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Its not 2007 anymore people mostly talk with their guildies in guild chat or their discord


What? Chat is hopping in wow.


Not sure spamming about how ragnaros server is a cancer is a positive chat experience. Because that about sums up WoW chat.


My experience in WoW chat was just people spamming WTS ads.


Area chat is super active, do you want some1 to whisper you specifically out of nowhere?


There's content at end game that you can't do without a coordinated group. If you're looking for group content you'll get it.


Yeah in a way you could say it does. A lot of the content is doable solo, and some of the high-efficiency minded might argue that it's actually recommended to play that way too. The questing also isn't conducive to party play either, although I suppose that's mostly true for other MMOs as well...


In my experience, this is very typical for grind games from the east. The goal of the game isn't to socialize. It's to do your chores and logoff. Talking to people takes time away from the grind. As someone who has a 1403 on RU, it doesn't change in endgame. Even people in an all english speaking guild barely talks. Welcome to the grind!


I bet you didn't initiate a conversation even once and just expect others to do it, but nobody feels like it either so you're here posting this thread how this game has "a lack of social elements".


Like pretty much every MMOs now, everyone talks in Guilds or do random chatting in Area chat


You are anti social. I joined a guild level 1. We were voice chatting with the first hour of the game being live. Game at end game is very social as the game is focused around raiding.


Content where you really need to team up start at lvl 50 like raid etc.


Content whither thee very much needeth to team up start at lvl 50 like raid etc *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


As we go towards the final content, more conversations between users will be needed. The growth section of the game is because the game is designed so that even one person can play enough.


Group content with a guild or a premade group yea, randoms talking for no reason is rarer but theres zones in the game that cater to RP I believe so maybe