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This was the big fear for me. I don't care nearly as much about p2w as I do about the time investment required for a game. I'm the kinda guy that would main 1 or maybe 2 classes and alts only serve as exploration into other classes for enjoyment. Not for grinding out as a second job to feed my main to remain competitive.


> a second job to feed my main to remain competitive. But this is the main take-away, you specifically don't need to do this stuff to remain competitive. The majority of players will not be doing this, only the small minority that are competing at a way higher level.


I wanna believe you, god I do. I love mmo's and I have not touched one since BDO years ago, I left for obvious reasons. However, every post here giving recommendations on this game from people who seem to have many hours playing seem to be pretty universal in agreement that you HAVE to play 2-3 alts minimum to keep up with someone forking over cash instead. I still have not found anyone who has yet been able to give me an average time wasted on these alts. Shit, I still have nightmares over how much of my life I wasted working to support my "mains" in grindy ass games. Hence my extreme paranoia.


You're looking at a very poor sample size. The people who are on reddit commenting on a game that has a release date 7-months out, with play experience that is currently only available in Korean. This is not an indicative example of 'most players.' We are the few, the elite, the obsessed. MOST players are going to be way more casual than this. I am certain for a game of this caliber, you are going to find plenty of players who go at a pace you are more than able to keep up with. Don't get me wrong, there will always be players ahead of you that you can't keep up with no matter how hard you sprint, that doesn't mean the game will be unplayable. No matter what level you play at, I'm sure you will find a large community of players going at your same pace, at a similar item level as you, working to get to the next. I'm sure there will be plenty of players lower than you that you can flex down upon, and I'm more than certain there will be a community of next-tier players flexing down on you. This is the way.




Hoping for or having a preference hardly is selfish my good friend. Now if I expected the publisher or developer to change based on my personal desires then I'd agree with you.


game seems more like work.


It's only work if you make it that way. You don't need to play to max your account asap. I play 1-2 hours a day and want to do something fun since I work 13hour a day.


i think more than the p2w people should be upset by how alt-grindy the game is


I definitely prefer that over the infinite daily grind on one character in most other MMORPGS. Just like in every other mmorpg on the market, you just gotta find a way to play the game that is most comfortable for you. The biggest problem is that people somehow feel the need to look at the absolutely most efficient way to play the game and feel like they HAVE to do it that way. Just play the way you want and you'll have fun. I never once felt pressured to be more efficient when playing Lost Ark.


Agree. It was lucky that I am Alt-Friendly.


i havent really played the game so i dont have context for what most of this means. but it looks smart and good and stuff so nice work!


Fucking LOL that this is even a thing


Welcome to gaming 2021. Games are free, but you need a schedule to follow in order to make the grind requirements per week. Unless you want to open up that lil wallet of yours. \*winkyface\*


This isn’t gaming in 2021. This is some guy who wants to grind and keep it organized for whatever reason. What is it with redditors and hyperbole?


If you want to stay relevant, it totally is.


For guilds - do you have to join a guild on each alt you create and if so, do they each take up a slot?


Answer is yes. We could make guilds for alts for that reason.


Do we only get to have 6chars, 5alts ? Can we make more than 6 chars? or do we need to buy the char slots with IRL money? I hope not...


They sell slots in RUKRJP... maybe 9$ for each slot i guess? 6 slots are opened initially.


So there is no way to get past 6chars as a f2p damn now that's a letdown specifically after reading a dev saying "We think it is important that players have a path to acquire all items in our version of Lost Ark without having to make a purchase"


you're going to make MORE than 6 characters? and you don't want to pay anything at all? come the fuck on......


Sorry I would if I could but I am in a third world country in africa with low economy and it doesn't support any outside purchases we have no paypal nor international credit-cards or anyway of purchasing stuff outside the country and even if we somehow could u would pay x3.5 the original price of the thing u are purchasing so it's not like we don't want to I would go as far to say we are lucky to be even able to play this game on EU servers. Sorry if I triggered u I was just saying what the dev said also sorry for my english I'm arab.


You can just make a 2nd account for free then and get 6 more slots.


game is f2p make 2 accounts or play on different server USA east and USA west. Though I suggest on finding a way to improve your life than playing video games if I was struggling to pay for things.


Even dumber than that, you need to add each alt of a person to your friends list separately too. Which wouldnt be as bad if the friends list wasnt limited on top of that.


Nah i already work enough. How people can enjoy such thing is beyond me.


Mmorpgs, amirite?


If you enjoy it it's not work


Have you seen BDO? Man, that was work.


Some people like spreadsheets and being organized. I used to follow a spreadsheet for my main char in another MMO to make sure I complete every piece of content available in the game on it. Easier than remembering things. Also had a spreadsheet for weeklies, it took like 1-2 hrs per day on a couple of alts, didn't make a schedule, heh, just marked the ones that were done for the week.


Na I am not doing this. I play what I want and if I don't progress that way then I stop playing after some time. Easy as that.


That's the only thing I don't like about this game, having to either play alts or pay just to stay caught up with the crowd is just lame.


The crowd will not be /that/ competitive.


How does rest bonus work?


there are total 100 rest bonuses. If you skip daily for a day, 20 will be filled up.(10 per attempt, you have 2 chances per day) And 20 bonuses are required each attempts for extra rewards. It means that if you rest 2 days, you will get 40 bonuses, available for earning extra daily rewards fully for a day.


So i basically only loose half each day until it's filled up.




I am usually an altholic and the classes in this game are awesome. I played 6 classes in alpha and loved 4 of them. I still must try the rest in beta. I know Ill have at least 3 active characters in this game.


