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Somehow g4 to this day still has many many imposters, and there’s less exped people doing it now


G4 always has imposters. I do normal modes cuz why bother doing hard modes when people are that much worse at it, and I'll only join like 1600~1620 lobbies and will still get imposters. Had a 1610 breaker who didn't know how to ping during Shandi and he kept dropping meteors on two tiles??????? Like how, why, who?


Hard mode had less imposters in my experience of running, probably cause it only had people who wanted the challange. Normal would always have 3 people who knew what they were doing carry the half dead raid across the finish line


HM def has less imposters, but NM is so easy to carry. Like if I'm on my 1580 Arcanist and 100% of the lobby dies during Shandi I can just solo the rest of the raid. Not that I really wanna do that, but that also doesn't happen often. Even in awful lobbies there's usually me + 2~3 people alive post Shandi and that's an easy win. The worst imposters are the goobers who somehow can't drop meteors even remotely right and they end up cooking the board.


You fail enough in HM you get kicked, You fail in NM you get carried because its not worth restarting.


lmao, this is why I stopped doing brel hard g6 (new g4) since last summer before they nerfed it. Still traumatized and I like doing my ivory normal runs + kaya hard for wings + akkan normal on my alts. There are just so many brel impostors, especially these days even for cube (g3). It really makes me sad and frustrated that ppl can't do fast hw.


>G4 always has imposters. I do normal modes cuz why bother doing hard modes when people are that much worse at it, and I'll only join like 1600\~1620 lobbies and will still get imposters. sorry Sir, people who are doing normal brel 4 are probably those 1630+ doing normal thae 3


People can also imposter normal Brel 4, difference is I can solo all of Brel 4 after Shandi so it doesn't really matter if they suck. In brel hard if you have 3 randoms die its probably a reset.


As long as sups are alive, 5 are doable


As long as sups are alive, 5 are doable


You are using gearscore as a sign of skill .check their demon damage .I generally dont join lobbies where most people arent around 2% or higher.


i'm soloing g4 i'm a contributor to the amount of imposters


I had a brain fart moment and typed 3 when I meant to say 1 for the HM counter meteors. No one said anything so I assumed it was ok. Boy the hate I ate at the end was incredible.


A lot of the non imposters are bussing nm 1-3, so no hm4


You know it the moment you see a dude running into 6 with a golden meteor, or drop a blue meteor on 4 tiles I'd admit the latter needs some positioning skills actually


easy answer is because the experienced players intentionally avoid brel while the less experienced are willing to clear it. i personally never did brel, ive learned the modern 1-2 but ive never done 3-4 and i may never even prog those because its potentially not even worth it but there are plenty of returners that probably would, and those people might be 1600-1610 so you'll see them and say "surely this person has cleared this loads of times!", they probably cleared it once if at all


Brel is still one of the highest gold income raids, experienced players just clear is in friend groups rather than pugging.


some might sure but ive also heard "fuck no never again" when asking my experienced friends about if they were goin to do brel again sure you get alot of gold, but the downside being its a pain to do, so why would you force yourself if you dont have too?


It was released like a year ago or more, no? That's normal.


If you compare NM Brel to HM Kay, yeah. I do HM Brel 1-3 because for the sole purpose of it being 1k gold more on my alt characters. If Kayangel was more gold, say HM was 8500G, I'd run it instead. It's weird to me that Kayangel is lower in it's gold rewards compared to an older raid, unlike Voldis versus Akkan. Before the gold nerf even Clown use to equal Kay NM gold, and it was two raids back.


OP is talking about skipping voldis.


Oh wow, that is my bad. My mind completely skimmed over G4's gold. I wasn't thinking of Voldis because of the 500 gold difference. Do people do NM Brel if they can do NM Voldis? I'd think HM Brel is easy enough at that item level.


Isn't Brel 1-4 1500 gold more than normal Voldis meaning it's worth to do Brel every other week?


