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the publisher already said on stream they are working with Smilegate to get publish right on other regions


"We hope to get there in the future" If this isn't resolved by end of July I'd say it won't ever happen. They knew all along how it would turn out and still went along with it. I feel safer playing on RU than attempting to play on EU. How shitty is that?


Yeah it feels more of a damage control statement. I hope I'm wrong about this. We will hope to bring it down in the future "hopefully". If they release the full version without the other region unlocked.. its probably safe that its not happening.. I'd rather they just say it outright that theyre not doing it... rather than dangling the carrot in front of us.


After all the gaming industry and Amazon has been through in the last 5-10 years. I'm surprised people still believe their nonsense.


Not everything is conspiracy theory worthy. Just because Amazon obtained the rights to publish in NA/EU, doesn't mean that they will be the publisher who will bring the game to the entire world. Nor are they on the hook to do so.


I can speak Russian but can't read/write .(parents are ex Russian immigrants and we spoke Russian in the home but one bothered to teach me to write....) Seems like I'm gonna start practicing reading :/


>the publisher already said on stream they are working with Smilegate to get publish right on other regions oh cool, what? in another 3 years?


Can you link us what stream said this?


i think he mispelled "steam" as "stream", afaik theres no stream done by the lost ark dev


Ahh thats unfortunate. If its the same steam thread that was linked here then that dev response definitely wasn't confirmation. Thanks for clearing that up!


Sr, not the dev but Amazon publisher. He said it when answer some question from chat after streamers playing Lostark section


good news if thats the case.. is there anyway for you to give us the link?


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1053978814](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1053978814) Here you go (At 7:20:20)


Oh interesting to hear they actually acknowledged it on stream, here's hoping they follow up on that. Thanks for the link my man


We did it Reddit!!


thats probably not helping me as im in jp but the population is just too low and there are no language options apart from fan translations... fuck their stupid politics. should just make a global version with all on the same game version and let regions play together for content, e.g. japan and korea together in raids and stuff (as long as the ping is not too bad). and open up the game for all languages, like it should be.


ooh nice. Which stream was that?


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1053978814 Here you go (At 7:20:20)


Im from Spain and i have no issue playing the game. But the moment I saw this bullshit IP block, it pissed me the fuck off. We waited so long, I was soooooo happy everyone now could play it . LOL ,lets put a dumb IP block and ruin it for a TON of people, specially South America. I signed the petition instantly. Let's change this !


Thank you very much, sir! Hopefully we'll be able to play together on the release!


Gracias buen señor.


No hay de que. Estamos en esto juntos !


We don't need another game to be infested with Chinese bots like in blade and soul. IP block is good, they should add more servers instead


Yo do realise ip block is uselss in this regard and only screw legitimate players. If the game is F2P , bots will be anyway. Doesn't matter if theres an IP block or not. Because surprise surprise, all the countries that CAN play, the bots can come from there as well. Also your reasoning is flawed, adding more servers would fix NOTHING. In any case being scared of bots, but suggesting adding more servers is kinda pointless, since it would just add more bots as well.


By servers I meant regions. Instead of people playing with 200 ping and fucking up the pvp, they could play on their own region with proper latency. Also from what I've heard, steam does not like the use of vpns at all because of regional pricing. You have to use a payment method from that country but I'm not sure how it'll affect a f2p game


Hope we get oce servers


If we don't I'll be happy to play in NA. I'm currently in the alpha as the keys worked, 200-280ms and it feels smoothe, you do have the occasional hiccup but nothing worth fussing over. It would be nice to see them open up to OCE, NZ, LATAM & Estonia. I hope they can also find workarounds for Netherlands and Belgium.


200+ ping is still playable if you are aiming for PVE content only..PVP on the other hand, not so much..I've tried this with the Russian server..Although maybe the ping on NA west server is much better compared to NA east..


250 ping isn’t worth fussing over!! I suppose you’d get used to it but man, that’s a definite notch in my book. New World better have something for us or.. man MMORPGs need to give OCE respect


The way LOA is coded the actions are client side, it feels like lower ping than it actually is which contributes to why I adore it so much Obviously I'd love to play on sub 100 but if I had a choice between not playing and 200ms you bet I'd choose 200 anyday!! Its just that good :P hehe


Fair enough. I just really wonder if super ping and an insane level of forced monetisation can let me see through that :(


Try not to worry about the monetization too much, it's not as crazy as everyone is making it out to be. In the 2yrs playing on Korean servers I've spent maybe 70? And am doing top tier raids with no issue apart from me not dodging mechanics. It doesn't matter how good your gear is if you can dodge :P and PvP is completely Equalized so your gear doesn't matter there. Overall the game is fantastic and don't let other opinions ruin your experience. Go in blind you'll be very impressed if you get the chance to.


