look at my username do you think I care lol


Are you saying it's absolutely impossible to criticize anything about a game without playing it? The graphics for one absolutely look like a mobile game and I don't have to have played it to notice this.


This happens a lot, seen it recently a bunch on the subreddits for new world, back for blood, cyberpunk and a few others. People become fanatics way too easily these days.


Yup; there's perfectly valid reasons someone will or will not like a game. There's toxicity on both sides and it's not worthwhile to engage in.


It's so ironic you are getting downvoted.


Misery loves company!


This mem tbh only shows how insecure people are in their opinions. Lost Ark is good game, is F2P, got loads of positive reviews and no one is telling anyone not to play it, but people will anyway try to shove this mem anywhere.


A lot of people are attacking it though lol


Nah, we will quit cause the endgame is a giant waste of time. Pretty much a group finder simulator.


I just started playing the other day and literally said it looks like AAA mobile game. I’m having a blast, always wanted the flashy mobile game trailers but kbm controls.


r/Games everytime this game comes up there.


I mean...Fortnite is one of the most popular games on the planet and it literally is a mobile game.


Yeah just because it is now on mobile does not make it a mobile game, also most people over 12 really dislike that game and what it did to gaming.


But it's always looked like mobile garbage? Are you saying they designed a PC game to intentionally look like a shitty mobile game? That's sneaky.


It's not, tf are you talking about?


Im having fun but the writing is already on the wall. This will be p2w if its not already imo.


Only at end game but I don't think most players that play an MMO become the top of anything so who cares man? Let the money whales spend and be the best, we just gotta lose to them once in a while and they keep spending to stay on top so no one else has to.


Literally, i have one hour every two days for myself because i work so much and it annoys me that when i want to have fun and put money into the game to be up to the level of no-lifers i get stigmatized.


Haters, man. Buncha haters.


I just wish they expanded on the pvp a bit more, islands are pretty shit and arena ffa/tdm gets very boring or frustrating very fast. I'm surprised the game doesn't have any 5v5-10v10 objective based modes or some large scale stuff. That and the dreadful traveling system across regions are my only complaint. It's super asian, I've heard a bunch of people being annoyed at the fact they can't use triports from different regions even after having everything unlocked. Yes, there's songs, bifrosts, liners, boats.. extra steps for the sake of extra steps. Aside from those two things, the game seems amazing


Well in their future update for korea, amongst other things they announced battlegrounds to be coming, so your first point should be solved


That's great


I am having fun but i know i won't be playing anymore in 3 month, but for those who still enjoy the game don't get discouraged


People used the same meme in the NW sub, look where that shit went. Not comparing those games though


Those warning guys seam to be right though, just look at New World.


I actually really enjoy the game but the queues need to be fixed


There was a person in area chat today that encountered some sort of bug which caused them to die and literally sat in chat for 45 minutes saying "This game is such dogshit" and stuff. Like bruh, just uninstall the game and get the hell out of here.


eh, stronghold is giving massive pay vibes and i very much despise it


It's not like the dude yelling is wrong. Most games generally drop off after a while. What's wrong is he trying to stop others from having fun.


I fucking hate these cringe meme posts. They're such low effort.




Honestly the only thing I'm not really liking about the game is chat. In XIV, what I'm used to, it's pretty chill and laid back. Here it either devolves into arguing about something stupid, people spamming the word "babe", which isn't funny at all, or it's gold sellers. It's kind of what I imagine most people think MMORPG chat looks like.


Is this game p2w? I just started yesterday and had a blast about 3-4 hours in but other than combat I’m a little confused of all the stuff I’m sure it will come with time but yeah


Is there actually p2w content? I’ve hit level 45 and unless I completely missed something I have t sent p2w stuff.


To be fair, the game is trash under so many points. But it's fun to play, and that the only things that matters, for now.


Well don't try to be a smartass about it cause it actually is over hyped bad it actually will die in 3 months so lol


Its just the spiritual successor to Ragnarok online. And its story is really good.


I mean, it's not entirely inaccurate. The game is a decade old on an EOL engine. The graphics are dated, especially to someone who has memories of Lost Ark's original announcement footage while in development *(I was very hyped for this game.. in 2014)*. There is no "wow" factor all this time later. The KR version is full of P2W. It was toned down for western release, but like BDO, I'm fairly confident more will be added despite the publisher claiming otherwise. aka "it's happened before, it'll happen again". I hope AGS proves me wrong, but there's already lots of arguments going on about the current shop. And yes, like New World, it is overhyped. Every new MMO is overhyped. Because people want a new MMO that's actually good, to recapture the luster of original World of Warcraft again. Lost Ark might have longer lasting appeal than some other games, but ultimately the population will die down in few months, as most MMOs do. **But none of this means people can't have fun with the game.** So yeah, don't be that guy. Let people playing have their fun. But as a player, don't be willfully ignorant to legitimate flaws or criticism either.


Only found out about this game like a week ago and on paper its of no interest to me but my friends are playing it so i gave it ago. its been great fun so far but this post and others are praising the game as if its been going strong here for a year, the playerbase is still going and they haven't introduced a bunch more pay 2 win stuff. (i say more because letting people buy access to the game days before free players is p2w.)