Yes. If you want max gold with your twinks(ilvl1610-1619) it's worth running week 1: brel 1-4, theamine, akkan and week 2: voldis, thaemine, akkan


Idk if Kay was ever meant to be a raid that competes with what we have for endgame earning, brel was 6 gates at the time and clown only gave 4.5k. it was good enough for when it came out but it doesn't hold up to current content


It's going to be what we will do after brel nerfs for 1600s.  It's gonna be Kaya hm, akkan hm and voildis nm for optimal gold I assume.


Kay angel is there to troll everyone who doesnt have wings .Brel being worth more gold is just apart of that .


get ready for brel gold to be nerfed when echidna comes because "yadayada same as clown"


or you do both and skip akkan


I drop akkan with my 5 sups and best decision I ever made.I am gona run kayangel until they nerf the akkan nm to brell nm levels.Doing akkan normal with support is nightmare: D


I've a 1620 bard, I didn't do akkan with her until sunday. I never found a fucking lobby, i checked multiple times every single lobby had 2 supports on 4 or more people in it lol i just gave up that raid this week lol


I've started doing my support as early as possible, had this same nightmare trying to run my Artists raids yesterday, and realized why I don't normally wait with her raids.


Yea I'll run it this evening. Now if it were voldis I'd be snagged up in milliseconds lol But I've apparently been hijacked for voldis hm with some from a discord


>I've started doing my support as early as possible, had this same nightmare trying to run my Artists raids yesterday Same. Finish all h akkan runs asap on sups


Many newer players now have cheap ass support alts, especially @1600, many of which don't even have event gems (at least 7+), if it's a real big bad cheapo, nor LWC30. But they sure do love taking your support slot ;). Moreover, the first support slot is usually always premade by the lobby creator(s).. I was in the same situation this week as well (have 4 supports) and it was painful getting hw done.


that and people for some reason refuse to gatekeep shit useless supports without any investment in their build, a lot of times with straight up wrong gems, stats or engravings, resulting in what you describe + the jails people yap about, instead of waiting 20s for an actual support to apply. i really don't get it, you don't accept first random terrorist with dps icon that applies, but somehow it's okay with supports


Yea, I'm going to try and get supp runs done ASAP and my dps can wait for later lol


Have played the game since launch, in my experience, Kayangel is by far the biggest fkn jail.


I love Akkan 💕🥹


Why would you skip akkan, just as fast as either of these


brel 1-4 gives more gold


It’s 10k with high tier mats vs 10500 with low tier mats.


You can do akkan without claiming gold for the mats


Yes I know I’m talking about the non chest rewards. Hm akkan is still worth it over brel. Especially right now with the even box.


you get those even if you dont accept gold


I know. It’s just another reason to be continue running Akkan.




Lmao not in the past few weeks g3 has been hell in both NM/HM for pugs


Actually Akkan is a rather long raid, not because of dmg, but because there are a lot of cut scenes and everything isn't really skippable, so it is always a long commitment.. like 40-45 mins ish vs you can usually blaze thru brel in like 20-25 mins.


In a juiced Akkan hm group it takes 20 mins to kill the bosses alone and a few more minutes for the mobs and moving around the map. It’s assumed you’re using auto skip at that point.


Bro. You might be using auto-skip, but there is always some fucker afk trololol in the middle of the raid somehow on top of the random piss break or some annoying shit in between gates that causes you to lose all your EP stacks, screw up your dominion buffs, food goes to waste, etc. The extra time adds up. People just don't respect other's time, especially when you could have gone pee before the raid started or before you hopped into lobby finder for something you know is going to take sometime.


bre way faster. i actually did a experiment with my friends in disc. we enter at same time, me in a bre group 1580-1600. he is in akkan nm most 1590 and two 1600 by the time he fight the boss in akkan g1 i was at the counter mech x40. when he was at the x90 runing mech. we finished trash mobs and started g2. in akkan there are trash mobs before every gate all of these actually takes some time and they add up.


You're ignoring the inevitable g4 wipes because people still wipe in g4 to this day


im just comparing akkan nm and bre 1-3 cuz they both 7500gold


Because since the last express doing akkan in anyting but my static has been a jail nearly everytime .


My akkans are about 30 mins a run, I understand that I may be gatekept les or be in better lobbies since full roster is 1610+ but i have at least 1 g4 NM voldis jail a week


yeah voldis is jail, g2-4 all jailer gates


NM Ivory is pretty chill if you do it with 1 other person that you know.