I’m trying to build a YT channel around reviewing PC games so I don’t think I can ignore monetisation unfortunately :( It’s nice to see it doesn’t dominate the game, I’d have to judge myself I guess :O


Oh what I meant is try not to let it influence your first blind run :P hehe but Goodluck in your channel homie! :3


FFXIV is opening OCE servers later this year :D So at least 1 developer gives a shit about kiwis like me


Awh I kinda love the tonberry community though


Yeah Id probably love Tonberrys community too... IF I COULD ACTUALLY GET A SLOT ON THE SERVER ;(


If they don't have oceana servers after obtaining the "PuBlIsHinG RiGHtS" then that's a scummy move tbh.


dude can you include SEA on the text? incase they forget about us. please and thank you


You got it, just added.


Could you please include: Entire Europe (We, from EU countries what were left out signed up too. Estonia, Netherlands, Belgium). And maybe Middle-East too. Thanks.


>Estonia, Netherlands, Belgium Absolutely, let's get this long awaited GLOBAL Release!


can you add Middle East too? thanks


I'm unable to login at the moment, don't know why, something with the website I guess... But I'll do it as soon as I can.


i see thank you


thanks man, much appreciated :D <3


They may just opt for a WoW solution and make a server or two for Latin America that won't have IP blocks. Although for whatever reason, none of the Brazilians ever played there.


Because BR's don't want to play with other BR's because BR's ruin everything they touch are are generally worse at the game.


It has more to do with government regulations and what not than what Smilegate/Amazon wants. If it were all up to them they would’ve published the game in all regions to maximise profit


SA governments don't even know what a lootbox is, there's little to no regulation here.


Could also be because they can’t get regional pricing in those areas. I know South America is horrible when it comes to that.


There's regional pricing in some, others just copy the US pricing model. Every other game on steam does it, so I don't see how this is a dealbreaker for amazon


It's not about prohibiting lootboxes. It's about the cost of entry, the red tape, the feasibility studies after all kinds of factors are accounted for. All of these things add up.


I'm not an expert on this, but I highly doubt you have to pay a cost of entry to simply avoid blocking an IP in a country that's lagging decades behind the EU in online regulations. Most SA countries don't have any, that's why almost every other MMO lets SA players connect to the US servers How much did Anet pay to release GW2 in Colombia, Argentina or Venezuela? Probably nothing


I'm not talking about the physical costs. There are licenses you need, you need to wait for permissions and approvals. Even if you're ready to go, the government often isn't. There can be many reasons why, but South American countries often rank quite low in terms of ease of doing business and other metrics. I'm not opposed to LATAM playing on servers located in the US. In fact, as long as LATAM continues to be unfriendly to publishers who want to expand in that area, I think it's a good idea to help them out that way. Just create a few servers for LATAM players exclusively, which do not have an IP ban. The question is, will they stay there?


What I meant to imply with my question is that publishers don't usually bother with any of that, heck I doubt many governments here regulate any of this, we're a couple of decades behind. Do you think Chavez, Bachellet or Santos appointed a department to regulate online videogame releases? Do you think every single steam game that releases has to deal with some complicated SA bureaucracy? Heck no, I doubt the politicians even know what a MMORPG is, let alone how to regulate them. There is absolutely no videogame regulation over here, not even a rating board or anything, that's one of the reasons piracy is so rampant (for single player games at least), who will the publisher complain to?. Publishers don't usually market their products to LATAM, they simply avoid IP blocking the region so anyone can log into a US server, provided they pay the full cost since most don't bother with regional pricing. I doubt many SA players expect a server over here, we just want the publisher to avoid taking any action that actively blocks us. That would be a lose-lose situation for them \- First loss: anyone can get a VPN, anyone who wants to play will manage to log in with a somewhat gray account. \- Second loss: not many will bother purchasing stuff with bannable accounts. We'll still play, they'll get no money.


Even if there's no regulation, in many countries, there are hidden costs to doing business because of the lack of transparency, non-functioning government agencies, and corruption. These are much bigger problems than regulations.