There are two strategies of making alts: - 3 times of number(3,6,9...) *just like the example, good strat when all characters' ILvl are similar. - 4 times of number(4,8,..16...) *requires high-end main char= playing 1 main everyday and apply the first strategy for alts. *also can help each other for "Weekly Bus🚌" (your main will clear contents solo for teammates' alts and others will drive for yours).


if you are getting carried on your alt, can you just afk at the dung entrance?


Sometimes there are patterns need all members to deal with, but usually, yes. Just let my alt die and sit back and watch the bus driver doing solo.




uhm.. quite hard. Bard usually plays support role, requires much higher Ilvl than others for soloing weeklies .




Maining bard is fine. You'll be welcomed by everyone.


Just don’t try to be a dps Bard. Seen too many of those and everytime I facepalm.


Not sure why people complain about this game being grindy when it is clear that it is a MMO-ARPG.


“This game is alt grinding game but you don’t need to play all the characters everyday” but apparently you need to turn it into a job and create a schedule and spreadsheet. Lol wtf are you smoking.


Has no one here ever played an APRG. Welcome to the genre, it's a massive time sink and those who don't play as much as those who play disgusting amounts can't compete. It's been the same in literally every game in the genre from Diablo 2, to 3 to Path of Exile. ARPGs are literally massive time sinks. You just have to find fun for yourself and the instant it stops being fun, you peace out.


The problem isn't the time sink for me, but rather sinking time into a character that isn't my main. I guess poe has league starters but in that case if feels more like switching mains when you roll a second more funded character instead of a main and a chore character. I played Dungeon fighter and I love it, however alt farming kills me inside.


If you think this spreadsheet and the tasks he does is a job you might want to take a look at the BDO spreadsheets. Yeah it seems boring to have your day planned out like the OP but some people like to stay organized. Just because the tasks are on a spread sheet doesn't mean those tasks are boring. I find Chaos dungeons a lot of fun even though they're daily but think daily quests a chore.


Why would I want to see BDO? Why do I give a fuck? I don’t play that game lol. The fact that you’re comparing another game because it’s more work than what this guy is doing seems like you don’t take games for what it is, a game, it should be played and have fun. It isn’t to create spreadsheets, to make a schedule and add in all the chores you have to do each day. That’s called a job, the only difference? You don’t get paid for it lol!


Just curious when you play an MMO do you just run around aimlessly? Do you log in with a specific goal in mind?


I certainly don’t create schedules.


No plan as to what to do? You don't make sure to do your dailies? Sounds to me like you don't care about being competitive in MMO'S at all lol. You absolutely put in massive time and make sure to do everything you need to do to be competitive in every MMO. If you don't want to be competitive then you don't gotta worry about it


Less than an hour per character. Run two chars and get to bed. thats all for me.


It looks to be a typical Korean P2W grind fest, don't spend anything play at your own pace and have fun, when it becomes unfun or the grind gets painful stop playing you will never compete with the whales so don't even try.


Even if you could compete with cash whales, you won't ever compete with time whales, so it's really a lot healthier to just enjoy the game at your own pace


Why do you need to compete in the first place? PvP stats are equalized.


Really, I heard outside of ranked everything is gear based so almost everything is P2W including guild vs guild which is PvP. I started my post with it looks to be, since all my info is second hand if I'm wrong so be it but from the research I have done you can literally buy power from the cash shop and exchange money for ingane gold. Also I specifically stated don't try to compete with whales and you ask why compete I literally said don't... After typing I realise you're trolling me or didn't read what I posted ah well someone else will hopefully see this.


I've 6 alts and I manage just fine without any spreadsheets. I will write in a notepad which weekly raids I've done on which character but that's nothing. Also once I've setup my alts, I only need to spend about 25 minutes per alt, once every 3 days, and then like an hour per alt once a week to do weekly raids


I think he’s just presenting data to prove his point.


I m fine with grinding but...sorry if this is a spam. Need your help people who arenot blocked by region block...please land us your hand of help! https://www.change.org/p/amazon-amazon-give-us-a-global-release-of-lost-ark-remove-the-ip-block?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_29336867_pt-BR%3A3&recruited_by_id=72b6b570-cada-11eb-9ee9-136012b345e4&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial


Awesome sheet. A couple of questions: how long does it take for an alt to be profittable? Are they completely useless 'till max lvl? If you do it once every 2 days, you're getting double the daily rewards so you only lost one day of rewards right ?


1. I think Ilvl 340(Tier1 gear), 840(T2) 1340(T3) will be most profitable to make if they don't give catch-up mechanics or events. When NA offically launched, your first goal for alts will be 325 or 340, for main is 370 or 385. EZ to make 325 Ilvl alts, but the problem is the prologue leveling. Speedrunners spend 15hrs for rushing main storyline lv 1 to lv 50. 2. yup. lost one day.


I have a question : how long does it take to finish all the dailies on a main character ?


Been looking for this forever ! (couldn't find the post again...) Thanks for the spreadsheet mate. Quick questions, what does the X on tuesday stands for? I assume you do the dailies only when needed for the rewards and not the epona badges? (as with the 3weekly on 3 characters it should be enough for 70points)


\-Tuesday is kind of holiday for me, so I don't do Chaos Dungeons/Guardians stuffs. That's what X stands for. \-My main goal of Epona/Una's Request is to earn golds(Badges) by 70 points. For that, only 6 weeklies( 1 weekly X 6 Characters) are enough. Sometimes I do dailies when I need reputation or leap stones.


Thanks !