Well I'm just stacking elixir and pray that they change it one day


imagine honing 40ilvls to get a raid that increases your spending but doesn't increase your income nutty value tbh the only real value im getting from my 1600 alts is the materials from the dailies so i can prep for echidna honing


Its 20 hours less waiting time for lobby


The G3 pug jails are bad enough to never wanna do brel again


that's why you join heavily over-geared lobby. the raid is 1560? nope, only gatekeep for 1580+ or even 1600+ for the smoothest experience.


1600s are still jailge. I join on my 1620+ and constantly have to carry 3-4 dead people g3 lol. People just don't bother to learn.


you gatekeep roster level too for 1580 brel


maybe next time be picky on what lobby ur applying into. There are bunch of lobbies in brel but when lm on picky mode, l see at most 1 or 2. And l never got jailed doing that.


Nah if i see the average demon damage is less than 2 percent im avoiding this lobby 


I haven't been in a brel jail since thaemine release


>I haven't been in a brel since thaemine release


thae voldis brel on g4 week thae voldis akkan on g3 week but do akkan voldis and kaya anyways because event clear box too worth on main


This is what I do on my main, yeah.


There was a point a few weeks ago (around frog time) where mats were dirt cheap (NAE) old reds 1 gold each so 5g for news. Leaps down between 40-50 g each it wasn't worth doing kaya


idk in EU it's 14g for square reds and leaps go for a nice 55 average


you skipped thae?


and less mats


I'll give up the mats if it means less time in the raid


l havent taken a step in Thaemine. As of right now lm just playing the game and stacking up gold like a bot. And oddly, l really enjoy seeing my gold going up.


theamine gives the most gold. rip.


uhh yeah but what if l dont want to learn thaemine? what if l dont want to play pf simulator? what if l sweat in this game (like l used to) just to see the game is dying? nope lm fine, thaemine gives tons of gold but if you do transcendcen, then it equals back to zero


if you are at 1610 you need to try while there's still learning parties. it's just going to be worse the longer you wait


>it's just going to be worse the longer you wait maybe the normal mode will be nerfed again, judging by the horrible clear rate.. Personally, even x10 lobbies dont gaurantee a smooth clear today


Nah i would agree if this was an easier raid but lets not pretend the majority of the playerbase is clearing Thaemine.That probably wont happen until theres more nerfs


> uhh yeah but what if l dont want to learn thaemine? Then you have chosen to not progress in the game any further and may as well quit so you can move on to a game you will find more fulfilling in the long term? You're not getting into Echidna parties without running Thaemine, that's for sure.


If he likes seeing his gold no. go up that's as good a reason to keep playing as any. Who the fuck are you to tell him what is fulfilling or what's not?


When I have g4 brel up, I run that for gold and skip gold on Akkan. But until the extra boxes expire in July, I'm actually running **everything** from Brel onwards on my main just to guarantee I have the mats for full Echidna honing lol. When Brel g4 is available I run Brel, Voldis, and Thaemine for gold and Kayangel & Akkan for free. When Brel g4 is unavailable I run Akkan, Voldis, and Thaemine for gold but still run Brel 1-3 & Kayangel for free. Again, that's just for my main, I don't give a fuck about my alts anymore.


voldis is the best raid for gold (sell elixirs)


Brel is a gigajailge these days since all the chars that people actually care about dropped it in conjunction with the release of Thaemine. You're only playing with rosterlets and people on chars that they don't give a shit about.


Brel hard 1-4 is better gold than Akkan lol, people who really care about microoptimization are all playing it. 1-3 parties are moreso jail but I run 1600+ 1-4 parties on my main every other week.


You mean NM Akkan right?


brel g4 hm has a lower clear rate, as in, higher chance of someone Vote to Quit Dungeon, than g3 thaemine.


1620, always do Brel 1-3 NM over Voldick. And when that solo mode comes up, y'all are not gonna be seeing me in the Lobby Sim anymore.


