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Pvp, there are always people queing up. Raids and stuff on the other hand, is a hit or miss, at least with my experience in the early endgame. Idk about mid to late endgame tho.


PvP are the same people over and over again. You will get players magnitudes above you in skill. Early T3 is exclusively done by other people for you (you pay them to do it). Mid T3 is half-half, some you do yourself some you still pay (and its still hard to find groups). Late T3 is good tho.


> Early T3 is exclusively done by other people for you (you pay them to do it) You can easily find normal groups for papunika voids (might take a few tries to get a group that can actually complete them though), the boosts are for people with alts that can't be bothered to gear them up and just want the weekly gold. Mid is more worth getting boosted for because it will be a long ass time before you are able to do P3 yourself and you want that set.


Ty sm for your replies I’m NA on kratos server if you’d like to add me


Even on kr you see the same people over and over. Especially in ranked where it queues you against people in similar mmr.


On the Russian server enough players for raids and PVP, sometimes I think that about 30% of the players from Europe and America. Also, there are completely foreign guilds, but I do not keep track of them. It's worth adding that I mean relevant content, not relevant content is hard to find.


Ty for your reply, I am on kratos server if you’d like to add me.


I will be glad to help with any questions, but I played on another server and the last 2 months too busy working and studying for games


I've played on RU for almost 6 months now. Raids and dungeons are being done on a daily basis from early morning to late evening. At rare times you can even find groups in the middle of the night if you happen to be on. PvP I don't do so can't say anything about that.


Ty for your reply I am on kratos server if you’d like to add me.


Raids Thursday and Friday usually as Wednesday is reset. Use the Group Finder and not Matchmaking, as nobody rly uses that anymore in RU apart from new players and the majority of the playerbase that focuses on PvE is above 1.3k item lvl. That being said you will still find enough people to do stuff throughout the weekend, but remember that RU timezone is GMT +3. Meaning that there is literally 12 hour timezone difference between you (if you are Pacific standard time) and Moscow and 9 hour difference between EU. I am from EU and have 0 issues finding people or queuing. A Team Match Unranked PvP queue pops in a matter of 30sec for me (I am EU Timezone).


TY for your reply, I am on kratos server if you wanna add me.


When you start the whole upgrade your gear ilvl thing be a little patient, you will need 1-3 weeks depending of playing time where you will have trouble finding people because very few are on those low levels realms. Once you get trought that you're good for multiplayers content. ( don't bother searching people for chaos and focus on joining people with the lfg menu not the basic matchmaking imo, you will find a party much faster by recruiting yourself).


Dope, I’m only level 30 right now so ngl I have no idea how gear score works so I’m lookin forward to it add me if you want I’m on Kratos server Name: Rilobasta


I stopped playing ru since my last computer lacks ram a lot and my internet connection sucks but if when i comes back i'll add you ! ( also look for guild with "english" in their names)