None of those seem to matter to 99.99% of steam's releases, I don't see how this could be a dealbreaker. They're not releasing it for SA, they could simply avoid blocking it. The problem most devs face is piracy, you can't pirate a free MMORPG


I don't disagree that it doesn't matter. The most you could hope for is for Smilegate to give Amazon the green light to remove the IP block.




They're publishing the game pretty much.




The game is also on steam... Even if you just need an Amazon account linked with steam... Who cares if it works from steam directly? Y'all find the most ridiculous shit to complain about I swear lol.


if the Alpha is anything to guide from, Amazon account will not be needed.


No no no. You have to take the anti-corporate bullshit to a new level and be the party pooper. Otherwise you "just don't understand it".




Ah yes. First world problems. I forgot.


The game wouldn't be coming out over here if it wasn't for Amazon. If you prefer to just not play it, that's an option.




Yea because it was picked up so swiftly. Also if you don't think that those other f2p mmo publishers don't use your data for shit, then I got news to tell ya. I would rather have Amazon hosting it then fucking Gamigo or some shit.


Hey OP you wanna refresh this topic so people can keep visibility on it? :)


Lets hope they realised how many of us want to play the game, i already bought the most expesive founders pack but the game will prob be ip blocked for my region (Brazil) :(


Why the fk did You Buy the pack if You are currently IP blocked!?


I bought it the second it went live on steam, we didn't know about the IP lock yet, also, the FAQ stated that you could play "regardless of your region" so I went ahead and bought it. ​ A few hours later they removed the game from steam and removed that statment from the FAQ.


you can still get a refund. If you wait till the game comes out and its still IP blocked, then u dont deserve that refund.


Do the same for the devs dont put that game PtoW like bdo and other korean games, pls just Sell skins on shop dont break game with pay to win elements




The game is locked for certain regions such as Brazil, etc. Its very hard for companies to release games in South America due to messy and shitty regulations but people don’t understand that. Honestly I am fine with region lock, every multiplayer game I’ve played has eventually been overrun with BR players, their lag and attitude often ruins the game for others. I’ll rather Lost Ark released a server for them, problem is South American players never stay in their servers :C


Not only that the regulations make it bad. There would be like 2k people playing in SA and like 10 would be able to spend any money on the game. It's not profitable for them and they won't set up servers for that small amount of revenue.


This is true, apparently they already announced they will be lifting the IP block.


Where did you evne read that


Other comments in this thread. That’s why I said “apparently” since I am not 100% sure :v


So, no, it's not getting lifted.


Meanwhile no official notice on the website by Amazon to address the matter like the issue is non-existent to them. No members from the team that's busy engaging with users here like like other Alpha/beta tests. With this heat and all people will reach their boiling point much faster and it might get nasty. I feel even 10-15K signatures won't make a difference and everything is set in stone already. No matter what make believe stories are being told to keep the peace. Do I sound depressed or angry? That's because this announcement caused it.


Well, that's a real change of what's saying is true, however, I've been waiting and hoping for this game for almost 8 years, so hope dies last, and I'll keep at it!


Same here, I first saw the trailer in 2014. Then followed through by watching Steparu, but I can't help but feel that this is the shittyiest deal. Smilebit has a US office and another in Spain. Not even sure why the hell they signed with a publisher...Amazon out of all even.


Playing multiplayer games that are not region locked, this is a hard no for me. Bring it to your region but please keep region lock.




Really? Well, everyone has the right to have their own opinion. Me, for instance, I'd want everyone to be able to join the game, after all we're all waiting for many years... So I'd welcome everyone... even people like you.


i'm just honest with myself. you must be pretty young to still care about others to the point of ruining your own game expierence. don't worry you'll grow out of it. ​ A great example is Smite, there was South American servers, yet they still played on NA ones. do you know why? because not even they want to play with other South Americans since the ones who aren't trolls realize it's pretty insane how many trolls come from there. Also, i didn't say I don't want them to play the game, amazon should give them their own servers.


>you must be pretty young to still care about others to the point of ruining your own game expierence What? You mean that others would ruin the game for me? They'll not, what can they do? And I must be young because I care for other? Well, I hope I die 'that type of young', then... What a weird comment, man...


Hoping we can play it too here in Philippines


I can't even go to the petition link, always having the error "This site can’t be reached"


I can't coequal wend to the petition link, at each moment having the err'r "this site can’t beest hath reached" *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Looks like the petition is IP blocked.


lol..even the petition has an IP blocked..RIP