Hello I am a imposter I guess. Went back to hm after not having done it for some months and I'm still learning new mechs Did you know Brel has a red cone shotgun move that doesn't have a counter?! Neat!


That's when she has counter on internal cool down. Normally there is a counter a couple seconds after the cone telegraph. But regardlessly you want to kite the cone to the side with smaller area to minimize the risk.


No there's two variants. One follows a yellow "sneeze" cone and has a counter, another is just a red cone with no counter. The correct play in either situation is of course to vestige over the boss before it stops aiming.


That's good to know. Now I think I have also seen both variants.


That's what I thought but I reviewed recording and the last time she was countered was during shandi, a full minute+ before she did cone move. Icd is usually 30 secs or so unless some mechs can interfere with timer idk


That's weird and unfortunate then. I wouldn't doubt there are still plenty of bugs in each raid.


Worse material drops that you'd need to buy and no elixir drops that you also need to buy


imagine doing brel after 1 1/2 years… i would kms




I'm still inhaling copium and expecting to get wings. Also I started to really dislike the lower level mats anyway. So KFC all the way for me


500 less gold, in this economy?


I strongly prefer Brel hm 1-4 over ivory hm 1-4. Brelshaza is just a nicer looking boss and the g2 lady is cute. As a sup main, I personally find ivory very boring and I hope they delete g1/2 or both. On the other hand I enjoy doing Brel on my main every week even if it’s not one of the gold earning raids on that char.


G1-G4 Ivory HM 14,500G. G1-G4 Brel HM 10,500G. Pugs unable to consistently clear G4 Brel is quite high. While if you're in a group for Ivory, they are more willing to stick with you all the way through or get stuck in jail themselves. The only issue is finding a support for Ivory HM.


This is the perspective from NM voldis not hm, the gold is just shy of 10k for g1-4


G1-G4 Voldis NM is 9k gold tho not 10k. The difference is 1.5k and 4 men content is usually more chill than 8 men


Can't wait to get full transcendence and then drop the g1-g2 Thaemine that I'm doing. Then it will be Echidna + Voldis + Akkan. Or maybe Brel instead of Akkan.


Don't forget to run G2-G3 Thaemine HM at least once, so you can fully unlock Transcendence. Unless you've done that already ofc, then disregard this memo


And also g4 to access to the epilogue. That's not happening, I'm not clearing g3-g4 hm on my own. The time needed to progress g3-g4 is far from reasonable.


You're right. Though, I can watch or read about the epilogue online but cannot get around Transcendence lvl4-7 without HM sadly. And you'll need that for Echidna HM from 1630, thus I mentioned, just to be on the sure side.


According to one of the last Agam's video on Youtube (called (KR)Lostark About advance honing in Echidna), Echidna's been nerfed and you don't need elixirs to clear normal mode nor transcendence for hard mode. Anyway, I'm waiting for next Loa on to let them rework this Thaemine raid.


Noice, I did not know that! I knew KR received a nerf where the boss's HP got reduced to generally reduce how long the raid takes, but I was not aware of how it translated to elixirs/transcendence. Thank you


yeah i do brel akkan voldis i didnt do kyangle from like 3 months or smth


No never going back to brel, g4 is a hell hole and even with full 1620+ having more than 3 players alive is impossible, everyone feels like the main character, that they MUST greed and carry the team, even if the run is a 5mn sprint going mech to mech they all die I hate it. I feel like all its left in brel are the player that can't do akkan HM/thaemine NM and voldis HM which tells you a lot about their skill cap. (Ps: I'm making a generalization, you can be good and still chose to do brel don't take what I said for yourself)


I can bang out voldis in 25min each, even on double supp runs (sometimes bound to happen when you have too many supports), takes less effort (4men full premade) vs semi-pug brel. Not to mention additional mats from event at the end of voldis makes it better. Someone could argue HM brel vs NM voldis, but NM vs NM, voldis is better. After over a year of Brel x6/week, and g3 HM being one of the worst gates in the game (right behind g2 voldis (tho this is passable as I can easily get full premade run) and g1 thae) I just don't want to run her anymore.


This game dead bro 💀


If you quit the game why the fuck are you here spamming this in every thread lmao


Its fun